Kri Yak Alpa

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Kriyakalpa,(group of local ocular therapeutic procedures) specific formulations used

for different therapeutic procedures, preparation of special medicaments and its
proper application in appropriate disease has gained much importance in treating
many of the eye diseases.

The drugs administered through the various kriyakalpas has the ability to cross the
blood aqueous, blood vitreous and retinal barriers.

As panchakarma is the bases of kayachikitsa, kriyakalpa are the main therapeutic

procedures for netra roga vignana in Shalakya tantra.

Netra kriyakalpas are special bahi-parimarjana chikitsa procedures adopted for

treating ocular disorders.

They are modulated to suit the structural peculiarities and different disease conditions
of the eye.
These local therapies are unique and each does their function in a different way

कियाणाां तर्पणर्ुटर्ािादीनाां िल्पनां िरणां कियािल्पः । (S.U.18/2, Dalhana)

Here, the word kriya means the special therapeutic procedure and kalpa means
formulations like swarasa, ghrita kashaya etc.

The drugs given orally will undergo digestion under the influence of pachaka pitta.
The drugs administered through Kriyakalpa are not digested by it and possibly rectify
accumulated doshas.

The oral drugs find it difficult to across blood, blood vitreous and blood retinal
barriers to reach there and achieve higher bio-availability.

The tissue contact time of the drugs can be controlled in Kriyakalpa and they are
selected depending upon the stage and severity of the disease.
The medication can be selected to increase ushna or sheeta, snigdha or ruksha in the
local area, thus high concentration of the drug can be achieved by applying the
medications to eye.

Many local ocular therapeutics are explained in ayurvedic literature for the cure of
many dreadful diseases in the form of kriyakalpas.
The word kriyakalpa is derived from two words – kriya and kalpa.
Kriya-kri dhatu +sa pratyaya(to do/to perform/to practice)
Kalpa-krip dhatu+ghan pratyaya(specific formulation).

Kriyakalpas are the modified procedures which suits various physiological as well as
pathological conditions of eye.
Intra ocular penetration of topically instilled drugs is determined by corneal
epithelium. Stroma allows rapid passage of the drug through endothelium into the
anterior chamber.
Following features will improve better penetration of the drug through cornea:
 Solubility, both in water and fat
 Pro drug form
 Wetting agents

 The intra ocular penetration of systemically administered drugs is possible, only if

they are able to pass through blood aqueous barrier.
Following features will influence it:
 Low molecular weight
 Lipid solubility

 Sulphonamide are lipid soluble and are 16 times mor permeable than sucrose having
almost same molecular weight.
Preferred time:

1. For Tarpana and putapaka - Moming and evening are generally suitable. The ideal
time is 90 minutes after sunrise or 90 minutes before sunset.

2. For Aschyotana and pariseka - Based on vitiated doshas, Aschyotana and pariseka
are doneas follows:
Kaphaja roga – Morning
Pittaja roga – Noon
Vataja roga – Evening Or anytime, when the pain gets aggravated.

3. For Anjana: Doshas will be increased in the afternoon and night due to the food,
sun rays and sleep. If Anjana is applied at this time, it may lead to eye disease. Hence
morning and evening are most preferred time. Hence care should be taken to avoid
tikshna or lekhana anjana during mid noon or very hot sunny day.
Mode of action:

 The medicines are absorbed through Akshikosa-the eye lid and orbit Sandhi-the
junctional area. Sira-the blood vessels Sringataka marma - a vital point, Ghrana-the
nasal region, Asya the oral cavity, Srotas-through the minute channels and reach the
upper region. This absorption of medicine will expel vitiated dosas.
 The procedures like Nasya, Anjana, Tarpana and all othe kriya kalpas are aimed at
improving visual efficiency-netrabala. Because loss of eye sight will immerse a
person into the world of darkness!

Benefits of topical administration (kriyakalpa) over oral administration of drugs in

ocular disorders

Topical administration (kriya kalpa) Oral administration

The medicine will have direct action on the tissues There will be no direct action on the tissues

The medicine will not undergo systemic digestion The medicines undergo systemic digestion

The contact time between the tissue and the The tissue contact time of the drugs cannot be
medicine can be monitored monitored

The medicines can reach the target tissue more Difficult to cross blood-aqueous, blood-vitreous
easily because of the direct contact and blood-retinal barriers to reach target tissues

The bioavailability of the drug is more The bioavailability of the drug is comparatively


तर्पणं र्ुटर्ाकश्च सेक अश्रच्योतनाञ्जने।। Su.Ut

There are five major types of kriyakalpa :

1. Tarpana
2. Putapaka
3. Seka
4. Aschyotana
5. Añjana
सेक आश्च्च्योतनं पर्ण्डी पिडालस्तर्पणं तथा ।

र्ुटर्ाकोऽज्जनं चैप िः कल्कैनेंत्रमुर्ाचरे त् ।। B.P.N.R

Certain therapeutic procedures may be adopted in the treatment of eye diseases.

1. Seka
2. Aschyotana
3. Pindi
4. Bidalaka
5. Tarpana
6. Putapaka
7. Añjana

Kriyakalpa C.S S.S A.S A.H SHA.SAM B.P Y.R

Tarpana + + + + + + +

Putapaka - + + + + + +

Seka - + + + + + +

Aschyotana + + + + + + +

Anjana + + + + + + +

Pindi - - - - + + +

Vidalaka + - + + + + +


नेत्रसेचने चक्षु र्ूरणे सांयक्क्क्षरणेशीले च /

अश्च्योतनां सर्ापपिरोगेष्वाध्य उर्क्रम // A.S.Su. 32/3

In all the diseases of the eyes, aschyotana is beneficial. It is the first line of treatment
(Can be performed before the actual manifestation of the disease).

