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The English hub 3A – KEY TO TESTS

Key to Test: Module 1

1. baggy 2. bossy 3. crowded 4. bizarre 5. reliable
6. clumsy 7. admit 8. immature 9. suggest 10. admire

1. mistake 2. plans 3. sure 4. clear 5. decision

1. sociable 2. noisy 3. confident 4. manager 5. bracelet

1. are flying 2. are playing 3. has, is studying 4. want 5. loves, hopes

1. When Mary was a young girl, she used to ride her bike every day.
2. My mother didn’t go shopping last Saturday.
3. What was that strange noise I heard last night?
4. Jim used to wake up at 8 a.m. when he was 20.
5. Did you visit your grandparents last week?

1. b 2. d 3. d 4. d

1. more interesting 2. worst 3. as exciting 4. tall 5. higher

1. e 2. h 3. a 4. f 5. b 6. c 7. g 8. d

1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a

Copyright © MM Publications
The English hub 3A – KEY TO TESTS

Man Hey, Julie. Did you have a good time during your vacation?
Woman It wasn’t what I expected.
Man Oh, I remember you had a great time in Puerto Rico last summer.
Woman Yeah, I did, but this time it wasn’t as good as last year. You see, the weather was terrible.

Girl New Year’s Eve is very important for us and we have various customs which we follow to prepare
for it. For example, in Japan, we clean our houses very well before the New Year because we wish
to get rid of the dirt of the passing year.
Boy We do that in Greece, too. You see our family, relatives and friends all gather at one house and we
have a big New Year’s Eve party together.
Girl We spend a lot of time with our family, too. Especially during the first three days of the new year.
We visit each other’s houses and have various traditional meals together.

Woman What did you think of the museum?
Man It was amazing, all those beautiful paintings! I didn’t realize the Mona Lisa was so small in
real life.
Woman Yes, I know.
Man The only problem was the museum was so big that we didn’t have enough time to see everything.

Woman I have some good news - I got the promotion I wanted, and now it’s my job to set up our new
offices in Japan.
Man Congratulations! I’m so happy for you. I know you really wanted to go to Japan.
Woman All those Japanese lessons will finally be put to the test.
Man So when are you leaving?
Woman Next month.

1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a

Copyright © MM Publications
The English hub 3A – KEY TO TESTS

Key to Test: Module 2

1. collection 2. pollution 3. miles 4. envy
5. brochures 6. peel 7. warm 8. ancient

1. adoption 2. arrival 3. preparation 4. construction 5. improvement 6. recycling

1. arrive, will call 2. will you help, will help 3. don’t put, will catch
4. won’t go, clean 5. won’t tell 6. will rise

1. that / which 2. whose 3. where 4. who 5. where 6. that / which
7. who 8. that / which

1. If I won the lottery, I would travel all around the world.
2. She would / could get good grades if she studied really hard.
3. If he drove more carefully, he wouldn’t have an accident.
4. If he was annoyed, would he tell me about the problem?
5. If it was up to me, I would paint my whole room blue.

1. b 2. d 3. c 4. a 5. e

1. b 2. a 3. c 4. c

Copyright © MM Publications
The English hub 3A – KEY TO TESTS

Woman: What do you think life in the future will be like?
Man: What do you mean?
Woman: I mean in 20 or 30 years from now. Will there be flying cars and computers that will do all our
work for us?
Man: I hope not.
Woman: Oh, come on. That would be great.
Man: Speak for yourself. I don't think anything good will come of it.
Woman: Don't be such a pessimist. Just think. We'll have more free time. We'll be able to travel to other
planets, go on vacation to the moon…
Man: Let me put it this way. First of all, I like my car on the ground. Second, I really don't want to lose
my job to a computer. Third, I have enough free time, thank you very much. And, fourth, I'm not
interested in living on other planets. I like my life the way it is.

Tour guide: And now we are going through the palace gates. This is the most beautiful palace in the city,
but it is not as big as the one we've just visited.
Woman: How many palaces are there in the city?
Tour guide: Three.
Woman: Just three? I thought there were more.
Tour guide: On your right, you can see a statue of Paulo Pimentez.
Woman: I'm sorry, who's he?
Tour guide: He was a famous writer who lived and died in the city.
Woman: I think I saw another statue of him in the park. It was beautiful!
Tour guide: That wasn't a statue of Paulo Pimentez you saw in the park. There are a lot of statues in the
city. You see, lots of famous people lived here. Artists, writers, politicians ...

Woman: So, when are we leaving?
Man: Next Friday.
Woman: Did you get the tickets?
Man: Not yet.
Woman: Why? What are you waiting for?
Man: Are you sure you want to go by bus? It'll take forever to get there.
Woman: So, what do you suggest?
Man: Well, we can fly there.
Woman: Get serious. We don't have that kind of money.
Man: We can ask your father to lend us some.

Copyright © MM Publications
The English hub 3A – KEY TO TESTS

Woman: Any other brilliant ideas?

