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Hybrid Electric Vehicles

Evolution of Hybrid Electric Vehicles:

The evolution of hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) has been a dynamic and ongoing process,
with significant advancements in technology and design since their inception. Here is a timeline
highlighting key milestones in the evolution of HEVs:
1. Late 19th Century: The concept of hybrid technology is not new. In the late 19th
century, inventors like Ferdinand Porsche and Henry Piper experimented with gasoline-
electric hybrid systems.
2. 1970s-1980s: Early hybrid prototypes were developed during this period, but they were
primarily experimental vehicles. Examples include the 1972 AMC Amitron and the
1980 Subaru EH12.
3. 1990s: The modern era of HEVs began in the 1990s. Notable developments include:
 Toyota Prius (1997): The Toyota Prius was the first mass-produced hybrid car.
It used a combination of gasoline and electric power to improve fuel efficiency
and reduce emissions. It was a significant milestone in the popularization of
 Honda Insight (1999): Honda introduced the Insight, which was the first hybrid
to be sold in North America. It was known for its aerodynamic design and
fuel efficiency.
4. Early 2000s: The early 2000s saw increased adoption of HEVs and advancements in
hybrid technology:
 Hybrid SUVs: Automakers introduced hybrid versions of popular SUV models, such
as the Ford Escape Hybrid and Toyota Highlander Hybrid.
 Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs): Some automakers began exploring plug-
in hybrid technology, which allowed for limited all-electric driving. The Chevrolet Volt,
introduced in 2010, was a notable PHEV.
5. Mid-2000s: Hybrid technology continued to evolve with improvements in battery
technology and drivetrain efficiency:
 2nd-Generation Prius (2004): Toyota launched the second-generation Prius, further
improving fuel efficiency and expanding the hybrid market.
6. 2010s: The 2010s brought significant developments in HEV technology and growth in
the market:
 Tesla's Electric Vehicles: Although not hybrids in the traditional sense, Tesla's electric
vehicles gained prominence during this decade, showing the potential for all-electric
 Further PHEV Development: Automakers like Chevrolet, Ford, and Mitsubishi
introduced new plug-in hybrid models.
 Hybrid Luxury Vehicles: Luxury automakers like Lexus and BMW began producing
hybrid versions of their vehicles, emphasizing performance and fuel efficiency.
7. Late 2010s to Present: The 2010s and beyond have seen continued innovation in HEV
 Improved Battery Technology: Advances in lithium-ion battery technology
have allowed for greater electric-only driving ranges and overall efficiency.
 Hybrid Pickup Trucks: Automakers like Ford and Toyota introduced hybrid
versions of popular pickup trucks like the Ford F-150 and Toyota Tacoma.
 Transition to All-Electric Vehicles: Some automakers, such as Volvo and
Jaguar, announced plans to phase out internal combustion engine vehicles in
favour of electric vehicles, indicating a shift away from traditional hybrids.
 Rise of Electric-Only Models: Automakers have introduced all-electric models
alongside their hybrid offerings, reflecting the growing popularity of electric
vehicles (EVs).

Architectures of HEVs:

 A HEV is a combination of a conventional ICE-powered vehicle and an EV. It uses both

an ICE and an electric motor/generator for propulsion. The two power devices, the ICE
and the electric motor, can be connected in series or in parallel from a power flow point
of view.
 When the ICE and motor are connected in series, the HEV is a series hybrid in which
only the electric motor is providing mechanical power to the wheels.
 When the ICE and the electric motor are connected in parallel, the HEV is a parallel
hybrid in which both the electric motor and the ICE can deliver mechanical power to
the wheels. In a HEV, liquid fuel is still the source of energy.
 The ICE is the main power converter that provides all the energy for the vehicle. The
electric motor increases system efficiency and reduces fuel consumption by recovering
kinetic energy during regenerative braking, and optimizes the operation of the ICE
during normal driving by adjusting the engine torque and speed.
 The ICE provides the vehicle with an extended driving range therefore overcoming the
disadvantages of a pure EV.
 In a PHEV, in addition to the liquid fuel available on the vehicle, there is also electricity
stored in the battery, which can be recharged from the electric grid. Therefore, fuel
usage can be further reduced.
 In a series HEV or PHEV, the ICE drives a generator (referred to as the I/G set). The
ICE converts energy in the liquid fuel to mechanical energy and the generator converts
the mechanical energy of the engine output to electricity.
 An electric motor will propel the vehicle using electricity generated by the I/G set. This
electric motor is also used to capture the kinetic energy during braking. There will be a
battery between the generator and the electric motor to buffer the electric energy
between the I/G set and the motor.
 In a parallel HEV or PHEV, both the ICE and the electric motor are coupled to the final
drive shaft through a mechanical coupling mechanism, such as a clutch, gears, belts, or
pulleys. This parallel configuration allows both the ICE and the electric motor to drive
the vehicle either in combined mode, or separately.
 The electric moor is also used for regenerative braking and for capturing the excess
energy from the ICE during coasting. HEVs and PHEVs can also have either the series–
parallel configuration or a more complex configuration which usually contains more
than one electric motor.
 These configurations can generally further improve the performance and fuel economy
of the vehicle with added component cost

