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Name & lame & Roll No. [Rouen Komen DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KARNATAKA, SURATHKAL ECT02 ANALOG IC DESIGN - FIRST SEMESTER MTBCH (VL) ODD SEMESTER 2023-24 MIDSEM ad try can of00 pA ‘dd holla un HyCez = 50 HA/V?, Vin = 05 V, [Ving i 3. Consider the circuit shown in Figure 3. If = Wp = Mym, Ly = Ly = 0.6 um, Vop Winp| = 0.5, \ = 0, find (a) DC oper. (0) tie waa te ae : DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMU N NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KARNATAKA, Mid-Semester Examination - ODD 2023-24 EC-701 CMOS VLSI Duration: 90 minutes " NOTE arly mention the assumptions made (if any 1. Given the pMOS pull-up network as in Figure.1, (a) Draw the nMOS pull down network to complete the static CMOS gate. (b) Size the pull down transistors such that its worst case drive strength (pMOS to nMOS ratio of 2/1). (c) Size the pull down transistors such th (pMOS to nMOS ratio of 2/1) and mralUMe me B © © Figure 2. Find the final value of voltage Vj, for the cireuits shown in Figure 3. Assume that Vijn= [Vin.p) 0.5 V, Also assume that the capacitor is initially discharged, and ignore body effect, { zi 25V ie 25V 25V e ss Vo= Vo= ee ee f oy 25V 25V 2.5V @ (b) @ = ru qe SES 1 ae ] Roll No 2 | a L jo |& DEPARTMEN LECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENCE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KARNATAKA, EC806 DIGITAL DESIGN USING FPGAS ODD SEMESTER 2023-24, MID SEMESTER EXAMINATION TIME:15.30 - 17.00 Max marks: 20 stated DATE : 03-11-2023 Note: Answer all questions; Any assumptions made must be clearly Cand R i 1. {a) Show the values that will be assigned in each assignment to R. Variables A, are six-bit reg variables A= 6'b101010; C = 6’bx1x0x1; R=8A; R=9C; (b) Given reg [7:0] C; reg signed [7:0] D; reg [7:0] A=8'shD5; Evaluate C=A>>4; D=Ap>4 {c) Given Be wire a = 1’b1; wire [1:0] b = 2’b1 Evaluate {a, b{0], 2tc(1I}; {d) Write at least two different Veri pseudo code: A= B1when 4 Draw the block schematic of the synthesised hardware that will be gener following verilog code. module ques4(y_out, sel_a, sel_b, data_a, data_b); input sel_a, sel_b, data_a, data_b; output y_out; reg y_out; always @(sel_a or sel_b or data_a or data_b} case ({sel_a, sel_b}) 2'b10: y_out = data_a; 2'b01: y_out = data_b; endcase endmodule 4 recognizer has one input X and one Y, will become 1, otherwise it will b Draw Moore state machine diagra Write the Verilog module of your ENGIN! DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICAT ON NITK SURATHKAL Quiz-1, EC791 Linear Algebra ‘and Stochastic Processes Max Marks: 15 ‘Time: 50 mi Registration No. Note: Attempt all the questions, each question carries 3 marks. Draw all the me labeling them legitimately and write inferences from obtained solution. Determine whether the vector v = (1, -2, 5) is in span of vector space that consists of the following three vectors: uy = (1,1,1), U2 = (1,2,3) and us = (2, the typical building blocks of a circuit architecture that results into vector v. 2. An arbitrary electric circuit is represented using two port network noti current at input and output ports is represented using ordered pair (Vi, What is the functional dependency of [vi, v2] on ir, iz]! and variables using matrix notations, what exactly is the t t DATE: 03-11-2023 DURATION: 90 MINUTES. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KARNATAKA, SURATHKAL EC808: CMOS RF Integrated Circuits MID SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2023 TIME: 8:30-10:00 AM MAX. MARKS: 30 Note: © Answer all questions ‘© PARTS OF A QUESTION MUST BE ANSWERED TOGETHER 1. Suppose peak voltage of a sinusoidal signal at the output of amplifier is 17.7mV across the load resistance of 50Q. If an amplifier have a voltage gain of 20dB and it used in Bluetooth receiver then how much the output power of an amplifier in dBm? 2) 2. Calculate the amplitude component corresponds to de frequency in a non-linear 3 order system when x(t)= A,Cosw,t+AzCosm,t where a =9,a,=11, 4,=10 and Az = 20. Q) 3. Suppose two signals of different frequencies «1=70rad/sec and o»=80rad/sec are applied to a non-linear system then output exhibit the intermodulation products other than harmonics. How much will be 3" intermodulation product if @; = 11, 4, = 10 and Az = 20. Q) 4, A Bluetooth receiver employs a LNA having a gain of 10 and an input impedance of 500. The LNA senses a desired signal level of -80dBm at 2.41GHz and two interferers of equal level at 2.42GHz and 2.43GHz. Assume LNA drives a 50Q load: @) i) Determine the value of as that yields a 1-dB power (Pia) of -30dBm? ii) If each interferer is 104B below Pip, determine the corruption experienced by the desired signal at LNA output. 5. If transform the parallel circuit into equivalent series inductance and resistance circuit shown in Figure. Given a 55,1nH coil then compute Q at 100MHz and equivalent series inductance and resistance, 6) 55.100 $108 701g 3 | The output impedance of a transmitter operating at a frequency of 2GHz is Zr = (150 + 475) Q. Design an L-Type matching network, as shown in Figure below, such that yey ina whose input impedance is Za = (75 + j15) Q. penetwork, ) ea stor Rp with respect to Shunt resistor Rs? (3) ‘two common source stages (A # 0) (6) a DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING NITK SURATHKAL EC791: Linear Algebra and Stochas ic Processes Mid-semester examination: Time: 90 minutes, Max. Marks: 21, November 5, 2023 Note: Attempt all questions and write inferences from the obtained solutions. First three questions carry 3 marks each and the last three questions carry 4 marks each, 1, Anon-homogenous linear system is expressed as 2x x2 Using elementary row 0 perations solve the given system. Does the system possess unique solution or not. 2. A mapping from R? to R? is defined as yy Bet ayy fouy) = F[}| = | x-sy 7x + By. Is this mapping represents a linear transformation, 3. Compute the inverse of matrix A using elementary row operations, Di Og = [ chia = -5 2. 3 4. What are the salient observations for column vectors of the set 1) fo] fo : | [| [| , [| | aN aa Does this set S satisfy spanning requirement of three-dimen manner, sional space in a comprehensive 5. Estimate a symmetric and a skew-symmetric matrix fora given matrix A. piiaer.\ 5) A= [ 6 i] A AG, } ‘Write a short analytic note about dependency in the column sj pace of obtained symmetric and } skew-symmetric matrix and inherent geometrie properties, | 6, In Himalayan region temperature eadings at three ditterent locations yield following measurements defined in R? 10 =10 10 location A: | 20), tocations:| 101, tecan | ao] 10) 0. 10: Are these observations are linearly dependent or independent. Justify it with proper rationale.

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