Supp Gs Trivia

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Girl Scout Trivia

Attached, youll nd printable sheets of trivia cards. Youll notice that each sheet has a theme. If you choose, you can print the sheets on different colors of paper so that you can quickly identify the categories of questions. You need to make your own rules and provide any additional items you may want such as dice and counters. You may choose to use the cards and replace them in a trivia game you already own. Write your own rules down. Share them with others and start your own tradition.

Theme Sets
Juliette Low Girl Scout History Girl Scouts Today True / False WAGGGS Girl Scout Outside View Blank Pages 2 and 3 Pages 4 to 10 Pages 11 to 14 Page 15 Pages 16 and 17 Page 18 Page 19 24 cards 84 cards 48 cards 12 cards 24 cards 12 cards 12 cards

Possible Game Ideas

Life-Size Trivia Create a life-size game where you move around the board. Each space can be a single sheet of standard paper. Place special colored sheets where questions must be asked and answered before continuing on to another space. Winners can win a patch, prize, etc. NOTE: Making dice out of plastic canvas will give you the ability to make large dice that do not weigh much and are less likely to injure the girls. Prize Mania Instead of moving, provide prizes for every number of questions answered correctly. This might work well for a volunteer event or Service Unit meeting. Many Hats As we wear many hats, use this idea with a different colored hat to match your cards for the different themes. As you answer a card with that theme, you get a that to wear / balance. The winner can receive a multi-colored hat to take home as the ultimate Girl Scout. Station Trivia Scattered throughout your event, have trivia booths. Earn colored pony beads for each correctly answered trivia question. When you have a certain number of beads, get a prize! Share Your Ideas What ways can you adapt Girl Scout trivia? Share with us so we can update this list!

Q What did Juliette Low sell to keep the Girl Scout Movement going? A Her pearls

Q Where does the name Girl Scout Daisy come from? A Juliette Lows nickname when she was a girl

Q Juliette Low was impaired in which of her ve senses? A Hearing

Q How many siblings did Daisy have? A FiveThree sisters and two brothers

Q Where was Juliette Low born? A Savannah, Georgia

Q Name one sport Juliette Low participated in as a girl. A Swimming Rowing (captain of team) Horseback riding Fishing Tennis

Q Juliette Gordon was educated at a boarding school and French school in which two states? A Virginia and New York

Q How old was Juliette Gordon when she married William Low? A 26

Q When did Juliette Low serve as the President of Girl Scouts? A 1915-1920

Q What was established after Juliette Lows death, to honor her vision and dream for the girls of the world? A Juliette Low World Friendship Fund

Q What did Juliette Low die from? A Breast cancer

Q The rst girl organization started by Juliette Low was called what? A Girl Guides

Q In what year was Juliette Low installed in the Womens Hall of Fame in New York? A 1979

Q On what date was Juliette Gordon born? A October 31, 1860

Q Where can you nd a bust of Juliette Low? A Georgias Hall of Fame

Q What can you nd in the National Gallery in Washington, DC that has to do with Girl Scouts? A Portrait of Juliette Low

Q In what year was Juliette Lows birthplace purchased by Girl Scouts? A 1953

Q Juliette Low was buried in what? A Her uniform

Q Juliette Low shares her birthday with what holiday? A Halloween

Q What was the name of the rst club organized by Juliette Low? A Helpful Hands (1876) a sewing club to give comfort to the world

Q What did Juliette Low love to tell around the campre? A Ghost stories

Q Which of Juliette Lows relatives was the rst to join Girl Scouts? A Her niece, Daisy Gordon

Q In what country did Juliette Low have her rst troop? A Scotland

Q During World War II, what was named to honor Juliette Gordon Low? A A liberty ship

Q On what date was the rst Girl Scout troop established? A March 12, 1912

Q In what state was Girl Scouting founded? A Georgia (Savannah)

Q What is the Girl Scout membership pin called in 1912? A The Tenderfoot Pin

Q In 1916, the rst Brownie age troop is organized in which state? A Massachusetts (Marblehead)

Q Recite the Girl Scout Law, circa 1917. A

I. A Girl Scouts honor is to be trusted. II. A Girl Scout is loyal. III. A Girl Scouts duty is to be useful and to help others. IV. A Girl Scout is a friend to all, and a sister to every other Girl Scout. V. A Girl Scout is courteous. VI. A Girl Scout keeps herself pure. VII. A Girl Scout is a friend to animals. VIII. A Girl Scout obeys orders. XI. A Girl Scout is cheerful. X. A Girl Scout is thrifty.

