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Presented to Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirement for Diploma Three Degree


SID: 31190018

Program Studi Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bahasa

Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika Jakarta

I dedicate this paper to my father and mother who always provide

peace, comfort, motivation, the best prayers, and set aside their

finances, so that I can complete my study period, as well as unending

love to this day.

And also I dedicate this paper to my beloved brother who always

gives prayers, support and love until now.

And most importantly, this paper is dedicated to myself, thank

you for struggling so far against ego and uncertain moods during the

writing of this paper .and for my proud blue alma mater too. Without

them, I and this work will never exist.


The undersigned:
Name : Elyda Khairani
SID : 31190018
Degree : Diploma Three (D3)
Study Program : Bahasa Inggris
Faculty : Komunikasi dan Bahasa
Institution : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Here by stated that the final assignment I have made is entitled:

“Exploring Protagonist’s Transformation in Beauty and The Beast Movie By Bill
Condon” is original and or not a result of plagiarism and has never been published
anywhere and in any form whatsoever.

Thus this statement I made solemnly with firm belief without any pressure from any
party if later I am found to give false information or there is any claim of plagiarism
over my final assignment I am willing to be proceeded under a criminal and civil law
and my privilege the degree at University of Bina Sarana Informatika Jakarta is
therefore revoked.

Signed : Jakarta
On : 06 Juni, 2023
The Signee,

Elyda Khairani


The undersigned:
Name : Elyda Khairani
SID : 31190018
Degree : Diploma Three (D3)
Study Program : Bahasa Inggris
Faculty : Komunikasi dan Bahasa
Education Institution : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Here by giving an approval of permission to the Faculty of Communication and

Language UBSI Jakarta, the non-exclusive Royalty-free Right-over my scientific work
with title “Exploring Protagonist’s Transformation in Beauty and The Beast
Movie By Bill Condon” and the necessary apparatus (if needed).

With this non-exclusive Royalty-free Right the University of Bina Sarana Informatika
Jakarta has a full of privilege to keep, reformat, put into database, distribute and
display or publish my scientific work on internet or other media for academic purposes
without further permission that the name of the writer is clearly acknowledge in the

I also agree, without involving Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika to accept any
forms of law suit due to copyright violation, if found in my work.
Thus, this statement is solemnly with a firm belief.

Signed in : Jakarta
On : 06 Juni, 2023
The Signee,

Elyda Khairania


This Thesis is proposed by:

Name : Elyda Khairani
SID : 31190018
Degree Program : Diploma Three (D3)
Study Program : Bahasa Inggris
Faculty : Komunikasi dan Bahasa
Institution : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika
Title of Final Assignment : Exploring Protagonist’s Transformation in Beauty
The Beast Movie by Bill Condon

Has been defended in period II-2022 in front of the Board of Examiners and is accepted
as a part of requirements needed to get Ahli Madya Linguistik (A.Md.Li) in Bahasa
Inggris Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika.

Jakarta, Juli , 2023

Final Assignment Sponsors:

Sponsor I : ……………………… ………………………

Sponsor I : ……………………… ………………………

Board of Examiners:

Examiner I : ……………………… ………………………

Examiner II : ……………………… ………………………



SID : 31190018
Name : Elyda Khairani
Sponsor I :
Title : Exploring Protagonist’s Transformation in Beauty and The Beast

No Date Topic Signature









Notes to Sponsor I :
Starting Date :
Finishing Date :
Number of Guiding :

Approved by Sponsor I


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Alhamdulillah, by
the grace of Allah, the writer has succeeded finishing this paper which is entitled “The
Title”. This paper is submitted to Bahasa Inggris of Universitas Bina Sarana
Informatika in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Strata One.

The writer wishes to acknowledge her indebtedness to the following people who
have helped the writer to complete this paper, they are:
1. Rector of Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika.
2. Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Language.
3. Head of the English Department.
4. Bapak Yenny Arif Rahman and Bapak Arrizqi Ramadhan as my sponsor who has
contributed valuable guidance and who has spent his time to guide, help and
advice the writer seriously and patiently during the completion of this thesis.
5. All lectures of study program Bahasa Inggris
6. All My Family and Friend’s for the sharing, helping, and motivating.
7. The writer’s beloved family especially to his parents who have been very helpful
in encouraging to finish this paper.

The deepest and the sincerest gratitude for all of people who always support the
writer that he can’t mention one by one to complete this research directly and
indirectly. Thank you for everything.

Jakarta, 06 Juni 2023

The Writer,

Elyda Khairani


Elyda Khairani (31190018), Exploring Protagonist’s Transformation in Beauty and

The Beast Movie Directed by Bill Condon.
These are the results of the protagonist’s transformation in the Beauty and The Beast
Movie directed by Bill Condon. The purpose of the analysis is to identify the
transformation and types of character trait’s and also the moral message of the Beauty
and The Beast Movie. In this study the writer used a descriptive qualitative method.
The writer focuses on analyzing the type of character trait’s, the transformation from
antagonist to protagonist, and the causes of transformation in Beauty and The Beast
Movie. The writer found many types of character trait’s and the writer also identify it
them in the movie. The moral of this movie that is beauty comes from within. A smart,
independent woman who can see the good in everyone, no matter what they look like.

Keyword: Movie, Character Trait’s , Beauty and The Beast


Elyda Khairani (31190018), Exploring Protagonist’s Transformation

in Beauty and The Beast Movie Directed by Bill Condon.
Ini adalah hasil dari transformasi protagonist dalam film Beauty and The Beast yang
disutradarai oleh Bill Condon. Tujuan dari analisis ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi
perubahan transformasi, dan jenis-jenis sifat karakter serta pesan moral dari film
beauty and the beast movie. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode
deskriptif kualitatif. Penulis berfokus pada analisis jenis sifat karakter, transformasi
dari antagonis menjadi protagonis, dan penyebab transformasi dalam film Beauty and
The Beast. Penulis menemukan banyak sekali jenis-jenis sifat karakter dan penulis juga
mengidentifikasinya di film tersebut. Pesan moral dalari film ini yaitu keindahan
dating dari dalam. Seorang Wanita cerdas, dan mandiri dapat melihat kebaikan pada
setiap orang, tidak peduli seperti apa penampilan mereka.

