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Monipur Uchcha Vidyalaya & College
Class: Eight (English Version)

R<< <RqI (){ s \{)

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" A_,{_r$_$1:S;i;'
Svllabus for 3'd Monthlv examination -2022
Class : Eight Subject : English
1. Seen comprehension:
Unit 6 Modcl qucstion (13---25)
2. Irill in thc gaps without cluc (aftcr thc tcxt ) Unit -6
3. (irammar:
a) Changc thc scntcncc as dircctcd : Modcl Qucstion (13-----25)
b) |i11 in thc gaps adding sr-rllix, prclix or both :

Modcl Qucstion (1 3----25)

4. I)ialougc wrilrng :

Wrrtc a clialoguc bctwccrr

a) two lricrrds about tirc irnportancc of physical cxcrcisc .

b) you and your lricnd rcgarding how to itnprovc Ilnglish .

c) tr,vo lricnds about mcrits and dcrncrits of usinq rnobilc phonc.

d) trvo f icnds about thcir prcparatiou lor thc cusuing anuual cxantination .

c) tlo lricnds about how 1o do wcll iu thc examination .

Distribution of marks : 3'd Monthly

a) Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) tx5 :05
b) F-illing the blanks ( without clue ) after the text I r.5 05
c) Change the sentences as directed/Suffix or Prefix lx5 05
d) Writing a dialogue ( No alternative ) 1x 10 1 110
'l'otal :25

Svllabus for 4tr' Monthly examination -2022

Class : Iiight Subject : English

l. [Jnsccn comprchcnsion:
Modcl qucstion (13---25)
2. Iri1l in thc gaps with cluc :(Q .N -6) Model (13-25 )
3. (lrermmar:
a) Nurlatiorr Model Question ( I 3-----25)

c) LJsing capital lcttcrs and punctuation : Model Question (13------25)

tr) Ilmail u,riting :

Writc an c-mail 1o your {iicnd/ mothcr / hcadmastcr

a) about thc co*curricular activitics.
b) about your cxpcricncc of visiting a historioal placc
c) tclling about your hostcl litc.
d) dcsclibing him/hcr thc irnportancc of rcading ncwspapcrs.
c) sctting up a comrron rooln.
1) buying ptrrchasing rrorc bool<s fol tl-rc school liblary

Distribution of marks : 4th monthlv

'd.Write frue / False. If false , give correct answer 1X5 :05
b. Filling the blanks with clue
c. Narration/ Punctuation Marks
d. Writing a dialogue ( No alternative ) " *%
: 05
Svllabus for Annual examination -2022
Class : Bight Subject: English
Distribution of marks ( Annual Exam )
Part-A: Seen (20)
1, Multiplc choicc clucstion (M C.Q) 1x7..,01
2. Slrorr answcr qucstions 2x4..8
3. Gap Iilling (withot( clucs)'fcst Lcssorr llasccl lx5, .05

Part-B: Unseen (25)

4- hrl'ormation translcr' 5
5. 'lluc/lialsc 5
6. Clozc tcst with clucs 0.5x10,.,5
7. C1oz,e tcst wilhoul clucs I x5 ,,,5

L Matching 5

Ilart-C: Grammar (25)

9. Suffixcs and Prcfixcs 0.5x 10.-5
10, Usc of Arliclcs 0.5x 10. ,5

1i. Changing Scntcnccs 1x5.,,5

(Vorcc, Scnlcnccs: Affirrnativc, Ncgativc, Intcnogativc, Iixclamatory)

l2.Nlarralion/Spccch 5
13. Punctr-ration 5

Part-D: Writine (30)

i4" Dialoguc 10
15. Iiolmal/Inlormal cmail l0
16. Paragraph 10
Total'.- 100

3' Qucslion sctlcrs r,vrll sct itcms accorcling to thc.ISC (lltcsrjon pzrttcnt.
2, In casc of unavailability of dialogucs, pzlragraphs & inlonnal and lormal c-mails,
studcnts arc adviscd to takc hclp of thc school libr
Syllabus for Annua[ Examination -2022

1) linglish for'l'oday: Sccn Pass:rgc tJnit-6 & 7 (Q :l &2 N{odcl Quesrion:((20-41))