Q Who was the rst Girl Scout? A Daisy Gordon, Juliettes niece

Q What color were the rst Girl Scout uniforms? A Blue

Q How many girls were in the rst Girl Scout troop? A 18

Q What was the rst prociency badge earned by a girl? A Child Nurse

Q Adults in charge of the rst Girl Scout troops were called what? A Captains

Q What do the three leaves of the trefoil symbolize? A The three parts of the Girl Scout Promise

Q What does trefoil mean? A Three leaves

Q In what year did United States Girl Guides become Girl Scouts? A 1913

Q When was the rst Girl Scout book released? A 1913

Q What was the rst Girl Scout handbook called? A How Girls Can Help Their Country

Q Where were the rst commercially Girl Scout cookies sold? A Philadelphia, PA

Q Established in 1919, this was the highest award in Girl Scouting until 1938. A The Golden Eaglet

Q In 1934, what special interest group interested in sailing was started? A Mariner Scouts

Q In 1941, what special interest group interested in aviation was started? A Wing Scouts

Q What was the rst Girl Scout magazine? A The Rally

Q Where was the rst troop of physically disabled girls located? A New York City

Q Name two of the highest awards Girl Scouts could earn over the years? A Golden Eaglet First Class Curved Bar Girl Scout Gold Award

Q Who was the rst honorary president of the Girl Scouts? A Mrs. Woodrow Wilson (1917)

Q What is the tradition of the Girl Scout honorary president? A First Lady of the United States

Q Who was the only US First Lady who was also the official president of the Girl Scouts? A Lou Henry Hoover

Q When was the Golden Eaglet movie released? A January 16, 1919

Q What was believed to be the rst motion picture produced by a public service organization? A The Golden Eaglet (black-and-white silent lm)

Q The rst Brownie Scout leaders were called what? A Brown Owls

Q In 1922, the rst Mexican American troop is formed in what state? A Texas (Houston)

Q In what year was formal training made a requirement for leaders? A 1923

Q When was Brownie Girl Scouts officially introduced? A 1926

Q In what year are the rst Girl Scout Troops on Foreign Soil registered? A 1925 in Shanghai, China

Q What was rst celebrated on February 22, 1927? A Thinking Day

Q The rst recorded allIndian Girl Scout troop was registered in 1930 in what state? A Oklahoma (Pawnee)

Q In what year was March 12th officially designated Girl Scouts birthday? A 1932

Q In 1934, which state had the rst documented council-wide cookie sale of commercially baked cookies? A Pennsylvania (Philadelphia)

Q Name the three levels of Girl Scouts in 1938. A Brownie Girl Scouts (ages 7-10) Intermediate Girl Scouts (ages 10-14) Senior Girl Scouts (ages 14-18)

Q How did Girl Scouts help out in the war effort? A Helped at the Red Cross, planted victory gardens, collected recyclables and sold war bonds

Q What was the year on the rst Girl Scout calendar? A 1944

Q In what year did Girl Scout membership pass one million members? HINT: A Million or More by ____. A 1944

Q In what year did we officially become the Girl Scouts of the United States of America? A 1947

Q In what year was the rst Brownie Scout Handbook published? Not the leaders edition. A 1951

Q Name the four levels of Girl Scouts in 1963. A Brownie Girl Scouts (ages 7-9) Junior Girl Scouts (ages 9-11) Cadette Girl Scouts (ages 12-14) Senior Girl Scouts (ages 14-17)