Kata kunci: Film, Sifat Karakter, Si Cantik dan si Buruk Rupa

Title Sheet ............................................................................................................ i
Offering Sheet ..................................................................................................... ii
Statement of Work Originality ............................................................................ iii
Statement of Agreement on Publishing Scientific Work for Academy ................. iv
Approval Sheet .................................................................................................... v
Guiding Sheet for Final Assigment ..................................................................... vi
Acknowledgment ............................................................................................... vii
Abstract .......................................................................................................... viii
Abtrak ............................................................................................................. ix
Table of Content .................................................................................................. x

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 1

1.1 Background of Research ................................................... 1
1.2 Scope and Limitation ........................................................ 2
1.3 Statement of The Problem ................................................ 2
1.4 Goal and Function ............................................................ 3
1.5 Research Methods ............................................................ 4

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW ................................................. 5

2.1 Definition of Human Characteristics ................................. 5
2.2 Characteristics .................................................................. 6
2.3 Kind of Characteristic of Human ...................................... 8
2.4 Characteristics of Men and Women ................................ 11
2.5 Introvert, Extrovert and Ambivert ................................... 13
2.5.1. Introvert ............................................................... 13
2.5.2. Extrovert .............................................................. 14
2.5.3. Ambivert.............................................................. 15
2.6 Belle as Protagonist Character ........................................ 16
2.7 Beast as Protagonist Character ........................................ 19
2.8 Beast Character Inspired by Animal ................................ 21
2.9 Character Representation in Movies................................ 21

CHAPTER III ANALYSIS ......................................................................... 23

3.1 Summary of Story........................................................... 23
3.2 Analysis of Story ............................................................ 24
3.3 The Beast Transform Antagonist Character to................. 31
Protagonist Character
3.4 Five Main Character’s in Beauty and The Beast Movie... 34
3.5 Bill Condon as a Director of Beauty and The Beast ........ 36
3.6 Moral Message ............................................................... 36

CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ............................... 39
4.1 Conclusion ..................................................................... 39
4.2 Suggestion ...................................................................... 41

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................ 44
CURRICULUM VITAE .................................................................................. 45
APPENDICES .................................................................................................. 46



1.1 Background of Research

Movies have become one of the most significant forms of entertainment in

modern society, with millions of people around the world enjoying the thrill of

experiencing a new story on the big screen. From classic films like "Titanic" to

modern blockbusters like "Avatar," the development of movies has evolved

dramatically over the past century.

The process of creating a movie involves a complex set of stages, from pre-

production to post-production. During pre-production, the story is developed, the

script is written, and the cast and crew are assembled. During production, the

movie is filmed, and the director works closely with the actors to bring the story to

life. In post-production, the film is edited, and special effects are added to enhance

the final product.

The development of a movie is a collaborative effort that involves numerous

individuals with different skill sets, from writers and directors to actors and

technicians. The success of a movie depends on the effectiveness of the

collaboration between these individuals, as well as on the quality of the story being


Film as a medium of mass communication is often used as a medium that

describes the social life that exists in society. Another definition of film is that the

film is the result of the creation of works of art that have the completeness of some

elements of art to complement the needs of a spiritual nature. One of the most


popularity of the movie there is Beauty and The Beast Live Action Movie Beauty

and the beast live action topped the box office across the country.

The movie became the first animation to be nominated for the highest category

of the Academy Awards, Best Picture. Beauty and the Beast is a classic fairy tale

that has been adapted into numerous books, films, and other forms of media. The

story follows a young woman named Belle, who falls in love with a cursed prince

who has been transformed into a beast. Throughout the story, the prince undergoes

a transformation as he learns to love and be loved in return. This transformation is

a significant aspect of the story and has been explored in various adaptations of the


Overall, Beauty and the Beast is a movie that has stood the test of time because

of its captivating storyline, memorable characters, beautiful music, and stunning

animation. It is a movie that continues to inspire and delight audiences of all ages.

Therefore the title of the final work is Exploring Protagonist’s Transformation

in Beauty and The Beast Movie.

1.2 Scope And Limitation

This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. Researchers wanted to

see how women and men are represented in the film Beauty and the Beast. Then

the research method used is the method analysis semiotics. The object of research

taken is the representation of women and men, and how the transformation of the

character develop the story of the film Beauty and The Beast.

1.3 Statement of The Problem

1) How does the antagonist character tranform to protagonist?


2) What causes the transformation?

The main problem in Beauty and the Beast is that Belle is too easily convinced.

All of a sudden, the Beast's past behavior is easily forgotten about, or even

forgiven, and suddenly Belle is charmed and decides that she does love him after


And the Beast was a handsome prince, but he grew into an arrogant and selfish

young man until he was finally cursed to become the beast imprisoned in his castle.

Beast must learn to love others sincerely and share kindness with others. To break

the curse, Beast must find his true love, someone who can see the good in him

regardless of appearance.

1.4 Goal and Function

The purpose of the research conducted, apart from being one of the

requirements for the diploma degree exam (D3) in the Department of

Communication Science, Faculty of Communication and Language, Bina Sarana

Informatika University is as follows:

1) To identify and classify the character traits in the film Beauty and the Beast by

Bill Condon.

2) To analyze the use of persona in Beauty and the Beast Movie by Bill Condon.

3) Knowing and obtaining data and information from the contents of the moral

message contained in the film Beauty and The Beast.


1.5 Research Methods

In this research, the writer uses descriptive method, that the descriptive method

is used to find the elements and characteristics of a phenomenon. This method

starts with collecting data, analyzing data, interpreting it.

Descriptive analysis method is statistics used to analyze data by describing or

describing the data that has been collected as it is without intending to make

general conclusions or generalizations.

To collection data, the writer downloads the film Beauty and The Beast via the

internet and re-watched the film which lasted 02.09 hours and searched for scripts

on the internet to make it easier to identify the data. Manuscripts printed on paper.

The writer identifies every sentence that contains person, time, social from the film

Beauty and The Beast, then writer down all the data obtained on sheets of paper

and then the writer classifies the data.



2.1 Definition of Human Characteristic

Human characteristics are the distinctive traits, qualities, and behaviors that

are frequently connected to people. These qualities are frequently thought to be

fundamental to the human experience and add to our species distinctiveness. While

individual people might have a vast variety of attributes, there are a few basic

qualities that are generally accepted as defining human nature.

This is some typical human traits:

a) Rationality:

Humans have the capacity for logical thinking, reasoning, and problem-

solving. This cognitive ability distinguishes us from other animals and allows

us to make informed decisions based on analysis and evaluation.

b) Language and Communication:

Humans have developed a complex system of language and communication

that allows them to express their thoughts, feelings and ideas to each other.