Man: Not at the moment, no.
Woman: I thought so.
Man: Anyway, how about the train?
Woman: It's more expensive than the bus.
Man: Yeah, but we can travel at night. That means we can sleep on the way and we'll be there before
you know it.
Woman: That doesn't make it any cheaper.
Man: I didn't say it did. My point is that buses don't run at night. We'll have to spend hours on the road
and that means a shorter vacation.
Woman: Oh, all right. You win!

Man: Hi, Cara! I'm home.
Woman: So, how did it go?
Man: Really well. I hope I get this job.
Woman: I'm sure you will.
Man: It's just what I've been looking for.
Woman: Great. When will you start if you get the job?
Man: In September. So, we'll have to forget about our vacation, I'm afraid.
Woman: That's OK. We'll have a big party instead.
Man: Good idea.
Woman: What does this job offer, by the way?
Man: Well, the money's good and I'll have a company car.
Woman: How nice!

1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T

Copyright © MM Publications
The English hub 3A – KEY TO TESTS

Key to Test: Module 3

1. b 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. a

1. e 2. g 3. h 4. b 5. d 6. a 7. c 8. j 9. f 10. i

1. Neither has 2. can too 3. So did 4. won’t either 5. So is 6. isn’t either

1. such 2. so 3. so 4. such

1. has … found 2. have … been living 3. have known
4. have … finished 5. have been looking, have gotten 6. have been talking

1. Have you ever tried 2. hasn’t gotten … yet 3. have been staying … for
4. have eaten ... once 5. has been waiting … since 6. has been collecting … since
7. Have … seen, lately

1. b 2. e 3. f 4. a 5. c 6. d

1. a 2. c 3. c 4. b

1. A 2. A 3. B 4. R 5. R

Copyright © MM Publications
The English hub 3A – KEY TO TESTS

Man: That was great!
Woman: It wasn't that good.
Man: Oh, come on. The music was amazing.
Woman: That's true. But what about the acting? It was terrible!
Man: You're just saying that because you can't stand the lead actor.
Woman: You have to agree, he's very annoying.
Man: Yes, sometimes. But he was very good near the end.
Woman: I don't know. I fell asleep.
Man: You didn't!
Woman: Well, I got really bored.
Man: Don't worry. I'll rent the DVD so you can watch it.
Woman: No. Thank you.
Woman: Oh, no! Not again!
Man: What happened? I wasn't listening.
Woman: The other team scored again.
Man: So, what's the score now?
Woman: 3-1. They aren't playing well today.
Man: I think that you could play better.
Woman: Definitely!
Man: Listen, let's get home quickly so we can watch the second half on TV. I hate listening to the
radio. You can't see the action.
Woman: You're right. We're almost there.
Paula What's wrong, Peter?
Peter I'm exhausted.
Paula Come on, this is great exercise for you.
Peter I don't need it. I work out at the gym twice a week. I'm fit enough. Thank you very much!
Paula Yeah? Is that why you are so tired?
Peter OK, OK… Maybe you're right.
Paula Just don't forget we're walking up Mount Kingsley tomorrow.
Peter Oh, no! I forgot. Let's go back to the hotel for a rest, please.
Paula OK. Let's ski down this slope and then we'll call it a day.
Peter OK. Follow me!

Copyright © MM Publications
The English hub 3A – KEY TO TESTS

Interviewer Now, Miss Stone, it says here that you've been working as a travel agent for three years.
Miss Stone Yes, I started working when I was still in college.
Interviewer Really? But it doesn't say on your résumé that you have a degree.
Miss Stone No. Well, I was offered a full-time job so I decided to finish my degree later.
Interviewer I see. And you studied French and Spanish. So, you speak two languages. That's very
useful for this job.
Miss Stone Three actually. You see, my mother's German.
Interviewer Well, we could use someone like you around here.
Miss Stone Do you think so?
Interviewer Certainly.

Key to Test: Module 4

1. head 2. flood 3. truth 4. injured 5. witness 6. arrested 7. takes 8. came

1. disappearance 2. mysterious 3. Luckily 4. criminal 5. finally

1. e 2. a 3. d 4. c 5. b

1. was riding, crashed, Did you wear 2. was Toby doing, was sleeping
3. was calling, didn’t answer, was studying 4. didn’t you sail, was working

1. had … cleaned, came
2. had gotten off, realized
3. arrived, had prepared

1. hadn’t been, would have run 2. wouldn’t have crashed, had been

Copyright © MM Publications
The English hub 3A – KEY TO TESTS

1. towards 2. in 3. from, till 4. in, near 5. during 6. before

1. e 2. b 3. f 4. a 5. d 6. c

1. N 2. A 3. J 4. H

My parents were away that weekend, and I was at home with my little sister. I remember that night,
because the weather was really strange. There were strong winds at first and the whole house shook.
Then, the rain started, and it didn’t stop. We went to bed and it was still raining. Mary, my sister, came to
sleep with me because she was afraid of the lightning. In the morning, it was still raining. When we went
downstairs to make breakfast, we saw there was water everywhere- and not just in our house, but the
streets, the neighborhood, the whole town!