क्वाथक्षीरद्रवस्नेहकिन्दु नाां यत्तु र्ातनां |

द्वयाङ्गुलोन्मीकलते नेत्रे प्रोक्तमाश्च्योतनम् कह तत् || B.P.M.63/148

Instillation of kwatha, ksheera, dravadravya, or any sneha dravyas from two angulas
of height into the opened eyes is known as aschyotana.

Based on doshic predominance in any disease aschyotana is done as the first line of

If the condition is not in prabala avastha aschyotana should be done. Because of the
combination of different dravyas as kalpana it readily relieves netra ragata(redness),
ashru(lacrimation), sangharsha (foreign body sensation), ruk(pain), daha (burning
sensation), toda (pricking sensation), paka(suppuration), sopha(inflammation), kandu
(itching sensation).

Type of aschyotana Dosha Time Indication Matra

Snehana Vata - Ushna Aparahna Atiruksha netra 10 drops

Lekhana Kapha - Purvahna Snigdha netra 7-8 drops


Ropana Pitta and rakta - Madhyahna Drushti balaprada, pittaraktha vrana 12 drops
Sheeta nashaka and vata shamaka

 It should not be done during night time.

 In case of severe pain, aschyotana should be done immediately.
Dharana kala
As per Yoga ratnakara, Bhavaprakasha and Sharangadhara – vaakshatam.
Aschyotana dravya

 The temperature of the liquid medicines is decided on the basis of dosha dushti.
 It should not be more teekshna or ushna or sheeta.
 It should not be instilled in more quantity.
 The formulation should be well filtered.

Dravya/kalpana Parinama

Atyanta ushna or atyanta teekshna aschyotana Daha, raga, paka,drushti dourbalya

Atyanta sheeta aschyotana Stambha,ashru,sangharsha,nistoda,vedana

Atimatra aschyotana Vartma sankoca,sphurana,kashayavartma,

sangharsha,pravata asahatva

Atyanta nyuna matra aschyotana Na roga shanti, shotha

Aparisruta dravya Ashrusrava,gharsha,vedana

Similarly, the qualities like rasa, guna etc. are modified to counteract dosha dushti.

Dosha dushti Aschyotana guna

Vata Tikta rasa,snigdha guna

Pitta Madhura rasa, sheeta guna

Kapha Tikta rasa, ushna-ruksha guna

Purva karma

• Kriyakalpa theatre should have proper ventilation, but devoid of excessively blowing
wind, sun rays or dust. There should be curtains (javanika) of dark colours like blue or
• It should be equipped with materials and medicaments for the treatment and to
manage complications (caused due to mithyayoga, atiyoga or hinayoga).

Preparation of Aschyotana yoga: All the ingredients or medicines required should be

collected and made into either kwatha or ksheera paka based on the condition. The
formulation has to be well filtered and it should be lukewarm based on the disease.
According to Videha, first three days one should take laghu ahara or he should do upavasa or
he should be in niranna. On fourth day, depending on the condition of the disease aschyotana
should be done.

 The patient should lie down comfortably in supine position.

 Wiping/ cleaning the lids, orbital area by sterile cotton swab has to be done with
lukewarm water depending on the condition.
Pradhana karma

 The eye is opened by stretching and pressing apanga pradesha by left hand.

 The medicine can be held either in a conch shell or with a piece of cotton.

 Holding the medicine in right hand, instilled to the kaninika sandhi/vartma-shukla

sandhi of opened eye based on the type of the disease.

 The medicine should fall on the eye from a height of two angulas.

 Dharana kaala of the aushada is vaak shatam.

Pashchat karma

 The medicines remaining in the eye should be wiped out with a piece of cotton or soft
cloth immediately.
 A mild fomentation with warm water is beneficial in kapha-vata vyadhis and not in
pittaja and raktaja vyadhis.

The lakshanas are similar to tarpana samyakyoga, atiyoga and hina yoga. Those are as

Samyak yoga Atiyoga Hinayoga

 Sukhaswapna-avabodhana  Guru  Ruksha

 Vaishadyam  Avila  Avila darshana
 Varna patavan  Ati snigdha  Ashru adhyam
 Nivrutti vyadividwamsa  Ashru  Asaha rupa darshana
 Kriyalaghava  Kandu  Vyadhi vriddhi
 Prakasha kshamata  Upadeha


In Kapholbana (Atiyoga) In Vatolbana (Hina yoga)

Ruksha dhuma Snigdha dhuma

Ruksha nasya Snigdha nasya
Ruksha anjana Snigdha anjana
Ruksha seka Snigdha seka


Ingredients Indication Reference

Aschyotana done with amla dravyas or sita, madhuka, Arjuna Su. Ut-12/19-20
katvanga, mastu, kshaudra, amla and saindhava; or sour
juice of bijapuraka, kolamla and dadimamla may be used
either once, twice or thrice in day

Kashaya prepared out of patola patra and amalaki Upanaha A.H-Ut-14

Amalaki swarasa Navina abhishyanda C.D 59/6

Stree dugdha prayoga Any netra roga Kashyapa samhita-


It is the procedure of pouring the liquid medicines very slowly over the closed eyes from a
height of four angula.

परिषेको धािा प्रसेक:। -Su.Ut-39/156

• सेक

• धािा

• परिषेक

• प्रसेक


 सेक - ससच् + घण्च = सेचनम

Root word - ससच्

Suffix word – घण्च

• It means – sprinkling or watering


परिषषन्नेत् परिषेकं कुर्ाा त् इत्यर्ाः । - Su.Chi -32/13

It is sechana of dravya.

सेकस्तु सूक्ष्मधाराप िः सर्पस्मिन््नयने पितिः ।

मीपलतािस्य मर्त्पस्य प्रदे हः चतुिङ्गुलात्।। - Sha.Ut -13/1-2

Pariseka is the procedure of pouring the liquid medicines very slowly over the closed eyes
from a height of four angula.