2) l''ill in thc gaps (lvithout clucs) aftcr thc tcxt(tlucstion -3):tJnit 7 and 9
3) Unsccn passagc : (Question: 4& 5) (Moclel qucstion : (20--30)
4) Cloze test with clues: (Model Question : (20-30)
5) Clozctest without clues: (Modcl question : (20-30) -"".S
6) Matching:
Grammar Part ( Question No 9. 10, 11 . 12, ,3;: #-:iN*,t"-
(Modcl Question :( 20-30)
8) Use of Articles: (Model question : (20-35 )
9) Changing Sentences: (Model question : (20-35 )

(Voice, Sentences: Interrogative, Affirmative, Negative, Exclamatory)

10 .Narration / speech (Model question : ( 20 -35)
/ ll.Punctuation marks and capitalization . Model question : (20-35 )
12. Dialogue writing :
Write a dialogue between
a) two friends about the importance of physical exercise .
b) you and your friend regarding how to improve English .
c) two friends about merits and demerits of using mobile phone,
d) two friends about their preparation for the ensuing Annual Examination .

.j ffio friends about how to do well in the examination .

0 two friends about the benefit of eariy rising .

g) two fricnds regarding their aims in life .

h) two friends about the importance of tree plantation .
13. Formal / Informal e-mail :

Write an e-mail to your friend/ mother / headmaster --

a) about thc co-curricular activities.
b) about your cxpcricncc of visiting a historical plaoc
c) tclling about yout hostcl lil'c.
d) dcscribing thc irnportancc ol- r'cacling ncwspapcrs.
c) 'l'hanking your l'ricnd Ibr scnding you a nicc birth day prcscnt .
f) Congratulating l-rirn/hcr on brilliant rcsult in thc JSC Iixaniination .

s) sctting up a common room.

h) buying rrorc books for thc school library.
14. Paragraph writing :

a) n llook ljair
b) A Wintcr Morning
c) A Fishcrman
d; Trcc l)lantation
c) A l{ickshaw pullcr
l) lmportancc of lcarning English

Subject: Mathematics
Types of questions and distribution of marks for
Half Yearlv E4amination- 100
Distribution of marks:
*Crcativc qucstion: (7 out ol 11) 10x1.-,70
+Multiplc Choiccs: (30 out of 30) 1x30...30
ll Crcativc qucstion: 3 qucstions fi'orn Arithrnctic,3 qucstions from Algcbla,3 qucstions liom
Gcomctry, 2 from statistics. in total 11 qucstions.
ll Studcnt must ernswer in total 7 qucstions,2 fiom algcbra, 2 Ii'om arithmctic, 2 from gcomctry
iilJ,flilitil:l::, ^'-'
qucstions will bc scr ancl all orthcm musr bc answcrcct. A . ." \(]-i

,# -.,''- ll. l:"'

N.I].- l/ Crcativc qucstion : 2 qucstions h'om Arithmctic, 2 qucstions fi'om flgcbru,/-q(gotions ,.. '" 1^*'n-

#At least 1 question from each part, 4 in total must be answered-

Monthly Examination: Full Marks- 25
Distribution of marks:
Creative question: (2 out of 3) I 0x2,, 20
Multiple Choices: (5 out of 5) _ lxs'Q5
'I'otal = 25
*Creative question: 1 question from Arithmetic, 1 question from Algebra, 1 question from
Geometry. In total 3 questions (answer any 2 out of 3)'
Multiple Choice: 5 questions will be set and all of them must be answered.
3'd MonthlY Examination
l.Arithmctic l]xcrcisc: 1
2.Algcbra lixcrcise : 5.1,5.2
3.Gcornctry Chaptcr: 9
4th Monthlv Irlxamination
l.Arithmctic llxcrcisc: 3.
2.A1gcbra lrxclcisc: 6.1,6.2
3.Gcornctry Chaptcr: 1 0 :'l'hcorc rtt- 1,2,3,4, Ilxamplc : 4
Iixcrcisc-l 0.2: 2, 5, 6
Annual Examination
l.Arithmctrc Exercise: 1,3
2.A1gcbra Exercise: 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2
3.Gcornctry Chapter: 8 and 10
4. Statistics Chapter:1 1