Q In what year did Intermediate Girl Scouts split to become Junior and Cadette Girl Scouts? A 1963

Q In 1963, Junior badges were aimed at exploration and had a special colored border. What color was it? A Green

Q In 1963, Cadette badges emphasized intensive work in areas of specialization. What color border did they have? A Yellow

Q What are the Five Worlds of Interest in Girl Scouting? A Well-Being Today and Tomorrow Out-of-Doors Arts People

Q In what year were Campus Girl Scouting is officially recognized as a level for college students? A 1968

Q A nationwide environmental education and improvement project, is launched in 1959. What was it called? A Eco-Action

Q In what year was the 30 millionth member of GSUSA registered? A 1970

Q When was the nal issue of American Girl published? A Spring of 1979

Q In what year were the Gold Award (Seniors) and Silver Award (Cadettes) introduced? A 1980

Q What program level was started in 1984? A Daisy Girl Scouts

Q In what year were Brownie Bs introduced? A 1973

Q In 1985, what were Girl Scout Troops on Foreign Soil renamed? A USA Girl Scouts Overseas

Q What was the rst Contemporary Issues booklet published in 1985? A Tune In To Well-Being: Say NO to Drugs

Q How many Contemporary Issue booklets were in the series? A 11

Q In what year were Brownie Try-Its introduced? A 1986

Q In 1992, what pilot program began at the Maryland Correctional Institution for Women? A Girl Scouts Beyond Bars

Q In what year did the rst GSUSA web site debut? A 1996

Q What was the URL of the rst GSUSA website? A

Q In 2000, how many petals could a Daisy earn? A 8

Q In what year were petals as an earned patch program introduced for Daisies? A 2000

Q In 2010, what was the highest National awards an adult Girl Scout could receive? A Thanks Badge and Thanks II Badge

Q What was the rst official Girl Scout magazine for adults called? A The Field News

Q What shape was a Brownie Try-It? A Triangular

Q What four signs could Juniors earn? A Sign of the Rainbow Sign of the Star Sign of the Satellite Sign of the World

Q In what year was the Bronze Award introduced for Juniors? A 2001

Q In 1982, what was established on April 22nd? A Girl Scout Leader Day

Q What two programs became part of Senior Girl Scouts in 1955? A Mariner and Wing programs

Q Interest patches for Seniors were introduced in 1955. Name two of the rst ve. A Trail Blazer Mountaineer Mounted Wing Explorer

Q The rst Senior Roundup in 1956 was the largest event to date with 5,000 girls attending. What state did this happen in? A Michigan (Pontiac)

Q In what year were lifetime memberships rst offered to adult Girl Scouts? A 1982

Q Name two of badges that girls could earn in 2000. A Petals (Daisies)
Try-Its (Brownies) Badges (Juniors) Interest Products (11-17 /Cadettes and Seniors)

Q In what year was the Studio 2B program introduced for girls 11-17? A 2003

Q When did the rst Spanish-language GSUSA web site go live? A 2004

Q In what year was restructuring councils down from 312 introduced? A 2005

Q In 2006, the New Girl Leadership Development Model started the three keys. What are they? A Discover Connect Take Action

Q What was the last Girl Scout level introduced and in what year? A Ambassadors in 2008

Q In what year did Girl Scout Daisies take part in the cookie program for the rst time? A 2008

Q In what year was the third and nal Journey released? A 2011

Q Signaling was used as communication in the early days of Girl Scouting. What code was it based on? A Morse code

Q What shape were Interest Project patches? A Rectangular with rounded corners

Q What patch could Girl Scouts Junior level and up choose to represent their troop? A Crests

Q How many parts are there in the Girl Scout Promise? A Three

Q Recite the Girl Scout Promise. A

On my honor, I will try To serve God and my country To help people at all times And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

Q Recite the Girl Scout Law. A

I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.

