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Development of validated stability-

indicating assay methods: Critical


Impact Factor: 2.83 · DOI: 10.1016/S0731-7085(02)00047-X · Source: PubMed


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Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
28 (2002) 1011– 1040


Development of validated stability-indicating assay

methods—critical review
Monika Bakshi, Saranjit Singh *
Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Sector 67, S.A.S. Nagar,
Mohali 160 062, Punjab, India

Received 11 October 2001; received in revised form 4 January 2002; accepted 19 January 2002


This write-up provides a review on the development of validated stability-indicating assay methods (SIAMs) for
drug substances and products. The shortcomings of reported methods with respect to regulatory requirements are
highlighted. A systematic approach for the development of stability-indicating methods is discussed. Critical issues
related to development of SIAMs, such as separation of all degradation products, establishment of mass balance,
stress testing of formulations, development of SIAMs for combination products, etc. are also addressed. The
applicability of pharmacopoeial methods for the analysis of stability samples is discussed. The requirements of SIAMs
for stability study of biotechnological substances and products are also touched upon. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V.
All rights reserved.

Keywords: Stability-indicating assay methods; Regulatory requirements; Development; Critical issues

1. Introduction under a variety of conditions, like pH, light, oxida-

tion, dry heat, etc. and separation of drug from
The stability-indicating assay is a method that is degradation products. The method is expected to
employed for the analysis of stability samples in allow analysis of individual degradation products.
pharmaceutical industry. With the advent of Inter- A review of literature reveals a large number of
national Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) methods reported over the period of last 3–4 decades
guidelines, the requirement of establishment of under the nomenclature ‘stability-indicating’. How-
stability-indicating assay method (SIAM) has be- ever, most of the reported methods fall short in
come more clearly mandated. The guidelines explic- meeting the current regulatory requirements.
itly require conduct of forced decomposition studies Accordingly, the purpose of this write-up is to
suggest a systematic approach for the develop-
ment of validated SIAMs that should meet the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 91-172-214682; fax: + 91- current ICH and regulatory requirements. The
172-214692. discussion also touches upon various critical is-
E-mail address: (S. Singh). sues, such as the extent of separation of degrada-

0731-7085/02/$ - see front matter © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 7 3 1 - 7 0 8 5 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 4 7 - X
1012 M. Bakshi, S. Singh / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 28 (2002) 1011–1040

tion products, establishment of mass balance, etc., cal Products [4]. Since there is no single assay or
which are important with respect to the develop- parameter that profiles the stability characteristics
ment of stability-indicating assays, but are not yet of such products, the onus has been put on the
fully resolved. Some other aspects like suitability manufacturer to propose a stability-indicating
of pharmacopoeial methods for the purpose and profile that provides assurance on detection of
the role of SIAMs in stability evaluation of bio- changes in identity, purity and potency of the
logical/biotechnological substances and products product.
are also delved upon. Unfortunately, none of the ICH guidelines pro-
vides an exact definition of a stability-indicating
method. Elaborate definitions of stability-indicat-
2. Regulatory status of stability-indicating assays ing methodology are, however, provided in the
United States-Food and Drug Administration
The ICH guidelines have been incorporated as (US-FDA) stability guideline of 1987 [5] and the
law in the EU, Japan and in the US, but in draft guideline of 1998 [6]. Stability-indicating
reality, besides these other countries are also using methods according to 1987 guideline were defined
them. As these guidelines reflect the current in- as the ‘quantitati6e analytical methods that are
spectional tendencies, they carry the de facto force based on the characteristic structural, chemical or
of regulation. The ICH guideline Q1A on Stabil- biological properties of each acti6e ingredient of a
ity Testing of New Drug Substances and Products drug product and that will distinguish each acti6e
[1] emphasizes that the testing of those features ingredient from its degradation products so that the
which are susceptible to change during storage acti6e ingredient content can be accurately mea-
and are likely to influence quality, safety and/or sured.’ This definition in the draft guideline of
efficacy must be done by validated stability-indi- 1998 reads as: ‘6alidated quantitati6e analytical
cating testing methods. It is also mentioned that methods that can detect the changes with time in
forced decomposition studies (stress testing) at the chemical, physical, or microbiological proper-
temperatures in 10 °C increments above the accel- ties of the drug substance and drug product, and
erated temperatures, extremes of pH and under that are specific so that the contents of acti6e
oxidative and photolytic conditions should be car- ingredient, degradation products, and other compo-
ried out on the drug substance so as to establish nents of interest can be accurately measured with-
the inherent stability characteristics and degrada- out interference.’ The major changes brought in
tion pathways to support the suitability of the the new guideline are with respect to (i) introduc-
proposed analytical procedures. The ICH guide- tion of the requirement of validation, and (ii) the
line Q3B entitled ‘Impurities in New Drug Prod- requirement of analysis of degradation products
ucts’ emphasizes on providing documented and other components, apart from the active
evidence that analytical procedures are validated ingredients(s).
and suitable for the detection and quantitation of The requirement is also listed in World Health
degradation products [2]. It is also required that Organization (WHO), European Committee for
analytical methods should be validated to demon- Proprietary Medicinal Products and Canadian
strate that impurities unique to the new drug Therapeutic Products Directorate’s guidelines on
substance do not interfere with or are separated stability testing of well established or existing
from specified and unspecified degradation prod- drug substances and products [7–9].
ucts in the drug product. The ICH guideline Q6A, Even the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP)
which provides note for guidance on specifications has a requirement listed under ‘Stability Studies in
[3], also mentions the requirement of stability-in- Manufacturing’, which says that samples of the
dicating assays under Universal Tests/Criteria for products should be assayed for potency by the use
both drug substances and drug products. The of a stability-indicating assay [10]. The require-
same is also a requirement in the guideline Q5C ment in such explicit manner is, however, absent
on Stability Testing of Biotechnological/Biologi- in other pharmacopoeias.
M. Bakshi, S. Singh / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 28 (2002) 1011–1040 1013

Current ICH guideline on Good Manufacturing drug substance to variety of stress conditions and
Practices for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients then separation of drug from all degradation
(Q7A), which is under adoption by WHO, also products, many studies have just shown the sepa-
clearly mentions that the test procedures used in ration of drug from known synthetic impurities
stability testing should be validated and be stabil- and/or potential degradation products without
ity-indicating [11]. subjecting it to any type of stress (Table 1). There
are also reports in which drug has been decom-
posed by exposing it to one (Table 2), two (Table
3. Review of the literature on stability-indicating 3), three (Table 4), four (Table 5) or more (Table
assays 6) conditions among acidic, neutral or alkaline
hydrolysis, photolysis, oxidation and thermal
In absence of any guidance from regulatory stress. Thus very few studies are truly stability-in-
agencies on practical steps to be followed for dicating, where drug has been exposed to all types
establishment of stability-indicating assays, a of stress conditions and attempts have been made
search was done on the available information in to separate the drug from degradation products
literature. The literature was found to be replete and the latter among themselves. Different ap-
with publications on development of stability-in- proaches have been employed in these cases, in
dicating assays of specific drugs. A general review absence of any defined requirements. There are
was published as early as 1971, and it gave gen- some reports where directly the formulation, in-
eral principles and discussed the methods devel- stead of the drug substance, has been subjected to
oped till that period [12]. Kumar and Sunder also stress studies for establishment of the stability-in-
discussed the perspective of stability-indicating dicating behavior (Table 7). A few reports exist
testing procedures [13]. Subsequently, Ho and even on combinations of drugs (Table 8).
Chen [14,15] reviewed stability-indicating high- It may be pertinent to add here that the exam-
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) as- ples cited in Tables 1–8 are only representative
say methods reported till 1996. A compilation of and do not mean comprehensive coverage of all
stability-indicating assays (\500) for various literature reports.
drugs was published in 1999 by Xu and Trissel
[16]. A more recent publication is in the form of a
chapter in the book ‘Drug Stability: Principles 5. Techniques employed in literature reports
and Practices’ by Carstensen and Rhodes [17],
which provides general discussion on HPLC If one critically evaluates the literature reports,
method development and validation, with empha- titrimetric, spectrophotometric and chromato-
sis on stability-indicating assays. On whole, a graphic techniques have been commonly em-
critical guidance document on the topic, which ployed in analysis of stability samples. There are
encompasses current ICH requirements and dis- also sporadic reports of the use of miscellaneous
cusses various critical issues, is still elusive. techniques.

