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Name/Ahmed Mohamed El_sayed El_dosoky.

Summary. Business transformations can take many
forms and often occur at the same time. To understand
which approach you’ll need to take, ask yourself two
questions: 1) Is your transformation driven by internal
needs or external forces? 2) Does it need to happen.

Transformation has become a big business buzzword.

Technological developments create a need for digital
transformation. Climate change creates a need for green
transformation. Shocks, such as Covid-19 or the war in
Ukraine, create a need for crisis transformation.
Business transformations vary in terms of content, pace,
and place of initiation — and it’s rare that companies are
only undergoing one at a time. Doing business today
means navigating a complex landscape of
interconnected and interdependent issues, each having
multiple stakeholders and agendas. Hence,
organizations need to understand the various types of
transformations, and know how to manage each.
Based on our work on business transformations, we’ve
developed a typology that helps clarify four types of
business transformation based on two dimensions: 1) Is
the transformation driven by internal organizational
needs or external forces? and 2) What is the pace of the

Slow-Motion Transformation
This is when organizational leaders introduce a new
vision with a long timeline for implementation. Cultural
changes and corporate turnarounds are typical slow-
motion transformations.
A recent example of a high-profile, slow-motion
transformation can be seen in the digital transformation
efforts taking place at Maersk Line, the Danish
container-shipping firm. These ongoing efforts to
provide more visibility and transparency in customer
supply chains require technical, organizational, and
cultural change. And despite the significant investment,
which started in 2016, there is still an ongoing
dialogue about the company’s strategic positioning and
corporate identity: While digitization enthusiasts
proclaim that Maersk Line is now increasingly a tech
company, other high-ranking executives argue that it’s
first and foremost a container-shipping company.
The managerial challenge with slow-motion
transformations is to keep focused on the direction and
target of the change. This requires a long-term view and
patience, as well as a spirit of continuous learning and
improvement throughout the transformation process.

Sprinted Transformation
These initiatives are also introduced in response to
internal needs, but they are characterized by an urgent
challenge to the status quo. Examples of a sprinted
transformation include a sudden corporate restructuring
or the introduction of a new strategic initiative. These
are sometimes enacted in response to management fads
or new corporate buzzwords, but when the right
initiatives are set in motion, it can be a very efficient and
effective way to change.

Setting Your Corporate Strategy

Beyond a return to “normal.”

An example of a recent sprinted transformation is

Facebook’s evolution into Meta. When Mark Zuckerberg
announced in October 2021 that his company was all in
on the metaverse, it sparked a sweeping and
unprecedented transformation for the 68,000-person
social networking company. All of a sudden, Facebook
and Instagram engineers were being told to forget their
job goals for 2022, and instead to apply for new
positions in the burgeoning augmented reality and
virtual reality teams. This sprinted transformation was
sudden and swift, creating uncertainty and stress among
former Facebook and Instagram employees. Yet, it could
also be argued that Facebook needed to sprint toward
becoming Meta in order to gain a first-mover advantage.
The managerial challenge in a sprinted transformation is
to build a powerful narrative to create the needed energy
and motivation for change. Without a motivated
workforce, it will be impossible to follow through on the
desired direction.

Negotiated Transformation
These initiatives are typically undertaken in response to
external demands, such as regulatory efforts, where the
firm can’t change, but rather only influence, the contents
of the transformation. They are characterized by a slow
pace and extensive stakeholder management efforts.
Take the European Union’s General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR), for example. These requirements
were passed in 2016 and applied to all businesses
operating in the EU; however, they didn’t go into effect
for several years. While the legislation has arguably had
some unclear aspects that have been up for
further clarification and interpretation along the way,
firms were forced to transform many of their operating
procedures accordingly.
The managerial tasks in a negotiated transformation are
to engage in the debates, to exercise influence, and to
skillfully prepare the organization for transformation. A
common mistake is to move too quickly — which may
result in a need for subsequent efforts when the true
scope is finally known.