Subject: Bangladesh and Global Studies

Types of questions and distribution of marks
Monthlv Examination: Full Marks-25
1. Narrative question (Creative):2 out of 3. l0x2: 20
2. Multiple choice questions: 5 out 5 1 x5 :05
Half vearlv/Annual Examination
1. Obicctivc Qucstions: 30 out of 30 30xi: 30
a) Multiplc choicc qucstions: 20
b) Mnltiplc complctiorts: 06
c) Infbrrlativc: 1L1
'fotal "" 30
2. Narrativc Qucstions: (C'rcativc) (7 out of i 1) l0x1- 10
- 'l'otal :100

3'd Monthly Examination

Chapter: 4,7 andl0

4th Monthlv Examination

Chapter:5, 11 and 12

Annual Examination
Chapter: 4,5,'7,10, 11, 12,13 and 14

Guide line for cvaluating answer scripts of Bangladesh and Global Stu
answcr. No Parrial
mark shall bc awardcd.
2. Crcative question:
to thc skill' No mark shall bc givcn
i) Malks shall bc awarclcd for crcam c qucstions according
for incomplctc answcr. Ilut partial mark shall bc
givcn for lorvcr standarcl answcr it it is
is not acccptablc'
ii) i mark will bc givcnif thc answcr of knowl"}s::l1i:i:::'l::]-tlanswcr
willbc givcn.
no marKWIII b;;i"",,. rI this
u9 Brvurr' ur casc rro fracrionat.rnarl<
lurD vsrv.v "**'., ---, n -r1-:cr1^^--^
if aL^. 6c
^-^ +rr7^ parts tn
iii) 2 or 1 mark shalt be awarded in compreht"ti?l ltlfL:.331t:.::"ti: T,t.,'*o
cornprchcnsion stagc, Parlial mark or J ']',tL
bc arvardccr accorcling to trrc rvpc and slandard
iljil||,::T}"J;;;:'j :l;:,'i';;.r.,lau
thc itnswcr of aPPlication stagc'
awarclc<l according to thc typc and
v) ln rhc samc way, 4, or 3 ni 2 o, 1 mark shall bc
stanclarcl of,thc answcr in l'righcr thinking
vi) No fiactional mark oan bc givcn in any slagc'
to thc qucstion, lull marks will bc
vii) If answcr is writtcn folloriing thc rcrt anil accorcling

Subject: General Science

Types of qu"estions and distriUltlol oi"::kt
xa : Full Marks:
of 3 10x2 '20
1. Narrativc qucstion (Crcativc): 2 out
1 x5 '05
2. MLrltiplc choicc qucstions: 5 otrt 5 'r 0taT=1 5

1. Obicctivc Qucstions: 30 out of 30

a) Multiplc cltt-licc qucstions: 70
b) Multiplc comPlctions : 06
c) Inlonnativc: 04
fotal "" 30
2. Narrativc Qucstions: (Clrcativc) (7 out of 11) 't'otal:100
l0x7'' 7Q

3'd Monthlv Examination

Chapter : 3, 10,L1 and 12

4tn Monthly Examination

Chapter : 4,5 and 14

Annual Examination
Chapter :3, 4,5, L0, 1L,,12,13 and 14

accorcling to thc skill' No mark shall bc

i) Marks shall bc awarclcci lor crcativc qucstions
givcn Ior lowcr standard answcr if it
givcn for incomplcte answcr. Ilut partial mark shall bc
is considcrcd
is corrcct. lf answcr is not acccPtablc'^ *r$
iil i *rrr. will bc givcn if thc answcr. of knowlcdgc stagc
malk will bc givcn' n 1)^r'$-"""':f
no -o1L u,ill bc givcn In this casc no fractional atc fwcl
iii) 2 or I mark shall bc awarrlccl in comprchcnsion
"11: ^^*:t" ,4Rthr$b'
;;;';;";';;;'d; i' artial mark o r. 1 .rark, wi 11 n'
T11".' l'1:lll',il
to lJl't;
thc tvpc and
;i'il';il:un"'" ;;; t o, )or 1 mark shall bc awarJcd accorcling

v) In the same way, 4, or 3 or 2 or 1 mark shall be awarded according to the type and standard
of'thc answcf in highcl thinking orclcr'.
vi) No fiactional mark can bc givcn in any s1agc.
vii) If answcr is writtcn loilorving thc tcxt and according to thc qucstion, full marks will bc