5.1. Titrimetric and spectrophotometric

4. An assessment of the extent to which the
reported methods meet current regulatory In these methods, usually the objective is the
requirements analysis of the drug of interest alone in the matrix
of excipients, additives, degradation products, im-
A review of various literature reports shows purities, etc., and also other drugs in case of the
that very few methods that are titled or claimed to combination products. Their advantage is the low
be stability-indicating fit into the current defini- cost and simplicity, though sometimes they are
tion of a stability-indicating assay in true sense. not sensitive. Due to limitation of specificity,
While the current requirement is of subjecting the there are hardly any reports these days on their
1014 M. Bakshi, S. Singh / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 28 (2002) 1011–1040

use for the assay of stability samples. However, a mance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC), gas
few reports involving derivative spectroscopy have chromatography (GC), HPLC and newer tech-
been published lately [122– 125]. nique like capillary electrophoresis (CE).
TLC is a simple technique that has been used in
the past for developing SIAMs [126–128]. Its
5.2. Chromatographic disadvantages, such as variability and non-quanti-
tative nature, limit its use as a basic technique for
Because of the very nature of requirement of
SIAM development. However, it is very much
separation of multiple components during analy-
used, especially during initial degradation [129]
sis of stability samples, chromatographic methods
and stress studies to study the number of degrada-
have taken precedence over the conventional
tion products formed, to identify the products
methods of analysis. Other than separation of
multiple components, the advantage of chromato- formed through matching studies using standards,
graphic methods is that these possess greater ac- and even for isolation where preparative TLC is
curacy and sensitivity for even small quantities of employed.
degradation products produced. Various chro- A large number of publications have appeared
matographic methods that have been used are in the last decade on the use of HPTLC for
thin-layer chromatography (TLC), high-perfor- stability-indicating method development

Table 1
Selected reports of ‘stability-indicating’ methods where no stress testing has been done

Drug Methodology Ref.

Separation from process impurities Benazepril hydrochloride HPLC [18]

Ribavirin HPLC [19]
Separation from known/potential Betamethasone 17-benzoate HPLC [20]
degradation product(s)
Canrenone HPLC [21]
Erythromycin estolate HPLC [22]
Ethacrynic acid HPLC [23]
Phenylbutazone HPLC [24]
Sibutramine hydrochloride HPLC [25]
Sulphacetamide HPLC [26]
Homatropine methylbromide UV spectrophotometry [27]
Cholesterol lowering drug Micellar electrokinetic [28]
Felodipine Supercritical-fluid [29]
Separation from known/potential degradation Benzodiazepines HPLC [30]
products and process impurities Ranitidine HPLC [31]
Temazepam HPLC [32]
Melphalan HPLC [33]
Piroxicam HPTLC [34]
Tinidazole HPTLC [35]
Fenclorac GLC [36]
Azathioprine CE [37]
M. Bakshi, S. Singh / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 28 (2002) 1011–1040 1015

Table 2
Selected reports of ‘stability-indicating’ methods where only one stress condition has been employed

Stress condition Drug Methodology Ref.

Acid Dyclonine hydrochloride HPLC [38]

Flunarizine dihydrochloride HPLC [39]
Lisinopril UV spectrophotometry [40]
Norfloxacin UV spectrophotometry [41]
Lisinopril Derivative UV spectrophotometry [42]
Alkali Allantoin HPLC [43]
Meperidine hydrochloride HPLC [44]
Metronidazole HPLC [45]
Benazepril hydrochloride UV spectrophotometry [46]
Carbachol IR spectrophotometry [47]

Neutral Physostigmine salicylate HPLC [48]

Oxidation Nortriptyline hydrochloride UV spectrophotometry [49]

Light Atenolol HPLC [50]
Danazol HPLC [51]
Trifluoperazine hydrochloride HPLC [52]
Nifedipine HPTLC [53]
Ranitidine hydrochloride Spectrodensitometric TLC [54]
Piroxicam HPLC, HPTLC, CE [55]

[34,35,53,63,69,74]. This technique overcomes the 5.3. Miscellaneous

shortcomings of TLC, and is reliable, fast and
accurate for quantitative drug analysis. Moreover, A few studies have also reported the use of
many samples can be run simultaneously using a proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spec-
small quantity of mobile phase, thus minimizing troscopy for the development of SIAMs [133–
analysis time and cost per analysis. Unfortu- 135]. CE is the latest entry to the techniques for
nately, its limitation is that the equipment is not the development of SIAMs [37,136–138]. It has
routinely available in every laboratory. the advantage of high sensitivity, resolution and
GC is stability-indicating but it is not very high efficiencies with minimal peak dispersion.
versatile, as the drug substance may be non-
volatile or thermally unstable. Further any at- Table 3
Selected reports of ‘stability-indicating’ methods where two
tempt to increase the volatility of the drug and stress conditions have been employed
components by increasing the temperature may
lead to degradation or racemization. Therefore, Stress Drug Methodology Ref.
there are very few reports on the use of GC conditions
[130–132] for the purpose of establishment of Acid, alkali Betaxolol HPLC [56]
SIAMs. hydrochloride
In comparison, HPLC has been very widely Captopril HPLC [57]
employed. It has gained popularity in stability Cephalexin HPLC [58]
Ciprofloxacin HPLC [59]
studies due to its high-resolution capacity, sensi- Indapamide HPLC [60]
tivity and specificity. Non-volatile, thermally un- Omeprazole HPLC [61]
stable or polar/ionic compounds can also be Yohimbine HPLC [62]
analyzed by this technique. Therefore, most of the hydrochloride
Nimesulide HPTLC [63]
SIAMs have been established using HPLC, which Acid, light Trimethoprim HPLC [64]
is evident from the lists given in Tables 1– 8.
1016 M. Bakshi, S. Singh / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 28 (2002) 1011–1040

Table 4
Selected reports of ‘stability-indicating’ methods where three stress conditions have been employed

Stress condition Drug Methodology Ref.

Acid, neutral, alkali Diaziridinyl benzoquinone HPLC [65]

Xilobam UV assay supported by TLC and HPLC [66]
Acid, alkali, light Carprofen HPLC [67]
Nitrendipine HPLC, HPTLC and UV spectrophotometry [68]
Estradiol HPTLC [69]
Acid, alkali, oxidation Mefenamic acid HPLC [70]
Morphine HPLC [71]
Acid, alkali, dry heat Amphotericin B HPLC [72]
Hydrochlorthiazide HPLC [73]
Timolol maleate HPTLC [74]

There are several publications involving use of Much information can simply be gained from the
hyphenated GC-MS [139], LC-MS [140– 147], LC- structure, by study of the functional groups and
MS-MS [141,142,145,148], LC-NMR [141,147] other key components. There are definite func-
and CE-MS [149,150] techniques for identity tional group categories, like amides, esters, lac-
confirmation of known and unknown degradation tams, lactones, etc. that undergo hydrolysis [151],
products and their selective determination. others like thiols, thioethers, etc. undergo oxida-
tion [152], and compounds like olefins, aryl halo
derivatives, aryl acetic acids, and those with aro-
6. Development of validated SIAMs that are matic nitro groups, N-oxides undergo photode-
likely to meet regulatory requirements composition [153].
Most of the new drugs are congeners of existing
Though the requirements with respect to SIAM drug molecules, and there are very few new drugs,
have been spelt out in regulatory documents, in- which originate from absolutely new leads. For a
formation on the basic steps to be followed for new congener, its degradation chemistry can be
the development and validation of stability-indi- easily postulated based on the reported behavior of
cating methods is neither provided in the regula- other drugs in the series. For example, there are
tory guidelines nor in the pharmacopoeias. more than 40 penicillins in clinical practice today
Therefore, the practical steps involved in the de- and almost all of them follow the same degradation
velopment of SIAMs are discussed below. It is behavior at the beta-lactam moiety. Most of them
expected that by following the steps, one should also follow similar subsequent reactions (Fig. 1).
be in a position to develop a SIAM that would Similarly, studies in our laboratory have shown
meet the regulatory requirements. Our discussion that three alpha-adrenergic blockers (prazosin,
is typically oriented towards development of doxazosin and terazosin) that have similar parent
SIAMs by HPLC, as it is found that 85– 90% of structure follow the same hydrolysis route involv-
the methods reported in literature are by this ing breakage of the amide bond (Fig. 2).
technique. However, a word of caution is that in some
congeners there might even be existence of a
6.1. Step I: critical study of the drug structure to totally new degradation behavior, particularly
assess the likely decomposition route(s) when there is overwhelming influence of the sub-
stituent. A typical example here is that of
This should be the first element whenever one aminopenicillins, which show formation of poly-
takes up the project on establishment of a SIAM. mers [154]. Other example is that of 2-methyl-5-ni-
M. Bakshi, S. Singh / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 28 (2002) 1011–1040 1017

troimidazole series of drugs, including metronida- most of the pH-related changes in retention occur
zole, ornidazole, tinidazole and secnidazole. Fig. 3 at pH values within 9 1.5 units of the pKa value.
shows the known decomposition behavior of these The ionization value also helps in selecting the pH
drugs. Tinidazole and secnidazole are reported to of the buffer to be used in the mobile phase [160].
decompose in alkaline conditions to the parent The knowledge of log P for the drug and the
nucleus 2-methyl-5-nitroimidazole [155,156], while identified degradation products provides good in-
metronidazole degrades to simple compounds like sight into the separation behavior likely to be
ammonia and acetic acid [157]. In contrast, ornida- obtained on a particular stationary phase. pKa and
zole neither yields the nucleus nor undergoes com- log P can be practically determined or even theo-
plete decomposition. It yields ornidazole diol via retically calculated using the commercial software,
an intermediate ornidazole epoxide in alkaline such as Pallas (CompuDrug Chemistry Ltd., Bu-
medium [158]. dapest, Hungary), CLOGP (Pamona College, Pa-
Thus one can have a good starting point from mona, USA), etc.
the study of degradation behavior of congeners, The analysis of the drug or degradation products
but critical requirement here is the conduct of an requires that they are soluble in HPLC compatible
in-depth literature survey. For information on solvents in the first place. The availability of the
degradation chemistry of like drugs, one can look solubility data in aqueous, organic and commonly
into the treatises like Analytical Profiles of Drug used HPLC solvents and their combinations can
Substances [159] and the monographs provided by thus prove to be very useful in the selection of the
Connors et al. [151]. Specific searches can even be sample solvent and the mobile phase.
made through the use of abstracts, the internet As the HPLC analysis employing a UV detector
search engines and the Chemweb. is usually carried out at the wavelength maximum
or at a wavelength where all components show
6.2. Step II: collection of information on good absorbance, therefore, the necessity to know
physicochemical properties the wavelength maxima and extinction of the drug
and degradation products in different solvents
Before method development is taken up, it is and at different pH becomes an absolute require-
generally important to know various physicochem- ment. This may be an easy exercise when the
ical parameters like pKa, log P, solubility, absorp- degradation products are known and available in
tivity and wavelength maximum of the drug in the pure form. But when it is a new drug for
question. The knowledge of pKa is important as which degradation pattern has not yet been estab-

Table 5
Selected reports of ‘stability-indicating’ methods where four stress conditions have been employed

Stress conditions Drug Methodology Ref.

