Task No. 11

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[Mabelle H.

[San Lorenzo Village, Punta Tabuc]
[Roxas City, 5800]
[Email Address]
[Dec. 11, 2023]

Ms. Alliah Marie Yu

[Hemingway, Roxas City]

Dear Ms. Alliah Marie Yu,

Subject: Congratulations on Passing the November 2023 Philippine Nurses Licensure


I am delighted to extend my warmest congratulations to you on the exceptional

achievement of passing the November 2023 Philippine Nurses Licensure Examination.
This is a testament to your dedication, hard work, and unwavering commitment to
excellence in the field of nursing.

Your success in the licensure examination reflects not only your academic prowess
but also your passion for providing quality healthcare. The nursing profession is one
that demands resilience, compassion, and a profound sense of responsibility, and it is
evident that you embody these qualities.

As you embark on this exciting journey as a licensed nurse, I am confident that you
will continue to make significant contributions to the healthcare industry. Your
knowledge, skills, and compassionate care will undoubtedly impact the lives of those
you serve.

This achievement is a milestone that marks the culmination of your rigorous

education and training. It is a reflection of your perseverance and determination to
reach your goals. I commend you for your hard work and applaud the support of your
mentors, friends, and family who have been instrumental in your success.

May this accomplishment be the beginning of a fulfilling and rewarding career for
you. As you enter the world of nursing, I have no doubt that you will continue to excel
and make a positive difference in the lives of the individuals under your care.

Once again, congratulations, Ms. Alliah Marie Yu, on this remarkable achievement. I
wish you continued success, fulfillment, and joy in your nursing career.

Warm regards,

[Mabelle H. Lorenzo]
Subject: Celebrating Love and Equality: Supporting Same-Sex Marriage

Dear [Rendon Labador],

I hope this message finds you well. Today, I'd like to share a brief perspective on the
importance of embracing and supporting same-sex marriage—a cause that champions love,
equality, and the fundamental right to happiness.

In our journey toward building a more inclusive and compassionate society, the recognition
and celebration of love in all its forms play a pivotal role. Here's why supporting same-sex
marriage is a crucial step toward fostering a more just and equitable world:

1. **Equality for All:**

Every individual deserves the right to marry the person they love, regardless of gender.
Supporting same-sex marriage is a declaration of our commitment to equal rights and
opportunities for everyone, irrespective of their sexual orientation.

2. **Fostering Inclusive:**
Embracing same-sex marriage promotes inclusivity and diversity. It sends a powerful
message that love knows no boundaries and that everyone should be able to express their
commitment to each other through the institution of marriage.

3. **Respecting Individual Autonomy:**

Each person has the right to autonomy and self-determination. Supporting same-sex marriage
respects individuals' choices and reinforces the principle that consenting adults have the right
to make decisions about their lives and relationships.

4. **Building Stronger Communities:**

Recognizing and celebrating same-sex marriages contributes to the creation of stronger, more
supportive communities. It fosters understanding, acceptance, and a sense of belonging for
individuals who may have felt marginalized or excluded.

5. **Affirming Love and Happiness:**

At its core, marriage is about love, commitment, and the pursuit of happiness. By supporting
same-sex marriage, we affirm the importance of these universal values and acknowledge that
they are not exclusive to any particular group.

In conclusion, endorsing same-sex marriage is a small but impactful step toward creating a
world where love is celebrated in all its diverse expressions. It is about recognizing and
respecting the humanity and rights of every individual, fostering empathy, and building
bridges of understanding.

Thank you for taking the time to consider this perspective. I believe that, together, we can
contribute to a society that truly values and celebrates the love shared by all its members.

Best regards,

[Mabelle H. Lorenzo]

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