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ONIT- 4 Alp & Dla Cowerlers Eres tpg A ec tyancl eg Agnes dus ah vollege , Gonent, fime, repens , chaige and tempralide ary available ew the analog fam, => However, the developmat in the micrqproconc. (HE fenolegy kos made bk dampelosiy to proce dala ty a digital fam - => PR procering, tarsmimoy and SHAG pyar i is Oflin moe cowertent to Expres Sudy signal oy digcrel fom » => Bine, te digital spew sudv a Mp um a bb Syl Of ones § 2eud,. So we fave to Cawerk “onal fron enclog fhm fo littl fam - =p The CCE that perfounds the Gwarton om analog to clgital (2 @tled as Analog to Rigel (Nb) Gres - > Aolog Sigma yy mde AHficiend, mde Reliable, Me Eton s, better Aeuracy , reduced Alot. ie a eo et Dip eee = kala Gwe au &-Ps! Wy Alp Grvele (Adc) | a> Dia Grwede. (Pac) Diet to fgg Coos O09 a Gass) is *" sey as Carlog tr) Baie a Dnp' i ea —! Schematic of Din Groote. te nan gee | | |=> The Alp to DAc is M- bik er wad CB), stow tiga | Oo ered cna Daudi, dh. ak | cA in Gmbined ill a Peron vollije (Ue) A the pupal ole () On Arolog ie foe oe ee lg Ves > Pull cate otlige | a, > msn bik ith weight Ves B dn => bse bir with wet Ver we D> Brory woelgited ae a> Rear loddr Dac. pee Gee “the eile. to hafenency a > Ap te binary 4p 0, it Ginnie the sats to Ao Frouncl - [het FD 0s... Tv, dinclé the Gusent Haaigh te eo ara) Zelacnys bee Content in te feedback path - opamp, tHe sruoesteng terminal ty abo a famd Pletal . fe, Wjro> No Cutont ne alo te $P-amp. Me a To +Dg4.- 5 Peo T+ & F- Ha | au EE ee “fl => To= That, + dai tga. dad” “| > We fee [aseae- adh ofp vdllaje h = —ToRp Be Ve (82 [a2 +d, a seitd.e® waite at] Ls Bocaue G Vistiol grond ab He ip tamival 4 Me Vo =Velototo) = 6v © 0 | | Vp = Velotor ixa? | = Ello a ea ee Yo = Ve [oti toy} = ee eo "i i 5 Vo =Ve Lotixaetixg? J = 2 10[arts Neon! ‘ td oO ‘ (jl +4 | =8: UU 6 2 welts gismiaiel ? bt #] a Gait! Pat of ralog ofp alse (He) erm at pontble Alp WA Gonbreations 15 sheer CST a dhe eve Satkaone [Ayprotimeled os tve Pomp | provstacks;— v Dothe cht feanincs a esidlo Yonge of Aeviatsy | BU-PA B-bit dala, the | dovinta Aeg- ate oR, 8R--- Se ; 4 Sud i ii A ate ao cade variety of 4oristey) Hee ges 12 desciabie tL Digital 4)p | => the (HB) > ue mes ibys bods ui Ry same Analy , Ale ofp vollige te peo 13 \Vo7 le) fhe ofp yotlaye for D> ca 709 Woz Ue “6s ] miag to Dig Coon Cal :— Alp Coweta ocueph du analog Alp Vollage A prodsxey on Ole ae odd (4), 4, doe dy). Sudo teak. Bee Pea: gsttatt © tan oe” | Whue A, — mse, dn > SG - | shoe aie $00 additiowal Gwbiet fine oh 16 3 OD) eee strat op (mewn Melly, Ye ADC utew : eee. Se Soe j Msp Analog 2p ADe Digital olf. Ise <- v, Fe Lleitifcation of Ave: ‘aod ow the Wibrivucs adep ed $a Gwwomow , Ape axe Lacady damped sto Amain Group (ODtrat type Ade WBtearhd type ane p> Riad type Adc Gmpases given analog Alp signa) cult ptenallly Genroked Equivalent Sgaal- | > Antepated type Ade , dees the Cworiew im indirect manner j.9, Th Anolog sigmol io Pin Converted vido linear funsbiow a imo (o) Frequency 2 bia id Kobo aprons (awerted Oto Pigital o/p. I> Dined type Ades cro foyer but leq lem Accurate ec a etter show Andie type Ade - iE “a eo type Ane's can © Flash ‘9p Ape Cpatalted Gnyuste ADC) © “unl type ave (Ave using pac) @® ehuccenive Appoximstion type Ape . @ easy ®) sewo Corner rtegraled type Csrwerlory ¢— © Bingle LSlope Ape @ ual Slope Ade @ cAasge talonding Adc - @ Flash type Ave C Parallel Compaata Dc) $= Ls The Abe 15 Colted plasty ADC, chince at doe the Grierion WY Rapidly. =the Ade Glled parallel Cemparala Adc, because all [Be Comparator. ured dr the Cimitk are pazallel, Adutenlage, ;— Aimplek of alt Gruertey ~ ‘ —tlighs Speed Trauth- Table of Ape — Pe [ee eo Pens tet 0 [5B ip) O20) On ONC ROME aa OO) TOMTON CRONE Rokome) © 0 ©. ©) Oona! oo | OB@PG@OO2(1' OelO ie ono oneal one iOnee) Vet v4 Cn Op tats) oo ea oe ene lesen @ Gunlex type ave:— the Baste prndiplo employed By) PAS es Ramp Con be produced 94 nor & the App DAC ape % that linear Grnerting AC a RDA Vi nea phen: cle ep Comparoted.} i> At Vone > Vik > of No dock polie | ern 1° ater He digtad dota © * ofp vide - wo’ thew DAC fdtiotint ‘0 en me ne tho avlput (sill be loge 1 Aye ee Ot vip Setting time {= the operating speed wally, Bporipeed by els detttivy time ; At iy dogined ay tho tne raquad ga the ofp © 4etite to wath an AX LSe 4 the Huad volves to given digital ip. vil) Monotonicilg i- A Dae 0 daid t hark gooot fo fueuae | : | momotonicly , Ag analog o/pP nena Lie digital Ip. te Of decriary -9eh | Now monotonic Ep ened pusare In Alp volley | [eaeeecel i | emer fuccente Wvonek cry Ape is cniven | eae cock, hat a os Crverien tore 9 | Cryo, Clock freqeny te 1 MH2 - A ; clock Pexod Tp ares 4H see nz 8, Crowson time es Tenti) Te = rxin$ (8+9) @ ae ae |. - a od oe ay Ay i | 5 2 the op vate [ae Tt] ie ae ee eee eee | ict : | ‘Typical ckt of De 408 DAc : - | |

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