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1) At the start of chapter 11, Watson describes two facts of "great importance."
What are these two facts?

2) What is Watson's first impression of Mrs. Lyons? Why? What is his second
impression? Why?

3) Why did Laura Lyons need money from Sir Charles? Why did she ask Sir
Charles to burn the letter? Why did she keep her appointment with Sir Charles?

4) Watson decides to search for the mysterious man on the moor. He decides to
begin his search at the summit of the Black Tor? Why does he decide on this
specific spot? What is his "plan of action" once he reaches it?

5) Frankland thinks he has found out some important information about the
escaped convict. What is this information? Who is this information really about?

6) Why do Watson and Frankland rush to the telescope part way through their

7) How does Watson know someone has been living in the hut he discovers?
What is written on the note he finds in the hut?

8) When the stranger approaches the hut, it becomes clear that Watson knows
him. How do we know that he knows him?


1) Who did the mysterious man on the moor turn out to be? Describe how this
man looks.

2) Who was the boy who brought Holmes his food?

3) What was the reason why Holmes came to the moor and did not tell Watson
about it?

4) What is Watson's reaction to Holmes's deception?

5) Who do we learn Laura Lyons has a "close intimacy" with? What other pieces
of shocking information do we learn about this person?

6) How does Holmes know this information to be true?

7) Just as Watson is about leave Holmes to go back and guard Sir Henry, what
do the two men hear?

8) Who do the two men think has died? Who do they find has actually died?

9) How does Sir Henry's missing boot fit in to all that has transpired?

10) Who comes to see what has happened? How is this person involved in the
death of Seldon?

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