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Semester Ganjil TP. 2023/2024

Hari/Tanggal :


Berilah tanda silang (x) pada salah satu huruf A, B, C, atau D yang merupakan jawaban yang
paling tepat!

1. I have… cars

a. A b. An c. Four

2. You eat …

a. bread b. Avocado juice c. Tea

3. E-r-a-g-p Susunan huruf menjadi nama buah yang benar adalah…

a. Pager b. Grape c. Eargp

4. Seven plus three is……

a. Nine b. Ten c. Eight

5. 57 in English is ……………..

a. Five seven b. Fifty seven c. Five seventy

6. Fourty two in Indonesia is…

a. 42 b. 24 c. 402

7. There are … ten oranges (di dalam)

a. In b. On c, Under
8. You like…

a. Apple b. Mango c. Pine apple

9. It is a … (Kipas angin)

a. Book b. Fan c. Chair

10. There is a mango … the table (di atas)

a. Eat b. Drink c. See

11. After eleven is…….

a. Twelve b. Thirteen c. Fourteen

12. .. we like four durians ?

a. Did b. Do c. Does

13. A : Do you like banana?

B : Yes, … …

a. She does b. I do c. They do

14. A : Where is the pencil ?

B : The pencil is … the chair ( dibawah)

a. In b. On c. Under

15. She … pine apple

a. Like b. Likes c. Liked

16. … like rambutan

a. We b. She c. He

17. …. An eraser

a. There are b. There is c. Those are

18. … thirteen books

a. There are b. There is c. These are

19. This is name of fruits like…

a. Bread b. Satay c. Mango

20. She has two….

a. A bag b. Bags c. Bag

B. Jawablah dengan tepat.

1. There … five grapes

2. Twelve minus six is…..

3. I put my book … the cupboard ( di atas)

4. I have …………… bananas ( 15)

5. Does she …… nine coconuts?

6. … there three pine apples?

7. He ……. Mango

8. There …. seven mangoes in the basket

9. Before twenty is ……

10. I have Ten ………(Jambu)

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