यथादोषोर्युक्तं तु नापतप्रिलमोजसा |

रोगमाश्च्च्योतनं िस्मि सेकस्तु िलर्त्तरम् ।। - Su.Ut-18/44

When the doshas are not vitiated and the disease is in early stage Aschyotana is beneficial
and if the disease has attained its strength Seka has to be done.

स चापर् स्नेिनो र्ाते, रक्ते पर्त्ते च रोर्णिः ।

लेखनश्च कफे कायपस्तस्य मात्राऽधुनोच्यते।।

षड् र्ाक्शतैिः स्नेिनेषु चतुप पचैर् रोर्णे।

र्ाक्शतैश्च पत्रप िः कायपिः सेको लेखनकमपपण ॥

कार्ास्तु पदर्से सेको रात्र् चार्त्पयके गदे । - Sha.Ut-13/5


Sl.No Bheda Matra Upayoga Kala

Su., A.H, A.S. Sha.Sam, B.P, Y.R.

01. Snehana 400 600 Vataja netra roga Purvahna

02. Lekhana 200 300 Kaphaja netra roga Aparahna

03. Ropana 600 400 Pittaja and Raktaja Madhyahna

netra roga


 Kriyakalpa theatre having proper ventilation, but devoid of excessively blowing wind,
sun rays, or dust. There should be curtains(javanika) of dark colours like blue or

 It should be equipped with materials and medicaments for the treatment and to
manage complications (caused due to mithyayoga, atiyoga or hinayoga).

• According to Videha, first three days one should take laghu ahara or he should do
upavasa or he should be in niranna. On fourth day, depending on the condition of the
disease seka should be done.

Preparation of Seka yoga: All the ingredients or medicines required should be collected and
made into either kwatha or ksheera paka based on the condition. The formulation has to be
well filtered.

 The patient should lie down comfortably in supine position.

 Wiping/ cleaning the lids, orbital area by sterile cotton swab has to be done with
lukewarm water depending on the condition.

 Depending on the disease condition prepared dravya has to be taken in pariseka patra.

 A thin and continuous stream of formulation has to be poured slowly on closed eyes
individually from the level of 4 angula for specified kala.

 The medicines remaining in the eye should be wiped out with a piece of cotton or soft
cloth immediately.

 Advised to lie down in same position for few minutes.

योगायोगात् स्नेिसेके तर्पणोक्तान् प्रचिते || - Su.Ut- 18/48

सम्यक् लक्षण, अषतर्ोग and अर्ोग लक्षण’s are same as that of तपाण.

Those are as follows:

Samyak yoga Atiyoga Hinayoga

 Sukhaswapna-  Guru  Ruksha

 Avila  Avila darshana
 Vaishadyam
 Ati snigdha  Ashru adhyam
 Varna patavan
 Ashru  Asaha rupa darshana
 Nivrutti vyadividwamsa
 Kandu  Vyadhi vriddhi
 Kriyalaghava
 Upadeha
 Prakasha kshamata


In Kapholbana (Atiyoga) In Vatolbana (Hina yoga)

Ruksha dhuma Snigdha dhuma

Ruksha nasya (pradhamana nasya) Snigdha nasya
Ruksha anjana Snigdha anjana
Ruksha seka Snigdha seka

Yoga Indications Reference

Vatadi Kashaya with ksheera Pakshmoparodha A.S.Ut-


Haridra, madhuka, patola, lodhra Kashaya with madhu Utsangini, A.S.Ut-

Anjananamika 12/10

--Musta, sharkara. Kapitta patra Kashaya Pothaki A.S.Ut-12/8

--Triphala, madhuka, haridra, daruharidra Kashaya with madhu

Lodhardi seka Raktaja Abhishyanda GN-NR

Prapoundarikadi seka Netra shula GN-NR

Darvi seka Sarva dosha GN-NR



● VIDALAKA is application of medicine on outer surface of eye excluding eyelashes

● PINDI is modification of the same where instead of directly applying kalka, it is
packed in a gauze cloth and placed over eyes
Synonyms: Vidalaka

पिडालको िपिपलेर्ो नेत्रे र्क्ष्म पर्र्पजपतिः II ( Sha.Ut 13/30)

● Bidalaka is the application of medicated paste to the outer surface of the eyes.

● िपिरक्षणोिः प्रलेर्नम् I

र्क्ष्मापण अस्पृश्यता कायपम् II ( Cha.Chi 26/236)

● र्क्ष्मर्ररिारे ण अपिकोश आलेर्नम्

तत् च र्ुनिः पिडालक संज्ञम् II ( A.S. Su 32/3)

● This paste should be restricted to the lids and not extended to the eye lashes.
● It is called as “VIDALAKA” because after application of paste, our eyes looks like

उत्पन्नमात्रे तरुणे नेत्ररोगे पिडालकिः |

कायो दािोर्दे िाश्रु शोफ रागापनर्ारणिः || (Cha.Chi 26/231)

• नाना द्रव्य कल्पनया च राग अश्रु घषप रुक् दाि तोद ेद र्ाक शोफ कण्डु घ्नम् II (A.S Su

● Daha- burning sensation

● Upadeha- discharges

● Ashru- excessive tears

● Sopha- swelling
● Raga- redness/congestion

● Toda/bheda/ruk- different types of pain

● Kandu-itching
● Gharsha-foreign body sensation


• Kriyakalpa theatre should have proper ventilation, but devoid of excessively blowing
wind, sun rays or dust. There should be curtains (javanika) of dark colours like blue or

• It should be equipped with materials and medicaments for the treatment and to
manage complications (caused due to mithyayoga, atiyoga or hinayoga).

Preparation of Bidalaka yoga: All the ingredients or medicines required should be taken in
fine powder form and made into kalka with lukewarm water or any specified dravya.

 The patient should lie down comfortably in supine position.

