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Attention to Mr.Yusuf and Mr.

I apologise, I took some time to look into the errors. Please go through to justify if we need
to send clearer fotocopies and do we need to do some corrections?
Guaman NO: BL- A52NCvC- 108-11/2022 BAHAGIAN A
No: 1. PERJANJIAN JUAL BELI BERTARIKH 1 April 2022 Page 7 – 18 in Bahagian A
Please see page 8 which is the cover page for S N P Agreement chop Original. The next
page should be 9 and but its 101 and Bahagian C. Where is Page 9. Its missing.
As for the S N P, after the cover page the facts for number 1 , 2, 3, and 4 is missing. On page
10, the S N P starts with number 5. Is this ok?
I still have not received an original copy of the S N P.
No. 2 Salinan Penghakiman Persetujuan Bertarikh 16.06.2021 (BAHAGIAN A)
Page 19 – 20 NO ERRORS
No. 3 Salinan Sijil Carian Rasmi Bertarikh 11.03. 2021 (BAHAGIAN A)
Page 21 – 22 NO ERRORS
No.4 Salinan Borang Melepaskan Gadaian bertarikh 31.05.2022.(BAHAGIAN A)
It should be 11 – 3- 2022 See page 23 – 25.
Authorisation by Mr. Vijay Chander on 31 May 2022. Refer page 24.
Page 23 – 25. Photocopy numbered 12 page 58 till 62
Mr. Vijey applied to LPPSA for Lepasan Gadaian on 18 -02- 2022 Refer page 58 of Ikatan
Dokumen Bersama as the first application and the follow up letter to LPPSA on 3 -03-2022.
Page 60 of Ikatan Dokumen Mr. Vijay requested for the Lepasan Gadaian as his client wanted
to apply for a loan. (I fwd copy of request from Mr. Vijay). Mr Bala asked me if I would allow
them to apply for a loan. Since they applied for a loan, Mr Vijay applied for the Lepasan
Gadaian and the other reason The Plaintiff and husband were having the title. They
collected the title in Aug 2016 from Pej Tanah Klang. ( I gave an authorization letter to collect
the geran on behalf of me as I unwell with my tumor severe headache).
Refer page 58 and 61. He received The Lepasan Gadaian on 11- 3 -2022. Way ahead of
signing of S N P on 1 April 2022. The front page of the consent Judgement letter was used in
this application to apply for Discharge and with also the title in their possession. But Mr.
Vijey did not send the second page of the Consent Judgement as it contains the Transfer
should only be done when the balance purchase price has been deposited with the Vendors
No akaun LPPSA 287796-05/287795-07 Page 1 of 2
Page 2 depict LPPSA/Doc & PA/1.2018
Mr. Vijay wrote to LPPSA on 18-02- 2022, requesting for the discharge of the property to LPPSA.
Refer Gmail dated 7 Feb 2022 page 42.Requesting Ms Seethaletchumi and Mr Pubalan
authorization to LPPSA for Discharge of Property for Mr. Vijay s further action. From Mr Vijey to
Mr Bala. Moreover requesting Mr Bala to have received this email. Then accusing Mr. Bala as
not doing the discharge of the Charge of the said property when S N P expired on 1 st Aug 2022
that there was a delay in getting the discharge therefore Mr Vijay claim there will be a delay in
getting the transfer and there will also be a delay in payment. The whats app conversation took
place in June 2022 so from June and therefore a further 3 months to get the rm 78 000.00
balance payment will be in September 2022. Refer Whats App conversation on 12 July 2022
refer page 66. Mr Bala asks Mr. Vijay. Have you completed the discharge? Mr. Vijay replied Can’t
do anything without i.c. colour copies. So according to Mr Vijay the discharge was not obtained
from LPPSA as in 12 July 2022.
