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Patient's Name: Amir Hossein Dadgar Yazdani

Patient's Age: 29 Y/O

Date: September/7/2020 09:45 A.M 1399/06/17 09:45
Ex Type: Free PSA & PSA
tech: ECLIA Cobas e411

Dear Dr. Shahrasbi

.Indication: Examination of prostate biopsy
Liver has normal size and attenuation without focal lesion. Intra & extra hepatic bile ducts, Gall
.bladder & porta hepatis show abnormality appearance
.Both kidneys have normal size without evidence of hydronephrosis and mass lesion
Adrenals are within normal limits. Spleen and pancreas have abnormality appearance with focal
mass. Stomach and bowels, omentum & mesentary are intact.Urinary bladder is distended without
significant pathology. Perirectal fat, Ischio rectal fossa, muscles and bony skeleton seem as
.normal. Abnormal enhancement is Very Clear & obviously Above Average

ng/mL: 8

Imp.: It was found that the levels of the expression of DD3(PCA3) were significantly higher (ng > 8)
.than normal

.K.Samimi. MD

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