 Wiping/ cleaning the lids, orbital area by sterile cotton swab has to be done with
lukewarm water depending on the condition.

• Before starting the procedure, mridu swedana is to be done over the eyes depending
on the condition of the diseases. (To relax the patient and increase the vasodilation -
blood circulation of the area)

• After mridu swedana, the patient is advised to close the eyes and then kalka is applied
all around the eyelids in a uniform manner excluding the eyelashes.

तस्य मात्रा र्ररज्ञॆया मुखलेर्पर्धानर्त् II ( Sha. Ut 13/30)

Thickness of the paste in Vidalaka is similar to Mukhalepa.

The thickness of mukhalepa is:

● दोषघ्न: 4 अङ् गुल

● पर्षघ्न: 2 अङ् गुल

● र्र्ण्प: ½ अङ् गुल


अकालो रापत्रिः कालस्तु सर्पमििः र्ॆदनोत्पपत्तिः र्ा II ( A.S Su 32/4)

Can be applied anytime during the day or when symptoms of eye diseases are present.

Before the kalka gets dried up, it should be moistened by adding water and then removed
followed by mridu sweda.

After the application of medicines, the following measures are contra indicated: Excessive
speaking, laughing, anger, grief, weeping, eating, exposure to sun or heat and day sleep.
Otherwise, the patient may suffer from kandu, twak sosha, peenasa, drushti upaghata.
• Patient should rest for a while after the procedure.

• Later the lid should be anointed with oil if required.

• After the procedure, the eyes should be cleaned properly with a wet cotton piece so
that the particles do not enter into the eye (that might cause further irritation or
aggravation of symptoms).

Ingredients Indication Reference

Yashti, Gairika, Saindhava, Daruharidra, Rasanjana with Netra shula Sha sam Ut 13

Haritaki and Shunti Netra shula Sha sam Ut 13

Shunti and saindhava with ghritamanda Vataja netra rogas Cha Chi 26

Daruharidra, tuttha and haritaki Pittaja abhishyanda A.S Ut 19

and adhimantha

Synonyms: Kawalika and Gundana
Pindi is the modification of vidālaka.

पर्ण्डी कर्पलका प्रोक्ता िध्यते र्ट्टर्स्त्रकैिः । Sha. Ut – 13/21-22

Instead of directly applying the pastes to eye lid, they are packed in thick cotton cloth and are
kept tightly over the eye lids.
Acharya vagbata ha explained a similar procedure called AVAGUNTANA

वस्त्रबद्धं प्रकुषपतमात्रे अवगण्ठनं नेत्रे। (A.S.Ut-16/5)


धायाप चिुपष संयोगाच्छोथकण्डूव्यथार्िा । Sha.Ut – 13 / 30

● Pindi is useful in the early stages of all the eye diseases in general and Abhisyanda in

● It is effective in reducing inflammatory features produced due to trauma or wounds.


• Kriyakalpa theatre having proper ventilation, but devoid of excessively blowing wind,
sun rays, or dust. There should be curtains(javanika) of dark colours like blue or

• It should be equipped with materials and medicaments for the treatment and to
manage complications (caused due to mithyayoga, atiyoga or hinayoga).

• All the required materials for procedure collected before the therapy.
Preparation of Pindi yoga: All the ingredients or medicines required should be taken in fine
powder form and made into kalka with lukewarm water or any specified dravya.

 The patient should lie down comfortably in supine position.

 Wiping/ cleaning the lids, orbital area by sterile cotton swab is to be done with
lukewarm water depending on the condition.

• After mridu swedana (if required), the patient is advised to close the eyes and the
kalka which is kept inside the cloth is kept over the eyes in a uniform manner.
• Before the kalka gets dried up, the cloth containing medicaments should be removed
followed by mridu sweda.

• Patient should rest for a while after the procedure.

• After the procedure, the eyes should be cleaned properly with a wet cotton piece so
that the particles do not enter into the eye (that might cause further irritation or
aggravation of symptoms).

● Increases bioavailability of drug as it can be wrapped around eyes for a longer

● Helps better absorption to all parts of eyes as it includes pakshma too

Ingredients Indication Reference

The leaves, root and bark of Eranda in snigdha and Ushna form Vataja netra roga Sha.Ut – 13

Dhatri (Amalaka) or maha nimba phala Pittaja netra roga Sha.Ut – 13

The leaves of Shigru Kaphaja netra roga Sha.Ut – 13

Srivasa, Ativisa, Lodhra and Saindhava. Avyakta akshigada CD-NR


► Word tarpana means trptikarana, means pleasing or satisfying .

► Since it helps in keeping eyes satisfied absolutely with no disease condition it is called
as tarpana .

Synonyms: Netra basti

It is a procedure in which medicated ghee is kept over eyes for a specific period of
• The upakrama in which different yogas or aushadas are used to attain netra tripti or


तपाणकम् नेत्र तृप्ति किं पिम्

Tarpana is the best method of inducing ‘Tripti' (satisfaction) to the eye. It's the local
procedure of application of Sneha dravya through a specially prepared masha pali
over the eye.

► The treatment which does netra trptikarana is called as tarpana.