Language enables the transfer of knowledge, culture and social interaction.

c) Emotions and empathy:

People experience a range of emotions, including joy, sadness, anger, fear,

and love. We also have the ability to understand and share the feelings of

others, called empathy, which facilitates social connection and collaboration.

d) Self-Awareness and Awareness:


Individuals have some degree of self-awareness and are aware of their own

existence and individuality. We have the ability to reflect on our thoughts,

actions, and experiences, and to consider abstract concepts such as morality,

purpose, and the nature of reality.

e) Creativity and Imagination:

People have a strong capacity for creativity, innovation and imagination. We

generate original ideas, think figuratively, and express them artistically,

contributing to the development of culture, technology, and science.

f) Adaptability:

Humans are highly adaptable and can adapt to different environments,

situations and challenges. This adaptability allows us to survive and thrive in

diverse conditions and has contributed to our success as a species.

g) Social Nature:

Humans are inherently social creatures, forming complex social structures

and relationships. We seek companionship, form families, create

communities, and engage in cooperation, collaboration, and altruistic


2.2 Characteristics

Humans are the main players in the communication process. We must know

the characteristics of humans as communicators, the factors that influence their

behavior in communication. Man's essence lies in his mental (spiritual) life, which

is also supported by his physical life, which expresses physical and mental health.

Therefore, from a psychological point of view, it is an interdisciplinary approach


that considers humans from all sides and boils it down to a unified and complete


These are some different ways to observe and express human characteristics

that is:

a) Physical Characteristics:

This includes observable characteristics such as height, build, hair color, eye

color, facial features and body language. Physical characteristics contribute

to our unique appearance and vary greatly from person to person.

b) Personality Traits:

Personality refers to the patterns of thinking, feeling and behavior that define

an individual. It encompasses a range of traits such as extroversion,

introversion, openness, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and neuroticism.

These traits influence how we interact with others and navigate the world.

c) Intellectual Characteristics:

These involve cognitive abilities, intelligence, and mental capacities.

Intellectual characteristics encompass skills such as critical thinking,

problem-solving, creativity, memory, and learning ability. They determine

how we process information, acquire knowledge, and engage in intellectual


d) Emotional Traits:

Emotional Traits include the range and intensity of emotions experienced by

an individual and their ability to manage and express them. These traits

include emotional intelligence, empathy, resilience, self-confidence, and

emotional stability.

e) Social Characteristics:

Social traits concern how individuals interact with others and navigate social

environments. These include qualities such as sociability, communication

skills, empathy, cooperation, leadership, teamwork, and cultural awareness.

f) Moral and Ethical Characteristics:

Moral and ethical characteristics refer to a person's values, principles and

sense of right and wrong. These traits influence our decision-making

processes and our behavior toward others. These include qualities such as

honesty, integrity, compassion, fairness and respect for others.

g) Spiritual Attributes:

Spiritual attributes include a person's beliefs, values, and connection with

higher powers and transcendental aspects of life. These characteristics may

include religious or philosophical beliefs, practices, sense of purpose or


h) Behavioral traits:

Behavioral traits refer to observable behaviors and behaviors of people. These

include habits, tendencies, preferences, and actions in specific situations.

Behavioral characteristics can vary widely and are influenced by a

combination of genetic, environmental, and social factors.

2.3 Kinds of Characteristic of Human

Humans possess a wide range of character traits that contribute to their

individuality and shape their behavior. While it's impossible to provide an

exhaustive list, these are some common types of character traits observed in


a) Honest:

People with this character trait value truthfulness, sincerity, and integrity. They

strive to be truthful in their words and actions.

b) Kind:

Kind individuals display compassion, empathy, and a genuine concern for the

well-being of others. They often do everything to help and support others.

c) Courageous:

Courageous people have the strength to face and overcome challenges, fears

and adversity. They show courage and resilience even in difficult situations.

d) Responsible:

Responsible people take responsibility for their actions, fulfill their obligations,

and take responsibility for their decisions.

e) Optimistic:

Optimistic people have a positive outlook on life and maintain hope and

confidence in difficult situations. They tend to see the good in a situation and

believe in their ability to overcome obstacles.

f) Persistence:

Persistence shows determination, resilience, and perseverance in pursuing

goals. They don't give up easily and will do whatever it takes to succeed.

g) grams. Curious:

Curious people have a strong desire to explore, learn, and understand the world

around them. They ask questions, seek knowledge, and are open to new


h) Hours Generosity:

Generous people are willing to share their resources, time, and talents with

others. They display a giving spirit and often value the well-being of others.

i) Patient:

Patient can tolerate delay, difficulty, or frustration without being overly

agitated or agitated. Maintain a calm and relaxed demeanor even in difficult


j) Polite:

Polite people treat others with kindness, dignity and respect. Value diversity,

listen carefully, and appreciate different points of view.

k) Adaptable:

Adaptable individuals can adjust to new environments, circumstances, or

changes with flexibility and ease. They are open to new ideas and embrace


l) Creative:

Creative individuals possess the ability to think innovatively, generate unique

ideas, and approach problems from unconventional angles. They engage in

artistic expression and find creative solutions.

m) Humility:

A humble person is humble and free from arrogance. They acknowledge their

strengths and accomplishments without seeking undue attention or bragging.

n) Proactive:

Proactive people express their thoughts, feelings, and needs with confidence

and respect. They communicate effectively and advocate for themselves while

respecting the rights and perspectives of others.


o) Empathic:

Empathic people are able to understand and share the emotions of others. Show

sensitivity and compassion to the feelings and experiences of others.

2.4 Characteristics of Men and Women

When discussing the characteristics of men and women, it's important to

approach the topic with sensitivity and acknowledge that there can be significant

individual variation. While biological and cultural factors can influence certain

general trends, it is essential to avoid stereotypes and recognize that characteristics

can overlap and vary across individuals. The writer found some commonly

observed characteristics associated with men and women:

1. Characteristics associated with men:

a) Physical strength:

Men tend to have more muscle mass and physical strength than women.

b) Aggression/Aggression:

Male can exhibit more aggressive and competitive behavior in certain


c) Risk-taking:

Men may be more prone to risk-taking behavior.

d) Spatial abilities:

Men often show a greater aptitude for tasks requiring spatial reasoning and


e) Independence:

Men may value and prioritize independence and self-reliance.


f) Direct communication:

Men were likely to use a more direct and open communication style.

g) Focus on achievement:

Men may have a strong urge to achieve and be successful in their careers

and personal goals.