Acid, neutral, alkali, oxidation Clonazepam HPLC [75]

Dipyridamole HPLC [76]
Esmolol hydrochloride HPLC [77]

Acid, alkali, oxidation, dry heat Suprofen HPLC [78]

Acid, neutral, alkali, light Guanabenz UV spectrophotometry [79]
Tolmetin sodium UV spectrophotometry [80]

Acid, alkali, light, thermal (methanolic solution) Retinoic acid HPLC [81]
Acid, alkali, oxidation, light Trimetazidine HPLC [82]
Trimetazidine HPTLC [83]
Acid, oxidation, light, dry heat Fentanyl HPLC [84]
1018 M. Bakshi, S. Singh / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 28 (2002) 1011–1040

Table 6
Selected reports of ‘stability-indicating’ methods where five (and additional) stress conditions have been employed

Stress conditions Drug Methodology Ref.

Acid, alkali, oxidation, dry heat, light Sodium levothyroxine HPLC [85]
Enalapril maleate HPLC [86]

Acid, alkali, oxidation, dry heat, light Sildenafil citrate HPLC [87]
(separation from synthetic impurities also seen)

Acid, neutral, alkali, oxidation, light Nicardipine hydrochloride HPLC [88]

Acid, alkali, oxidation, dry heat, wet heat, light dry, light wet Paroxetine HPLC [89]

Acid, alkali, oxidation, dry heat, light, reduction Cyproterone acetate HPLC [90]

Acid, alkali, light, oxidation, dry heat, moisture, sonication Buspirone hydrochloride HPLC [91]

lished, the same might prove to be a difficult ever, the guideline provides no details on how
exercise. In the latter case, the suggested way is to hydrolytic, photolytic and oxidative studies have
subject the drug to stress studies (see Section 6.3 to be actually performed. On the other hand, the
for details) and to observe changes in the spec- information is available in literature but in a
trum [161], first individually in each reaction solu- staggered way, with suggested approaches differ-
tion and then in a mixture of all the solutions. ing a lot from one another [162,163]. A compre-
This gives a fair idea (though not absolutely) on hensive document providing guidance on the
the shifts in wavelength spectra during the reac- practical conduct and issues related to stress test-
tion and also guides on the best wavelength for ing under variety of ICH prescribed conditions
analysis. If necessary, more than one wavelength has been published lately [164]. This report from
can be selected for analysis, but taking the benefit the authors proposes a classification scheme and
of the same requires a dual or multi-wavelength offers decision trees to help in the selection of the
detector. The best choice thence is using a photo- right type of stress condition in a minimum num-
diode array (PDA) detector, which allows record- ber of attempts.
ing of UV –visible spectrum of the components, as The hydrolytic degradation of a new drug in
they get resolved on the stationary phase. Later acidic and alkaline conditions can be studied by
necessary inferences can be made based on the refluxing the drug in 0.1 N HCl/NaOH for 8 h. If
records. reasonable degradation is seen, testing can be
stopped at this point. However, in case no degra-
6.3. Step III: stress ( forced decomposition) dation is seen under these conditions, the drug
studies should be refluxed in acid/alkali of higher
strengths and for longer duration. Alternatively, if
The next step in the development of SIAM is total degradation is seen after subjecting the drug
the conduct of forced decomposition studies to to initial conditions, acid/alkali strength can be
generate degradation products of the drug. The decreased along with decrease in the reaction tem-
ICH guideline Q1A suggests the following condi- perature. In a similar manner, degradation under
tions to be employed: (i) 10 °C increments above neutral conditions can be started by refluxing the
the accelerated temperatures (e.g. 50 °C, 60 °C, drug in water for 12 h. Reflux time should be
etc.), (ii) humidity where appropriate (e.g. 75% or increased if no degradation is seen. If the drug is
greater), (iii) hydrolysis across a wide range of pH found to degrade completely, both time and tem-
values, (iv) oxidation and (v) photolysis. How- perature of study can be decreased.
M. Bakshi, S. Singh / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 28 (2002) 1011–1040 1019

To test for oxidation, it is suggested to use the number of products formed, their relative
hydrogen peroxide in the concentration range of strengths and whether they are stable or unstable,
3– 30%. The photolytic studies should be carried out resulting further in newer products. This informa-
by exposure to light, using either a combination of tion is essential in establishment of SIAMs.
cool white and ultraviolet fluorescent lamps, or one The studies should be initiated at a concentration
among the xenon and metal halide lamps. Exposure of 1 mg/ml. If solubility is a limitation, varying
energy should be minimum of 1.2 million lux h amounts of methanol may be used to get a clear
fluorescent light and 200 W h/m2 UV and if decom- solution or even the testing can be done on a
position is not seen, the intensity should be in- suspension [165]. By using drug concentration of 1
creased by five times. In case still no decomposition mg/ml, it is usually possible to get even minor
takes place, the drug can be declared photostable. decomposition products in the range of detection.
A minimum of four samples should be generated If several degradation products are formed in
for every stress condition, viz. the blank solution different conditions, the establishment of SIAM
stored under normal conditions, the blank subjected may involve a lot of development work. For this,
to stress in the same manner as the drug solution, repeat injections of reaction solutions might be
zero time sample containing the drug which is stored required. Therefore, the volume of samples sub-
under normal conditions and the drug solution jected to stress studies should be in sufficient
subjected to stress treatment. The comparison of the quantity and also enough sample volume should be
results of these provides real assessment of the drawn at each period. The withdrawn samples can
changes. Furthermore, it is advised to withdraw be stored in cold cabinets to stop further reaction.
samples at different time periods for each reaction The aliquots might be diluted or neutralized before
condition. By doing so, one can get a clear idea on injecting into HPLC.

Table 7
Reports of ‘stability-indicating’ methods on drug formulations

Stress conditions Drug Dosage form Methodology Ref.

Acid Fluconazole Admixtures GC [92]

Flucytosine Extemporaneous solutions HPLC [93]
Levothyroxine Tablets HPLC [94]
Ipratropium Metered dose inhalers and HPLC [95]
bromide inhalation solutions

Acid, alkali Ganciclovir Capsules HPLC [96]

Light, thermal Sodium Tablets HPLC [85]
Acid, alkali, oxidation Pentoxifylline Suspension HPLC [97]
Granisetron Injection HPLC [98]

Acid, alkali, oxidation, thermal Chlorobutanol Ointment HPLC [99]

Acid, alkali, oxidation, light Fotemustine 5% dextrose HPLC [100]
Efavirenz Capsules HPLC [101]
Acid, oxidation, light, thermal Fentanyl Injection HPLC [84]
Acid, alkali, oxidation, thermal, light Cyclosporine Oral solution HPLC [102]

Acid, alkali, thermal, light, 45 °C/75% RH Aspirin and Tablets HPLC [103]
for 2 weeks warfarin sodium
Aged samples (3 years at 40 °C and 75% Losartan Tablets HPLC and [104]
Table 8

Selected reports of ‘stability-indicating’ methods for combination of different drugs

Stress condition(s) Drug Dosage form Methodology Type of study Ref.