► Tamyati - darkness infront of the eyes

► Ati vishushkam - dryness of eye

► Ati dharunam - reduced lacrimation due to harendening

► Aavila netram - dirtiness of eyes

► Sheerna pakshma - falling of eyelashes

► Jihma netram - abnormal deviation of eyeball

► Roga klishtam - eyes which are constantly and repeatedly afflicted and debilitated due
to many diseases

► Sirna paksma - falling of eye lashes

► Sirotpata - hyperaemia of conjunctivitis

► Krcchronmilana - difficultly in opening and close of the eyes

► Timira - reduction in vision

► Arjuna - phlyctencular conjunctivitis

► Abhisyanda - conjunctivitis
► Adhimantha - glaucoma

► Sushkaksipaka - dryness in the eyes

► Netra sotha - swelling of eyes


► Durdina-Cloudy day

► Ati ushna dina and ati sheeta dina-Very hot and very cold conditons

► Chinta-Sorrow

► Aayasa-Exhausted

► Bhrama-Suffering with giddiness

► Ashanta upadrava – If complications wn’t subside - Inflammation, redness, severe


► Note: A person who is not suitable for Nasya and Snehapana are also contraindicated
for Tarpana and Putapaka (Su.Ut-18/19)


• Kriyakalpa theatre having proper ventilation, but devoid of excessively blowing wind,
sun rays, or dust. There should be curtains(javanika) of dark colours like blue or

• It should be equipped with materials and medicaments for the treatment and to
manage complications (caused due to mithyayoga, atiyoga or hinayoga).

• All the required materials for procedure collected before the therapy.
Preparation of Masha pali: A uniform, smooth dough has to be prepared out of masha flour.

► Note: Patient is prepared by subjecting him to samshodhana karmas: Both

shirashodhana and Kaya shodhana. The agni of the patient is assessed before
subjecting him to Tarpana.

► Swedana: Before starting the procedure, mridu swedana is to be done over the eyes
depending on the condition of the disease. (To relax the patient and increase the
vasodilation - blood circulation of the area)

∙ A firm circular frame of two angula height is constructed around the eye’s with the
dough of masha flour.

∙ Then lukewarm ghrita or ghritamanda (supernatant part of ghee) is slowly poured on

to the eyes till the eyelashes get immersed (unmeelayet shanaihi).

∙ Then the patient is asked to slowly blink the eyes.


On the basis of dosha On the basis of sthana

Su Vag Sha Su Vag Sha

Swastha 500 matra 500 matra - Vartma 100 matra 300 matra 100 matra

Kapha roga 600 matra 500 matra 500 matra Sandhi 300 matra 300 matra 500 matra

Pitta roga 800 matra 600 matra - Shukla 500 matra 500 matra 600 matra

Vata roga 1000 matra 1000 matra 1000 matra Krishna 700 matra 700 matra 700 matra

Drushti 1000/800 800 matra 800 matra


Adhimantha 1000 matra 1000



∙ After tarpana procedure the ghee is drained by making hole at the apānga sandhi in
the pali and it is cleaned.

∙ Followed by mild fomentation with warm water or Yavapishti.

∙ Then dhoomapana is given to expel the kapha caused by the ghee.

∙ Vagbhata mentions the use of luke warm water for mukha prakshalana after dhooma

∙ Exposure to heat, open air and bright light should be avoided.


Dosha Sushruta Vagbhata Videha

Vata Daily Daily Daily

Pitta Once in 3 days Interval of 1 day Interval of 1 day

Kapha Once in 5 days Interval of 2 days Interval of 3 days

Rakta - - Interval of 1 day

Sannipata - - Interval of 2 days

Swastha - Interval of 2 days Interval of 2 days

Additional points as per Vagbhata

1. Tarpana should be performed only when redness (raga), lacrimation (ashru), pain
(Shoola), swelling (samrambha) and discharge (dooshika) have subsided.

2. Along with masha, flour of yava (barley) can also be used to construct the paali.

3. The height of paali should be two angulas.

4. Lukewarm ghee should be poured on closed eyes.

5. In case of naktandhya, vätaja timira and krichronmilana, vasa should be used

instead of ghrita.
Samyak yoga, Ati yoga and Ayoga lakshana

Samyak yoga Atiyoga Hinayoga

∙ Sukhaswapna- ∙ Guru ∙ Ruksha

∙ Avila ∙ Avila darshana
∙ Vaishadyam
∙ Ati snigdha ∙ Ashru adhyam
∙ Varna patavan
∙ Ashru ∙ Asaha rupa darshana
∙ Nivrutti
∙ Kandu ∙ Vyadhi vriddhi
∙ Upadeha
∙ Kriyalaghava

∙ Prakasha

In Kapholbana (Atiyoga) In Vatolbana (Hina yoga)

Ruksha dhuma Snigdha dhuma

Ruksha nasya Snigdha nasya
Ruksha anjana Snigdha anjana
Ruksha seka Snigdha seka


Savarna shukla Chandanadi ksheerapaka A. S. ut 14 /25

Vataja timira Shatavari sarpi A. S. Ut 16/17

Pittaja timira Jivantaadi sarpi A. s .ut 16/18

Kaphaja timira Talishadi sarpi A. S. ut 16/19

vataja adhimanta Kashmaryadi ksheerapaka A.S .Ut 19

Kaphaja adhimantha Ajayakrut ksheerapaka A.S .Ut 19

Sushkakshipaka Jeevaniya ghrita YR


► Putapaka is one among kriyakalpa .

► Procedure of putapaka is similar to tarpana, but the ingredients, preparation of

medicine and duration is different
It is the procedure in which medicated kashaya is kept over eyes for specific period of time

► Ati ruksha netra (exccesive dryness in the eyes) snehana is indicated

► Ati snigdha netra(exccesive unctous of eyes )lekhana is indicated

► Peeta raktaja varna kshna drusti-ropana (yellow or reddish discoloration of eyes

► Siraharsa-horripilations
► Sirotpata-redness and inflammation of eyes
► Arjuna-phlyctenular conjunctivitis

► Abhisyanda-conjunctivitis

► Adhimanta-glaucoma

► Anyoto vata-spenoidal sinusitis

► vata paryaya- neuralgia

► Shukra roga-corneal diseases

► Vataja and kaphaja timira- keratoconus ,cataract

► Shushkakshipaka- opthalmoplegia

► Pakshmashata –falling of lashes


[A.H.Su -24/21],[A.S.Su-33/1]

► Ajirna-indigestion

► Garapidita-poisoned condition

► Trusna-thirst

► Pratishyaya-common cold

► Taruna jwara- early stage of fever

► Arochaka-anorexia

► Murcha- giddiness

► Shwasa-breathelessness

► Kasa-cough

► Chardi-vomiting

► Netra atirukshata-aruskshta-excessive dryness or no dryness in eyes

► Netra atisnigdhata- excessive unctous of eyes

► Abhighata-trauma

1. Snehana – Vataja netra roga

2. Lekhana – kaphaja netra roga
3. Ropana – Vata pittaja raktaja netra roga, drushtidourbalya

• Kriyakalpa theatre having proper ventilation, but devoid of excessively blowing wind,
sun rays, or dust. There should be curtains(javanika) of dark colours like blue or
• It should be equipped with materials and medicaments for the treatment and to
manage complications (caused due to mithyayoga, atiyoga or hinayoga).

