The Human Centipede

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Everyyearthehorrorworldisshockedbya supposed must-seemoviecausing Sadly,

a frenzyin mediaoutletsworldwide.

moreoftenthannottheshockis morethattheseso-called moviesarenothingmorethanover-hyped mess! Ihe Human

Centipedehasbeenlikenedbysomecriticsto a carcrash.Whatcanwe reallyexpectfroma film thatcomeswith such

orror fans know their stuff. We, German mad scientist was symbolic of crazy becauseit was going against hb
as a general rule, are pretty the participants of World War II. While medical oath, but later becausehe b e
resistant to hype. When we are that's a nice theory, and certainly one movie fan he wanted to helP me. He
told that such and such is 'the picked up on by a few critics, it doesn't designeda very detailed accurate
most disturbing movie ever really work; there were other operation for me as you seein the
made' or that people were participants in that war too, none of film when Dr. Heiter is showing the
throwing up during screeningsand walking whom are given any symbolic drawings they are real oPeration
out part-way through the film, our interest representation in the film. drawings. So this surgeon could
may be piqued to seesuch a film, but as to actually make a human centipedeir r
its chunk-blowing significance,we tend to Much detail is given in the surgical hospital. Of course you'd have to bt
wait and make our own minds up. Tom explanation of the procedure, which Six very sick as a surgeon to do it for
Six's Human Centipede (First Sequence) is assureshis audience(as it screamsfrom real.'
being touted as such a film; a movie so the film's poster) is '1007o medically
depraved it may just turn an audience accurate', The attention to surgical It would be churlish of me to nitlit
insane. minutiae regarding how one's mouth on the science of the film, hower cr.
could effectively be sutured to another's surely to create a'human centipt*'
30 secondsafter the first movie made the butthole is tremendous, with several of along the lines proposed (and
first dollar, exploitation cinema was born. the official stills for the film depicting completely ignoring that instead Jt
centipede,what Heiter actuaI t
Exploiting the audience'sdesiresfor Heiter's drawings for the experiment
createsonly has 12 limbs) it Eorl t
entertainment and sensationalismhas been (which were apparently drawn by Six's
the mainstay of the film worldo and doctor friend), rather than action from more efficient if the secondand
exploitation movies in particular have the film. in the line were decapitated.
always had the premise of promising much their oesophagusessurgicallr
more than the film actually delivers-what As Six notes,'I consulted a real surgeon the anusesand their nen-ous 5t
hucksters call'selling the sizzleonot the in Holland. At first he thought I was reconfigured to act as a whok d-
steak'. The Human Centipede, in this Such a procedure would. out of
respect,emergesout of a fine and necessityocut out the mouth
somewhat less-than-nobletradition of
"l trytoGrcatG
oliginalfilms,wny from the equation. Such an crrr
exploitation cinema. tnatalGd0nG
wlitcstolies a medical knowledge is quite
far from simply denf ing thc
The premise is certainly puke-worthy. A
hundred mou$and timesP Gteate accuracy of the film, the hcd
mad German surgeon, who made his name someming new,[usn boundafies, retained and independent ir
create the 'eww, gross' rsrtt--
separating conjoined twins, has the dream whyGIsebothelfl" particularly when Katsuro cr
of creating a 'human centipede': the
sharing of a single digestive track by three longer hold his bowels and
victims. To do this, Dr. Heiter (Dieter profusely to Lindsap'.xho cr
Laser) kidnaps two young American nothing but swallorr. Eacl
women (Ashley C. Williams and Ashlynn segment must retain its
Yennie) and a Japanesetourist (Akihiro and individualitl'and not br
Kitamura). His plan is to surgically attach subsumed by dehumand
one personts mouth to another's anus, and need to imagine rrhat nc
then repeat the procedure one more time, put in that situation: tbt'rt
effectively creating a three-segmented no gross-out effect if thst
human centipede. empathy.

Dutch writer-director Tom Six has noted Six has gone on record
that he was largely influenced by the body- create original films rb
horror imagery of David Cronenberg and that are done a hundrtd
Takashi Miike, as well as the times? Create somethL{
experimentation on unwilling medical boundaries. eke b.fuD'
problem is that llrr Hnt 'ldrn
subjects by the Nazis. Supposedly'the
casting of two Americans and a Japanese isn't as original as dl 'L- GJdmmtr
I Dieter La*r was gobsmacked wfien Madonna asked fot the attaching of thrct Fill mrmilllilll
tourist as the film's central victims to a advice on hw to define heriawline.

mainstreaml that destroys the
joys of discovering new directorsonew
films, new levels of perversion and the
grotesque.'Hands off our genre,' we