Series HEVs:

 In this HEV, the ICE is the main energy converter that converts the original energy in
gasoline to mechanical power. The mechanical output of the ICE is then converted to
electricity using a generator.
 The electric motor moves the final drive using electricity generated by the generator or
electricity stored in the battery. The electric motor can receive electricity directly from
the engine, or from the battery, or both.
 Since the engine is decoupled from the wheels, the engine speed can be controlled
independently of vehicle speed. This not only simplifies the control of the engine, but,
most importantly, can allow operation of the engine at its optimum speed to achieve the
best fuel economy. It also provides flexibility in locating the engine on the vehicle.
 There is no need for the traditional mechanical transmission in a series HEV. Based on
the vehicle operating conditions, the propulsion components on a series HEV can
operate with different combinations:
• Battery alone: When the battery has sufficient energy, and the vehicle power
demand is low, the I/G set is turned off, and the vehicle is powered by the battery
The architecture of a series HEV
• Combined power: At high power demands, the I/G set is turned on and the
battery also supplies power to the electric motor.
• Engine alone: During highway cruising and at moderately high-power
demands, the I/G set is turned on. The battery is neither charged nor discharged.
This is mostly due to the fact that the battery’s state of charge (SOC) is already
at a high level but the power demand of the vehicle prevents the engine from
turning, or it may not be efficient to turn the engine off.
• Power split: When the I/G is turned on, the vehicle power demand is below the
I/G optimum power, and the battery SOC is low, then a portion of the I/G power
is used to charge the battery.
• Stationary charging: The battery is charged from the I/G power without the
vehicle being driven.
• Regenerative braking: The electric motor is operated as a generator to convert
the vehicle’s kinetic energy into electric energy and charge the battery.

A series HEV can be configured in the same way that conventional vehicles are configured,
that is, the electric motor in place of the engine. Other choices are also available, such as wheel
hub motors. In this case, there are four electric motors, each one installed inside each wheel.
Due to the elimination of transmission and final drive, the efficiency of the vehicle system can
be significantly increased.
Hub motor configuration of a series HEV

Parallel HEVs:

In this configuration, the ICE and the electric motor can both deliver power in parallel to the
wheels. The ICE and the electric motor are coupled to the final drive through a mechanism
such as a clutch, belts, pulleys, and gears. Both the ICE and the motor can deliver power to the
final drive, either in combined mode, or each separately. The electric motor can be used as a
generator to recover the kinetic energy during braking or absorbing a portion of power from
the ICE.

The architecture of a parallel HEV

The parallel hybrid needs only two propulsion devices, the ICE and the electric motor, which
can be used in the following mode:

• Motor-alone mode: When the battery has sufficient energy, and the vehicle power demand
is low, then the engine is turned off, and the vehicle is powered by the motor and battery only.

• Combined power mode: At high power demand, the engine is turned on and the motor also
supplies power to the wheels.
• Engine-alone mode: During highway cruising and at moderately high-power demands, the
engine provides all the power needed to drive the vehicle. The motor remains idle. This is
mostly due to the fact that the battery SOC is already at a high level but the power demand of
the vehicle prevents the engine from turning off, or it may not be efficient to turn the engine

• Power split mode: When the engine is on, but the vehicle power demand is low and the
battery SOC is also low, then a portion of the engine power is converted to electricity by the
motor to charge the battery.

• Stationary charging mode: The battery is charged by running the motor as a generator and
driven by the engine, without the vehicle being driven.

• Regenerative braking mode: The electric motor is operated as a generator to convert the
vehicle’s kinetic energy into electric energy and store it in the battery. Note that, in regenerative
mode, it is in principle possible to run the engine as well, and provide additional current to
charge the battery more quickly (while the propulsion motor is in generator mode) and
command its torque accordingly, that is, to match the total battery power input. In this case, the
engine and motor controllers have to be properly coordinated.