It was really silly, actually. I was riding my bike home after a rehearsal with the band. I play the guitar, you
see. It was late in the evening, and it was getting dark. As I reached the old cathedral, I remembered the
stories my brother used to tell me about that place... you know, that it’s haunted. I got a little scared and
lost control of my bike. I didn’t see the tree at all. I was hurt, but not badly. My bike, though, was completely

I was at a restaurant with my sister, when at some point, I had to go to the bathroom. The minute I walked
in, the lights went out. I wasn’t scared at first, but then I heard a voice whisper something. The lights came
on again and I looked around, but I was all alone. Then, I noticed a message on one of the mirrors. It said
“HELP ME.” I ran out as fast as I could and told my sister what happened, but when we went back in there,
the message was gone.

Well, what can I say... I remember the time he jumped into a house which was on fire and, all by himself, he
managed to rescue a five-year-old who was trapped inside. He was the town hero the next day and, of
course, I was proud because he was my brother. But there are hundreds of things, both good and bad,
about him. He’s always confident about himself for example, but he can be really bossy and stubborn too,

1. To the Taj Mahal. 2. He was lying on it. 3. He was playing the flute.
4. He read an article (about the mysteries of the fakirs in India). 5. When the nails are close together.

Copyright © MM Publications
The English hub 3A – KEY TO TESTS

Key to Final Test

1. f 2. a 3. g 4. b 5. h 6. d 7. c 8. e

1. celebration 2. arrival 3. improvements 4. pollution
5. information 6. achievement 7. preparations 8. connection

1. tablespoon 2. location 3. tons 4. drop 5. freezing 6. clumsy

1. literate 2. pan 3. mall 4. hunting 5. manager 6. alley
7. candidate 8. information

1. haven’t spoken 2. was cooking, heard 3. is helping out, think
4. has climbed 5. started, has improved 6. doesn’t check

1. This book was so interesting that I finished it in two days.
2. It was such a difficult test that I couldn’t answer any of the questions.
3. George’s car is not as expensive as Frank’s (car).
4. The airport is farther than the station.
5. Celine is the tallest girl in the class.
6. When Tony finishes his homework, he will go to the bowling alley.
7. My brother used to live in China, but he lives in Canada now.
8. If you don’t study more, you won’t pass your examinations.

1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. c 7. b 8. b 9. b

1. h 2. f 3. g 4. b 5. a 6. d 7. c 8. e

Copyright © MM Publications
The English hub 3A – KEY TO TESTS

1. b 2. a 3. b 4. c

Jason: Have you seen Ricky lately?
Michael: No, I asked him to come to the game, but he doesn’t seem to be interested in doing anything at
the moment.
Jason: Really? He’s not usually moody.
Michael: He’s not moody. He just spends a lot of time on his computer surfing the Net.
Jason: I think that’s such a waste of time, unless you want to download music or movies or something.
But Ricky was always lazy.
Michael: Actually, I think he’s pretty motivated. He wants to start a car repair business, and he’s looking
for information on how to do it.
Jason: Car repair? Get out of here! Ricky doesn’t even have a driver’s license!

Travel Agent: We have a discount for a 15-day cruise around the Caribbean.
Tom: I went on a cruise last year. What other specials do you have?
Travel Agent: I have a walking tour in Cuba or what about a trip by train?
Tom: Cuba sounds fascinating, but I’d rather sit back and travel in luxury.
Travel Agent: I have a brochure here for trips by train around Western Canada. But you have to book
three months in advance which means traveling in the winter.
Tom: Canada is beautiful, but I’m not sure about that.
Travel Agent: There is always lots to do and see in the Caribbean, you know.
Tom: You’re right, I think I’ll go for the cruise again.
Travel Agent: That’s settled then.

Josie: Helen, I don’t know if we can rely on Peter anymore. This is the second concert he’s been late for!
Helen: He’s new to the band, Josie. Give him some time.
Josie: If he misses Saturday’s concert, it’ll be three. And we’re releasing our first album on Saturday.
What if he’s late for that?
Helen: He won’t be. I’ll make sure of it.
Josie: Well, if he is, he has to go.
Helen: I agree. I’ll talk to him and explain how important Saturday’s concert is. He’ll understand.
Josie: OK.

Copyright © MM Publications
The English hub 3A – KEY TO TESTS

Sheila: What? I can’t believe you want to do such a thing.
Len: Why not? I’ve dreamed about it ever since I was a kid.
Sheila: You have to be as fit as an athlete to take the G-forces, you know?
Len: But I am! I ran the Firefighters’ Marathon last month.
Sheila: Yes, and remember you had to go to the hospital afterwards!
Len: Don’t worry about me.
Sheila: You just like speed. You find it exciting, don’t you?
Len: Listen, I’ve always wanted to see the earth from high up and this is the best way to do it.
Sheila: I think you’re crazy.

1. You can experience other cultures, see the world and meet new people.
2. Because many people asked them questions about their trip across Asia and they wanted to help.
3. No, they also have employees and experienced writers.
4. It described him as the most important man in travel.
5. The Inspiring Woman of Australia Award.

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