• All the required materials for procedure collected before the therapy.
• Patient is prepared by subjecting him/her to samshodhana karma such as vamana,
virechana, nasya etc., and is made to lie in supine position comfortably on a table.

• Mild abhyanga and swedana has to be done around eyes.

• A uniform smooth dough has to be prepared out of masha flour.

• The agni of the patient is assessed before subjecting him to pradhana karma


3 group of material are required for preparation of putapakarasa:

► 1st group - meat 100gms (2 pala)

► 2nd group - plant products 50 gms (1 pala)

► 3rd group - liquid [decoction ,water, milk] (1kudava)


► Specified ingredients are collected ,cleaned and cut into pieces and grinded to make
smooth paste

► Paste is made into a ball like structure resemble bilvaphala

► Ball is wrapped with erandapatra or gambari patra or kumuda patra etc.,

► Tied properly with thread of kusha or durva

Outer covering is smeared with mud thickness of 2 angula and thrown into fire to bake fire
wood of khadira ,nirmala ,eranda endruding plants are preferred
For snehana putapaka-firewood of dhanva tree
For lekhana putapaka-firewood of dhanvana tree
For prasadana putapaka-cowdung

► When the bolus become red hot and ingredients inside are properly cooked it is
removed from fire

► Outer mud is scrapped of thread are cut open contents are squeezed by compressing

► This juice is putapaka rasa

Snehana putapaka Lekhana putapaka Ropana putapaka Prasadana putapaka

dravya dravya dravya dravya

Sneha ,vasa,majja, Jangala yakrit mamsa Dugdha,jangalaapashu Jangala mriga pakshi-

meda,swadu,aushada, ,krishnaloha raja mamsa, yakrit,majja,vasa,antra,
bhushya ,tamra,shankha,vidruma, madhu,ghrita,tikta hrudaya,mamsa,madhu
,prasaha,anupa saindhava, samudrapena dravya rarasa dravya
mamsa ,ghrita,stanya,ksheera


► A firm circular frame of 2 angula height is constructed around eyes with dough of
masha flour

► The putapaka rasa is poured slowly into eyes until eyelashes gets immersed.

► He is asked to blink his eyes slowly and repeatedly.

► The rasa is replaced to maintain the required warmth in it.

► This method is followed for a particular time period specific for the disease condition
which is treated.
Duration if treatment based on dosha

Dosha Sushrutha Vagbhatta Sharangadara

Swastha 500 matra 500 matrakala

Kaphaja 600 matrakala 500 matrakala 500 matrakala

Pittaja 800 matrakala 600 matrakala

Vataja 1000 matrakala 1000 matrakala 1000matrakala

On the basis of sthana

Sthana Sushrutha Vagbhattta Sharangadhara

Vartma 100 matra 300 matra 100 matra

Sandhi 300 matra 300 matra 500 matra

Shukla 500 matra 500 matra 600 matra

Krishna 700 matra 700 matra 700 matra

Drushti 100/800 800 matra 800 matra


Adhimanta 1000 matra 1000 matra

Type Duration Disease condition Drugs

Snehana 200 matrakala In ruksha netra Ghrta ,mamsa , vasa, majja ,meda and
Madhura dravya

Lekhana 100 matrakala In snigdha netra Jangala mamsa [yakrt], lekhana drvya
[loha bhasma]

Ropana 300 matrakala For drustibala Stri dugdha, tikta dravya

Kala vidhi

Roga Type Kala

Kaphaja Lekhana putapaka 1 day

Pittaja Ropana putapaka 2 days

Vataja Snehana putapaka 3 days


► After specified duration, the rasa is drained from one side and the masa kalka is
removed and the eyes are wiped properly with cotton.

► After snehana and lekhana putapaka, dhumapana has to be done but not after
prasadana putapaka

► Exposure to heat open air and bright light should be avoided

► During night while sleeping malathi or mallikapuspha has to be tied over eyes .

► Prasanna varna-pleasing appearance

► Vishada-clarity of vision

► Vatatapasaha-capacity to tolerate wind or sunlight

► Laghu-lightness of eyes

► Sukha Swapna-proper sleep

► Avabodhya-blissful awakening

[Su.Ut -18/39-4]

► Ruja-pain in eyes

► Pidaka-blisters
► Shopha-swelling

► Timira-reduction in the eye vision


► Paka-pus formation in eye

► Ashru-excessive lacrimation of eyes

► Doshodgama-vitiation of all doshas

► Harsana –horripilation of the eyes


Atiyoga - Anjana Hinayoga - Anjana

Swedana, Aschyotana Swedana, Aschyotana

Rukshopachara Snigdhopachara



Krishnadi putapaka Lekanarta YR-NR

Pakvavatapatra putapaka Ajakajata YR –NR

Pippalyaadi putapaka Kaphaja timira Su .ut 18

Introduction to Anjana
 Anjana is a procedure of applying medicine into the inner aspect of lower eyelid.