SAME ISSUE LEPASAN GADAIAN Refer Bahagian B. No: 16 Why was the Lepasan gadaian signed
by Mr Vijay dated 31 May 2022 ( 16N). Did he sign it infront of Siti Hajar on 31 May 2022? Siti
Hajar s chop is in English Language. Usually it will be in BM. The signature is also not seen. Is this
Page 61 – 62: Pihak LPPSA tidak bertanggungjawab atas denda lewat oleh Pejabat Tanah lewat
melakukan urusan pembatalan gadaian. HOW MUCH OF DENDA AM I SUPPOSE TO PAY THE
need to inform Pej Tanah Klang that the property is off the Lepasan Gadaian. Pls advise me on
No: 5 Salinan Borang Pindahmilik Borang 14A (TOLAK)
Page 26 - 29 ERROR. The date submitted for the transfer of hakmilik is missing in the column
Number 5. 17 August 2022 is missing. In the BAHAGIAN A of IKatan Dokumen Bersama
N0: 6 Sijil Setem Bagi Perjanjian Jualbeli Bertarikh 01.04 2022 Is it correct?
Page 30. The LHDN stamped on 18 April 2022 and not on 1 April 2022. If the S N P was
stamped on 18 April 2023 so is it correct to say S N P was Stamped on 1 April 2022.?
No: 7 Salinan Dekri Nisi dan sijil menjadikan Dekri Nisi Mutlak NO Date. 22 Nov 2004.
Page 31 – 35. NO ERRORS
NO: 8. In the Dokumen. Cek No 122449. Atas nama Punithavathy a/p Veeran date 12 Aug 2022
should be included. See page 37 – 39. The cheque is on page 39.
No; 9 and No 10 - NO ERROR.
NO: 11 Email diantara Tetuan R.B.Murali & Associates dan Tetuan Zul Vijey Chander &
Associates. Page 42 - 51
No: 11. Bahagian B Page 42 til 51.
I Believe Most of the text messages looked as if it was just typed to show that there was
some communication but the copies of the attachments not enclosed and just written as
hidden text messages. When Mr. Chua asked Mr. Bala for the correspondence between him
and Mr. Vijay, Mr. Bala said they spoke over the phone and they do not have any conversation.
. Below are some of the emails from pg 42 as chronological order almost all of the emails do not
have the file attachment or sample document.
a) Pg 42 . On Feb 4, 2022, about 5 messags were sent to Mr. Bala by Mr. Vijey Chander.
Copies of the documents were not attached.
b) Page 42. On Feb 7, 2022 Mr Vijay Chander had enclosed drafts of letter of authorization.
(Should have the sample copy) This email has 2 attachements. Quoted and text hidden.
c) Page 42. Mr Vijay emailed to Mr. Bala . Mr. Vijay requesting for approved draft order of
Discharge of Property signed by me and Mr. Pubalan. It has 4 drafts. This is quoted and
hidden text .
The chronology is skipped. From Feb 2022, its going back to 23 Sept 2021. Is this correct?
d) Page 43, On 23 Sept 2021 at 5.20 pm. The text was quoted and hidden. Why hidden
text? Mr. Bala emailed to Mr. Vijay to look for the amended copy of of S N P. dated 23
Seot 2021. The date went backward to year 2021. This shows the chronology of emails
but without copies attached.
e) Email from Mr. Vijay to Mr. Bala on Sept 30 2021. Pls find enclosed of our even date for
your guidance. Where is the content of the enclosed letter? What is the meaning of our
even date?
f) The same request to look for our even date which is self explanatory for your guidance
dated Nov 18 .2021.
g) Sept 7 2021 Mr, Vijay to Mr. Bala please find enclosed copy of a letter which content is
self explanatory for your guidance . Copy or content is not exposed. No Attachment.
Quoted and Hidden Visva Punitha 76K 1 (latest) charge.doc
h) Mr. Vijey to Mr. Bala request Mr. Bala to find for amended copy of S N P and amended
Form 14 And a request and to discard old copy. And your client to excute and return as
soon as possible. No attachement. Date July 30. 2021 (Text hidden ?)
i) Mr. Bala to Mr. Vijey on 4 Aug 2021 Mr.Bala says I have forwarded to my clients will
revert with instructions, (Text hidden)
j) Jul 27 2021 From Mr. Vijay to Mr. Bala Requesting Mr. Bala to look for enclosed Draft S
N P and 14A for further action. 2 attachements to Punitha n Visva. No copies of
k) 30 Jul 2021 Mr. Vijay to Mr. Bala asking whether Mr.Bala’ s client has made full settlement
of the loan and whether the property has been redeemed and discharged. If the full loan was
not settled by July 2015, the Geran will not be issued and the title is in the possession of
Mr.Visva and Punithavathy. Text quoted and hidden. No attachments and no senders name. Just
best regards.