Ebertts comment, however and

despite the number of times it is
quoted in discussionsabout the film,
is taken out ofcontext. His review of
The Human Centipede is largely
positive. Earlier in the review, Ebert
comments, 'I have long attempted to
take a generic approach. In
other words, is a film true to its genre
and does it deliver what its audiences
presumably expect? "The Human
Centipede" scoreshigh on this scale.
It is depraved and disgusting enough
to satisfy the most demanding
midnight movie fan. And itrs not
simply an exploitation film.' For many
critics, there is a tone of dismissal in
their reviews. Rolling Stone's review
opens with this salvo: 'This horror
show from Dutch director Tom Six
to-anus is not something I,ve encountered will be heaven for devoteesof four-
before in a movie, but the mad scientist star torture porn and zero-star hell
(German mad scientist,no less)who creates for everyoneelse.' So only those who
monstrositiesgoesat least as far back as like torture porn (a poorly-defined
Herr Doktor Frankenstein. Add in a little term at its best, but one whose
perverted '(Hansel and Gretel" by way of meaning everyone knows) will like
Hostel and,suddenly things aren't feeling so this, but everyone else(i.e. 'normal'
fresh anymore.
"l lmewwhen I nadmis people) should stay away from such
films. What the critics seemto
The whole point of exploitation cinema is to ofiginalandsttange idea assume,and assumequite unfairly, is
promise everything and deliver as little as
possible.These are the original high- matmelewouldbealot that horror fans are an
indiscriminatinglot. Any
concept films. There is nothing beyond the ofrconlematwould hate concept promising the bizarre and
idea of being surgically grafted on to
someoneelse'srear end. Remember the
it and[e disgusred [y it stomach-turning is like porn to us.

schoolyard 'sick jokes'? What's the Butlalsolnewthat Consider this next comment from
definition of gross?Two Siamesetwins, melemustbG[co[le Jeannette Catsoulis writing in the Nep
joined at the mouth, and one ofthem pukes. York Timest rA must-see for
The Human Centipede never really rises whowould teallyloue coprophiliacs and spanking
above that level of sophistication. thisideaandlouetnis enthusiasts... [this] may be the year's

Six noted in an interview with Will LeBlanc

film." first mainstream fetish movie'.
'Coprophiliacs', for those of us
that: 'I knew when I had this original and fans don't want the critics to unsophisticatedenough to not read
strange idea that there would be a lot of like their films becausehorror the New York Times means 'shit
people that would hate it and be disgusted fans need to be marginal. We eaters'. Catsoulis continues referring
by it. But I also knew that there must be don't want oar jilms to be to the film as a'twisted,DD
people who would really love this idea and
love this film. So you know if yourre making
a controversial film this will always happen
to you. During a test screeningin Holland
there were girls walking out of the theater
crying who were really afraid to talk or
even look at me after the screening.tWith
all due respect,horror movies, like any
movie, generatea range ofresponses, not
just love it or hate it. Roger Ebert,s
commentary on the film is significant: 'I
am required to award stars to movies I
review. This time, I refuse to do it. The star
rating system is unsuited to this film. Is the
movie good? Is it bad? Does it matter?'
Such commentary suggeststhat horror fans
will go and seeany film with the promise of
excessivegrossness.'Body horrort, a term
coined to refer to David Cronenberg's
worko is largely critic-proof. In fact, horror


