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2024- Tarot Strength card.

Here are some ways the Strength card can help each of the 12 Astrological signs. This is just for
fun and is based on general traits of Sun Signs.

The Strength card holds potential bene ts for Aries. The qualities of inner
strength and resilience depicted in the card can assist Aries to navigate
challenges with courage and a more gentle determination. This energy gives
Aries more patience and staying power to see projects right to the end.

The Strength card can encourage Taurus individuals to channel their inner
strength graciously. Approaching obstacles with a more modi ed force is the
key to inner peace as well. Your inner beauty will shine in 2024.

Geminis are known for their adaptability and versatility when confronting
challenges. By tapping into the Strength card Geminis can overcome
obstacles with grace and calmness. The Strength card offers you the power to
achieve your goals one at a time.

The Strength card's energy aligns with Cancer individuals especially when it
comes to their emotional depth and intuition. Your inner knowing is
strengthened. For many of you the home environment will be highlighted.
Harness your inner strength.

Leos have natural charisma and leadership abilities. Combine those qualities
with the energy of the Strength card you can navigate through challenges
unscathed. You may be the center of attention because you emit a more
powerful energy.

The Strength card's qualities of inner strength go well with Virgo's practical
and analytical nature. Your approach to challenges will be more gentle but
fearless. A more balanced worrisome approach to obstacles is within reach. Jan 10, 2024

The sign of Libra is known for grace and beauty. By embracing the Strength
card's qualities of inner fortitude Libras can overcome challenges with more
composure and harmony. Decision-making is less challenging.

The Strength card offers the Scorpio individual the opportunity to 'tame' their
intense emotions. More balanced emotional health can be attained by tapping
into the card's energy. Shadow emotions nd more of.a positive balance.
Some of you may look within more than in past years.

The sign of Sagittarius is known for their adventurous spirit and optimism.
The Strength card's energy gives you the opportunity to ponder a bit more
before embarking on your next adventure. A year of courageous experiences.

The Strength card's energy can help the sign of Capricorn individuals by
channeling their discipline and practicality into a real powerhouse. Some of
you will extend your nurturing and protective nature to family and friends.

The sign of Aquarius is known for their progressive thinking and
humanitarian nature. By tapping into the card's energy some of you can lend
additional moral support to others that are involved in social causes. It can be
a year of pausing to look within.


The Strength card's energy gives the Pisces individual the fortitude to
overcome obstacles. The emotional depth of the Pisces individual will
bene t from the safety of the card. Some of you will be more grounded. Jan 10, 2024


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