2. Female characteristics:

a) Empathy and Compassion:

Women often exhibit superior tendencies towards empathy, compassion and

compassionate behavior.

b) Language skills:

Women may have stronger verbal communication and language skills.

c) Collaboration:

Women are believed to value collaboration and relationship building.

d) Emotional Expressiveness:

Women tend to express their emotions more openly and are often attuned to

the emotional states of others.

e) Multitasking:

Women can be prone to multitasking and multitasking.

f) Intuition:

Women can rely on intuition and emotional intelligence in the decision-

making process.

g) Community focus:

Women can prioritize community and family well-being.

People's personalities and behaviors are influenced by a combination of

biological, psychological and social factors. It’s important to respect and value

individual diversity and uniqueness rather than making assumptions based on


2.5 Introvert, Extrovert and Ambivert

2.5.1 Introvert

Introvert is a term used to describe a person who is more introverted and

draws energy from within rather than from social interactions. Introverts often

enjoy spending time alone or in small groups and often become exhausted after

long periods of socializing. They can also enjoy activities that allow for solo

pursuits, such as reading, writing, or working on personal projects.

Introverts tend to be reflective and introspective. They tend to be more

reflective and thoughtful, and may need time alone to process their thoughts

and recharge their batteries. Introverts are known for their ability to focus on a

single task, which makes them good problem solvers and independent workers.

It's important to note that introversion is not the same as shyness or social

anxiety. Some introverts are shy, but many are not. Introversion is simply a

personality trait that describes how individuals relate to and derive energy from

their social environment.

It's important to note that introversion is not the same as shyness or social

anxiety. Some introverts are shy, but many are not. Introversion is simply a

personality trait that describes how individuals relate to and derive energy from

their social environment.

Introverts make valuable contributions to society and can excel in a variety

of fields such as writing, research, art, and technology. Many successful


people, such as scientists, inventors, and artists, identify as introverts. They

bring unique perspectives and insights, often fueled by deep introspection.

Understanding and acknowledging the differences between introverts and

extroverts is key to fostering an inclusive environment and recognizing the

diverse strengths that individuals bring to the table.

The writer concludes that both introverts and extroverts contribute in their

own way, and a healthy balance between social interaction and solitude

benefits people of all personality types.

2.5.2 Extrovert

An extrovert person may be a term utilized to portray somebody who tends

to be more active and friendly, picking up vitality from intelligent with others.

Extrovert individuals flourish in social circumstances and appreciate being

around individuals. They are regularly energized by outside incitement and

look for out social exercises, such as parties, social occasions, and gather


Outgoing(extrovert) people are known for their gregarious nature and their

capacity to effortlessly lock in in discussions with modern individuals. They

tend to be active, self-assured, and expressive in their intelligent. Extrovert

people regularly appreciate being the center of consideration and can be

comfortable in open talking or performing parts.

Not at all like self observers, who may require time alone to revive,

outgoing people regularly discover their vitality renewed through socializing.

They are ordinarily energized by the company of others and may feel fretful or

bored when they spend as well much time alone.


Extrovert people tend to think out boisterous and process information by

talking through their considerations and concepts with others. They flourish in

collaborative situations and enjoy brainstorming and working in groups. Their

social aptitudes and capacity to associate with individuals can make them

successful communicators and pioneers.

It's vital to note that being an extrovert does not fundamentally cruel one

is continuously active or never needs isolation. Extroversion may be a identity

characteristic that exists on a range, and people may display diverse degrees of

extroverted behavior depending on the circumstance or setting.

Understanding and increasing in value the contrasts between self observers

and extrovert people is critical for advancing inclusivity and recognizing the

assorted qualities that people bring. Whereas extrovert individuals may exceed

expectations in parts that require social interaction and collaboration.

The writer found that self observers have their claim interesting qualities

in zones such as reflection, profound center, and autonomous work. Adjust

between social interaction and isolation is advantageous for individuals of all

identity sorts.

2.5.3 Ambivert

An ambivert may be a term utilized to depict somebody who falls some

place in between the range of self preoccupation and extroversion. Ambiverts

show qualities and behaviors of both thoughtful people and outgoing people,

depending on the circumstance and their disposition.

Ambiverts can adjust their social behavior and vitality levels based on the

setting they discover themselves in. They may appreciate and exceed

expectations in social intelligent, but too appreciate and require periods of


isolation to energize. Ambiverts may feel energized and locked in amid social

social occasions or work gatherings, but they can too appreciate calm time

alone to reflect and revive their mental batteries.

One of the characterizing characteristics of ambiverts is their capacity to

adaptably explore social circumstances. They can lock in in discussions and

interface with others, but they too esteem their individual space and can

comfortably spend time alone without feeling on edge or depleted. Ambiverts

frequently have great tuning in abilities and can adjust confidence with


It's imperative to note that being an ambivert doesn't cruel being precisely

within the center of the introvert-extrovert range at all times. The adjust

between independent and extroverted inclinations can change from individual

to individual and can vary depending on the circumstances.

The writer concludes that ambiverts exist and recognizing their special

qualities can offer assistance make comprehensive situations that cater to their

needs. It's basic to supply ambiverts with openings for both social engagement

and isolation, as they may flourish in different settings that permit them to

adjust and discover a adjust between extroversion and inner-directedness.

2.6 Belle as Protagonist Character

Belle is one of the main characters in the fairy tale Beauty and the Beast. Belle

values inner beauty and kindness over looks. She is often portrayed as a strong,

independent character who makes known for her love of reading and her signature

yellow ball gown, she has become an iconic Disney princess. Her story of her bell

resonated with audiences, appealing themes of love, acceptance and the importance

of her gaze beyond superficial judgments.

In the story, Bell is a young woman who lives in a small village. She is known

for her beauty but is also admired for her intelligence and love for books. Belle's

father, Maurice, becomes lost in the woods and stumbles upon a castle inhabited

by a prince cursed to live as a beast. Belle eventually offers herself as a prisoner in

exchange for her father's freedom.

During her time in the castle, Belle discovers that the Beast is not as cruel as

he appears. Through conversations and interactions, they develop a deep

connection. As the story progresses, Belle's love for the Beast begins to break the

curse that has changed him. In the end, the Beast returns to the prince, and Belle

and the Prince live happily ever after.

Belle is actually the main character and plays an important role in the story.

The main characteristics and developments of Bell's character as a protagonist are:

a) Intelligence and curiosity:

Belle is portrayed as an intelligent and curious young woman. She is an avid

reader and has her thirst for knowledge. Her love for her books and her

adventurous spirit set her apart from her villagers and contribute to her role

as the protagonist of films.

b) Incompatibility and independence:

Bell is a dissenter who challenges the village's traditional expectations. She

longs for a life that transcends the everyday and the countryside, and pursues

independence and individuality. Her independence is a central aspect of her

character and acts as a driving force throughout the story.


c) Compassion and Empathy:

Bell shows compassion and empathy for others, even in the face of adversity.