Hijacked Transformation
These initiatives are characterized by sudden, disruptive
changes brought about by outside forces. As such,
external parties essentially hijack the company’s agenda,
forcing a transformation to align with the new reality.
An example of hijacked transformation can be seen as a
result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In a matter of
days, many companies had to leave or end their Russian
operations to avoid sanctions, boycotts, or political
repercussions. Hijacked transformations can also occur
when new disruptive competitors enter an industry and
change the rules of the game, such as how streaming
companies (e.g., Netflix, HBO, Amazon Prime, and
Disney+) have threatened conventional flow TV,
cinemas, and the movie industry, essentially hijacking
their transformation agendas in the years to come.
The managerial challenge with hijacked transformations
is to move quickly and not invest extensive efforts in
debating the trigger. Failure to accept the external
demand and the set timeframe will have detrimental
effects on businesses.

Managing the Multi-

Transformational Reality
While it’s essential that managers correctly diagnose the
transformation they’re facing, it’s even more important
that they also hone their capability for managing
multiple transformations at once. This means they must
be able to:

1. Spot the need to transform.

Managers need to be able to identify and diagnose the

kinds of transformations they’re facing. We recommend
making a regular practice at weekly or monthly meetings
to ask yourself which transformations you’re facing or
will soon face, how they differ from each other, and what
can be done about them.

2. Develop the appropriate process for each


You won’t be successful in trying to manage a hijacked

transformation with processes aimed at managing a
slow-motion transformation, or vice versa. It’s critical
that you’re aware of the different processes each
transformation type requires, and that you develop all
four processes and deploy them accordingly.

3. Understand the interconnection between


While different transformations require different

approaches, the transformations may also be
interconnected. For instance, a hijacked transformation
of your supply chain, such as those imposed by the war
in Ukraine, may put pressure on a sprinted
transformation of your e-commerce transformation in
your home market. Therefore, make it a priority to also
understand the interconnections of the transformations.

Transformations are inherently complex and they

vary — but they are typically seen as being just one
thing. Let’s avoid that by grappling with the
complexity head-on in order to better manage it.
Transformation: An operation that moves, flips, or changes a
figure to create a new figure.
Rigid: A transformation that preserves size and shape.
Isometry: Another word for rigid transformation, a
transformation that does not change the shape or size of a
Non-Rigid: A transformation that does not preserve size
Preimage: The original figure before a transformation.
Image: The figure after a transformation.
Vector: A quantity that has direction and size
1. Dilation - The image is a larger or smaller version of the
preimage; "shrinking" or "enlarging."
2. Reflection - The image is a mirrored preimage; "a flip."
3. Rotation - The image is the preimage rotated around a
fixed point; "a turn."
4. Shear - All the points along one side of a preimage remain
fixed while all other points of the preimage move parallel
to that side in proportion to the distance from the given
side; "a skew.,"
5. Translation - The image is offset by a constant
value from the preimage; "a slide."
Imagine cutting out a preimage, lifting it, and putting it
back face down. That is a reflection or a flip. A reflection
image is a mirror image of the preimage. Which
trapezoid image, red or purple, is a reflection of the
green preimage?

Dilate a preimage of any polygon is done by duplicating
its interior angles while increasing every side
proportionally. You can think of dilating as resizing.
Which triangle image, yellow or blue, is a dilation of the
orange preimage?

Transformations are changes done in the shapes on a

coordinate plane by rotation, reflection or translation. In
the 19th century, Felix Klein proposed a new perspective
on geometry known as transformational geometry. Most
of the proofs in geometry are based on the
transformations of objects. We can alter any image in a
coordinate plane using transformations. The graphics
used in video games are better understood with the
rules of transformations applied. Let us learn to identify
the transformations, understand the rules of
transformations of functions, and explore the types of

Types of Transformations
There are four common types of
transformations - translation, rotation,
reflection, and dilation. From the definition of
the transformation, we have a rotation about
Rules for Transformations
Consider a function f(x). On a coordinate grid, we use the x-axis and y-
axis to measure the movement. Here are the rules for transformations of
function that could be applied to the graphs of functions.
Transformations can be represented algebraically and graphically.
Transformations are commonly found in algebraic functions. We can use
the formula of transformations in graphical functions to obtain the graph
just by transforming the basic or the parent function, and thereby move
the graph around, rather than tabulating the coordinate values.
Transformations help us visualize and learn the equations in algebra.
any point, reflection over any line, and translation
along any vector. These are rigid transformations
wherein the image is congruent to its pre-image.
They are also known as isometric transformations.
Dilation is performed at about any point and it is
non-isometric. Here the image is similar to its pre-

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