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The Impact of Mobile Legend on Teenagers’ Perception of the Female Gender

The depiction of women through the media is one of the attempts to show the representation
of women as an effort of the feminist movement. However, what is expected is different from
the reality that occurs, because the depiction is far from the original essence. This inaccurate
depiction can be seen through various online media, for example, the online game that
teenagers frequently play, Mobile Legend. With its popularity among teenagers, inappropriate
depictions of women can unconsciously influence teenagers’ perceptions of the female gender
and affect what they are projecting in real life. This deviation can have a negative impact on
teenagers themselves, as they are vulnerable to media influence. This research aims to know
how the experience of playing Mobile Legend games can influence teenagers’ perception and
behavior towards the female gender and contribute to the development of preventive and
awareness-raising towards women’s rights.

Keywords: Feminism; Online Game; Mobile Legend; Gender Equality; Female Rights
I. Introduction
I.1. Background
Online gaming has become an integral part of teenagers’ lives, and Mobile Legends,
a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game, has gained immense popularity. As
teenagers engage with these virtual worlds, there is a need to examine the potential
impact on their perceptions of gender roles, specifically focusing on the female
I.2. Objectives:
a. To assess the extent of teenagers’ exposure to Mobile Legends.
b. To analyze the correlation between Mobile Legends gameplay and perceptions of
the female gender.
c. To identify any stereotypes or biases perpetuated within the game that may
influence teenagers.

II. Literature Review

1.1. Gender Representation in Video Games
The representation of gender in video games has been a subject of scholarly inquiry
for decades. Dill and Thill (2007) argue that video games often depict stereotypical
gender roles, with female characters frequently portrayed in hypersexualized and
submissive roles. This portrayal contributes to the reinforcement of traditional gender
norms, potentially influencing players’ perceptions of gender in real life. Moreover,
Stermer and Burkley (2015) suggest that exposure to gender-stereotyped video game
characters may contribute to the internalization of gender roles among players. These
stereotypes can impact adolescents' beliefs and attitudes, shaping their understanding
of appropriate behaviors and roles for males and females.
1.2. Socialization and Teenagers
During teeange, individuals undergo significant cognitive and social development,
including the formation of gender identity and attitudes toward gender roles. Bandura’s
social cognitive theory (1986) posits that individuals learn behaviors and attitudes
through observation and imitation, with media playing a crucial role in this
socialization process. Video games, as a form of media, can thus influence adolescents'
perceptions of gender through exposure to specific gender portrayals and interactions
within the game environment. In their study, Ivory and Kalyanaraman (2007) found
that teenagers who played video games with strong gender stereotypes demonstrated
more traditional gender role attitudes. This underscores the potential impact of video
games on shaping teenagers’ beliefs about gender norms.
1.3. Mobile Legends and Gender Representation
With specific reference to Mobile Legends, research on the game's gender
representation is limited but essential. Mobile Legends, being a MOBA game, features
a diverse array of characters, each with unique abilities and narratives. Preliminary
analyses of the game’s character design and narratives can offer insights into potential
gender stereotypes and the ways in which female characters are portrayed. Initial
observations suggest that Mobile Legends includes a mix of powerful and
independent female characters alongside those with more stereotypical attributes.
Understanding the nuances of these representations is crucial to evaluating the game’s
potential impact on teenagers’ perceptions of the female gender.

Fig. 1. Mobile Legend’s Female Character

1.4. The Gaming Community’s Role

The gaming community plays a pivotal role in shaping the gaming experience and
influencing social norms within these virtual spaces. Yee (2006) argues that online
gaming communities act as social environments that provide a platform for social
interaction, collaboration, and the establishment of norms. The interactions within
these communities can contribute to the reinforcement or challenging of existing
gender norms. Further research by Walther and Parks (2002) suggests that online
interactions within gaming communities can lead to the formation of social bonds and
the development of social identities. Understanding how these social interactions
influence teenagers’ perceptions of gender, both within and outside the game, is
crucial to comprehending the holistic impact of Mobile Legends on teenagers.

III. Discussion
1.1. Gender Representation in Mobile Legends
The analysis of gender representation in Mobile Legends reveals a nuanced portrayal
of female characters within the game. While some characters exhibit empowering
and independent qualities, others may conform to traditional stereotypes. The
diverse range of characters allows players to choose avatars that align with their
preferences, contributing to a multifaceted representation of the female gender.

1.2. Player Preferences and Choices

The study delves into player preferences, investigating whether teenagers make
character selections based on gender representation. Findings suggest that certain
characters may be associated with specific genders, influencing players' choices.
This aspect highlights the potential impact of character design on shaping teenagers'
perceptions of gender roles and stereotypes.

1.3. Perceptions and Experiences of Teenage Players

The discussion examines the perceptions and experiences of teenagers within the
Mobile Legends gaming community. Instances of gender-based interactions and
stereotypes emerge, shedding light on the ways in which the game environment may
contribute to reinforcing or challenging existing societal norms. Teenagers'
responses suggest that the gaming experience can influence their perceptions of the
female gender, both positively and negatively.

4. *Community Dynamics and Social Learning:*

The role of the gaming community in shaping attitudes toward the female gender is a
crucial aspect of the discussion. Analysis of online interactions reveals that social
learning within the gaming community can impact teenagers' beliefs and behaviors.
Positive social interactions fostered by the community contribute to a more inclusive
environment, while negative experiences may perpetuate harmful stereotypes.

5. *Influence on Gender Stereotypes:*

The impact of Mobile Legends on teenagers' perception of the female gender is closely
tied to the portrayal of gender stereotypes within the game. The discussion explores how
exposure to certain character traits and narratives may reinforce or challenge traditional
gender roles. The potential for Mobile Legends to serve as a platform for breaking down
gender stereotypes is considered, emphasizing the need for responsible game

6. *Educational and Parental Implications:*

Findings from the study suggest that the impact of Mobile Legends on teenagers'
perceptions of the female gender extends beyond the gaming realm. The discussion
touches upon the educational and parental implications of these findings, emphasizing
the role of media literacy and open communication in helping teenagers critically engage
with gender representations in gaming.

7. *Challenges and Opportunities for Game Developers:*

The discussion addresses challenges and opportunities for game developers in creating
a more inclusive gaming experience. Recommendations include promoting diversity in
character design, implementing effective community moderation, and integrating
educational elements within the game to foster positive attitudes toward gender.

8. *Conclusion:*
In conclusion, the impact of Mobile Legends on teenagers' perception of the female
gender is multifaceted. The game's portrayal of female characters, coupled with the
dynamics of the gaming community, influences teenagers' attitudes and beliefs.
Understanding these dynamics provides insights for both game developers and educators
to create a gaming environment that encourages positive perceptions of gender among

IV. Conclusion
In conclusion, the impact of Mobile Legends on teenagers' perception of the female
gender is multifaceted. The game's portrayal of female characters, coupled with the
dynamics of the gaming community, influences teenagers' attitudes and beliefs.
Understanding these dynamics provides insights for both game developers and educators
to create a gaming environment that encourages positive perceptions of gender among

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