She goes beyond her appearance to treat others with kindness and

understanding. This trait is especially evident in her interactions with Beasts,

where she sees their inner nature beyond their physical form. love for father:

Belle's deep love for her father Maurice is what defines her character. Her

unwavering determination to protect and care for him guides her actions,

leading to her taking his place as a captive of the Beast. Her sacrificial love

and devotion to her father underscores her selflessness and strengthens her

role as the protagonist of her film.

d) Transform and grow:

Through her relationship with her Beast, Belle experiences her own change

and growth. At first she is unruly and wary of her, but as she learns more

about the Beast, she gradually develops feelings of empathy, understanding

and love for her Beast. Her growth reflects her open mind and ability to see

beyond superficial appearances.

e) Courage and determination:

Belle displays her courage and determination throughout the story, especially

in her quest for her father's freedom and her eventual confrontation with

Gaston. Even in the face of her adversity, she is not afraid to stand up for what

she believes in.

f) Empowerment and breaking gender stereotypes:

Bell challenges the gender stereotypes of the time. She is portrayed as a

confident young woman who values her education, dreams of her adventures,

and refuses to conform to society's expectations of her role. Her characters

resonate with viewers by representing the strength and agency of women.

g) Love as a catalyst for change:

Belle's love for the Beast is the catalyst for Belle's transformation and

enchantment. Her ability to see beyond her outward appearance and her true

connection to the Beast embodies the film's central theme: her transformative

power of love.

Belle's character embodies her strength, independence, compassion and

desire for personal growth. Her journey as the protagonist explores themes of self

discovery, inner beauty, and the importance of looking beyond the surface to find

true love and acceptance.

2.7 Beast as Protagonist Character

In the movie, the Beast is the main character and plays a central role in the

story. These are some key features and developments of the Beast character as the


a) Transform:

At the beginning of the story, the Beast is portrayed as selfish, arrogant and

brutal. However, as the story progresses, a big change comes to him. Through

meeting Belle and the challenges they face together, Beast learns important

lessons about empathy, compassion, and selflessness.

b) Inner Conflict:

The Beast struggles with an inner conflict, battling his own monstrous nature

and his belief that he is unworthy of being loved. He feels deeply lonely and

longs for acceptance and connection with others.


c) Vulnerability and Growth:

As Belle enters the Beast's life, she slowly reveals the Beast's weaker side.

The Beast's growth is evident and he begins to reveal his true feelings,

allowing him to see and understand himself. That vulnerability and

willingness to change has become an integral part of his character arc.

d) Love and Salvation:

He learns to love and be loved. His changes were not only physical, but also

emotional and spiritual, shedding his animal nature and becoming a kinder,

more compassionate human being.

e) Sacrifice:

As a hero, the beast exhibits sacrificial acts. He willingly puts Belle's needs

and her well-being above her own desires and frees her from her captivity

despite her own desires. This selfless act reflects his growth and his desire to

be the best for others.

f) Appearance symbolism:

The Beast's appearance symbolizes his inner conflict and personal

transformation. As he becomes more selfless and lovable, his bestial

appearance gradually transforms into a handsome prince who represents his

inner beauty.

g) To learn from your mistakes:

Beasts reflect on their past deeds and mistakes, and acknowledge the harm

they have done to others. He learns from these experiences and tries to make

up for them by demonstrating personal growth and determination to become

a better person.

h) Salvation by love:

The Beast finds salvation and breaks the spell placed on him by the power of

love. His journey from a cursed and orphaned creature to a saved and

transformed individual forms the heart of the story.

The point is The Beast character is a powerful exploration of personal growth,

redemption, and the transformative power of love. This highlights the importance

of empathy, selflessness, and the ability to change for the better.

2.8 Beast Character Inspired by Animals

Beast is a made up figure from the fairy tale Beauty and the Beast, the creator

of this character design recreates the features of a wild animal and claims to have

taken inspiration from a buffalo head. However, while sketching, also integrate

other animals such as boars, lions, gorillas, bears and wolves.

The goal was to create an animal-like character as he wanted to move away

from the alien version of the original story. After taking on various creature roles,

she succeeded in creating anthropomorphic creatures that fit the film's setting.

2.9 Character Representation in Movies

Film is one of the mass media tools that has a considerable influence in

shaping public perception. Movies can also shape a person's character by

highlighting a strong character in a film. Therefore the film must be made as easy

as possible for the audience so that there are no misunderstanding. There will be

two different thoughts between the director and the audience. Explain or describe

a character in a film by using representation, because the representation will


describe a clear character. Fanaticism is a condition in which a person or group

adheres to an ideology, is good group, politics, culture or whatever excessively

(blindly), so that the results are not good, even tend to lead to feuds and conflicts.

To find out the general description of the characters in the film.

The writer uses representation to give an idea of a fanatical and brave

character. Because every film has its own way of giving meaning or to convey his

message to the audience.



3.1 Summary of The Story

Belle a young woman with intelligence, resides in a tiny town. She is revered

by the people for her beauty, but because of her love of reading and her

independence, she is viewed as odd. The conceited and haughty hunter Gaston is

determined to wed Belle, but she constantly turns him down.

When Maurice, Belle's father, becomes lost in the woods and comes across a

mystery castle, Belle's life is dramatically changed. He has no idea that the castle

is magical and that a prince who formerly ruled it has been turned into a Beast as

retribution for his self-centeredness. The residents of the castle, such as Lumière

(a candlestick), Cogsworth (a clock), Mrs. Potts (a teapot), and Chip (a teacup), are

likewise affected by the curse and changed into domestic items.

The Beast locks up Maurice after he tries to steal a rose from his garden to give

to Belle. Belle bravely gives herself in return for her father's freedom after learning

of her father's situation. To the dismay of the Beast, who yearns for someone to

break the curse and fall in love with him despite his looks, she is taken prisoner

inside the castle.

As they spend more time together, Belle gradually comes to understand the

Beast's more compassionate side. The magical items within the castle also

contribute to the welcoming and energetic atmosphere. Through a sequence of

wonderful and joyful interactions, Belle and the Beast grow closer and ultimately

fall in love.


In the meantime, Gaston organizes the townspeople to invade the castle and

murder the Beast after learning of Belle's captivity. The enchanted items and the

Beast protect themselves from the townspeople in the dramatic last battle. The

Beast's transformation ultimately depends on Belle's love. The final petal of an

enchanted rose falls just as Gaston is vanquished, signifying that the Beast's time

has come to an end.

