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NAMA : Nela Karlina

NPM : 230104021P

Dosen Pengampu :
Arif Alexander Bastian, S.Pd, M.Pd



The importance of consuming fish for children’s brain intelligence.

I do agree with that statement because toddler age is an age that is very vulnerable to
nutritional problems. At this age, children are developing very rapidly so they also need to
consume high amounts of nutrients, including protein. Children's growth and development
physically, mentally, socially and emotionally are influenced by nutrition, health and education.
Nutrition has a very important role in determining children's growth and development.
Food consumption is one of the factors that directly influences a person's nutritional status. Lack
of consumption of foods that contain nutrients, including protein, is one of the factors that causes
malnutrition and hinders the development of cognition. Fish is a food that provides relatively
high levels of animal protein and provides essential unsaturated fatty acids that the human body
needs. Fish is also a very well-known source of vitamin A in addition to other vitamins and also
contains various minerals. Fish is also rich in benefits and can increase maximum growth and
development of children's intelligence.
The findings of world health experts state that fish and various other types of seafood are
very good for human health and intelligence. Fish and other seafood on average contain 20%
easily digestible protein with a balanced composition of essential amino acids. Fish also contains
omega 3 which is very important for the development of brain tissue, preventing heart disease,
stroke and high blood pressure. More than that, omega 3 can also prevent inflammatory diseases
such as arthritis, asthma, colitis, dermatitis, several types of kidney disease and help cure
depression and symptoms of hyperactivity in children. The nutritional content of fish which is
rich in protein is certainly very good for children's growth. Children need adequate nutrition to
grow and develop healthily. There is no doubt that processed fish meat is a food with a multitude
of healthy benefits for children. The nutrients it contains can increase children's intelligence and
make it easier to concentrate. Fish is famous for its high DHA content. Apart from that, fish also
contains iodine, protein, selenium, omega 3, various vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin D, and
vitamin B12.
In terms of the type of fish consumed, it is hoped that families and children will consume
more marine fish considering their nutritional content is better for growth and in terms of
frequency of fish consumption, it is hoped that families and children will be able to increase the
amount and frequency of fish consumption in a week.
Topic 8
Infants under six months should not be given food except breast milk.

I do agree with that statement because breast milk is the best food for babies aged 0-6
months. The breast milk content is very complete for babies under 6 months old so the baby does
not need complementary foods. Babies under six months of age are never recommended to
consume any type of food. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), only giving
breast milk is recommended, considering that nutritional needs are met with this.
Reporting from the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) page, parents should
provide nutrition according to the child's age. For babies aged 0-6 months, the best choice of
nutrition to give is breast milk alone.
For this reason, you need to know that there are several serious problems that can arise if
you give food to babies under 6 months of age.
1. Baby's Digestion Isn't Ready
Reporting from theasianparent, babies under 6 months old cannot yet be given solid food
because the intestines of babies under 6 months old are not ready to accept heavy food other
than breast milk. The intestine is an organ that functions to select which foods are harmful to
the body. To prevent harmful substances, the intestine will release IgA, an immunoglobulin
protein that functions as a protective layer of the intestinal wall. Babies under 6 months of age
do not have enough IgA.
2. Baby's Swallowing Mechanism Isn't Perfect
Babies under 6 months of age scientifically have their tongues automatically adapted to
sucking milk, not swallowing food. So the baby has the possibility of choking.
3. Overweight
Solid foods usually tend to have a greater calorie content than breast milk. Excessive calorie
intake in babies will cause problems with the baby's health.
4. Causes Baby Difficulty Sleeping
Giving food to babies under 6 months of age can cause their intestines to become injured,
disrupting the baby's sleep patterns because they feel pain. Some of these conditions tend to
make babies uncomfortable.
5. Causes Fever
Food juices that are not completely digested in the intestines will affect the health of the
intestinal walls. Injured intestinal walls will cause pain and nausea and give the baby a fever.

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