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Name of the Mentor Dr.

Shruthi Bekal

Dr.Sachin K Parappagoudar
Name of the Student Registration Number Section

Komal Dungarwal 20BBAR0905 A

Chitranshi Jhala 20BBAR0897 H

Ridhi Agarwal 20BBAR0872 A

Kashish Mehta 20BBAR0357 K

Shubham Ganna 20BBAR0778 A

CMS, JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) | 1

Contents of the Presentation







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Letter of Transmittal
Center for Management Studies of JAIN(Deemed-to-be-University)
133,Lalbagh Main Rd,
Vinobha Nagar, Sudhama Nagar,
Bangalore, Karnataka 560027
Subject: Letter of Transmittal
Dear Sir/Madam
We are submitting here with our business plan report as per the requirement of
the Bachelor of Business Administration Program, under the course: Project
Centric Learning.
This letter serves the purpose of our business plan which is to launch a clothing
brand ‘THE LOOM-ROOM’ which provides various item in clothing line for
men,women and childrens. The main aspect is Online Business- Social
Media, a easy to use platform to reach out large number of customers all
across the nation.
Lastly Thank you for giving us the opportunity and it would be grateful to
receive your valuable feedback.

CMS, JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) | 3

Executive Summary
Technology plays an active role in the successful and smooth running of the
business operations, so does the social media. Earlier we only had physical
markets but now due to enhancement of technology we have businesses
running online too.
For any business –whether it be a large corporation or a small , to succeed in
today’s digital world ,a social media presence is important, social media has
not only changed the way we do business but it opens previously closed
doors. With over 3.7 billons active social media users worldwide, social media
platforms provides a massive audience for the business to connect with the
customers, increase brand awareness.
The opportunities of an online business apply to service companies after
setting up the online website so that the customers can make appointments
24/7 without having a talk to a human being and can also visit the site
whenever they want. Along with that flexibility is one of the advantages of
online business
The Loom-Room is an emerging e-commerce business providing unique and
customized clothing items. The head quarters are in Udaipur, Rajasthan
having no physical store but a online store/website on Instagram, where we
provide unique block prints clothes of all variety for men, women and children.

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Description Of Proposed Business
Our mission is to provide the best quality, service and price for our clients with easy mode of
transaction. Furthermore we commit our clients to provide 2-5 working days of shipping,
resulting in a measureable business strategy and above all stress free and happy
To be the best online shopping platform, where customers can find, discover and
customized anything they wish to wear.
RELIABILITY: We promise to build a high level of trust that will enhance our customers to
rely on us when it comes to online shopping
INTERGRITY: We promise to keep our good name and reputation as our top priority.
There are main 2 objectives of our business-
1. The mission of our company is our main objective where in we provide best in everything
starting from material of cloth to quality of clothing to packaging to shipping the product.
2. The second main objective of our company is uplifting the talented people who are not
able to showcase their talent due to various circumstances, like widows old ladies to
encourage them and hire them as our employees.

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Mission Statement And Company
Our mission is to provide the best quality, service and price for
our clients with easy mode of transaction. Furthermore we
commit our clients to provide 2-5 working days of shipping,
resulting in a measureable business strategy and above all
stress free and happy shopping.
There are main 2 objectives of our business-
1. The mission of our company is our main objective where in
we provide best in everything starting from material of cloth
to quality of clothing to packaging to shipping the product.
2. The second main objective of our company is uplifting the
talented people who are not able to showcase their talent
due to various circumstances, like widows old ladies to
encourage them and hire them as our employees.

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Industry Analysis

The industry is extremely varied with hand-spun

and hand-woven textiles. India’s textiles industry
has around 4.5 crore employed workers including
35.22 lakh handloom workers around the country.
In today’s era if we see clothing industry is
connected with fashion industry, and people tend
to buy what’s in trend because everybody wants
to be in trend and trendy , so it’s suggested better
for the clothing brands to come out with the
collection which is in trend and matches
customers requirement.