In a heartfelt exchange, Belle declares her love for the Beast, breaking the curse

and transforming him back into a human. The prince, who is revealed to be a

handsome young man, as well as the castle and its occupants return to their human


In celebration of their love and the lifting of the curse, Belle and the prince

dance together as the film comes to a close. Now awakened, the villagers welcome

the transformations they saw and take part in the festivities. Beauty and the Beast

movie emphasizes the value of inner beauty, true love, and looking past outward

manifestations of beauty.

3.2 Analysis of The Story

Kinds of Character Trait’s in Movie

a) Risk Taking and Empathy

The writer has found that one of Belle’s characteristics is a empathy girl

and one of Beast’s characteristic is a Risk Taking.

As the writer know, Empathy is a fundamental human characteristic that

involves the ability to understand and share the feelings of others and

characteristics of risk-taking can vary from person to person, but here are some

common traits associated with individuals.


(Bill Condon, Beauty and The Beast, Duration 01:49:26)

Beast : You came back.

Belle : Of course I came back. I couldn't let them... oh, this is all my fault!

Belle : If only I had gotten here sooner.

Beast : Maybe... it's better... it's better this way.

Belle : Don't talk like that! You'll be alright. We're together now;

everything's going to be fine, you'll see.

Beast : At least... at least I got to see you... one last time.

Belle : No, No! Please please.. please don't leave me. Come back!

Belle : I love you!

A fierce battle ensues after Gaston incites the villagers to attack the Beast's

castle. This crippled beast struggles to defend itself against angry mobs.

Realizing that the Beast is in danger, Belle rushes to the castle to rescue it.

Arriving at the castle, Belle finds the Beast lying on the ground, wounded

and barely able to fight back. With unwavering courage, she approaches Gaston

and pleads with him to stop her violence. Belle's presence and demands startle

Gaston momentarily, giving the Beast a chance to recover.

b) Creative

Another one of Belle’s characterizations is creative. Creativity is making

something different from the others or connecting things that were previously


(Bill Condon, Beauty and the Beast, duration, 00:15:14)

The little girl asked Belle

Little girl : what is she doing?

Belle : Laundry. Come!

Belle has a creative mind which can be seen when she is dealing with some

problems. The first evidence, Belle is surrounded by design sketches of a

washing machine in a workbench Belle places the miniature barrel in position

then fastens a rope to a leather strap then she shaves chips off a block of soap

and collects the soap chips in a small sack and rushes out.

c) Brave

The writer has found that one of Belle’s characteristics is a brave girl.

Brave means having great self-confidence and are not afraid to face dangers

and difficulties. Being brave is good for our life. Belle is a brave girl, and it can

be proven from her action and her dialogue. To know how Belle being a breve

girl, we can see from some dialogue below:

(Bill Condon, Beauty and the Beast, duration, 01:35:26)

Belle : My father's not crazy and I can prove it!

Belle : Show me the Beast!

Belle : Oh no, he'd never hurt anyone. Please, I know he looks vicious, but

he's really kind and gentle. He's my friend.

Belle reveals a magic mirror possessed by the Beast, allowing her to see

what is happening outside the castle. She shows the crowd the beast lying

helpless on the ground, bruised and in agony. Belle's words and her reflection

in her mirror revealed the Beast's weakness, prompting some villagers to

change their minds.


Moved by Bell's true defense of her, some villagers begin to question her

blind hatred. You come to see the beast not as a monster, but as a suffering soul

worthy of sympathy. Gradually the tide begins to turn and some villagers begin

to understand Bell's demands.

This pivotal scene demonstrates Belle's unwavering belief in the Beast's

inner goodness and her determination to protect it from the mob mentality. This

underscores the film's central message about the transformative power of love

and the importance of looking beyond outward appearances.

d) Kind

After watching Belle's traits, the first impression is that she is a good girl.

Being good entails bringing joy to others and acting kindly toward them. And

Belle has that as one of her qualities.

(Bill Condon, Beauty and the Beast, duration, 00:05:42)

Mr. Monsieur : Good Morning, Belle!

Belle : Good Morning, Mr. Jean, have you lost something


When Belle visits the local library, the quotation occurs. She returned the

greeting with a warm smile and inquired about Mr. Monsieur's circumstances.

Others are made glad when greetings are returned in a cordial manner and

conditions are requested. We can infer that Belle is a good girl from what she

says in the aforementioned passage. Belle is described as a good girl in the

scene referenced in the discourse. It is evident through her actions and the way

she interacts with the villagers.

e) Angry

The writer also found that one of Beast’s characteristics is a angry man.

Increased heart rate and physical strain, Anger often triggers physiological

responses such as increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, and muscle

tension. The body prepares for the fight or flight response.

Anger can be expressed through a variety of facial expressions, such as

furrowing the brow, squinting, clenching the chin, clenching the mouth, and


(Bill Condon, Beauty and the Beast, duration, 00:56:56)


Beast : Why are you doing here?! What did you do to the rose?!

Belle : Nothing, I'm-I'm sorry.

Beast : I warned you never to come here!

Beast : Do you realize what you could've done? Get out of here!

This scene where Belle enters the restricted west wing of Castle of the

Beast. She enters the room at the end of the hallway and finds Belle shattered

and battered under the glass dome, her petals falling one by one. Sensing the

meaning of her rose, she carefully reaches out her hand to touch her rose, but

is interrupted by the thunderous roar of the beast.

Surprised, Belle turns around to see the Beast standing in her doorway,

visibly angry and frustrated. He confronts Bell, expressing her anger at her

disobedience and invasion of privacy. Belle begs forgiveness and explains her

curiosity and desire to understand him more.

f) Annoyed or Frustration

The irritable trait is characterized by a state of irritation, frustration, or

resentment. Angry people can exhibit impatientness, impatience, restlessness,

sarcasm and cynicism, and limited patience for repetition.


(Bill Condon, Beauty and the Beast, duration, 01:03:26)

Beast : That hurts!

Belle : If you'd hold still, it wouldn't hurt as much!

Beast : Well, if you hadn't have run away, this wouldn't have happened.

Belle : If you hadn't frightened me, I wouldn't have run away.

Beast : Well, you shouldn't have been in the west wing!

Belle : Well, you should learn to control your temper!

In this revised dialogue, Belle and Beast have a more heated exchange,

expressing their frustration and anger towards each other. Tensions mount as

they deal with their respective actions and contributions to the current situation.