Series–Parallel HEVs:

The series–parallel HEV incorporates the features of both series and parallel HEVs. Therefore,
it can be operated as a series or parallel HEV. In comparison to a series HEV, the series–parallel
HEV adds a mechanical link between the engine and the final drive, so the engine can drive
the wheels directly. When compared to a parallel HEV, the series–parallel HEV adds a second
electric motor that serves primarily as a generator.

The architectures of a series–parallel HEV

Because a series–parallel HEV can operate in both parallel and series modes, the fuel efficiency
and drivability can be optimized based on the vehicle’s operating condition. The increased
degree of freedom in control makes the series–parallel HEV a popular choice. However, due
to increased components and complexity, it is generally more expensive than series or parallel

Complex HEVs:

Complex HEVs usually involve the use of planetary gear systems and multiple electric motors
(in the case of four/all-wheel drive). One typical example is a four-wheel drive (4WD) system
that is realized through the use of separate drive axles. The generator in this system is used to
realize series operation as well as to control the engine operating condition for maximum
efficiency. The two electric motors are used to realize all-wheel drive, and to realize better
performance in regenerative braking. They may also enhance vehicle stability control and
antilock braking control by their use.

The electrical four-wheel drive system using a complex architecture

Advantages of Hybrid Vehicles

1. The electric motor is far more efficient (70%-85% efficiency) than the heat engine.
2. EV’s can use regenerative braking (regain 30% of energy used, theoretically).
3. HEV’s are more environmentally friendly (if electricity if produced from renewable
4. Reduction in engine and vehicle weight
5. Fuel efficiency is increased
6. Emissions are decreased
7. Cut emissions of global warming pollutants by 1/3 or 1/2
8. Reduce the dependency on fossil fuels
9. ~2 times more efficient than conventional engines

Disadvantages of HEVs

Here are some of the disadvantages of Hybrid Electric Vehicles.

 An HEV costs more than a conventional car. Hence, the upfront costs could be a
problem if you are on a tight budget.

 The repair costs of the electric powertrain may run high as it is a very complex system.

 HEVs may produce less power than regular petrol or diesel cars. So, if you are a
driving enthusiast, it may not suit your driving style.

Applications of HEV’s:

Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) are becoming increasingly popular due to their ability to
combine the benefits of both traditional internal combustion engines and electric propulsion
systems. Here are some common applications of HEVs:

1. Consumer Vehicles: HEVs are most commonly used in consumer cars and trucks. They
offer improved fuel efficiency and reduced emissions compared to traditional gasoline or diesel
vehicles. Popular models include the Toyota Prius and the Honda Insight.

2. Public Transportation: Many cities use hybrid buses to reduce emissions and fuel
consumption. Hybrid buses can be especially effective in urban environments with frequent
stops and starts.

3. Commercial Vehicles: Companies are increasingly adopting hybrid technology for delivery
trucks, vans, and even semi-trucks. These vehicles can save on fuel costs and reduce their
carbon footprint, making them more environmentally friendly.
4. Taxis and Ride-Sharing Services: Hybrid vehicles are often used in the taxi and ride-
sharing industry. The lower fuel costs can be financially beneficial for drivers, and they
contribute to reducing urban air pollution.

5. Government Fleets: Many government agencies use HEVs in their vehicle fleets. This
includes police cars, government service vehicles, and other official vehicles. The fuel savings
can help governments reduce operating costs and lower emissions.

6. Construction Equipment: Some heavy equipment used in construction, such as excavators

and cranes, have hybrid systems to improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions while still
providing the necessary power for the job.

7. Golf Carts and Recreational Vehicles: Hybrid technology is also being incorporated into
smaller vehicles like golf carts and recreational off-road vehicles, where fuel efficiency and
low emissions are beneficial.

8. Fleet Vehicles: Some companies with large vehicle fleets, such as rental car agencies and
delivery services, utilize hybrid vehicles to reduce fuel expenses and meet environmental goals.

9. Military Applications: The military has shown interest in hybrid technology for its vehicles.
HEVs can operate more quietly than traditional vehicles and have a reduced heat signature,
making them potentially useful in some military scenarios.

10. Marine and Aviation: Hybrid technology is finding applications in boats and ships, as well
as in small aircraft. Electric-hybrid propulsion can provide improved fuel efficiency and
reduced emissions in these transportation sectors.

11. Emergency Services: Some police departments and emergency services use hybrid
vehicles, as they provide fuel efficiency and the ability to run on electric power during stakeouts
or other situations where quiet operation is critical.

12. Agriculture: Hybrid technology is being explored for use in agricultural equipment like
tractors and combine harvesters. These vehicles can benefit from the improved efficiency and
reduced fuel consumption.