 It is usually applied from kaninika sandhi to Apanga sandhi using a Anjana shalaka or

 It is the most commonly practiced procedure which not only helps in treating eye
diseases but also in preventing them
• The word Anjana is derived from the root “Anakti Anena Anjanam” that which
spreads in the eye is Anjana.

व्यक्तरूर्षु दोषेषु शुद्धकायस्य केर्ले / नेत्र एर्ं स्मथथते दोषे प्राप्तमञ्जनमाचरे त्।।

When the doshas are exhibiting their symptoms and are residing in the eyes only, then anjna
therapy [applying of collyrium ] should be administered to persons whom are purified in their
body [earlier by emesis ,purgation ]
Pre-requisites to apply Anjana

 The appropriate time for application of anjana is after the administration of shodhana
therapy and when the doshas localize in the eye .

 The ama avastha is totally eliminated from the eye and the eye starts to exhibit pakwa
lakshana like reduced oedema, severe itching, lack of discharge.

 The features of dosha dushti are limited only to the eye , anjana is done only after
initial features of dosha are settled down
Ama netra lakshana
 Udirna vedana-excessive pain
 Raga-redness
 Shotha-swelling
 Gharsha-rubbing of eyes
 Toda-pricking pain
 Shula-pain
 Ashru-lacrimation
Pakwa netra lakshana
 Mandavedana –mild pain
 Kandu-itching
 Samrambha – mild swelling
 Ashruprashantee-stoppage of lacrimation
 Prasannavarna- clarity of eye colour
Anjanapatra and shalaka
 Anjana patra/container and the shalaka should possess similar qualities as that of
 It is usually prepared out of Swarna, roupya, tamra, mesha shringi ,vaidurya, and
kamsya .
Shape of anjana shalaka:

र्क्त्रयोमुपकुलाकारा कलायर्ररमण्डला /

अष्टाङ्गला तनुमपध्ये सुकृता साधुपनग्रिा।

औदु म्बयप श्मजा र्ाऽपर् शारीरी र्ा पिता र्ेत्।। (Su.Ut. 18/62-63)

 Rods for serving collyrium should be in the shape of flower bud at its face [front tip]
 Circumference of kalaya[red pea]
 Length 8 angula long ,thin in middle prepared well and suitable to held in hand

 The rod made from audumbari [tamra-copper],ashma[stone],or body parts of animals

like [goat, etc.,] will also comfortable

• Kriyakalpa theatre having proper ventilation, but devoid of excessively blowing wind,
sun rays, or dust. There should be curtains(javanika) of dark colours like blue or
• It should be equipped with materials and medicaments for the treatment and to
manage complications (caused due to mithyayoga, atiyoga or hinayoga).

• All the required materials for procedure collected before the therapy.
 Patient should have undergone shodhana
 The disease should be in the vyaktavastha and localized only in the eyes
 The agni of the patient is assessed before subjecting him to Anjana.
 The patients is made to sit comfortably and the lids are retracted.

 Anjana shalaka filled with anjana is held in the right hand of the physician and
applied uniformly from kaninika sandhi to apanga sandhi in the left eye of the patient
and vice versa.

 The patient is then asked to close the eyes and rotate the eyeball , so that uniform
distribution of the medicine takes place
 The excess anjana should be wiped out with a soft and clean cloth
 Care should be taken not to apply anjana excessively either in kaninika or apanga
sandhi as it may cause injury

 Eyes should be washed only when discharge and doshas drain out completely from
the eyes ,immediate washing of eyes causes recurrence of the disease or damage to
 It includes washing of eyes to remove vitiated doshas which cause eye diseases .

 Left thumb is used to clean the right eye and right thumb to left eye and eye is
 If there is itching: tikshna anjana and tikshna dhuma

 If fatigued by tikshna anjana: apply pratyanjanam which is in form of churna and

sheeta in guna .
 While applying lekhanjana the medicine should be diluted
Classification of anjana based on Kalpana of Anjana

Anjana kalpana Indications

Gutika anjana Mahabala of dosha

Rasakriya anjana Madhyamabala of dosha

Churna anjana Hinabala of dosha


 Applying of collyrium daily [sauviranjanam] gives pleasantness to eyes. It becomes

beautiful uncutaneous, thick eyelids, can perceive different colours, clarity to vision
and minute things.

 Vision is a function of agni mahabhuta, and hence the eye is especially prone to
diseases caused by kapha doshas.

 To prevent this, Rasanjana [aqueous extract of berberis aristata], should be applied

once in a week to drain out kapha from the eyes .
Classification of anjana based on action

Su.Sam Ashtanga Matra Anjana shalaka

Size - Shalaka -
Gutikanjana/Rasakriya Churnanjana

Lekhana Lekhana 1 Harenu 2 Tamra, Loha, Ashma

Ropana Ropana 2 Harenu 3 Anguli

Prasadana Prasadana ½ Harenu 4 Swarna, Rajata



 Lekhananjana is used to expel out the doshas from netra. It is prepared from tikshna ,
kshara and all rasa dravyas except madhura

कवशदां लध्वनास्त्राकव कियार्टु सु कनमपलम्। सांशान्तोर्द्रवां नेत्रां कवररक्तांसम्यगाकदशेत्।।

The lekhana anjana expels the doshas from the eye to make the

• Clean - Visada
• Light – Laghu

• Free from discharges - Anasravi.