Bell's frustration and anger are evident as he confronts the Beast's behavior

and stresses the importance of controlling his anger. Meanwhile, the Beast

justifies his actions by pointing out that Belle is in the off limits West Wing.

This intense exchange highlights the tension between the two and the need for

both characters to address each other's shortcomings and find common ground.

3.3 The Beast Transform Antatagonist Character to Protagonist Character

In Beauty and the Beast movie the Beast transforms from an antagonist to a

protagonist. This change happens as the Beast character evolves, learning

important lessons throughout the story. This is how Beast transitions from

antagonist to protagonist.

a) Introduction as an antagonist:

(Bill Condon, Beauty and the Beast, duration, 00:01:13)

At the beginning of the film, the Beast appears as an antagonist. He is

portrayed as a selfish, angry, and imposing character. His transformation into

a beast is a result of his arrogance and lack of empathy for others. The curse

placed on him is the result of his actions in which he has to live in solitude until

he learns to love and be loved.

b) Character development:

(Bill Condon, Beauty and the Beast, duration, 00:58:48)

As the story progresses, the beast's personality begins to evolve and

change. Through his interactions with Bell, he begins to show weakness and

kindness. For example, he saves Belle from a pack of wolves, risking his own

life in the process. These examples suggest the growth and potential for

salvation of this beast.

c) Growing Through Love and Compassion:

The turning point in Beast's transformation is when he begins to experience

love and care from Belle. Despite her fears and anxieties, Bell looks beyond

the Beast's outward appearance to connect with the Beast's inner goodness. As

their relationship deepens, Beast learns the value of empathy, selflessness, and

putting the needs of others ahead of their own.

d) Self sacrifice:

(Bill Condon, Beauty and the Beast, duration, 00:30:25)

The Beast's transformation into a true hero is cemented by an act of self

sacrifice. When Belle's father Maurice is in danger, the Beast frees him and

allows him to return to Belle. This act shows the Beast's growth and willingness

to put the well being and safety of others above their own desires.

e) Salvation and Curse Breaking:

(Bill Condon, Beauty and the Beast, duration, 01:51:05)

The Beast's final transformation occurs when he shows his selflessness and

love by letting go of Belle, even if it means staying a Beast forever. This act of

true love breaks the curse and the Beast returns to its human form, the

handsome prince.

On his journey from antagonist to protagonist, Beast learns valuable

lessons about the importance of love, humility and inner beauty. His

transformation demonstrates the potential for growth, redemption and change

inherent in every individual.

3.4 Five Main Character’s in Beauty and The Beast Movie

Beauty and the Beast movie is an adaptation of the 1991 Disney animated film

which tells of a monster who once became a prince. Because of his arrogance, the

prince was cursed by an old woman who held a rose as a sign of the prince's

survival. The prince will remain a being forever unless the prince finds true love

before the last rose petal falls. The prince lived in a magnificent old castle

surrounded by servants who became household furniture.

Beside Belle and Beast , the main characters in the Disney movie "Beauty and

the Beast" story that support the storyline. They are:

a) Gaston:

The main antagonist of the story, Gaston, is a vanity and arrogant hunter who

wants to marry Belle and will go to any lengths to attract her. He represents the

superficial, superficial side of society.

b) Lumiere:

Lumiere, a charismatic and charming French chandelier, is one of the Beast's

loyal servants, but he too was turned into an object by a curse. He often acts as

comic relief in stories.

c) Cogsworth:

Cogsworth, the Beast's loyal and punctual butler, transforms into a mantelpiece

clock. He is often seen as having a sad personality, in contrast to Lumiere's

easy going personality.

d) Mrs. Potts:

Kind-hearted Mrs. Pott is the head of the castle's kitchen staff, and along with

her son Chip, transforms into an enchanted teacup.

e) Chip:

Mrs. Potts' young son Chip is an energetic and curious connoisseur. He forms

a friendship with Belle and brings a youthful innocence to the story.

f) Maurice:

Bell's eccentric and loving father Maurice is an inventor. He becomes the

Beast's prisoner and plays a key role in connecting Belle to the Beast.

Characters from Disney's animated film Beauty and the Beast.

3.5 Bill Condon as a Director of Beauty and The Beast Movie

Bill Condon is an American filmmaker who was born on October 22, 1955 in

New York City. He grew up in a family of artists. His father worked as a journalist

and his mother as a housewife. Condon attended Columbia University, majoring

in philosophy.

Condon began his career in the film industry as a writer, writing scripts for

various films throughout the 1980s and his 1990s. He is best known for writing the

film adaptation of the musical Chicago (2002), which was nominated for an

Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay. This success opened doors for him

as a director.

In 1998, Condon made his directorial debut with his biopic Gods and Monsters,

which he also wrote. Starring Ian McKellen as James Whale, the film was critically

acclaimed and won an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay for Condon.

Condon continued to direct various films, demonstrating his versatility as a

filmmaker. In 2017, he directed the live-action version of Disney's animated classic

Beauty and the Beast. Starring Emma Watson and Dan Stevens, the film was a

huge commercial success, grossing over $1.2 billion at the worldwide box office.

He had a successful career in the film industry, both as a writer and director.

3.6 Moral Message

Moral messages, also known as morals or moral precepts are often embedded

in stories, fables, myths, or fables, and serve to provide guidance, be suggestive,

or emphasize certain virtues or vices. These messages can address a wide range of

issues such as honesty, kindness, courage, perseverance, compassion, justice,

humility, forgiveness, or the consequences of one's actions.

Moral messages vary according to the cultural, historical and social context in

which they are presented. They play an important role in shaping and transmitting

cultural values, norms, and beliefs, often intended to encourage viewers to

experience personal growth, empathy, and a shared sense of humanity.

The movie Beauty and the Beast has some moral messages in its story. That is:

a) The beauty is in things like:

One of the central themes of Beauty and the Beast is that true beauty lies not

in one's appearance, but in one's character. Beyond the Beast's intimidating

exterior, Belle discovers his kind heart and gentle nature. This movie teaches

us to go beyond superficial appearances and judge others by their true


b) The Power of Empathy and Compassion:

Because of Belle's ability to empathize with the Beast's loneliness and pain,

she comes to show compassion and understanding to the Beast. Through her

kindness, she helps him change into a better person. The film encourages

viewers to treat others with empathy and compassion, and to acknowledge that

everyone has their own problems and weaknesses.

c) Break the chain of prejudice:

The townspeople in the film initially fear the beast and reject it because of its

appearance, spreading prejudice and misunderstanding. But as the story

progresses, the film challenges these prejudices and shows the importance of

acceptance and tolerance. Encourage your audience to overcome prejudices

and embrace diversity. True love goes beyond the superficial.


d) Beauty and the Beast emphasizes that true love goes beyond physical attributes

and material possessions. Belle falls in love not with the Beast's looks or the

magnificent castle, but with its character. The film emphasizes the importance

of emotional connection and shared values in building true and lasting


e) The Transforming Power of Love:

The film shows the transformative power of love in the lives of Belle and the

Beast. Love not only changes an animal's appearance, but it also allows the

animal to grow as a human being, to become more compassionate and selfless,

capable of receiving and giving love. It teaches us that love has the power to

heal, transform, and bring out the best in us.