Q What is the Girl Scout motto? A Be prepared

Q What is the Girl Scout slogan? A Do a good turn daily

Q What are the six Girl Scout level names? A Girl Scout Daisy Girl Scout Brownie Girl Scout Junior Girl Scout Cadette Girl Scout Senior Girl Scout Ambassador

Q What determines a Girl Scouts level? A School grade

Q What color are Girl Scout Daisy tunics? A Blue

Q What grade levels are Girl Scout Daisies? A Kindergarten and rst grade

Q What is the center of a Daisy badge called? A Promise Center

Q In 2012, how many petals could a Daisy earn? A 10

Q What shape do Daisy Financial Literacy and Cookie Business badges come in? A Leaves

Q What grade levels are Girl Scout Brownies? A Second and third grades

Q What color is a Girl Scout Brownie sash / vest? A Brown

Q What is the shape of a Girl Scout Brownie badge? A Triangular

Q How many Girl Scout Brownie badges are there? A 26 7 legacy, 2 nancial literacy, 2 cookie business and 5 for each Journey (15)

Q How many awards can a Brownie earn with a Journey (not badges)? A 4

Q What grade levels are Girl Scout Juniors? A Fourth and fth grades

Q What color is a Girl Scout Junior sash / vest? A Teal green

Q What is the shape of a Girl Scout Junior badge? A Circular or round

Q How many Girl Scout Junior badges are there? A 26 7 legacy, 2 nancial literacy, 2 cookie business and 5 for each Journey (15)

Q How many awards can a Junior earn with a Journey (not badges)? A 3

Q At what level can a girl earn her Bronze Award? A Girl Scout Junior

Q What grade levels are Girl Scout Cadettes? A Sixth, seventh and eighth grades

Q What color is a Girl Scout Cadette sash / vest? A Khaki

Q What is the shape of a Girl Scout Cadette badge? A Diamond

Q How many Girl Scout Cadette badges are there? A 28 7 legacy, 3 nancial literacy, 3 cookie business and 5 for each Journey (15)

Q How many awards can a Cadette earn with a Journey (not badges)? A 3

Q At what level can a girl earn her Silver Award? A Girl Scout Cadette

Q What can a Girl Scout Cadette earn while mentoring Brownies with a Journey? A Leadership in Action award patch

Q What grade levels are Girl Scout Seniors? A Ninth and tenth grades

Q What is the shape of a Girl Scout Senior badge? A Rectangular with rounded corners

Q How many Girl Scout Senior badges are there? A 26 7 legacy, 2 nancial literacy, 2 cookie business and 5 for each Journey (15)

Q How many awards can a Senior earn with a Journey (not badges)? A 1

Q What grade levels are Girl Scout Ambassadors? A Eleventh and twelfth grades

Q At what level can a girl earn her Gold Award? A Girl Scout Senior

Q What is the shape of a Girl Scout Ambassador badge? A Postage or square with circles taken out of corners

Q How many Girl Scout Ambassador badges are there? A 11 7 legacy, 2 nancial literacy, and 3 cookie business

Q How many awards can a Ambassador earn with a Journey (not badges)? A 1

Q What do badge programs teach girls? A Skills

Q How many Journeys are there at each level? A Three

Q What does the Journey programs teach girls? A Leadership

Q Name the Journey sets. A Its Your World Change It! Its Your PlanetLove It! Its Your StoryTell It!

Q Name at least two of the Its Your World Change It! Journeys. A
Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden (Daisies) Brownie Quest (Brownies) Agent of Change (Juniors) aMAZE! (Cadettes) GIRLtopia (Seniors) Your Voice Your World The Power of Advocacy (Ambassadors)

Q Name at least three of the Its Your Planet Love It! Journeys. A
Between Earth and Sky (Daisies) WOW! Wonders of Water (Brownies) GET MOVING! (Juniors) Breathe (Cadettes) Sow What? (Seniors) Justice (Ambassadors)

Q Name at least three of the Its Your StoryTell It! Journeys. A

5 Flowers, 4 Stories, 3 Cheers for Animals (Daisies) A World of Girls (Brownies) aMUSE (Juniors) Media (Cadettes) Mission: Sisterhood! (Seniors) Bliss: Live It! Give It! (Ambassadors)