• Well functioning - Kriya patu
• Shining in health - Nirmala


Jihma-squint Vatahara and santarpana chikitsa

Daruna-hardness of Lids Ashcyotana and pratyanjana with sheetala
Durvarna- Discolouration
Srastam – Drooping of Eyelid
Ateeva Ruksha – Severe dryness
Syandate – Severe discharge


Insufficient use of lekhananjana will lead This condition can be treated by

to aggravation of the doshas and produce dhooma, nasya and teekshanajana .
severe disease These procedures expel out the
aggravated dosha

Prasadanjana/soothing collyrium
 This anjana is prepared using madhura , sheeta and Sneha dravyas.
 Prasadanjana is to applied after the administration of tikshna or lekhana anjana

 It soothens the eye and relieves the irritation caused by ruksha and tikshna properties
of lekhanajana
 It mitigates the defects of vision and lubricating the eyes.
Samyak yoga:

 Proper Application Of Prasadanjana Imparts Unctuousness , Normal Colour And

Strength To Eyes .
 The Eyes Will Be Pleasant , Devoid Of Doshas And Regains Its Normal Functions
Atiyoga/ hinayoga

 Atiyoga of prasadanjana similar to that of atiyoga of tarpana . It is managed by using

ruksha and mrudu aushadi

 Ayoga doesn`t produce any discomfort to the eyes but it has no action in relieving the
symptoms.hence anjana should be applied in proper matra.
Ropananjana/ healing collyrium
 It is prepared from drugs of astringent or bitter taste added with little amounts of fats .

 Being unctuous and cold in property. It bestows good colour to the eyes and increases
the power of vision
Samyak yoga ,ati ,hinayoga

 samyak.ati yoga and heena yoga lakshana of ropanjana are similar to prasadanjana
and can be managed accordingly.
Anjana kala


Hemantha rtu Afternoon

Grishma rtu sharad rtu Morning , evening

Varsha rtu On non cloudy days

Vasanta rtu Any time


 One who is purified by emesis purgation
 With doshas localized in eyes
 Eyes with pakwalinga-fully riped signs
 Alpa sopha- slight oedema
 Ati kandu-severe itching
 Pichilita -sliminess
 Manda –dullness of eye
 Garsha- rubbing of eyes
 Ashru –lacrimation
 Raga-redness
 Ghana dushike – thick eye secretions
 Troubled by pitta,kapha,raktha,especially vata doshas.

S.Ut 18/67-69
Anjana nishiddha kala

 Achaya sushrutha says application of tikshna anjana during hot sun is avoided as eye
is of agni mahabhuta predominant. It may lead to daha, raga and other complications .
Nishi – night
Swapna – during sleep
Mlana- fatigued eyes
Ushna gabhastibhiti-extreme heat
 Vagbhata strictly avoid anjana at night because due to cold it causes
stabdha , kandu,jadya.
In very cold seasons and very hot
Pravata [windy days]
Abhrakala [clody days]

 When collyrium is applied to those who had not slept overnight, functions of eye,
perception will become less.
 When applied after exposure to breeze, cause weakness of eye, and vision.
 When eyes afflicted by dust, smoke collyrium causes swelling in eyes
 When applied to a person suffering from headache severe.
 If applied after headbath , eaten cold food before sunrise, collyrium become useless
because in these conditions it will not capable of expelling doshas from eyes, instead
it further aggravated doshas lead to more complications

 When collyrium is applied in acute conditions when doshas are progressively

increasing, it causes many complications of eyes.

Yogas Indictaions Reference

Pathyadi anjana varti Kaphaja vyadhi Su.Ut 11

Contents: pathya, haridra, yashtimadhu made into pishti.

Pippalayadi gutikanjana Arma , YR-NR

Contents: pippali,triphala,laksha,lohachurna, saindhava, bhavana Krishnagatavyadhi

with bringraja swarasa.
Avrana Shukla

Chandrodaya varti Avarana Shukla Sha.u.kha

Rasanjana,shaileya,Kumkum,manshila,shwethamaricha,sharkara Timira 13chap
are made to suitable consistency and having kaphaghna and Akshi kandu
lekhana property

Drishtiprada varti It revives vision 26

Contents : triturate together triphala,crust of hen”seggs, even in the blind chap
kasisa,iron powder, nilotpala,vidanga,samudraphena with the provided the
water in copper vessel for 1week and rolled in form varti pupils of his eyes
have not
undergone any
physical change or
been damaged

Complications of adulterated and poisonous anjana and its management

Complications Management

Ashru, upadeha, vedana, drushtivibhramsha Ghritapana,tarpana,anjana


 Washing eyes with medicated decoction, this procedure is called NETRA

PRAKSHALANA, part of Dinacharya.
 Ayurvedic medicine recommends cleaning the eyes with an eye wash at least once per
week to soothe and moisturize the eyes, maintain eye health, and get rid of the eyes
feeling dry, fatigued and strained.
Poorva karma:
Method of preparation of kashaya:

 In a clean vessel, coarsely powdered Triphala churna of 5gm and 250ml jala was
added to it.
 This mixture of drugs was kept for heating over mandagni.
 It was boiled till it reduced to 1/4th (320 ml).
 It was filtered using a clean cloth and kept till it become sukhoshna.
Preparation of the patient:

 The patient was made to comfortably stand, after instructing about the procedure, in
kriyakalpa theatre, free from atmospheric effects like direct blow of air or dust and
with sufficient light
 Eyes were cleaned using sterile cotton pads
Pradhana Karma:
 The prepared kashaya was taken in a bowl

 The patient is instructed to take the kashaya in hands or in eyewash cups, bend
forward pressing the cup on your eye socket, lift and tilt the head with the eye cup,
and let the liquid fill the cavity of closed eye
 Blink the eyes in kashaya, in each eye – one after the other for specified matrakala
Paschat Karma:

 The eyes were cleaned using sterile cotton pad and lukewarm water and advised to lie
down in the same position for few minutes
 It helps in cleaning eyes by removing dirt and foreign bodies to help in better vision.

 It clears the lacrimal passage and rejuvenates the tear film over the conjunctiva and
 It will tone up the muscles and surrounding tissues.
 It is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory in addition to Chakshushya effect.

 Netra Prakshalana with Triphala kashaya helps to maintain the corneal transparency
and the arrangement of collagen fibers in stroma layer.

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