hammy bio-horror Iwhich] is sufficiently

original to lure even the most satiated
genre fans'. Much like torture porn, the
mainstreaming of 'extreme horror' gives a
non-horror readership the illusion of
knowing and understanding contemporary
horror cinema. Despite horror being the
new ^StdrTrek (at least in fashionable
circles), the real fans are not interested in
mainstream horror. Ifyaz know about it,
Ms. Catsoulis, then the chancesare we've
already seenit and have moved on to
"l Gonsultedatealsutgeon in
pleasuresbeyond. Hang out with some
real genre fans, as Hellralbar's Pinhead
Holland. AtfirsthethoughrI was
would say, for'we have such sights to show Glazy lecauseit wasg0ingagainst
hismedical oalh,butlater
Six has a fan page on Facebook (even my [ecause heisamouiclanhe
cat has a fan page, but then again he is a
very popular kitty). Reading the comments wanled mnel[me.Hcdesigned a
on that page, a distinct picture of fans of I She notied her name was
on Heston Blumenthal'smenu
uelydctailed 0[clati0n
The Human Centipede begins to take shape.
What emergesis a picture considerably
and that was just for starte6! you
fol meas sceintnefilmwner
removed from the gore-junkies mainstream
newspaperssuggestwant to seethe film.
Paul Shunk, for example, notes: 'You blew meyarclealo0cration
Cronenberg out of the Body Horror fans don't post on Facebook fan pages.
genre!!! Human Centipede was
AWESOME!!!' Other commentsinclude: Even funnier than the wannabes are those nho
rI was literally nauseatedbefore watching take films like The Human Centipede way too
the film I was so scared. and I loved it' seriously. Again on Six's Facebook page are a
(Scottie Corley); 'You are really making number of people who use the spaceto bitch
some awesomefilms' (Tristan O'Brien); about the film's morality. 'Will somebodl'
and 'WOW. You knocked me off center pleaseshoot Tom Six in the head and help ri<t
and it takes a LOT to move me' (Marz the world of the garbage that is people like hirl
Richards). Attend any horror film festival With all of the real problems we have in the
and you'll seethesefans who make such world today why can't people make constructir.t
comments; they come in for one, maybe two movies' (Scott Douglas Haag). For the record-
films in an evening,dragging their Six's film is constructive; it demonstrateshor
dates with them to show how tough they to construct a 'human centipede'.Faith Hatcl
are. They can watch totally sick movies. comments: 'tom...i hated your film, you are r
These are not fans. These are wannabes. truely sick indiviual. wile i was watching thfo
The real fans hang out at the back of the movie i was wondering what the hell kind of e
venue, chatting amongst themselves,who person would sit down and and in geat dehel
watch every film. These are the people who, write a script this revolting. The sear concr?r d
during the ubiquitous short film segments theis story is crap! what the hell where vou
of any horror festival, take notebooks with thinking conecting 3 people by the ass hok- ru
them to record their thoughts and who take kind of shitty stort is that anyways, it
their votes verv seriouslv. Real horror dosne evern have a good ending. arter
J U L Y2 O 1 O

i watched this movie i couldn't even go to

sleep because of the feeling in my stomic......
you should be ashamed for putting thoughs
images and ideas into peoplesdeads,your a
sick peoson and need therapy, die slowly!'
So we're up to two death threats now.
Finally Lisa Matt comments: 'Everyone who
likes this film: in another time and place,
you would have been running concentration
"lfuring atostsctGoning
camps. I have no doubt about it. You should
all be sterilized.' In any argument, the first
person who mentions the Holocaust loses;it girlswalning outoIthe
is too crude a trump card to play. However,
not withstanding that piece of advice for tnGarcl GilingwnowelG
the novice orator. other critics have made
comparisons of Dr. Heiter with the Nazis.
lGaluafiaidt0tall 01
Catsoulis in the New York Times goes so far euGnlool atmealtGl
as to wonder if the film is 'a commentary on
Nazi atrocities or a literal expression of tnesGlceninu."
filmmaking politics'.
the film a positive review, awarding According to Six himself, who in
Six has even been compared to Uwe Boll, as it a score of 6/10. as did Dread interviews becomescagey when
being the Dutch contribution to modern bad Central's Gareth Jones.However. asked about the sequel, this new
cinema. His distinct enthusiasm for 366 Weird Movies is not so easily film will be much more graphic,
moviemaking and the stark modernism of charmed: 'So, the answer to the have many more bodies attached
his mise en scine suggestthat he should be a question of how director Tom Six (some rumours suggestfour times
better filmmaker than the end products of would pad the film to fill up the extra the number of victims, thereby
his movies indicate. Anyone who has heard 88 minutes of screen time turns out to making a l2-person human
of The Human Centipede will know what it be an ingenious and efficient one: he centipede with 48 digits flaying
is about; the concept of the film is pre-sold. relies on tried and true horror movie about), and will make Fl'rsl
For the first half of the film, we wait in clich6s, trusting that we'll never Segmentlooklike My Little Pony
promised anticipation for the catch on becausethis time, it's a in comparison. Or that could just
Cronenbergian/Miike-esque excesses. But human centipede playing out the be exploitation hucksterism to get
watching Kitamura, Williams and Yennie predictable formula. So it's different, the wannabes excited. MJK
crawl about on all fours bandaged together see?The full movie is no
looks more like university hazing than a improvement on the trailer, but it is
medical experiment. I did wonder if cast 45 times longer. Now that I think
DD m" Human Centipede (Full
flatulence was a problem on the set; one back on it, the 2 minute trailer may Sequence)has no scheduled release
really can suffer too much for their art. have been paddedotoo.' date but will be reviewed in a future
According to some fans of the film, The issue.
Human Centipede should be viewed as a Regardless of whether you are a fan
comedy, not a horror film. They suggest it of Tom Six's variant on body-horror,
be watched with a senseof humour. or whether you seehim as a non-
commiffal horror wannabe, a sequel
But, at the end of the day, what will keep is currently being planned for mid-
thebtzz going about Tom Six and The 2010 shooting inLondon. The
Human Centipede is the genre fans, and Haman Centipede (Full Sequence)
their publications. Bloody Disgusting gave promises much more than part one,

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