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Title of text: Paris 2024 : les chantiers des JO ont fait travailler plus de chômeurs et de PME sociales et
solidaires que prévu

Text source:


Date of text: Le 24 octobre 2023

Subject of the text: les projets des Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024 peuvent apporter des opportunités
d'emploi temporaires

Context of the text: The text from Le Parisien about the progress of the Olympic Works Delivery
Company (Solideo) in terms of professional integration for the Paris 2024 Olympics.

Solideo has already exceeded its objectives in terms of professional integration, with more than 10% of
the hours worked on the Olympic construction sites carried out by people far from employment. The
company has achieved its objectives in terms of professional integration even before the end of the pre-
Olympic Games work. The first quantified objective was to reserve 10% of hours worked for people far
from employment, work-study students, or residents of priority areas of the city. As of October 13,
2023, Solideo has already recorded 100.6% of the target. In the detailed profiles of new entrants, 77% of
these people have a level below the BAC or CAP, and 29% are under 25 years old. More importantly,
more than 40% are long-term job seekers . The success of Solideo’s professional integration goals is
attributed to coordination with local authorities, particularly that of Seine-Saint-Denis. In the end, 1,707
of the 3,507 people who were able to find employment thanks to the Games reside in the department.

Main facts from the text:

The company has achieved and exceeded its objectives in terms of professional integration even
before the end of the pre-Olympic Games work. The first quantified objective was to reserve 10% of
hours worked for people far from employment, work-study students, or residents of priority areas of
the city. As of October 13, 2023, Solideo has already recorded 100.6% of the target. In the detailed
profiles of new entrants, more than 40% are long-term job seekers . The success of Solideo’s
professional integration goals is attributed to coordination with local authorities, particularly that of
Seine-Saint-Denis. In the end, 1,707 of the 3,507 people who were able to find employment thanks to
the Games reside in the department. Solideo aims to continue this momentum and reach 100,000 hours
of integration per month until the end of 2023. Another quantified objective announced by Solideo is to
make 25% of the amount of contracts accessible to VSE/SMEs and structures of the social and solidarity

Opinions on the text: A closer analysis of the Paris 2024 Olympics projects suggests that they may
actually exacerbate the issue of unemployment. While these projects may indeed create temporary job
opportunities, the long-term impact on the labor market is questionable

Issues of the text:

Once the games are over, a significant number of people may find themselves unemployed , without any
concrete prospects for future employment
The high cost of hosting such events also places a significant burden on the host city, potentially diverting
resources from other crucial areas. This can lead to a lack of investment in skills and education, further
exacerbating the unemployment problem in the long run.

| | 2 | Introduction :

Comme vous le savez peut-être, les Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024 nécessiteront un investissement
massif dans les infrastructures, le tourisme et la gestion de l'événement, ce qui créera de nombreuses
opportunités d'emploi dans différents secteurs.

la Solideo est consciente des défis et des opportunités de l'emploi temporaire créé par les Jeux
olympiques. Elle montre également que la Solideo s'engage à faire en sorte que le temps d'intégration
professionnelle profite aux travailleurs à long terme, et pas seulement pendant les Jeux.

General theme and interest of the subject:

les projets des Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024 peuvent apporter des opportunités d'emploi temporaires.

Essential information from the text:

Key quotes from the text:

"On ne s’est pas donné des objectifs parce qu’on pensait qu’ils étaient faciles à réaliser. Les entreprises
du BTP nous ont dit qu’on y arriverait jamais, que c’était des ni veaux jamais vus. C’était vraiment un
projet. C’est notre signature", répond le directeur de la stratégie et de l'innovation de la Solideo
Conclusion :

Solideo is aware of the challenges and the opportunities of the temporary employment created by the
Olympics. Solideo is also committed to ensuring that the professional integration time benefits the
workers in the long term, and not just during the Games.

Personal point of view on the subject:

A closer analysis of the Paris 2024 Olympics projects suggests that they may actually exacerbate the
issue of unemployment. While these projects may indeed create temporary job opportunities, the long-
term impact on the labor market is questionable.

Arguments with examples or comparisons:

One of the main concerns regarding the Paris 2024 Olympics projects is the nature of the jobs that will
be created. Once the games are over, a significant number of people may find themselves back in the
unemployed pool, without any concrete prospects for future employment.

Furthermore, the immense investment required for hosting the Olympics can have unintended
consequences on the labor market.

The high cost of hosting such events also places a significant burden on the host city, potentially
diverting resources from other crucial areas such as healthcare and public transportation.


In conclusion, while the Paris 2024 Olympics projects may bring temporary job opportunities, the
broader impact on unemployment remains uncertain. It is vital to take a comprehensive approach when
assessing the potential consequences of hosting large-scale events like the Olympics to ensure the long-
term well-being of the labor market. By doing so, host cities can truly leverage these events to foster
economic growth in a way that benefits the entire population.

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