L) On 30 July 2021, Again Mr Vijay to Mr Bala to “ Please find amended S N P copy for further
m) Mr Bala to Mr Vijay on March 26, 2021 Mr. Bala says received instructions to file for
appearance and defend for claim brought by you against Defendents. Memo of appearance. No
attachements of documents.
n) Mr Bala to Mr Vijay on April 2021, Find defence enclosed. Pembelaan PDF form. No
documents attached.
p) On May 2021 Mr Vijay to Mr Bala sent duly draft for Consent Judgement. Pdf consent
judgement. No attachement
q) Mr Bala received replied on 21 May 2021
r) Mr Bala to Mr Vijay. Pls find letter written to court. Letter in PDF. No attachment. On May
21 , 2021. Find the draft order and sent to court
s) On 23 Sepr 2021. Mr Bala to Mr Vijey Amended S N P . Kindly fair it and get Vijey s client to
sign it and pass it over to me to be executed by our client. Quotted n Hidden text. No name of
t) On page 51 of Ikatan Dokumen Bersama. There are 5 attachements. But copies of
attachment of Borang 30A, Ori copy of S n P and boring 16 A not submitted in the Ikatan
u) No: 12 Bahagian B. Surat daripada Plaintif kepada Defenden bertarikh 16 – 12- 2010 page
52 of Ikatan Dokumen Bersama. Now it is written as surat. But in the Affidavit Sokongan 23 -04-
2021 Vijay wrote as Satu Perjanjian telah di buat pada 16 – 12- 2010 and as Sah Benar, But No
Signature of Vijay. Copy attached.

According to the Affidavit Sokongan filed by the plaintif in Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Lumpur
Guaman Sivil No: WA-A52NCVC-103-02/2021 No: 4 Page 4, Seterusnya, saya ingin
menyatakan bahawa ada terdapat satu persetujuan telah direkodkan pada 16-10- 2010
yang telah ditandatangani oleh pihak saya, suami dan Defenden Pertama. No: 5 till 9. Segala
isi kandungan surat persetujuan tersebut adalah dengan jelas ada mempunyai yang kukuh
defenden pertama ada membuat satu persetujuan. N0:6 of the Affidavit Sokongan states:
didalam klausa No:1 hingga No: 4 tersebut terdapat satu persetujuan diantara Plaintif serta
suami kepada Plaintif dan Defenden Pertama memberi satu hak kepada Plaintif untuk
mendapatkan Penghakiman No: 7 states that sehubungan daripada itu Defenden Pertama
tahu akibat dan natijah selepas beliau menandatangani surat persetujuan tersebut dan
beliau juga tahu mengenai isi kandungannya.terhadap defenden Pertama. In the Ikatan
Dokumen Bersama this document is recorded as satu persetujuan but in the ikatan
dokumen it is written as satu surat. Refer Bahagian B No; 12.
No: 13 Laporan Polis oleh Defenden Pertama Report No; Klang/015257/21.
ERROR: The photocopy is very blur and unable to read. A clearer copy forwarded
No:14 Surat tetuan Zul Vijay Chander & Associates bertarikh 18.02. 2022 kepada Lembaga
Pembiayaan Perumahan Sektor Awam LPPSA page 58 -59. Urusan berkaitan Lepasan Gadaian
dipohon oleh Zul Vijay.
The front page of the Consent Judgement was used to apply for the Discharge of Charge. The
Defendant could not apply for the Discharge as the Original title was held by the Plaintif and
husband. Plaintif’s husband Mr. Visvalingam collected the Title from Pejabar Tanah Kelang in
Aug 2016. The Defendant gave a letter of authorization to collect the title from Pej Tanah
No;15 Surat tetuan Vijay Chander 7 Associates bertarikh 03.03.2022 kepada Lembaga
Pembiayaan Perumahan Sektor Awam (LPPSA) page 60. Refers to Number 4 page 23 – 24 of
Bahagian A Ikatan Bersama
ERROR: The consent Judgement states that the Defenden is agreable to sell/transfer the
property, after the balance purchase price Rm 78 000.00 has been deposited/ paid to the
defendant after signing the S N P. This request to LPPSA was done before signing the S N P
which only took place on 1 April 2022. A follow up copy of application to LPPSA was done on 3
March 2022 and successfully obtained the discharge by Mr. Vijay on 11 Mac 2022 form LPPSA.