Extended range electric vehicle (EREVs):

Extended range electric vehicles are a type of hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) that combines
the benefits of both electric and gasoline-powered vehicles. EREVs are designed to provide a
longer range than traditional EVs by incorporating a gasoline engine that acts as a generator
to charge the battery when it runs low. EREVs are sometimes referred to as range-extended
electric vehicles.

EREVs work?

Extended range electric vehicles are powered by an electric motor and a battery pack, which
can be charged by plugging into an external power source. When the battery runs low, the
gasoline engine kicks in to generate electricity, which is used to power the electric motor and
charge the battery. This means that EREVs can run on electricity alone for a certain range, but
when the battery runs low, the gasoline engine can extend the range by providing additional

EREVs vs. other types of EVs:

EREVs differ from other types of EVs in that they have both an electric motor and a gasoline
engine. Traditional EVs rely solely on electricity to power the electric motor, while plug-in
hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) have a smaller battery pack and a gasoline engine that can be
used to extend the range. Extended range electric vehicles are similar to PHEVs, but the
gasoline engine is used solely to generate electricity for the electric motor, rather than directly
powering the vehicle.

EREVs offer a practical solution for drivers who need a longer range than traditional EVs can
provide. By combining the benefits of electric and gasoline-powered vehicles, EREVs
provide a longer range while still being environmentally-friendly and cost-effective. As
technology continues to advance, EREVs will likely become more common on the roads,
providing drivers with a practical and sustainable option for transportation.

Range-extended hybrid electric vehicles (RE-HEVs) are a type of hybrid vehicle that includes
an internal combustion engine (ICE) along with an electric drivetrain, and they also have a
small generator or range extender. The range extender is typically a small gasoline or diesel
engine that doesn't directly drive the wheels but generates electricity to recharge the battery
and extend the vehicle's driving range. Here are some examples of range-extended HEVs and
their merits and demerits:

Examples of Range-Extended HEVs:

1. Chevrolet Volt: The Chevrolet Volt, introduced in 2010, is one of the most well-known
range-extended HEVs. It has an electric-only range of approximately 38 miles, after which the
gasoline engine acts as a generator to produce electricity for further driving.

2. BMW i3 REx: The BMW i3 with Range Extender is an example of a range-extended electric
vehicle. It features a small gasoline engine that acts as a generator when the battery is depleted,
increasing the vehicle's overall range.

3. Kia Niro PHEV: The Kia Niro PHEV is a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle that uses a gasoline
engine as a generator to charge the battery when needed, allowing for extended driving range.

Merits of Range-Extended HEVs:

1. Extended Driving Range: The primary advantage of range-extended HEVs is that they
provide an extended driving range compared to pure electric vehicles (EVs). This can help
alleviate "range anxiety" and make them more practical for longer trips.

2. Reduced Emissions: While the gasoline or diesel engine in a range-extended HEV does
produce emissions, the overall emissions can be lower compared to traditional internal
combustion engine vehicles, especially for short trips where electric power is predominantly

3. Fuel Flexibility: Range-extended HEVs can use gasoline, diesel, or alternative fuels in their
generators, providing flexibility to consumers and potentially reducing dependence on a single
fuel source.

4. Quick Refuelling: Unlike pure EVs, which require longer charging times, range-extended
HEVs can be refueled at conventional gas stations, providing convenience during long

Demerits of Range-Extended HEVs:

1. Complexity: Range-extended HEVs are more complex than traditional hybrid vehicles, with
an added internal combustion engine and generator. This complexity can result in higher
maintenance costs.

2. Limited Electric-Only Range: While they offer extended range compared to pure EVs,
range-extended HEVs still rely on gasoline or diesel for longer trips, which can be a drawback
for those looking to minimize their use of fossil fuels.

3. Higher Upfront Cost: The inclusion of an additional engine and generator can make range-
extended HEVs more expensive than traditional hybrids or some pure EVs.

4. Environmental Impact: Range-extended HEVs may still contribute to emissions and air
pollution when using their internal combustion engines, especially on longer journeys.

5. Reduced Efficiency: The need to carry both an electric drivetrain and an internal combustion
engine with a generator can reduce the overall efficiency of the vehicle, impacting fuel

The suitability of a range-extended HEV depends on a consumer's specific needs and

preferences. They can be a good choice for those who want the benefits of electric propulsion
for daily commuting but still need the flexibility of extended range for occasional long trips.
However, as battery technology improves and all-electric ranges of pure EVs increase, the
market for range-extended HEVs may evolve.

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