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Islamic Studies Revision worksheets

Grade 6
Portion for 3rd term Assessment (Islamic Studies B)
Surat Al-Mulk Part 1: verses15 to 24
Chapter 1
Selecting Friend
Chapter 2
The Battle of Uhud
Chapter 3
Voluntary Fasting
Chapter 4

Memorization Portion: Surah Mulk verses 15 to 25

Note: Practice exercises in the eduslamic.

MOE Standards/Domains
1. Divine Revelation (Qur’an & Hadeeth)
2. Islamic Beliefs
3. Islamic Rulings & Aims
4. Islamic Values & Manners
5. Seerah & Biographies
6. Identity & Contemporary issues

Divine Revelation: Holy Quran-Surah Mulk

It is He who made the earth tame for you - so walk among its slopes and eat of His provisions and to
1 Him is the resurrection. (15) Do you feel secure that He who holds authority in the heaven would not .
cause the earth to swallow you and suddenly it would sway? (16) Or do you feel secure that He who
R holds authority in the heaven would not send against you a storm of stones? Then you would know
a how severe was my warning. (17) And already had those before them denied, and how terrible was My d
reproach. (18) Do they not see the birds above them with wings outspread and sometimes folded in?
None holds them aloft except the Most Merciful. Indeed, He is, of all things, Seeing. (19) Or who Ls it
that could be an army for you to aid you other than the Most Merciful? The disbelievers are not but in
delusion. (20) Or who L, it that could provide for you if He withheld His provisions? But they have
persisted in insolence and aversion. (21) Then Ls one who walks fallen on his face better guided or
one who walk, erect on a straight path? (22) Say, "It is He who has produced you and made for you
hearing and vision and hearts; little are you grateful." (23) Say, "It is He who has multiplied you
throughout the earth, and to Him you will be gathered." (24) [Surat Al-Mulk: 15-24]

the above verses and Write the attributes of Allah.

Allah is All Aware and All Knowing-He knows every thing
He is a Creator-He created everything
He is Al Razzaq-The Provider for everything
He is Forgiver-Al Ghafoor
He is the Guider-Al Hadei

2. How can our brain, eyes, ears and heart be utilized for learning?

3. What lesson you have learnt from these verses?

4: Why did Allah order man to walk around the earth?
To explore the world and utilize his blessings.

5. List some of the evidence of the power of Allah

 The way birds spread their wings and fold them to fly in the sky without falling down.
 Allah, (‫ )تعالى‬is the only one who is capable of providing for man.
 Guiding man to the way of Allah, (‫)تعالى‬.
 Allah, (‫ )تعالى‬provided man with the means to gain knowledge, including hearing and vision.
 Allah (‫)تعالى‬, is capable of raising man after their death on the Day of Judgment.

6. Explain the meaning of Tawakkul. And write the benefits of Tawwakul.

Tawakkul means Trust in Allah-

It makes us more brave and confident because we know that no body can harm us
without Allah ‘s will
Less stress and anxiety in our life because we know that He is the provider

7. Why should we have to be thankful to Allah? And Suggest five ways of showing our
gratitude to Allah.
By believing Him and Prophet
By obeying Him
By Praying on time
Helping others
8: Give some examples of the punishment of Allah, (‫ )سبحانه وتعالى‬to the early nations
when they denied the messages of the Messengers of Allah, peace be upon them?
Allah sent different types of punishment to the various nations that denied the
messengers of Allah(SWT) like:
- By letting the land sink beneath them.
Sending strong stone-carrying winds that would leave them dead


Biography of the Prophet: Battle of Uhud

Fill in the missing word
• The battle of ___UHUD__ took place in the year ____3RD AH__________.
• The number of polytheists were _____3000_________
and the Muslims were_______700__________.

● Uhud was a_____MOUNTAIN_________ near Madinnah.

● _________archers were appointed by during Battle of Uhud

● Battle of Uhud take place_3________ AH.

● The leader of Muslim army was____Hamza ___ and __Abu Sufyan was the leader of
Makana’s army.

1. What were the results of the battle of Uhud? and what lesson you have learnt
from the battle.
Refer eduslamic E-Book and textbook

2: Write the main facts and events of the Battle of Uhud.


Islamic Ruling: Voluntary Fasting

1: Write the difference between Obligatory and voluntary fasting in Islam.
Obligatory fasting Voluntary fasting
It is compulsory fasting Optional fasting
30 days in Ramadan Fasting voluntarily apart from
Punishment for not fasting Extra rewards from Allah
during Ramadan

2: What are the merits or rewards of voluntary fasting?

We get extra rewards from Allah, as if we fast 6 days during Shawwal
we will get the rewards of fasting of the whole year.
We will be closer to Allah
It purifies our heart
Allah will grant us Jannah

3: Write the Sunnah days of voluntary fasting in Islam.

6 days during Shawwal
Ashurah day-1oth of Muharram
Arafah day-Hajj day 9th Dhul Hijjah
13.14 and 15th day of every Islamic month
Thursday and Monday

4: What are the benefits of voluntary fasting on our health?

It is good for our health as it cleanses our body of harmful toxins that
might be present in fat deposits.
It is helpful to reduce our extra fat or obesity
Save us from harmful diseases, as Blood pressure, heart diseases etc.

Noble Hadeeth: Selecting Friends

1. Read the Noble Hadeeth and write the lesson you have learnt from this.
Open answer

2. Express the importance of selecting friends in the Muslim's life.

Open answer

3. Distinguish between the effect of having good friends and bad ones.
Aspects Effect of Good Friend Effect of bad Friend

Morally They teach us good morals and They teach us bad morals and
values. values -bad words-lies
Religiously They will teach us religious They will divert us from religion

Socially Friends prevent isolation and They socially isolate us from good
loneliness and give you a chance friends, encourage us to involve in
to offer needed companionship, bullying and disrespecting others.
too. Friends can also: Increase
your sense of belonging and
purpose. Boost your happiness
and reduce your stress.

Family-wise They are liked by family and They distract us from the family
encourage family bond and teach negative values in us.

4. Summarize the conditions for selecting a good friend.

Identify which are good and bad friends

• The one who always backbites of others with you.
• The one who always cares for you.
• The one who uses his smartphone while the teacher is explaining.
• The one who says education is useless.

The effects of having

good friends and bad friends

Good friends
• By having good friend you learn
something good.
• A good friend always makes you stay away
from evil.
• A good friend is always True, Honest and

Bad friends
• By having a bad friend, you learn
something bad.

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