Subject: Information and Communication Technology

Types of questions and distribution of marks
Monthly/ Mid-Term Examination: Full marks-25
L Narrative question: 4 out of 6 4x5:20
2. Multiple choice questions: 5 out 5 1 x5: 05

Total: 25
Ilalf Ycarly/Annual Flxamination - 50
1. Objective Questions: 25 out of 25 25x1,,,25
Question Pattern:
1. General Multiple choice questions: 18120
2. Multiple completion: f
3. Informative: 412
2. Narralivc Qucstions: (Crcativc) (5 out of'8)-. 5x5-.25
4th Monthly Examination
Chapter: 3, 4

Annual Examination- 2021

Chapters: 3,4 and 5

Guide line for evaluating answer scripts of ICT

1. Multiple Choice Questions: Full marks shall be awarded for correct answer. No parlial
mark shall be awarded
2. Narrative questions:
i) Full marks shall be awarded if the answer is correct and written afler text.
ii) Partial marks shall be awarded if the answer partially correct

Guide line for evaluating answer scripts

Srbj."tr Physical Educati
Subject teachers will do continuous assessment

Subject: Arts & Crafts

Half YearlyiAnnual Examination :
Half-yearly Examination
'fheory Part:
l't Chapter: I-ull K$.$-
2nd Chapter: Full
3'd Chapter: Full
5th Chapter: Full
Annual llxamination:
4th Chapter: Full
6th Chapter: Full
7th Chapter: Full

Guide Iine for evaluating answer scripts

Subject teachers will do continuous assessment

Subject: Home Science

Half Yearlv/Annual Examination :
Half-Yearlv Examination

Chapter: 1, 5, I
Annual Examination
Chapter: 21 618..13
Guide line for evaluating answer scripts

Subiect teachcrs will do continuous assessment

Subject: Agriculture
Types of questions and distribution of marks
Half-Yearly/Annual Examination: Full Marks-25
Multiple choice questions 25 o:ut of 25 lx25-25

Half-Yearlv Examination
Chapters: lst, znd, 3'd, 4th
Annual Examination
Chapters z lttr 2'd, 3td , 4tt

Guide line for evaluating answer scripts

Subject teachers will do continuous assessment

Subject: Islam and Moral Education

'fypes of questions and distribution of rnarks
Monthly Ilxamination: Ii'ull Marks-25
t.Narrativc Qucstions (Crcalivc) 2 or,rt of 3. 10x2.., 20
2.Answcr in a word: 5 out of 5 1x5 .,. 05
Ilalf yearly / Model'I'cst Iixamination: Marks:
l.Objective Questions: 30 out of 30 30x1, 30
Narrative Questions: (Creative) (7 out of 11)
-l0rz $5$$\i
'l'otal: 100
1. Question Pattern of Multiple Choices:
a)Gcncral Multiplc choicc qucstions: 16
b)Multiplc complction: 08
c)Inlonlativc : 0(r
Total: 30
2. Question Pattern of Narrative Questions: (Creative)
a) Knowledge based 01
b) Comprehensive 02
c)Application 03
d)IIigher order thinking 04
Syllabus- 2022
3'd N,lonthlv Examination
Chaptcr-3 :'l'cacl-rings of Quran And IIadith, Lcsson-3, 4, 10
Chaptcr-4: Akhlaq, Lcsson -1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Chaptcr-5: ldcal Livcs, I-cssot-t -3, 4

4th Monthlv Flxamination

Clraplcr-3 :'l'cachiugs of Quran And IIadith, Lcsson-1 1, 12, 14. 15
Chaplcr'-4: Akhlaq, Lcsson - 8,9, 10, 11, 12
Chaptcr-5: Idcal Livcs, Lcsson -5, 6