No stress Otilonium bromide and diazepam Finished pharmaceutical HPLC Separation from related compounds [105]
dosage forms and potential degradation products
of both drugs shown
Naphazoline and tetrahydrozoline Ophthalmic HPLC Separation seen using potential [106]
preparations degradation products of both drugs
Captopril and hydrochlorthiazide Tablets HPLC Separation seen using potential [107]
degradation products of both drugs
Sulfonamides and erythromycin Oral suspension HPLC Separation seen using potential [108]
ethyl succinate degradation products of both drugs
Hydroxyzine hydrochloride and Injection HPLC Separation seen using potential [109]
benzyl alcohol degradation products of both drugs

Oxidation Oxycodone and lidocaine Rectal gel HPLC Stress studies done on individual [110]

Acid, alkali Ramipril and hydrochlorthiazide Different dosage forms HPLC Only ramipril exposed to stress [111]
conditions. Both drugs analyzed in
presence of ramipril degradation

Thermal Minocycline hydrochloride and Intravenous solutions HPLC Stress studies done on individual [112]
rifampicin drugs. Samples analyzed
individually using different
stability-indicating methods for
each drug

Acid, neutral, alkali Hydrochlorthiazide and Capsules HPLC Capsules subjected to stress studies [113]
Acid, alkali, oxidation Pseudoephedrine and cetrizine Pharmaceutical dosage HPLC Stress studies done on individual [114]
M. Bakshi, S. Singh / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 28 (2002) 1011–1040

forms drugs
Cisatracurium besylate and Mixtures HPLC Mixtures subjected to stress studies [115]

Acid, alkali, thermal, light, Aspirin and warfarin sodium Tablets HPLC Tablets subjected to stress studies [103]
45 °C/75% RH for 2 weeks and spiking with warfarin sodium
related substances done
Table 8 (Continued)

Stress condition(s) Drug Dosage form Methodology Type of study Ref.

Acid, alkali, thermal, light Phenylepherine hydrochloride, Capsules HPLC Well-mixed capsule material [116]
phenylpropanolamine exposed to acidic and alkaline
hydrochloride and guaifenesin hydrolysis, thermal degradation
and photolysis

Acid, alkali, oxidation, light Paclitaxel with ondansetron Admixtures in 5% HPLC Only paclitaxel subjected stress [117]
hydrochloride or ranitidine dextrose studies. Drugs analyzed by
hydrochloride individual assays

Acid, alkali, thermal, oxidation, Acetazolamide, allopurinol, Extemporaneous oral HPLC Stress studies done on individual [118]
light azathioprine, clonazepam, solution drugs and composite
flucytosine chromatogram after degradation
in all conditions shown. Samples
analyzed individually using
different stability-indicating
methods for each drug
Baclofen, captopril, diltiazem Extemporaneous oral HPLC Stress studies done on individual [119]
hydrochloride, dipyridamole solution drugs and composite
and flecainide acetate chromatogram after degradation
in all conditions shown. Samples
analyzed individually using
different stability-indicating
methods for each drug
Hydrocodone bitartarate and Tablets HPLC Stress studies performed only on [120]
acetaminophen hydrocodone
M. Bakshi, S. Singh / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 28 (2002) 1011–1040

Acid, neutral, alkali, thermal, light Norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol Tablets HPLC Norgestimate subjected to acid, [121]
and/or high humidity neutral, alkali, thermal and light
degradation. Ethinyl estradiol
subjected to thermal and high
humidity stress. Separation
shown for each drug in the
presence of degradation products
of other
1022 M. Bakshi, S. Singh / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 28 (2002) 1011–1040

Fig. 1. Known degradation behavior of penicillins under different hydrolytic conditions.

6.4. Step IV: preliminary separation studies on Initially, water:organic modifier ratio can be
stressed samples fixed at 50:50 or can be suitably modified so as to
obtain the capacity factor of around 5–10 for the
The stress samples so obtained are subjected to drug. As degradation products from drugs are
preliminary analyses to study the number and generally polar in nature (of course with excep-
types of degradation products formed under vari- tions), pushing the drug peak to say  15 min or
ous conditions. For doing so, the simplest way is somewhat more in a 25-cm column, can result in
to start with a reversed-phase octadecyl column, separation of even several degradation products,
preferably a new or the one in a healthy condi- when formed. The retention time can be brought
tion. Well-separated and good quality peaks at earlier or pushed further by changing the mobile
the outset provide better confidence because of phase but it should not be pushed very far, as
the unknown nature of products formed during though it might lead to an overall increase in
stressing. It should be preferred to use water– resolution (and ruggedness), but oppositely the
methanol or water – acetonitrile as the mobile peaks flatten out resulting in a decrease in sensi-
phase in the initial stages. The use of buffers is tivity. Normally, the total run time should be 2.5
not suggested at this stage because as is normally times more than the drug peak, at least in initial
required, one can extend the buffer-free mobile studies, and this long period is to show up any
phase to preparative LC or LC-MS studies. Be- peak that would elute later to the drug peak.
tween methanol and acetonitrile, the former The detection wavelength can be set, based on
should be preferred due to its low cost. The the study of spectral behavior of degraded sam-
wisdom from previous studies on the development ples, as discussed earlier. The injection volume
of assay method for the drug can also be applied and the flow rate can be suitably adjusted based
here and the organic modifier can be chosen on the length of the column.
accordingly. The solvent can be changed, if the Using these chromatographic conditions, one
peak shape or separation problems are seen. should follow the changes in all the stress sam-
M. Bakshi, S. Singh / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 28 (2002) 1011–1040 1023

ples, at various time periods. The results should dation peak can happen when the product is
be critically compared with the blank solutions colored and shows no UV absorption at a partic-
injected in a similar manner. It should be ob- ular wavelength at which the analysis has been
served whether the fall in drug peak is quantita- conducted. This can be verified by simple observa-
tively followed by a corresponding rise in the tion whether any color has developed in the reac-
degradation product peaks. It should not be taken tion solution. Here also suitable adjustment in the
as a surprise if the peak rise is not in correspon- wavelength of analysis can be made for the
dence to fall of the drug. This is because the drug product to appear in the chromatogram.
and its products can have very different extinction
values. Even there can be situations where no 6.5. Step V: final method de6elopment and
additional peak appears in the chromatogram, optimization
other than the drug. A typical example is given in
Fig. 4 where the drug fall is clearly seen, but with Subsequent to preliminary chromatographic
no additional peak rise. Such a situation can studies, the RT and relative retention times
either arise due to the formation of non-chro- (RRT) of all products formed should be tabulated
mophoric products or due to decomposition of for each reaction condition. Special attention is
drug to low molecular weight fractions. In such then paid to those components whose RT or RRT
situations, the detection at multiple wavelengths is very close. PDA spectra or LC-MS profile of
or the use of LC-MS becomes necessary. Some- such components are obtained and critically eval-
times the absence of simultaneous rise in degrada- uated to ascertain whether the products are same
tion product peak might also be due to total or different. It has happened with us once that
insolubility of the product in the reaction solu- what we were considering as a drug peak, proved
tions, which can be confirmed through physical rather to be due to the degradation product. The
observation of the reaction mixture. In such case drug peak appeared at a particular RT in acid
the product can be separated and can be injected conditions, but when the reaction was done in
separately using the solvent in which it is soluble alkali, again a peak appeared at almost same RT.
to find out its retention time (RT) in the chro- However, the LC-MS studies indicated it to be a
matogram. Later, during the final method devel- different product. It was later established that the
opment changes can be made in mobile phase or drug was almost instantly converted when
the sample solvent to have the product shown up brought in contact with the alkali and the product
in the chromatogram. Even the absence of degra- was formed quantitatively. Therefore, if PDA or

Fig. 2. Hydrolysis of different alpha-adrenergic blockers.

1024 M. Bakshi, S. Singh / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 28 (2002) 1011–1040

Fig. 3. Reported degradation products of different 2-methyl-5-nitroimidazoles.

LC-MS results suggest that any of the products tion solutions of different pH and media (3–30%
are different but are co-eluting, then suitable mod- hydrogen peroxide solution) are mixed. There
ification should be done in the chromatographic might be a situation where products show different
method to achieve a satisfactory resolution. chromatographic behavior in a mixture.
In the final step, a mixture of the reaction To separate close or co-eluting peaks, the
solutions is prepared, and subjected again to reso- method is optimized, by changing the mobile
lution behavior study. While making this mixture, phase ratio, pH, gradient, flow rate, temperature,
it is not always necessary to add all reaction solvent type, and the column and its type. Details
solutions withdrawn at different time for all condi- of the basic issues in method development are not
tions. That would make the situation too complex. discussed here, as they are covered elsewhere [17].
Rather, only those solutions are mixed where A typical example of the study in author’s
different products are formed in sufficient quan- laboratory where the desired separation was
tity. Resolution in the mixture is studied closely, to achieved in a mixture of various reaction solutions
see whether the resolution is similar to that ob- is shown in Fig. 5. The steps undertaken in opti-
tained in individual samples. This is important to mization of the developed method can be found in
rule out any changes that can happen when reac- a published report [166].
M. Bakshi, S. Singh / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 28 (2002) 1011–1040 1025

Fig. 4. Degradation of metronidazole in acidic conditions under light: (a) initial sample (b) 3 day sample (c) 12 day sample.