Salinan borang melepaskan gadaian was sign on 31 May 2022. But on Page 63 in the Whats App
conversation Mr Vijay requested Mr Bala to get Authorisation from Defendant Seethaletchumi
on 25 June 2022 to obtain the Discharge of Charge. He obtained the Discharge on 11 March
2022. In the Whats App Mr Vijay also requested for the Vendors in coloured copies on 27 June
2022. In the conversation Mr Bala asked when can he get the balance purchase price? On page
64 Mr Vijey said 3 months from 27 June as there is more work to be done like the clearance of
Dscharge. REFER page 63 till 70 of the Ikatan Dokumen Bersama.
No: 17 Komunikasi melalui Aplikasi Whats APP diantara Peguam Vijay dan Tetuan Vijay Chander
Associates Dan Peguam Balamurali 25.06.2022 Hingga 13.07.2022 Page 63 till 70 In the Ikatan
Dokumen is WRONG. It is from page 63 until page 68 only and not until page 70.
ERRORS Page 63. Same explanation of Errors as of No: 16 Bahagian B, Ikatan Dokumen
Bersama. Mr Vijay Requesting documents from Mr.Bala:
a) Requesting for Authorisation from Seethaletchumi and Puballan to do the discharge on
25 June 2022.Refer WhatsApp conversation page 63. Meanwhile the Discharge was
already done and obtained by 11 March 2022 from LPPSA .by Mr Vijay and was used on
31 May 2022 for stamping that was witnessed by Siti Hajar Mastuki 9850106-10-5574.
Executive Credit Admin 2 Department. Sector Home Financing Board. Signed by Mr Vijay
Chander on 31 May 2022.
b) Requesting for coloured copies of ics on (4 Feb 2022) Refer page 50 (27 June 2022) Refer
page 63. 1 st July 2022 Mr, Vijay request for Ic coloured copies, Refer Whats App
conversation on page 65, Again on 7 July request for IC copies because his client is
furious, The request for Ic copies were seen as repeated or the same copy of the Ikatan
Document Bersama on pg 64,65,66 and 68. Mr. Vijay s claim the importance of ic copies
for the purpose of application of discharge and transfer of property Borang 14A.
submitted to Pejabat Tanah Kelang on 17 Aug 2022 after termination of S N P on 2 Aug
c) On page 67, on 13 July for the third time ic copies were submitted to Mr Bala. There was
NO reply on the receiving of the ic copies and No further request for the copies were
made by Mr. Vijay for the ic copies. Mr. Vijay did not write to obtain permission to the
court if he does not get the ic copies.
NOTE: My son Suriya sent ic copies three times to Mr. Bala. First on 27 June 2022 black and
white copies as the request for coloured copies was not informed. Defenden printed black
and white copies as there was No instruction for coloured copies from both the lawyers. The
second time was on……. And finally the third time on 13 July 2022. After which there was no
request or pressure requesting for coloured copies.
No:18 Komunikasi melalui Aplikasi Whats App diantara Defenden Pertama dan Peguam
Balamurali dari tetuan R.B. Tetuan Murali & Associates diantara 02-08-2022 hingga 04-08--
22 ) page 71 – 75 is also an error. It is from page 69 til til 75 . SURIYA PLS CHECK THIS EMAIL
NO; 19 20 No Errors
No; 21 Borang temujanji Defenden dengan LPPSA page 79 – 80 sangat blur dan hitam.
No:22 Surat Defenden kepada Tetuan Onn & Defenden Kedua transfer kepada Defenden
Pertama. NO ERRORS.
No; 23 Refer page 85,Surat Defended melantik Peguan Mr. Chaw sebagai Peguam untuk
membela pada awal bulan Aug 2022. Tarikh Blur dan tidak jelas.
No: 24 dan 25 No Errors. Page 86 and 87.
NO; 26 page 88 – 90 Bil anggaran Rm 3258.00 akan tetapi bil terkini ialah Rm………
No:27 and 28 Anggaran Bil air terkini ialah RM……….
No;29 Bankers Cek May Bank bertarikh 10.03.2023 page 95 very blur.
No;30 Catatan Carian Persendirian Page 96 n 97 very blur
No;31and 32 No Errors.

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