Q What patch can Brownies get just from moving up to Juniors? A Wings

Q What award do girls have to earn when they move up a level? A Bridging

Q Anyone over the age of 18 can be a Girl Scout leader. True or false? A True

Q Men cannot be a Girl Scout leader or committee member. True or false? A False

Q Uniforms are required for all girls and adults. True or false? A False

Q Girl Scouts only go camping and sell Girl Scout cookies. True or false? A False

Q The troop leadership determines the frequency, location, day and time of troop meetings. True or false? A True

Q National membership dues of $10 are collected annually from all girls and adults. True or false? A False

Q You have to be in a troop to be a Girl Scout. True or false? A False

Q There are two sets of Journey books. True or false? A False

Q Girls can start Girl Scouts as soon as they enter Kindergarten. True or false? A True

Q Juliette Low started Girl Scouts when she was in her 50s. True or false? A True

Q There are requirements that need to be met to become a Girl Scout. True or false? A False

Q The three processes are Girl Led, Learn by Doing and Cooperative Learning. True or false? A True

Q What does WAGGGS stand for? A World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts

Q In what year was WAGGGS formed? A 1928

Q In what year was the WAGGGS pin introduced in the USA? A 1949

Q How many International World Centers are there? A Four

Q Name the International World Centers. A Our Cabaa Our Chalet Pax Lodge Sangam

Q Which was the rst World Centre and in which year did it open? A Our Chalet in 1932

Q What country is Our Cabaa in? A Mxico

Q In what year was Our Cabaa opened? A 1957

Q What country is Our Chalet in? A Switzerland

Q In what year was Our Chalet opened? A 1932

Q What country is Pax Lodge in? A England

Q In what year was Pax Lodge opened? A 1990

Q Name the three WAGGGS World Centers that have been in London. A Our Ark Olave House Pax Lodge

Q When was Our Ark open in London? A 1939-1959

Q When was Olave House open in London? A 1959-1988

Q What country is Sangam in? A India

Q In what year was Sangam opened? A 1966

Q What does the word Sangam in Sanskrit mean? A Coming together

Q What does the word Cabaa mean? A Hideaway cabin in the woods surrounded by nature

Q Name the two previous World Centres in London. A Our Ark and Olave House

Q What gift from the National Museum of Delhi rests in the front garden of Sangam? A Buddha statue

Q Approximately how far from Mexico City is Our Cabaa? A 50 miles

Q What do the three leaves of the trefoil in the WAGGGS pin stand for? A Three parts of the promise, though it varies by country

Q What does the ame / fue on the WAGGGS pin stand for? A The ame of the love of humanity

Q Who drew a Girl Scout cover for Life Magazine in 1924? A Normal Rockwell

Q The Merchant Marines launched a Liberty Ship of this name in 1944. A S. S. Juliette Low

Q In 1948, the US Postal Service issues a commemorative stamp honoring Juliette Gordon Low. How much was the stamp? A 3-cent stamp

Q The US Post Office issues a commemorative 4 cent stamp in 1962. Why? A Girl Scout 50th Anniversary

Q What publication said, Girl Scouts in the South are making steady progress toward breaking down racial taboos. A Ebony magazine, 1952

Q The rst Readers Digest Foundation Grants are provided for Senior Girl Scouts to do what? A Community service projects

Q This famous American describes Girl Scouts as a force for desegregation in 1956. A Martin Luther King Jr.

Q What publisher works with GSUSA to start G*I*R*L* magazine for Juniors and Cadettes in 1993? A Scholastic, Inc.

Q Good Housekeeping gives this to GSUSA in 1993. A Seal of Community Service

Q Uniquely ME! is a self-esteem program launched with GSUSA and ___________. A Unilever / Dove

Q A Thin Mint treat was offered for the rst time in July 2008 by this company. A Dairy Queen

Q In 1998, a 32-cent stamp is issued honoring Girl Scouts and this organization. A Boy Scouts

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