6.6. Step VI: identification and characterization Regarding the product standards, a direct way
of degradation products, and preparation of is to procure them from commercial sources (Sec-
standards tion 8). However, in case they are not available
commercially, they have to be either isolated from
Before moving to the validation of a SIAM, it the degradation reaction solutions or synthesized
is necessary to identify the drug degradation
in the laboratory. To isolate a product, the best
products and arrange for their standards. These
way is to identify a reaction condition where it is
are required to establish specificity/selectivity of
formed selectively. If the product precipitates or
the method. The work on this aspect can even be
initiated once an idea on the nature and number
of degradation products formed under different
degradation conditions is obtained from prelimi-
nary separation studies.
To identify the resolved products, a conven-
tional way is to isolate them and determine the
structure through spectral (MS, NMR, IR, etc.)
and elemental analysis. However, this approach is
tedious and time consuming when multiple degra-
dation products are formed. Against it, the mod-
ern approach is to use hyphenated LC techniques
coupled with mass spectrometry. This strategy
integrates in a single instrument approach, analyt-
ical HPLC, UV detection, full scan mass spec-
trometry (LC-MS) and tandem mass spectrometry
(LC-MS-MS) and provides a fair idea on identity
of resolving components. These days a further
integrated approach is becoming popular wherein
LC-MS or LC-MS-MS is employed to obtain
molecular weight and fragmentation information,
and further detailed structural information is ob-
tained through LC-NMR analysis. The integrated
Fig. 5. Example of a ‘Selective SIAM’ showing separation of
approach provides rapid and unambiguous iden- different degradation products of ornidazole in a mixture of
tification of several degradation products at one reaction solutions. (Reprinted from Ref. [166] with permission
time. from authors and Elsevier Science).
1026 M. Bakshi, S. Singh / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 28 (2002) 1011–1040

crystallizes on its own on completion of the reac- Overall, there are two stages in the validation
tion, it can be recovered simply. Otherwise, the of a SIAM. First stage is early in the development
reaction mixture can be lyophilized directly. If cycle when drug substance is subjected to forced
freeze-drying is done after neutralization of the decomposition studies and the SIAM is estab-
reaction mixture, the product can be recovered by lished based on the knowledge of drug degrada-
extraction with dry methanol or any other suit- tion behavior. The main focus of validation at
able dry solvent. The recovery can also be made this stage is on establishment of specificity/selec-
by selective extraction with an organic solvent tivity, followed by other parameters like accuracy,
after acidification, neutralization or basification of precision, linearity, range, robustness, etc. The
the solution, depending upon the initial pH. Sub- limits of detection and quantitation are also deter-
sequently the extraction solvent can be evaporated mined for degradation products to help in estab-
to recover the product. A note of caution here is lishment of the mass balance. This validated
that one must check whether the product of inter- method finds application in the analysis of stabil-
est decomposes further on change of pH, as it so ity samples of bulk drug for determination of its
happens frequently, as experienced by the retest or expiry period. In the second stage, when
authors. the SIAM so developed is extended to formula-
When no condition is identified where the tions or other matrices, the emphasis gets limited
product is formed quantitatively into single entity, to just prove the pertinence of the established
then the product can be isolated from the mixture validation parameters in the presence of excipients
by selective solubility based extraction, prepara- or other formulation constituents. Here only
tive TLC or preparative HPLC. Use can also be parameters of critical importance like specificity/
made here of normal column chromatography, selectivity, accuracy and precision are revalidated.
medium-pressure liquid chromatography, chro- If the SIAM is being developed directly for a
matotron, flash chromatography, etc. formulation, without involving the bulk drug
If the identity of the products has been previ- route, then all validation parameters are necessary
ously established through sophisticated LC-MS to be established.
and/or LC-NMR studies, the envisaged molecules The specificity/selectivity of a SIAM can be
can be synthesized, characterized and the presence established very simply if degradation chemistry
confirmed through spiking in the degraded sam- of the drug is known and the standards of the
ple. The synthesis route has the advantage that it products are available. The only effort involved
results in a much neater product than can be then is the development of a method that sepa-
obtained through isolation. rates components from a physical mixture of drug
and the degradation products. At this stage, only
6.7. Step VII: 6alidation of SIAMs peak purity becomes crucial. The peak purity can
be established by a variety of techniques, like
Validation of analytical methods, in general, PDA detection, absorbance ratio method, dual
has been extensively covered in the ICH guideli- wavelength ratio chromatography, second order
nes Q2A and Q2B [167,168], in the FDA guidance derivative spectroscopy, spectral suppression,
[169] and by USP [170]. There are several other spectral overlay, etc. [176]. However, not all these
reports in literature, which have reviewed the are applicable for on-line peak purity testing. The
concept, either in general [171,172], or specifically most popular technique is the PDA analysis, the
the validation of spectroscopic [173], non-chro- principle of which is the comparison of the spec-
matographic [174] and chromatographic [175] tra of the analyte peak, taken upslope, at the apex
methods. Numerous other investigations on devel- and on the downslope. If these spectra do not
opment of SIAMs on different drugs also encom- match then the peak is non-homogeneous. A limi-
pass validation steps, and a critical study of these tation of the PDA detection for peak homogene-
reports give a fair idea on how validation can be ity testing is that this technique is not very
carried out practically. sensitive and hence it is unlikely to detect B 1%
M. Bakshi, S. Singh / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 28 (2002) 1011–1040 1027

of an interfering component in an analyte peak. level in different formulations during their shelf
Further limitation is the high cost of the detector. life. However, these limits should be established
The normal UV HPLC detectors these days allow for the degradation products.
for simultaneous measurement at multiple wave- Robustness can also be established for SIAMs
lengths, and some of them even give output of in a similar manner as it is done for conventional
ratio plots at two wavelengths. This technique has methods.
also been promoted for peak purity testing during
development of SIAMs [177]. The technique re-
quires critical selection of measuring wavelengths 7. Some critical issues concerning development of
and is of limited use where the UV spectrum of SIAMs and their validation
the co-eluting component is unknown. The second
derivative spectroscopy can also be employed to There are several other issues concerning devel-
assess peak non-homogeneity, as it amplifies slight opment of SIAMs on which routinely the ques-
deviations from Gaussian peak shape caused by tions are asked and clarifications are sought. The
overlapping peaks. Another approach that can be important ones are discussed below.
employed is the collection of fractions from the
peak and comparing the results with a signifi- 7.1. Definition of ‘Specific’ and ‘Selecti6e’
cantly different chromatographic technique or stability-indicating assay methods
mass spectrometry. The construction of kinetic
plots during drug decomposition [177] is an addi- The foremost issue is the lack of clarity on the
tional validation step that can be used to confirm terms used for differentiating the methods that
specific analysis during establishment of SIAMs. measure quantitatively the component of interest
The accuracy is usually determined by spiking in the sample matrix without separation, and the
the known amount of drug to either the placeboes ones where separation is done of the drug as well
or the formulations, and determination of percent all other degradation products. Hong and Shah
recovery of the drug. However, a better method of [17] describe the former as ‘stability-specific’,
determining accuracy of a SIAM is by spiking the while the discriminating nature of the latter is
drug in a mixture of degraded solutions [166]. As described as being the combination of ‘stability-
far as the precision is concerned, there are no indicating’ and ‘stability-specific’. Unfortunately,
special requirements for stability-indicating meth- the term stability-indicating has been invariably
ods and the same procedure as advocated for used in the vast number of publications in litera-
normal assay methods can be applied. ture to describe even the so-called ‘stability-spe-
The linearity for SIAMs should be established cific’ methods. Here we would rather suggest the
initially in the range of 0– 100%, as the drug may use of terms ‘Specific stability-indicating’ and ‘Se-
fall to very low concentrations during forced de- lecti6e stability-indicating’ for defining, respec-
composition studies. The final validation range, tively, the two types of assays. Thus ‘Specific
however, can be narrowed based upon the form in stability-indicating assay method (Specific SIAM)’
which the drug substance or formulation is dis- can be defined as ‘a method that is able to mea-
pensed. For example, it may vary from 80 to sure unequivocally the drug(s) in the presence of
120% for solid bulk drug and stable solid formu- all degradation products, excipients and additives,
lations. The range may be 50– 120% in case of expected to be present in the formulation.’ The
injections or other formulations where the drug is ‘Selective stability-indicating assay method (Selec-
more prone to degradation. Validation range for tive SIAM)’ on the other hand can be defined as
the degradation products during stability studies ‘a method that is able to measure unequivocally
usually should vary from 0 to 20% [171]. the drug(s) and all degradation products in the
The detection and quantitation limits are not presence of excipients and additives, expected to
important for active drug substances, as their be present in the formulation.’ By this definition,
concentration is not expected to fall to such a low it means that a ‘Selective SIAM’ is a procedure
1028 M. Bakshi, S. Singh / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 28 (2002) 1011–1040

be of both types— ‘Specific SIAM’ as well as

‘Selective SIAM’. In case of the former, the
method is not fully separative to all components,
but does separate the drug equivocally. This nor-
mally is a situation where efforts fail to separate
degradation products when they are large in num-
ber. Two typical examples of ‘Specific SIAM’ are
shown in Figs. 6 and 7. One of the examples is of
dicloxacillin (Fig. 6), and most other penicillins
show similar type of behavior [177,178]. Peni-
cillins, as discussed earlier, are very facile under-
going degradation through a complex route (Fig.
1) resulting in multiple products under every con-
dition. The other example (Fig. 7) is of photolytic
decomposition of alpha-adrenergic receptor
Fig. 6. Example of a ‘Specific SIAM’ showing degradation of blocking agents where seemingly a free radical
dicloxacillin (DLX) to cluster of products in acid conditions. mediated reaction results in a series of products.
(Reprinted from Ref. [177] with permission from authors and The chromatograph shown in Fig. 5 is a typical
Elsevier Science). example of a ‘Selective SIAM’ where all degrada-
tion products formed under all conditions are
that is selective to the drug as well its degradation well-separated from each other and hence there is
products (separates all of them qualitatively) and possibility of simultaneous and quantitative esti-
is also specific to all the components (measures mation of the drug as well as the degradation
them quantitatively). products.
Thus all titrimetric methods employed and re-
ported in literature for the purpose can be 7.2. Does ‘Specific SIAM’ also has a purpose and
classified under ‘Specific SIAMs’. The UV meth- is acceptable?
ods also fall in this category. In these methods,
despite the absence of separation, the analyte of The question thence arises, as to which of the
interest is determined quantitatively and method among the ‘Specific’ and ‘Selective’ meets
specifically. the requirements of ICH and other regulatory
The chromatographic methods, however, can guidelines. Certainly, it is the ‘Selective SIAM’,

