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Assignment HW1 due 07/27/2023 at 11:59am SAST

Problem 1. (1 point) Problem 5. (1 point)

Integration by Parts: This is the most important integration tech-
nique we’ve discussed in this class. It has a wide range of appli- Evaluate the integral
cations beyond increasing our list of integration rules. Z π/2
−1x csc2 (x) dx
R 3 π/4
z ln zdz = .
R t
e costdt = . Answer(s) submitted:
• -(pi/4) - 1/2*(ln2)
R 2π (correct)
0 sin(x) sin(x + 1)dx = .
Answer(s) submitted:
• (1/4)lnz*zˆ4 - (1/16)*zˆ4 Problem 6. (1 point)
• (eˆt*sint)/2 + ((eˆt*cost)/2 ) Evaluate the indefinite integral.
• pi*cos1+(-sin(4pi+1)+sin1)/4
x sin2 (8x) dx = +C.

Problem 2. (1 point)
Hint: Integrate by parts with u = x.
Evaluate the indefinite integral. Answer(s) submitted:
Z • 1/512*(128xˆ2 - 16*x*sin(16x) - cos(16x))
x arctan(6x)dx (correct)

Answer: +C
Problem 7. (1 point)
Answer(s) submitted: Use integration by parts to evaluate the integral.
• ((1/2)*xˆ2*arctan(6x)) - (1/72)(-arctan(6x) + 6x) Z
(correct) 343x2 cos(7x)dx

Problem 3. (1 point)
Find the integral. +C
Answer(s) submitted:
• 49xˆ2sin(7x) - 2*(-7x*cos(7x) + sin(7x))
e4x sin(5x)dx =
Answer(s) submitted:
• -(5eˆ(4x)*cos(5x))/41 + (4eˆ(4x)*sin(5x))/41 + C
(correct) Problem 8. (1 point)
Evaluate the indefinite integral.
Problem 4. (1 point) Z
220 cos4 (11x)dx
Evaluate the integral
Z 1/2
3 cos−1 (x) dx
[NOTE: Remember to enter all necessary *, (, and ) !!
Enter arctan(x) for tan−1 x , sin(x) for sin x.... ]
Answer(s) submitted: Answer(s) submitted:
• (pi - (3*sqrt(3)))/2 + 3 • 20*(cosˆ3(11x)*sin(11x) + 3/8*(11x - 1/4*sin(44x)))

(correct) (correct)

Problem 9. (1 point) Problem 13. (1 point)
Z π/6
Evaluate the indefinite integral.
Find the value of sin(2x) sin(x) dx.
0 Z
tan3 (x) sec9 (x) dx = +C.
Answer(s) submitted:
Answer(s) submitted: • (secˆ11(x))/11 - (secˆ9(x))/9
• 1/12 (correct)
Problem 10. (1 point) Problem 14. (1 point)
Evaluate the indefinite integral. Evaluate the indefinite integral.
sin(x) cos(8x) dx = +C tan4 (x) sec4 (x) dx = +C.
Answer(s) submitted: Answer(s) submitted:
• 1/2(-1/9*cos(9x) + 1/7*cos(7x)) • (tanˆ5(x))/5 + (tanˆ7(x))/7
(correct) (correct)
Problem 11. (1 point)
Problem 15. (1 point)
Evaluate Z
sin6 x cos3 x dx. Calculate 3 sin4 x cos2 x dx.

Answer(s) submitted:
• (sinˆ7(x))/7 - (sinˆ9(x))/9 + C
(correct) Answer(s) submitted:
Problem 12. (1 point) • 3((3/8)*x - (1/24)*sinˆ3(x)*cos(x) - (3/16)*sin(2x) + (1/6
Evaluate the integral
Z π/3 Problem 16. (1 point)
3 Evaluate the indefinite integral.
−8 csc (x) dx
tan3 (x) sec2 (x) dx = +C.
Answer(s) submitted: Answer(s) submitted:
• 2ln(3(7-4*sqrt(3))) - 8*(sqrt(3)) +8/3 • (tanˆ4(x))/4
(correct) (correct)

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