Overall, Beauty and the Beast encourages viewers to look beyond outward

appearances, embrace empathy and compassion, challenge prejudice, embrace

inner beauty, and believe in the transformative power of love.



4.1 Conclusion

Beauty and the Beast is a classic fairy tale that has been adapted into various

media including movies, books and plays. The story revolves around a young

woman named Belle who is known for her beauty, intelligence and love of books.

Belle's father, Maurice, gets lost in the woods and stumbles upon a mysterious

castle. Unbeknownst to him, this castle is inhabited by a fearsome beast. Once a

prince, this wild beast was cursed by a sorcerer for his selfish and cruel actions.

The curse turned him into a monstrous creature and enchanted the castle and its


Belle selflessly offers himself as a prisoner in the Beast's Castle in exchange

for his father's freedom. Despite his fear and insecurity at first, Belle discovers that

the Beast has a kind heart and is capable of kindness despite its frightening


At the castle, Belle befriends magical household items such as Lumiere the

candlestick, Cogsworth the clock, Mrs. Potts the teapot, and Chip the teacup, all of

whom have also been cursed into sentient beings. Over time, Beast and Beauty

develop a unique bond based on understanding and shared experience. They spend

time together, get to know each other and gradually fall in love. Their love is the

key to breaking the curse that afflicts the Beast and his family.

But things get complicated when the handsome and arrogant hunter Gaston

falls in love with Belle and is determined to win her affections. Gaston, driven by


jealousy and obsession, leads a mob to storm the castle and kill the Beast. At a key

moment, Belle confesses her love for the Beast as Gaston is about to punch it. This

act of true love lifts the curse, transforming the Beast back into human form and

revealing himself as a prince.

The story ends with the beast transformed, the castle restored, and the

enchanted household items restored to their original form. Belle and the Prince are

delighted with their new fortune and live happily ever after.

The story of "Beauty and the Beast" is about inner beauty, love, and personal

transformation. It teaches the importance of looking beyond the outside and

looking at the good inside.

The ending of Beauty and the Beast is a story of transformation, redemption,

and true love. After spending time with the Beast and seeing more than its

monstrous appearance, Beauty (aka Belle) forms a deep connection with the Beast

and discovers its kind and compassionate heart.

As the story progresses, Beauty's love for the Beast grows and she realizes that

the Beast's appearance does not define it. As the Beast learns to love and be loved,

the curse that turned it into a terrifying creature is lifted. He returns to being a

handsome prince, and the enchanted castle and its inhabitants are also restored.

Ultimately, the message of Beauty and the Beast is that beauty is on the inside and

shouldn't be judged on the outside. It emphasizes the importance of compassion,

understanding, and discovering an individual's true nature beyond superficial


The story's conclusion also emphasizes the power of love to overcome

obstacles and break curses. Beauty's true love and willingness to see beyond the

Beast's true appearance ultimately lead to his salvation and her happy ending.

In summary, the ending of Beauty and the Beast shows the transformative

power of love and the beauty that lies in true acceptance and understanding.

4.2 Suggestion

These are some suggestions for retelling the Beauty and the Beast story:


It introduces the main character, Belle, as an intelligent, kind-hearted young

woman who is passionate about books. The story takes place in a quaint village

with a vibrant community.


Belle's father, Maurice, wanders into the Enchanted Forest and comes across a

hidden castle. The castle is inhabited by a powerful sorceress who curses the prince

and his household items, turning them into inanimate objects. Belle's father

accidentally trespasses and ends up being held captive by the Beast.

Arrival of Bell:

Driven by her father's love, Belle ventures into the woods and discovers the Beast's

castle. Lumiere, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, Chip and other enchanted household items

guide Belle and offer her help.

Bond with the Beast:

Scared and hesitant at first, Belle slowly begins to look beyond the Beast's

appearance and into its wounded soul. The Beast, touched by her Belle tenderness,

softens her heart and reveals her weaker side.


Forbidden Library:

Belle discovers a library hidden within the castle, which becomes her sanctuary

and strengthens her bond with the Beast. They bond over their shared love of books

and discuss stories and ideas.

Pursuit of Gaston:

Arrogant and selfish, Gaston wants to marry Belle, but she learns of the Beast's

existence and sees Belle as a threat to her ego. Gaston manipulates the villagers,

inciting fear and hatred of the Beast and causing conflict.


As her love for the Beast grows, Belle learns about her curse and the conditions to

break it. She realized that true love and selflessness were the keys to breaking the

curse and freeing the Beast and the castle's inhabitants.


Gaston and a group of villagers storm the castle to kill the Beast. Belle confronts

Gaston and pleads for sympathy and understanding, but he is still caught up in his


True love triumphs:

At a crucial moment, Belle confesses her love for the Beast and sacrifices herself

to save it. With her confession of love, the curse is lifted, the prince returns to his

human form, and the castle is transformed. I wish you many years of happiness.

Prince and Belle rejoice in their newfound freedom and love. The curse is lifted,

household items return to human form, and life is celebrated. The village is

enlightened as to the beast's true nature and embraces it to foster unity and


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A. Personal Data
SID : 31190018
Full Name : Elyda Khairai
Place & Date of Birth : Jakarta, 07 Februari 1996
Address : Jl.Sumur bor RT.03/RW.12, Kel.Kalideres,
Kec.Kalideres, Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta. 11840.
Email :

B. Educational Background
I. Formal Education
1. Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika 2015 – Present
2. SMK Cengkareng 1 2011-2014, Graduated
3. SMP Cengkareng 1 Jakarta 2008-2011, Graduated
4. SDN 05 Cengkareng Jakarta 2002-2008, Graduated

C. Organization & Work Experience

1. Magang di Ramayana
2. Karyawan di JnT Express
3. Karyawan di PT. Dea Permata Jaya

Jakarta, 06 June 2023

Passport Photo

Elyda Khairai



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