Annual llxamination
Chaptcr-3 :'l'cachings of Quran And I Iaclith, Lcssotr-3, 4, 10. 11 , 12, 14, 15
Chaptcr-4 : Akhlacl ( Ituli)
Clraptcr-5: Idcal l,ivcs, Lcssort -3,1.5,6^]

Guide linc lbr cvaluating answcr scripts of Islam and Moral Education
l. N{ultiple Choicc Qucstions: Itull n#l-ffiardcd lor corrcct answcr. No parlial
mark shal1 bc awardcd.
2. Crcative qucstion:
i) Marks shail bc awardcd lor crcativc c1r:cstions accolding to thc skill. No rnark shall bc givcn
for incomplctc answcr. Ilut partial mark shall bc givcn lor lowcr standard answcr if it is
cons idcrcd
ii) I mark will bc givcn if thc answcr of knowlcdgc stagc is corrcct. Ilansr,vcr is not acccptablc,
no mark will bc givcn In this casc no lractional mark will bc givcn.
iii) 2 or 1 rnark shall bc awardcd in comprchcnsion stagc. Ilut if thcrc at'c two parts in
comprchcnsion slagc I']artial rnark or 1 mark will bc givcn lot'corrcct par1.
vi) ln tirc sal'nc way, 3 r>t' 2 or 1 mark shall bc awarded according to thc typc and stanclard of
tlrc irnsn cr of application stagc.
v) In thc samc way, 4, or 3 or 2 or 1 mark shall bc awardcd according to tl'rc typc and standard
of thc answcr in highcr thinking ordcr.
vi) No fi'actional mark can bc givcn in any stagc.
vii) Ii'answcr is writtcn following thc tcxt ancl according to thc clucstion, iirll marks will bc

Subject: I{indu Religion and moral Education

Types of questions and distribution of marks
Monthly Examination: Full Marks-25
l.Narrative Questions (Creative) 2 out of 3. 10x2,20
2.Answer in a word: 5 out of 5 1x5 05
Total:25 \
Half Model Test Examination: Marks: 100
30r 1 -'30
l.Objective Questions: 30 out 10x7"-70
(Crcativc) (7 out o{' 11)
2.Narrative Questions: 't'otal: 100
Syltabus- 2022
7 3'd Monthlv llxamination
Chaptcr-3 aud 6: Wholc
4th Monthlv Examination
Chaptcr-4 and 8: Wholc
Annual Examination
Cl-raptcr-3,4, 6, 8: Wholc

Guiclclincforevaluatinganswer.s,|glnandmorall]ducationallswcr' No partial
questions: ttr'rll ,iarks shall bc awardccl tor corrcct
l. Multiplc Choice
mark shall bc awardcd'
2. Creative question: shi1l. No mark shall bc
bc awarclcd fbr crcativc clncstions acoording ro thc answcr il it is
i) Marrrs shall
llut partial ,r;;i.shall bc givcn ru' it'o'tt stanclzrrd
lor incon-rplctc ansrvcr.
consicicrc<l ^cknorvicdge stagc rs corrcct.Ilansrvcr is not acccptablc'
--. of
;;'i";^tk;i11bc givcn il'thc atrsrvcr
is casc no lractional mark
wi1lbc givcn'
no mark will bc gi';I;'f stagcl' Ilut it' ttlctc arc
two parts tn
,n"ri U. al'ardcd in...o*p..''cnsion
iii) 2 or 1 mark
i:s:3*"";J iliii#'l'J;5::T":"J;i',[Tll'lli,,.
::l*.*::*:application stagc'
anc, s'|anda'rd
thc attstvcr of
1. ,rark shalr bc awar<lccl
accoriling to thc typc and standard
4, or 3 or 2 or
r ) I, thc samc way,
. , ,i.r. arls\\ cr in highcr thinking
ro rrrc clucstion' ful, marks
will bc
ill, * "',,:'1:ll Til[:'i"[,til,filTL'llT".corcling
au,ardcd. moral Education
Subject: Christian Religion and of marks
Types of questions aid distribution
lrr^n4ulrr ['vernination: Full Marks-25
(Crcativc) 2 out of 3'
10x2 20
r.Narrativc Qucstions
1x5 05
2.Ansr.vct in a word: 5 out
/M est
30x 1 '30
l.Objcctivc Qucstions: 30 out of
(7 out ol 1 1) !qIZ-zq
X*ru,iu. Qr-rlstions: (Clrcativc) 'l'otal:100

