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Topic: Hobbies

1. Do you have any hobbies?

2. Do you prefer to do your hobby with other people or alone? Why?

3. Are there any hobbies that you would like to have in the future? Why?

4. What are some advantages of having hobbies?

5. Why do you think so many people have hobbies?

Topic: Studies

1. What are you studying at the moment?

2. How long have you been studying?

3. What would you like to study in the future?

4. What qualifications will you get?

5. Where are you studying?

6. What is your favourite subject?

7. Do you like to study alone or with friends?

8. Why did you choose your course?

Topic: Shopping 8. Do you ever go window shopping?

9. What do you like to shop for?

1. Do you enjoy shopping? Why or why not? 10. Do you like to shop alone or with friends?
2. Where do you go shopping?

3. Who does most of the grocery shopping in

your home?

4. Do you prefer shopping online or in the store?

5. What are the benefits of shopping online?

6. How often do you go grocery shopping?

7. Do you have a favourite shopping centre?

Topic: Your home

1. What suburb do you live in?

2. Do you live in an apartment or a house?

3. What is your house/apartment like?

4. Do you like living in your house/apartment?

5. Who do you live with at the moment?

6. Do you think the town/ city where you live is a safe place?
Topic: Job 8. What is the most interesting thing about your

1. What is your job? 9. Do you get on well with your colleagues?

2. Where do you work? 10. Do you prefer to work in the morning or
3. Do you like your job? evening?

4. Why did you choose that job? 11. What are the ways that you can improve your
skills at work?
5. Is it a popular job in your country?
12. If you had the chance, would you change your
6. What was your first day like? job?

7. What responsibilities do you have at work? 13. Do you plan to continue with your job in the
Topic: Neighbourhood

1. Do you like the area that you live in?

2. What do you like most about where you live?
3. What is the neighbourhood like where you live?
4. What can be improved in the area that you live?
5. Do you know any famous people in the area that you live in?
6. Do you intend to stay in this area in the future?
Topic: Recycle

1. Do you recycle stuff?

2. Did you recycle when you were a kid?
3. What kind of things do you recycle?
4. How do you feel when you see trash lying on roads?
5. Is it important to have recycled bins?
6. Will you recycle in the future?
Topic: Birthday

1. Let’s talk about birthdays. Do you celebrate your birthdays?

2. What did you do on your last birthday?
3. Do people celebrate birthdays with a party in your country?
4. Which birthdays are considered important in your country?
Topic: Music

1. Do you like music?

2. What’s your favorite type of music?
3. If you could learn a musical instrument what would it be?
4. Do you think music is important?
Topic: Random

1. What do you often do in the evenings?

2. How many languages can you speak?
3. What did you enjoy doing in your free time when you were a child?
4. What place should tourist visit in your country?
5. Is New year celebrated in your country?
6. What do you use the internet for?
- Why do you think some people choose not to donate to charity?
- How different are public and private schools in your country?
- What can teachers do to encourage students to do their homework?
- How is food consumption different today compared to in your grandparents' time?
- What type of assessment do you think is more effective for tertiary students, assignments or
- How effective is the use of computers in the classroom?
- What could your government do to encourage more tourism in your country.
- Do you think the recycling of household waste products will become more efficient in the future?
- What do you think the future of online education will be?
- What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using technology in food production?

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