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FINANCIAL PLAN: (Comprehensive Start-Up Cost,
Sources Of Funding, Income Projections, BEP Analysis And
Capital Budget.)
Our financial plan is based on conservative estimates and assumptions. We will need initial investment to make the financials work, but the owners are prepared to contribute
that funding .
Budget Analysis for one product:
(making of the product)
Amounts (Rs)
Raw material
Manufacturing cost
Packaging cost
Shipping cost
Total cost
Selling cost
Other expenses:
Production expenses
Marketing expenses
Travel and Transport
Other expenses

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Marketing Plan (Pricing, Distribution Channel, Expenses
Involved In Advertising And Other Promotional Charges)

Today, fashion brand around the world are exposed to neck to neck competition. From couture and luxury dresses to basic everyday
wear, if we want to see the brand grow, we need to digitize it. To stay one step ahead of the competition, every fashion brand needs
a good marketing stratergy. A good online clothing store marketing strategy will keep them emerging and growing. In particular, the
marketing stratergies of online clothing stores have changed dramatically in recent years.

➢ Create a Website That Looks Good, Feels Good and Has The Maximum Functionality
Creating a website is the same as creating an offline space. If our stores web design is poor, our online clothing stores marketing
strategy will suffer. Influencer marketing allows us to get influencers to grow our brand. This is especially effective when the
audience is small and we want to make a big impression. Keep in mind that when choosing an influencer we need a proven
audience, a good introduction to our product, and a positive expression of our brand.
● Social Media
Social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest are the best things that have happened in the fashion industry.
Social media has made it possible to make online clothing store marketing strategies much more organic and effective. First, we
need to determine the best social media platform for our online clothing store marketing strategy.
● Treat Your Customers With Contests and Giveaways
While giveaways and contests are unlikely to be a daily part of our marketing strategies for online clothing stores, they should be
included. Even four giveaways or contests per year can result in significant returns for our brand. Social media is a great place to
conduct giveaways and contests since we can increase engagement. Email marketing strategy for online clothing business is a
simple way for retailers to connect with their customers. Email marketing is a powerful technique for generating sales and revenue.
We will need to collect buyers emails and ensure that they agree to receive messages from us to get started. There are many
opportunities to ask buyers if they want to receive email notifications. Pop-up windows during the ordering process or while surfing
the web.


Reviews are very essential. Nobody likes to go through the trouble by returning the undesirable goods. That is why customers rely on
reviews to help them make a purchasing decision. It is done by encouring current customers to publish reviews to convert those
consumers into customers.

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HR PLAN: (Type Of Business Ownership,
Organizational Chart, Roles And Qualification)
In the business arranging process, HR guarantees that leader incorporates the heart and center of the
business. HR in an internet clothing industry essentially manages dealing with destinations and the
extreme ascent of web based business carries more difficulties to how associations find and treat their
workers. Notwithstanding the computerized age, experts can be refined by assisting them with acquiring
dynamic ranges of abilities and aptitudes from inside the association. Building computerized abilities in
fresh recruits can likewise assist new businesses with limiting costs, and look for common advantage which
additionally helps in representative retention. HRD manages up degree of abilities for works and leaders,
arranging and portion of work, checking and evaluation of execution. Perhaps the main assignment is
redesigning the abilities and information on the human asset now and again couple with the improvement
of innovation and exchange. The job of HR in the online business industry should be imbued with
nimbleness, adaptability and breaking new ground with regards to enlistment, maintenance and preparing.
The serious ascent of web based business carries more difficulties to how associations find and treat their
workers. Deciding the ideal range of abilities of potential representatives utilizing innovation is a stage
outside the conventional jobs HR experts played only 10 years prior. Notwithstanding this innovative unrest,
HR experts are getting progressively well informed and spry in regard to inside capacities and the ability
procurement process. Embracing the new ability plan should be straightforwardly connected to the
computerized methodology of the association. HR is answerable for improving the limit of the outreach
group in exchange and agreement the board, inspiring staff through benefits programs and making
conditions that work with innovative advancement. One of the greatest difficulties confronting the online
business industry is the absence of promptly employable labor force. Tracking down the right
representatives, preparing them, and permitting them to embrace the advanced area could demonstrate
troublesome. Then, at that point, comes persuading them enough and holding their administrations. HR
support in internet business and its ensuing move to robotization seems like the most probable answer for
the vast majority of the difficulties confronting the business. Rewards and acknowledgment is an incredible
way for holding representatives, and broadly educating actually permits an association versatility and keeps
up with their labor force.

