Java Business Application Brochure English

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The Spoken Tutorial Project The Spoken Tutorial Project

• Self‐explanatory: uses simple language is funded by the

• Audio‐video: uses mul sensory approach Na onal Mission on Educa on through
• Small dura on: has be er reten on Informa on and Communica on Technology,
Ministry of Human Resource Development,
• Learner‐centered: learn at your own pace
Government of India.
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Target Audience
• UG/PG CSE/IT/CS students
• Working professionals.

The Spoken Tutorial Project Team conducts
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FLOSS using spoken tutorials and gives cer ficates to
those who pass an online test.
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Forum Java Business

We have developed a beginner friendly Forum to
answer specific ques ons pertaining to any part of a
Applica on
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IIT Bombay
Na onal Mission on Educa on through
Informa on and Communica on Technology
Spoken Tutorial by IIT Bombay is licensed under a
Crea ve Commons A ribu on‐ShareAlike 4.0 Interna onal License.

All trademarks within this document belong to their legi mate owners. Funded by MHRD, Government of India.
Introduc on MVC pa ern for java web applica on
Java is the most popular open source, class‐based, • JSP as view
• Servlets as controller
object oriented, high‐level programming language.
Java provides a systema c procedure for Spoken Tutorials in Java for Business
applica on development. Applica ons developed Applica ons Series
• Crea ng Java Web Project
with Java are common in banking , fintech and
• About Web Server and Web Container
other businesses. • Introduc on to JSP and Servlets to build web
applica on
• Learning MVC architecture
Download and Installa on
• Understanding URL, Deployment Descriptor and
h p:// RequestDispatcher
downloads/index.html • Interac ng with database and form field valida on
• Web applica on directory structure
Why use Java for Business Applica ons Security features
• Portability: Java feature write‐once‐run‐anywhere • Programs in Java run under an area known as the
makes it portable, provided that the system has an sandbox.
interpreter for JVM.
• Uses public key encryp on system to allow the java
• Performance: Uses na ve code and lightweight applica ons to transmit over the internet, in a
process called threads. The advance version of JVM secure and encrypted form.
uses adap ve and just‐in‐ me compila on
technique to improve the total performance. Other important features
• Strong memory alloca on.
• Automa c garbage collec on mechanism
• Powerful excep on handling
• Mul threading
• Security & Scalability
• Well suited to use with complex business logic
• Advanced authen ca on and access control

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