Fig. 7. Another example of ‘Specific SIAM’ showing formation of cluster of degradation products during photolytic decomposition
of prazosin under acid conditions: (a) initial sample (b) 4 day sample (c) 8 day sample.
M. Bakshi, S. Singh / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 28 (2002) 1011–1040 1029

which the regulatory officers would love to see in

the drug registration dossiers. In the opinion of
the authors, the ‘Selective SIAM’ is that of more
importance with respect to new drugs, but for old
and established drugs, where significant body of
information exists; the use of ‘Specific SIAM’ can
do an equally good job during stability sample
analysis. This is the reason that the pharmaco-
poeias, other than USP, have a policy to continue
with the titrimetric and spectrophotometric analy-
sis for the assay of drugs, while having control on
important degradation products through related
substance or impurity tests [179].
The authors suggest that even in the case of
new drugs, the use of a ‘Selective SIAM’ may not Fig. 8. Chromatogram showing the products formed after
subjecting ornidazole infusion to accelerated testing.
be absolutely necessary in all situations. A ‘Spe-
cific SIAM’, if it is less cumbersome and costly,
and is proved to give the same results as a ‘Selec- products are formed when stressed samples in
tive SIAM’ can be used for post-approval follow- different stress conditions are mixed together (Fig.
up stability testing and also for analysis of market 5). Against this, the infusion samples of the drug
surveillance and returned samples. This can spare subjected to stability tests showed only two prod-
chromatographic instrumentation that can be ucts (Fig. 8), which are previously identified major
used for other routine and important applications. degradation products [158]. So a tagged question
The published or pharmacopoeial ‘Specific is ‘Should only major degradation products be
SIAMs’ also find use in countries where there is targeted while developing a SIAM, instead of all
no regulatory requirement of a ‘Selective SIAM’. degradation products formed under the ICH sug-
However, preference should be given to those gested test conditions?’ Interestingly, the dilemma
published methods where the specific method has is well answered in the ICH guideline itself [165]
been compared with a selective one [180]. where the clarification is provided in the state-
ment ‘Howe6er, it may not be necessary to examine
7.3. Is it really necessary to follow the specifically for certain degradation products if it
stress-testing route to de6elop a SIAM? has been demonstrated that they are not formed
under accelerated or long term storage conditions.’
This is another dilemma that has often been Therefore, it emerges that a SIAM separating
expressed, particularly by the practitioners in in- all types of possible degradation products should
dustry. Even to the experience of the authors, normally be developed through stress testing un-
there are several instances, like shown in Figs. 6 der different ICH suggested conditions. In case,
and 7, where large number of degradation prod- however, it is not possible to develop a ‘Selective
ucts is formed during forced decomposition of SIAM’ due to the complex nature of degradation,
drug even in one stress condition. In such situa- one can target for a method that takes into ac-
tion, it might be truly difficult or impossible to count degradation products only formed under
develop a ‘Selective SIAM’ if degradation prod- accelerated and long-term storage conditions. In
ucts formed under all conditions are simulta- any case, here it would be needed to be proved
neously taken into consideration. Moreover, it through sufficient trials that separation of degra-
has been expressed that some degradation prod- dation products formed under various conditions
ucts formed during forced decomposition are is a difficult proposition, and that only a few or
never developed in the stability samples. A typical major products are found actually in stability
example again is that of ornidazole where several samples of long-term and accelerated studies.
1030 M. Bakshi, S. Singh / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 28 (2002) 1011–1040

The authors at a personal level are also con- secret by the innovators to protect even this ele-
vinced that the regulatory approach of develop- ment from exploitation. However, there can be
ment of a SIAM through stress testing under situations where companies in countries where
variety of conditions is a sound approach. Once innovator has not sought patent protection manu-
such a method is established and is validated, its facture formulations of these drugs, by arranging
distinct advantage would be that it could be ap- the drug substance from varied sources. This is
plied to specific determination of drug and degra- practically happening today. Therefore, in such
dation products in a broad range of situations. It cases if the formulation manufacturer does some
can eliminate the necessity of modification and sort of stress testing directly on the drug product
revalidation each time when the method is ex- and uses an analytical method developed on that
tended from bulk drug analysis to formulation or basis, it can better cover the consumer’s risk. The
one formulation to another. The exception might same can even be a case with formulations con-
be interference due to excipients and additives, taining existing and pharmacopoeial drugs, where
where modification and revalidation may be a bit of stress tests followed by method develop-
unavoidable. ment can be carried out by the generic formula-
tion manufacturers. This way at least the influence
7.4. Can formulations instead of drug substance of excipients, additives and package on the degra-
be subjected to stress ( forced decomposition) dation behavior can be encompassed directly in
studies for de6elopment of a SIAM? the analytical method.
The only hitch in implementation of this ap-
This is another interesting aspect, tagged with
proach perhaps is that no stress conditions, except
the above point. It is whether formulations in-
the photostability testing, have been defined for
stead of drug substance can be directly subjected
stress testing of formulations in any current guide-
to stress conditions for the development of a
lines. This might be due to the reason that formu-
SIAM. In true sense, ICH guideline Q1AR and
lations do not withstand stringent stress
the ICH’s Common Technical Document [181]
conditions. But the positive aspect of this ap-
suggest stress testing only of the drug substance.
proach is that the formulator can at least consider
For drug products, however, a definition of
‘Stress Testing (drug product)’ is provided in degradation products formed ‘realistically’ in the
Q1AR, which reads as ‘Studies undertaken to as- formulation environment during the method de-
sess the effect of se6ere conditions on the drug velopment. To the authors, a scientifically sound
product. Such studies include photostability testing step in this regard would be to extend ICH recom-
(see ICH Q1B) and specific testing on certain mended stress test conditions for drug substance
products, (e.g. metered dose inhalers, creams, emul- to the formulations. For example, the recom-
sions, refrigerated aqueous liquid products).’ [182]. mended [165] dry heat stress condition of 10 °C
This means there is no suggestion on conduct of increments above the accelerated temperature
stress studies directly on formulations, other than (e.g. 50, 60 °C) can be extended easily to the drug
photostability testing. formulations. For those dosage forms, which
However, Table 7 shows that there exist a few show severe physical instability at high tempera-
literature reports where stability-indicating assay tures, the increments can be reduced to 5 °C or
has been established by carrying out stress tests even lower, as applicable. The liquid formulations
directly on pharmaceutical formulations. Looking can be easily tested after changing the pH from
into it more objectively, this approach seems to be low to high. Oxidative stress testing can also be
rational for use by the manufacturers involved in done by purging oxygen or through the addition
production of formulations alone, albeit in spe- of hydrogen peroxide. Another stress condition
cific situations. For new drugs, the information on can be 40 °C/90% RH, which can be applied to
intrinsic stability behavior of the drug substance observe the effect of high humidity in case of
and the stability-assay method is usually kept solids, semisolids, etc.
M. Bakshi, S. Singh / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 28 (2002) 1011–1040 1031