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PRODUCTION PLAN: (Human Resources Required,
Infrastructure, Inventory, Logistic & Needs )

1. Production Planning: This is done with the aim of holding systematic preparation for the
production process that will run. As for some of the elements discussed at the current
stage of this plan include:
➢ The type of good manufactured
➢ Quality goods
➢ The amount of goods
➢ Raw material
2. Production Control: The purpose of production control is to develop work processes that
need to be done so that the production process can be run effectively and efficiently. The
activities performed on the stages of production control included:
➢ Planning working process
➢ Creating a work scheduling
➢ Determine the target market of the product
3. Production Supervision: After planning and working process have been arranged, then
the next stage is to supervise the production process running in order to deliver results in
accordance with what is expected. The activities at this stage includes:
➢ Establish quality
➢ Setting the standard of goods and services
➢ Ensuring the implementation of timely production

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Technical Plan
• Improved performance and productivity-
This is something that concerns any business. Having a common source of
instruction and direction to work on will enable easier communication and
• Delivery of products-
The world is changing almost at a frantic pace, and when we concern this form
of businesses point of view it means constantly evolving to supply the
product, as they want.
• Quicker to market innovation-
Innovation is not a buzzword today but a mode of survival and a mean to win
the race, as order to survive in the market being in touch with trend and
customer choice s important.
• Enhance customer experience-
The customer is the central to the success or the failure of any business. If a
company lives up to customers expectations to a large extent while managing
other aspects efficiently it is considered as success.

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Social Aspects Considered while
Formulating the Business Plan
The loom room is a purpose driven company. The social aspect of Loom room focuses on
the forces within the company. The company is working towards welfare of labour sector.
Not only that it’s also focusing on uplifting socially and economically weaker sections of
the society such as widows and transgenders by training them and then employing them.
It has also resulted in betterment of their lifestyle as well as skills. The desirable standards
of the provision of facilities like health, food, clothing, housing, medical assistance,
education, insurance, job security, recreation, etc are achieved. Labour welfare may be
understood and including such services facilities and amenities which may be established
in vicinity of undertaking to perform their work in healthy and congenial environment and
to avail of facilities which improve their health and bring high morale. The only way to
achieve success as a company is to fulfil the needs of the society as well as the
The term ‘Labour Welfare’ is very comprehensive and includes various types of
activities undertaken for the economic, social, intellectual and moral benefit of the
labour community. The activities are so varied and so multifarious that the concept of
labour welfare may vary from country to country. In the entire realm of economic thought,
perhaps there is no other concept which has been so much a subject of intensive
discussion and various approaches.

CMS, JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) | 13

Risk Assessment
A risk assessment enables an organization, or a group of organization to
identify risks, the severity of each risk and to explore solutions to reduce the
impact of risk. Conducting a risk assessment will give us chance to ensure
that the benefits of the project merit the risk incurred.
• Failing to use social media-
There are many people out there who are inactive or don’t know how to use
social media. This makes the risk of losing the customers.
• Competitive exposure-
There are many start-ups who launch their product directly on social media this
creates more competition.
• Market Demand -
It’s the important factor as the demand matters a lot and in order to sustain to
meet the demand is necessary.
• Consumer Trust-
In online business trust is the main factor and that builds when you have good
brand value and goodwill.

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List of equipment
• We own a website which is our main
business site. Where all are products and
their information is been submitted and
clients can go their and check.
• In our offline we have a storage room
where all raw materials and product
manufacturing and packaging takes place.

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