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Narrator: Jennlyn, a Senior High school student with a passion for dance, since she was a kid, she dreams of
becoming a professional dancer, one night sitting in the living room surrounded by notebooks and one laptop doing
her projects and assignments. While the room is filled with quiet hum of studying, she opened her laptop and watch
a video dance in YouTube.

Jennlyn: One day, I'll be a dancer. I just need to keep believing in my dream.

(She opens a dance video audition in her laptop, staring of videos of professional dances in awe.)

She will now close her laptop and take the candle and go to her bedroom. Then she will put the candle to the table
beside on her bed. She closes the curtains and then lay down.

Narrator: Jennlyn falls asleep and she dream of that she’s in a show that full of people with talents.

Host 1 (William): Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Star Spotlight, the ultimate talent where stars
are born to shine. I’m William come and join me your fantastic host, Ehemm wala bang palakpakan diyan.

Host 2 (Eric): Thank you Partner! We’re surrounded the globe to bring you an incredible lineup of talented individuals
and tonight, they will compete for the title of the ultimate star of the night. Before we start, Let’s welcome our
judges, we have Daniella and Julius.

William: We are now going to start for our talent contender is non other than the phenomenal. Swalla! Be ready for
the electrifying dance!


Eric: Let’s give an around of applause for the Swalla!! Can you all introduce yourself?

(Contestant no.1 introduce themselves)

What is your motive in participating in our show?

Contestant no.1: We want to inspire everyone by showing our talents and to make ourselves proud of what we can

Eric: Let’s what the judges are going to say about your performance.

Julius (judge): What a beautiful performance. Even though the six of you have different energy you all manage to put
a wonderful performance, it’s really great.

William: Thank you for your wonderful performance that we have witnessed, right partner.

Eric: Tama ka diyan partner talaga namang nakakahanga ang pinakita nilang sayaw kahit na magkakaiba ang kanilang
height my pandak este kahit na magkakaiba ang kanilang energy.

William: (hahahaha) tama ka diyan partner, so partner let’s proceed to our next contender.

Eric: Time to hit the dance floor with our next performance the treasure!!

(Contestant no. 2 takes the stage)

William: What a wonderful performance that we have treasure! Can we know the name starting with you.

(Contestant no.2 introduce themselves)

William: How does your group starts?

(Contestant no. 2 answer)

Eric: Now we gonna hear the comment of the judges.

Daniella (judge): I absolutely loved the choreography. The way you utilized the entire stage and incorporated those
intricate formations added a layer of complexity to the routine. It was visually stunning

William: Thank you judges as well as our contender for your wonderful performance. While preparing the next
performer let’s hear the Three Serenade for our intermission number

(The three serenade takes the stage)

Eric: Thank you three serenades.

Let’s continue to our contender The Glow!!!!!!

(Glow takes the stage)

William: What an incredible performance that we have here Glow!!!

Eric: OMG partner they must prepare their performance for the show.

William: Talagang tumpak partner ang sinabi mo halata ngang pinaghadaan nila ang kanilang performance. But I
have a question for our contestant. But first can you all introduce yourself

(contestant introduces thereselves)

William: Why all of you are here in this show? Bakit wala kayo sa bahay niyo wala pa kayong sinaing…. Joke lang

Mayo: Because we want all people know that we are extremely good in dancing.

William: Are you positive that you will reach your dream in becoming a professional dancer?

Mayo: Yes of course we are confidently that we reach our dreams of being a dancer.

William: Goodluck to all of you in reaching your dreams

Eric: Ohh tama ng daldal partner let’s now hear the comment of our judges.

Julius: While the overall performance was fantastic, I'd suggest refining the transitions between certain sequences
for a smoother flow. This minor adjustment can elevate the cohesiveness of the routine.

William: Thank you for your wonderful performance. Our next contender Ryzelle!!

(Ryzelle takes the stage)

Eric: WOW!!! Even though you are a solo performer you do it well. So, let’s hear the comment of our judges.

Daniella: Your stage presence is undeniable. The confidence and charisma you exude make it impossible to look
away. You owned the stage from the moment you stepped on it.

William: Thank you to our judges and to our contender. So, let’s continue to our next performer Jemma!!

(Jemma takes the stage)

Eric: What a great performance as a solo dancer. Now let’s hear the comment of our Judges

Julius: you delivered a captivating performance. Continue refining those details.

William: What a phenomenal showcase of talent! Now the moment we’re all waiting for, the judges will reveal their
scores and determine who will be crowned as the ultimate star of the night.

(Judges scores are revealed)

Eric: For our first runner up, we have Swalla… And our second runner up is Ryzelle. And now for our champion for
tonight is… is… THE GLOW!! Congratulations to our winner! And a big round of applause for all of our contestants
who graned our stage tonight. Thank you for joining to Star Spotlight. Until next time keep shining bright.
Narrator: Jennlyn finally wake up on her dream and she was encouraged to join and show that she is capale in



Jilliane (Jennlyn’s Friend) noticed her carrying a dance bag.

Jilliane: Hey Jennlyn!! What’s up with the dance bag??

Jennlyn: (smiling) I’ve decided to follow my dream, I want to be a dancer.

(Dance Class)

Narrator: Jennlyn decided to show to her teacher and to audition her for the upcoming talent show.

(A good news tells to Jennlyn that Ms.Rodrigez (Teacher) encourage her to show her talent in upcoming talent show.)

School (Auditorium – Talent Show)

Jennlyn stands confidently backstage, ready to showcase her talent. The stage lights dim and the music starts.


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