It is suggested that scientists involved in drug 7.6. The aspect of mass balance in de6elopment
stability testing research and regulatory authori- of SIAMs
ties should give a serious thought to this ap-
proach, and if merit is found, then the above The mass balance is a process of adding to-
suggested stress conditions can be a starting point gether the assay value and levels of degradation
for discussions. The approach can be of specific products to see how closely these add up to 100%
and practical use to manufacturers outside the of the initial value, with due consideration of the
developed world, where there is a need to provide margin of analytical error. This is the definition of
simple stability test solutions to help improve the mass balance given in the ICH parent drug stabil-
quality of drug products in circulation, than avail- ity guideline [1]. Its establishment hence is a regu-
able at present. latory requirement. The mass balance is very
closely linked to development of a SIAM as it acts
as an approach to establish its validity. The bal-
ance would not be achieved unless all degradation
7.5. The trauma of establishment of SIAMs for products are separated well.
combination drug formulations If a few specified and stable degradation prod-
ucts are formed, which can be separated easily
A large number of formulations around the and for which the standards are available, then
world are sold as combination preparations of the establishment of mass balance becomes an
two or more drugs. As the number of drugs in a easy affair. By the use of the standards, one can
formulation increases, the complexity per se in- easily determine the exact response factors and
creases. Therefore, the development of SIAM for hence the levels of the products. However, there
formulations that contain more than one drug might be many situations where the mass balance
becomes a real tedious exercise. The effort is may be difficult to establish. This can happen due
compounded, first due to separation of multiple to one or more of the following situations [183]:
drugs from one another and then from the degra- “ Formation of multiple degradation products,
dation products, which might be any number. The involving complex reaction pathways and drug-
latter are also supposed to be separated among excipient interaction products
themselves. This extent of complexity is same “ Incomplete detection due to loss of UV chro-
whether the combination formulation is a manu- mophore or lack of universal detection
factured product or an extemporaneously pro- “ Loss of drug/degradation products as volatiles
duced preparation. The development of a “ Diffusive losses into or through containers
‘Selective SIAM’ certainly can be a nightmarish “ Elution/resolution problems
experience if it is expected that every drug sub- “ Inappropriate or unknown response factors
stance in the formulation (some combinations due to lack of standards
may contain 6– 10 drugs) is subjected to forced “ Errors and variability in the drug content assay
decomposition studies in a variety of conditions, It is common for the drugs to degrade into
and all solutions for all the drugs are pooled and multiple degradation products. This may be so in
separated on a HPLC column. a single reaction condition (Figs. 6 and 7) or when
Thus for combination formulations, the ap- samples of different stress conditions are mixed
proaches suggested above of targeting separation (Fig. 5). Multiple products can be formed through
of degradation products formed only in long-term parallel, consecutive or chain reactions, which
and accelerated stability test conditions or limited may occur even together. A typical example is of
stressing of formulations, seem to be the best penicillins, where several complex reactions go
option. This issue again requires thorough discus- together (Fig. 1). Similarly, there can be develop-
sions and should be settled among the scientists ment of new products due to interaction of drugs
and regulatory agencies for the benefit of with the excipients. Achieving separation and ac-
manufacturers. counting for level of multiple degradation prod-
1032 M. Bakshi, S. Singh / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 28 (2002) 1011–1040

ucts can be an involved exercise, becoming more pletely. A typical example of the latter is given in
tedious, if there are any unstable intermediary Fig. 7. In such situations again, there can be
products and when the standards of one or more difficulties in achieving the mass balance.
are not available. As discussed briefly earlier, the availability of
A similar complexity is added when the inter- reference standards of degradation products is a
mediates or final products are not shown up due very important factor in establishment of mass
to their non-UV absorbing nature. The authors balance. Even at the global level, the acquisition
observed this during acid decomposition of of reference standards of impurities and degrada-
ornidazole, where there was no corresponding rise tion products is a difficult proposition. Only a few
of peak with the loss of the drug peak [166]. It has and major ones are generally available, but in that
been estimated that \ 7% of drugs degrade with case too, the costs are high and there is also a
the formation of products devoid of or with re- problem of long delivery periods. Making one’s
duced UV response. At times, the lack of UV own standards is again a difficult exercise, requir-
transparency of solvents and buffers also limits ing facilities for confirmation of structure and
the detection of compounds with absorptivity purity. This is a time-consuming task, and also a
only at B220 nm. In all such situations, the use costly affair, requiring expert manpower and so-
of alternate refractive index (RI), evaporative phisticated analytical instrumentation. The lack of
light scattering, MS, NMR and IR detectors is standards results in inappropriate or unknown
advocated. However, their disadvantage is that response factors, acting again as a bottleneck in
they restrict the types of chromatography, for the establishment of mass balance.
example, use of gradient elution is incompatible Finally, the mass balance may not also be
with RI detector, and non-volatile buffers are established due to reasons of errors and variabil-
incompatible with evaporative light scattering and ity in the drug content assay. The design of ana-
MS detectors. In exactness, no detector is avail- lytical method, the calculation approaches, etc.
able which is universally applicable. Furthermore, have to be absolute to get the correct results.
the response factor differences of unknowns as There might be other issues, like area percent
compared to the drug are an issue with ab- methods have lower sensitivity and overestimate
sorbance and fluorescence detectors, though it is a minor components. On the other hand, external
smaller problem in case MS, NMR or IR detec- standard methods have higher sensitivity and
tion is used. lower errors, but are much more complex to
The problems in establishment of mass balance perform.
are also encountered if the products are volatile So there might be a number of situations where
and are lost before completion of analysis. For one may not be able to attain a mass balance.
example, metronidazole decomposes to acetic acid Keeping all these difficulties into view, a change
and ammonia, both volatile components, on hy- in stance is taking place at the regulatory level on
drolysis in alkali [157]. As a matter of fact, almost the mass balance requirements. The changes that
more than 20% of drugs degrade with production have been brought in are as follows:
of volatile components. Then there might be phys- (i) The original ICH guideline Q1A contained
ical losses like diffusion into plastic containers e.g. along with the definition of mass balance (already
nitroglycerin, diazepam, diltiazem, benzyl alcohol, given above), an additional paragraph ‘This con-
etc. are all lost to PVC bags. Even there can be cept is a useful scientific guide for e6aluating data
loss of volatile component through glass bottles but it is not achie6able in all circumstances. The
due to exchange of compounds via the closures. focus may instead be on assuring the specificity of
There can even be situations where some of the the assay, the completeness of the in6estigation of
products are strongly bound to stationary phase routes of degradation, and the use, if necessary, of
and do not elute or elute after very long periods. identified degradants as indicators of the extent of
The other situation can be those where despite degradation 6ia particular mechanisms.’ [184]. This
best efforts, the products fail to resolve com- paragraph has been removed in the revision.
M. Bakshi, S. Singh / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 28 (2002) 1011–1040 1033

(ii) The original statement in the text of ICH balance requirement have been increasingly real-
guideline Q1A [185] reads under both ‘drug sub- ized by the regulators.
stance’ and ‘drug product’ as ‘Any e6aluation
should consider not only the assay, but the le7els 7.7. Are pharmacopoeial methods
of degradation products and other appropriate at- stability-indicating?
tributes.’ Under drug product, the following ad-
ditional statement exists: ‘Where appropriate, This is again a general dilemma. The authors
attention should be paid to re6iewing the ade- also found a lot of question–answers taking
quacy of the mass balance, different stability and place on this issue in the discussion groups
degradation performance’. The first sentence has spread over the web. To get an answer to this
question, one has to really understand the struc-
been changed in the revised guideline Q1AR un-
ture of a pharmacopoeial monograph. As has
der the drug product to ‘Any e6aluation should
been discussed briefly above also, the compen-
consider not only the assay but also the degrada-
dial monographs usually control critical decom-
tion products and other appropriate attributes.’
position products through separate tests for
[186]. Evidently, there is exclusion of emphasis related substances and impurities, and the purity
on ‘levels’ of the degradation products in the tests. It is for this reason that assay methods
revision for ‘drug product’. prescribed in the monographs have classically
(iii) Changes have also been made with re- and primarily been designed to be stability-spe-
spect to mass balance in ICH guideline Q3A cific (‘Specific SIAM’) by nature, and not meant
entitled ‘Impurities in New Drug Substances’ to be selective to each decomposition product
where the whole paragraph ‘A summation of as- and other constituents in the drug substance or
say 6alue and impurity le6els generally may be formulation. The whole class of titrimetric meth-
used to obtain mass balance for the test sample. ods is a simple example here as in these meth-
The mass balance need not add to exactly 100% ods the target is the drug alone. Specific
because of the analytical error associated with examples, cited during discussion on the web,
each analytical procedure. The summation of the are the assay for calcium gluconate that is based
impurity le6el plus the assay 6alue may be mis- on the determination of calcium by complexa-
leading, e.g. when the assay procedure is non-spe- tion with EDTA. This method does not tell any-
cific, (e.g. potentiometric titrimetry) and the thing about the possible chemical
impurity le6el is relati6ely high.’ has been re- transformations of gluconate, hence can not be
moved [187]. used for the analysis of stability samples. The
Therefore, the authors can only suggest that if principle behind the polarimetric assay of dex-
the establishment of mass balance becomes pos- trose is based on proportionality of optical rota-
tion to the potency. This assay can not be
sible during development of a SIAM, it is very
considered stability-indicating, as the optical ro-
fine. Otherwise, it must be kept in mind that a
tation being an additive property, remains equal
method may be valid for other parameters even
to the original value even when dextrose has
when the mass balance is not observed. Hence
degraded to its constituent sugars.
any efforts towards compulsory establishment of Therefore, it can be said, that pharmacopoeial
mass balance should not be at the altar of sac- methods historically were not ‘Selective SIAMs’
rificing basic characteristics, like specificity, pre- and perhaps, as exemplified above, there are
cision, ruggedness, etc. The problems several, which are still not. However, with the
encountered in establishment of mass balance advent of technology allowing resolution of an
must be clearly defined and indicated in the per- article into its components and introduction of
tinent part in the registration application. The ICH guideline Q1A, in which there is a clear
truthful projection of the difficulty can be help- mandate for simultaneous analysis of degrada-
ful, as the possible failures in meeting the mass tion products, the situation has changed over
1034 M. Bakshi, S. Singh / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 28 (2002) 1011–1040