1. Question Pattern.of Multiple Choile;:

;j,Y;rinluitipt" choioc qucstions:
b)MultiPlc comPlction :
c)Inlonrrativc :
SYllabus- 2022
3ra MonthIV li,xamination
Chaptcr-5 and 8: Wholc

Annual Examination
Chaptcr- 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 : r\E'Efu'
H,lffi;i; f;,:;i"111;:-
c"ia. Hne for Xl*r,.:,ipt,":f unnsuau
evaluating answer scripts oI :1,1'l,lT.:"i:3'#,'13,1T;lJi,l"1:s:i{+s:*..
er. N*dwlr
Full marks shall be awarded for correct answ
1. Multiple crroi.. bo"iti*r,
2. Creative question:
i)Marks shall be awarded for creative questions according to the skill. No mark shall be givcn
for incomplete answer. But partial mark shall be given for lower standard answer il' it is
ii) 1 mark will bc givcn if thc answcr of knowlcdgc stagc is corrcct. lf answcr is not acceptable,
no uark will bc givcn In this casc no fractional mark will bc givcn.
ii1) 2 or I tnark shall bc awardccl in comprchcnsion stagc. Ilut if thcrc arc two parts in
comprehension stage Partial mark or 1 mark willbe given for correct part'
vi) in the same way, 3 or 2 or I mark shall be awarded according to the type and standard of
the answer of application stage.
v) In the ,urn. *uy, 4, or 3 ir 2 or 1 mark shall be awarded according to the t1'pe and standard
of the answer in higher thinking order.
vi) No fractional mark can be given in any stage.
vii; tf answer is written following the text and according to the question, ful1 marks will be
Subject: Buddhist Religion and moral Education
Types of questions and distribution of marks
Monthlv Examination: Full NIarks-25
l.Narrativc Qucstions (Crcativc) 2 out of 3. 10x2:20
2.Ansrvcr in a word: 5 out of 5 1x5:05
Half yearlv/ Moclel'I'est Examination: Marl<s: 100
l.Obicctivc Qucstions: 30 out of 30 30x 1 =,30
2.Narrativc Qr-rcstions: (Crcativc) (7 or-rt ol I 1) )ylJ}_
Syllabus- 2022
3'd Monthlv Examination
Chaptcr: 5 and 8: Wholc
4th Monthly Examination
Chaptcr: 6 and 9: Wholc
Annual Examination
Chaptcr: 5, 6,7 , 8
Guidc linc filr cvaluating answcr scripts of Buddhist lteligion and moral Flducation
l. Multiplc Choicc Qucstions: Irull rnarks shall bc awardcd fot' corrcct answcr. No partial
nrark shall bc awaldcd.
2. Crcativc question:
i) Marks shall bc awarciccl lor crcativc qucstions accolding to thc skill. No mark shall bc
givcn for incornplctc answcr'. Ilut parlial mark shall bc givcn lor lou,cr standard answcr if it
is considcrcd
ii) 1 mark will bc givcn if thc answcr of knor,vlcdgc stagc is corcct. Ilansrvcr is not acccptablc,
no mark will bc givcn In this casc no lractional mark will bc givcn.
iii) 2 or I mark shall bc awarclcd in cornprchcnsion stagc. Ilut if' thctc atc two parts in
comprchcnsion stagc Partial mark or 1 mark will bc givcn lor comcct part.
vi) ln thc samc way, 3 or 2 or 1 rnark shall bc awardcd aocording to thc typc and standard of
thc answcr of application stagc.
v) In thc samc way, 4, or 3 or 2 or 1 rnark shall bc awardcd accorcling to thc typc ancl stanclard
of thc answcr in highcr thinking ordcr.
vi) No fiactional mark can bc givcn in any stagc.
vii) If answcr is writtcn following thc tcxt and accolding to thc clucstion, full rnarks will bc
Guide line for evaluating answer scripts
Subject: Work and life Oriented Educat[on
N.B. - Subject teachers will do continuous asse'ssment

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