the period. The ICH guideline was printed in 8. Commercial availability of standards of
USP 23 and made official, though it has been degradation products
removed in USP 24 due to restraint on printed
pages. The USP contains a large number (there The success of establishment of validated
were \2000 in USP 23) of assays and tests based SIAM and also the mass balance depends much
on HPLC and several of them supposedly are on the availability of standards of degradation
‘selective’ by nature. USP also defines Category products. Therefore, a brief discussion on the
II analytical methods that are meant for determi- commercial sources from where one can acquire
nation of impurities in bulk drug substances or them would be pertinent here. The standards for
degradation compounds in finished pharmaceuti- old and established degradation products con-
cal products and provides data elements required trolled by pharmacopoeial monographs can be
for validation of these. Thus USP fully recognizes procured from the respective pharmacopoeial au-
the necessity of compendial methods to be ‘Selec- thorities (;; www.
tive’. Also, there are other national
Interestingly, the ‘Monograph Development: and international organizations that supply the
Guidance to Manufacturers’ in British Pharmaco- standards, and help can be taken in this regard
poeia, prescribes that ‘For bulk drug substances, it from a comprehensive list of globally available
has been BP policy generally to use a robust and standards published annually by the WHO
precise method of assay (such as titration) rather (WHO/EDM/QSM/2001.2). Apart from this,
than a specific, but sometimes less precise, stabil- there are independent agencies that also supply
ity-indicating method (such as liquid chromatogra- these standards, and information on such sources
phy). Where6er possible, control of potential can be assessed through internet, using search
impurities is pro6ided separately by means of spe- engines like, Altavista, Yahoo, Google, etc. It
cific impurity tests. It is appreciated, howe6er, that may be pertinent to add here that the author’s
a manufacturer may use, and therefore propose, a lab at NIPER specializes in separation, synthesis
chromatographic method for both related sub- and supply of degradation products and those
stances and assay. In such circumstances, each interested can check the institute’s web site
case is judged on its merits on the basis of the data ( for an updated list.
pro6ided, which must relate to 6alidated methods.’
Separately it is stated that ‘The method of assay
will not necessarily be that used for the bulk drug
substance. For formulations a specific, stability-in- 9. The emerging techniques for analysis of
dicating method is preferred’ [188]. Evidently, stability samples
there is a slightly different approach in BP as
compared to USP, although there is an endeavor As discussed under the instrumental methods
for shifting to ‘Selective’ methods. employed in literature reports and elsewhere in
The authors, however, feel that even the com- the text, there is an increasing trend in recent
pendial chromatographic methods should be vali- times on involvement of hyphenated techniques
dated for their ‘selectivity’ by the end user, as (GC-MS, LC-MS or LC-MS-MS, CE-MS, LC-
there can be cases where a potentially stability-in- NMR, etc.) at various stages in development of
dicating pharmacopoeial assay does not prove to SIAMs. Their use is picking up due to easy
be so when applied to actual formulations. This availability of bench-top instrumentation and
is in line with the validation requirements given their distinct advantages, like versatility; sensitiv-
in the ICH/WHO guideline on GMP of APIs, ity; possibility of profiling, substructural analysis
which clearly states that ‘The suitability of all and rapid selective quantitative determination of
testing methods used should nonetheless be 6erified targeted products even in mixtures. The only lim-
under actual conditions of use and documented’ itation yet is the heavy cost of instrumentation,
[189]. due to which their use is not common and spread
M. Bakshi, S. Singh / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 28 (2002) 1011–1040 1035

worldwide, like simple GC, HPLC, CE, or NMR 10. Making use of computer simulation in
systems. These sophisticated techniques as of to- development and optimization of SIAMs
day are being used mainly for the purpose of
monitoring, characterization and identification of As must be realized from the above discussion,
impurities, degradation products, metabolites, the process of development of SIAMs by HPLC
etc. However, there is a good scope of their use is a time consuming and difficult exercise. In
in routine quantitative analysis of stability sam- general also, there are a large number of interde-
ples, as their cost per analysis tends to be much pendent parameters, which exist in the practice of
lower than conventional techniques. Therefore, HPLC and the consequent requirement to study
developments in the applications and quantitative these parameters during method development
use of these techniques must be followed and through multiple chromatographic runs makes
watched with interest. the situation very difficult overall [191].
Other than hyphenated techniques, Fourier- A good strategy for development of a SIAM,
transform near-infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy is like any other HPLC method, should require
another emerging technique, which holds lot of only as many experimental runs as are necessary
promise. The instrument works on the principle to achieve the desired result. The manual ap-
of Kubelka– Munk function, and determines the proach, involving manipulation of experimental
fragment of light reflected from the sample de- variables until the desired separation has been
pending upon scattering and absorption of light achieved, provides a good understanding of the
[190]. It has a distinct advantage that it allows principles and theory involved and the interaction
analysis of drugs directly in the dosage forms, of the various variables. But unfortunately it is a
without even the need of sample preparation, slow, time consuming and a potentially expensive
thus eliminating the use of extraction solvents exercise. These limitations of the manual HPLC
and hassles involved in their disposal. Being a method development approach have led to an
non-destructive technique, it has capability to an- increased use of computers-based expert systems.
alyze drug in tablets, powders, solids, liquids or These can be used to automate various phases of
pastes. Even non-homogenous samples such as HPLC process or fit the retention data to various
multi-layered, coated or cored tablets can be ana- models in order to find the best conditions for a
lyzed reliably. It allows measurement in sealed particular separation. The advantages of com-
glass containers, and even of sterilized samples puter simulation over manual method develop-
without opening. As such, only a small amount ment are: (i) the computer simulation of
of sample is needed for obtaining useful test re- chromatographic separations avoids most of the
sults. The reproducibility of the test result is en- experimental work to be done in chromato-
sured. The technique is very fast, with sample graphic method development and optimization.
time reduced to around 5 s, allowing large num- Consequently, the cost and time spent in opti-
ber of samples to be analyzed within a short time. mization process are dramatically reduced, (ii)
Thus the major benefit is that quality standards once the simulation process begins, it can con-
are maintained while costs and efforts are re- tinue in an unattended manner, and (iii) only the
duced. It is envisaged that this technique will be computer is blocked during the optimization pro-
very fruitfully employed for the analysis of stabil- cess and not the chromatograph, which can be
ity samples, when there are sufficient spectral used for other purposes.
differences between the drug and the degradation Table 9 lists various available expert systems
products. Though technically, the assay using based on their capabilities. More information can
FT-NIR would only be ‘Specific’, but it can be be obtained from numerous reports in literature
employed selectively if there are only few degra- on the subject [192–195].
dation products formed on storage, which differ There are yet not many publications, which
structurally among themselves and also from the have indicated the use of expert systems in the
drug. development of SIAMs. However, there are all
1036 M. Bakshi, S. Singh / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 28 (2002) 1011–1040

the chances that they are being used in the devel- product-specific. There are a large number of
opment laboratories in the industry. Due to their publications where the use of stability-indicating
distinct advantages, it is worth giving a try and methodology to determine the shelf life of differ-
those who are not exploiting them at present, ent biotechnological products has been reported
must explore the utility in their set-ups. [196–198].

11. The SIAM requirements for stability study of 12. Conclusions

biotechnological products
As can be seen from the plenty of the examples
Biotechnological products also undergo degra- given in the tables in the text above, the stability-
dation during storage. A variety of degradation indicating assays have been developed for a large
products arise resulting from deamidation, oxida- number of drugs for last several decades, starting
tion, sulfoxidation, aggregation or fragmentation. almost from 1960s. But most of them unfortu-
No single stability-indicating assay or parameter nately fail to meet the current regulatory require-
is available that profiles the stability characteris- ments of separation and analysis of individual
tics of biotechnological products, unlike those of degradation products. Furthermore, there is little
chemical drugs. Hence it is a requirement in the guidance provided in the literature on how to
ICH guideline Q5C on Stability Testing of Bio- establish true ‘Selective’ stability-indicating meth-
technological Products that the manufacturer ods. In that respect it is hoped that the discussion
should propose a ‘stability-indicating profile’ that provided above on development and validation of
provides assurance that the changes in identity, SIAMs and on several connected issues would be
purity and potency of the product will be detected of general and wide interest. It is, however, cau-
[4]. Tests for stability should cover those features, tioned that the opinions expressed are purely per-
which are likely to change during storage and it is sonal to the authors and do not represent
required that the tests employed should be thinking of the regulatory agencies.

Table 9
Selected examples of software employed in HPLC method development

Software Properties

DryLab Allows change of one retention variable at a time and predicts

separation as a function of that variable. Also predicts separation for
any gradient conditions, based upon data for change in gradients

DryLab, ENHANCER Predicts separation for different chromatographic conditions (column

dimensions, particle size, flow rate, etc.)

ICOS, DIAMOND Allows change of one or more variables at a time and predicts
separation as a function of those variables

PESOS Based on change of one or more conditions, examines experimental

chromatograms for best separation

PRISMA model Software based on correlation of solvent strength and mobile phase

ELUEX, CHROMSWORD Expert systems to predict best initial separation conditions on the basis
of molecular structure of the sample components

HPLC-METABOLEXPERT, ProDigest-LC, Special purpose programs


The list is only representative and not comprehensive.

M. Bakshi, S. Singh / J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 28 (2002) 1011–1040 1037

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