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EC791 Linea
Senester Algebra al
Stochastic Processes
Year:M. Tec I.
2018-19, MI) Semester Examination

Branch: EC,
Date: 26-098 and Time:10:30 A M to 12:00 P.M
Max. Marks:25

1. a Find the matrix P that projJCcts evor vect bin R on to thc line r =


b What are the column Space and ullspato p (P is sane as above)? Describe them
gcometrically and also give a basis for eich

c What are all the eigem vectors of P (P is same RS above) and thier corresponding eigen
values? (You can use the geometry of projections, not rigorous calculations). The diagonal

elements of P add up to.


in R
2. a Compute the dimcnsion of the interscction of the following two planes
3c 3 y + 2 = 0
r+2y-1 =0 and

all solutions to the equatiou t + y+z

b Let V be the sulbspace of RS consisting jof

Find vectors v E V and w E W

Let W be the subspace of R" spanned by (1,1,0).

7+ = (0,0,1).

defined by y =ar+ Br +
to pass through four points
3. a Is it possible for any parabola
(1,3), (2, 15) and (3,37)? Justify your
(1,0), 03

0 then convert this equation

+2 +3y

b Consider the second order

differential equation this system stable, if so justify
2 first order system, and find the solution y(t). Is
into 2 x

answer. (Assume any

initial conditions).
your 03

to the subspace
R". Is this
x n matrix that projects
vectors in R" on matrix P. lf no, what
4. a Let P be n what is the
narix P. If yes,
mtormation enough to find out the
you need to find
inoreinfcrmation do 03

1,A #11,A 41.

A5 =
l, A" #1,A' #
You are given that A is 2 x 2 real matrix such that
these propertles.
Find atleast one real matrix A satisfving 03

find the matrix A.

c If A is a 2x 2 matrix such that A
EC791 Linear
gebra nd Stochastic Processes
Odd Semester 2018-19, Evn Semester Examination
Branch: EC, Year:M.1ech I, Date:3011.1R and Time:2:00 P.M to 5:00 PM
Max. Marks:50

2LetV be the vector space consisting of al functions of the form

ae2 COS t + ye sint

Consider the following linear transformation L: V V: L(f) =f'+f

) Find the matrix representing L with respect to the basis (e" cos , e sin a)
(ü) Use your answer rom part (i) to find the solution to the following differential equation

V+y=e cos .

2. a Let W= be the plane 2-2y +z = 0 in R andv=[1 -1 -41T, find the projection of

von the plane W and decompose v into w + w where wi E and wa 1s perpendicular
to W (Find w and ua).
b Ifa3x3 matrix P projects every vector on to the plane z+ 2y+z = 0, find three eigen
values and three independent eigenvectors of P

3. (1) From the fact that column 1+ column 2 = 2 times column 3, so the columns are linear
dependent, find one eigen value and one eigen vector of Markov matrix

0.2 0.4 0.3

A 0.4 0.2 0.3
0.4 0.4 0.4

(i) Find the other eigen values of A

(i) Ifug = {0 10 0], find the limit of Auo as k>oo.

4. Given A ¬R*3 has the singular value decomposition A = 4u1u+au, where u1, ua are
orthonormal in, C(A). For
ortnonornal AT, C(A"), and v1, U2 are
in column space of
Also find the characteristic
the system Ax =
14t2, find the best optimal solution.
polynomial of AfA.

5. Mahmood, David, and Acharya run laps around a track, with the duration of each lap (in
exponentially distrihuted with parameters Aa=21 , AA 23, and AA 24,
= =

OUs Deing
Tespectively. Assume that alllandurations are independent. At the completion of each
lap, a runner drinks either one or two cups of water, with probabilities 1/3 and 2/3,
how much water was consumed
everything else, including
afterprevious lane
previous laps, (The time spent drinking is negligible, assumed zero.)
(i) Write down the PMF of
the total number o leted laps over the first hour.
Cbmfleern of one opsone arrVa
that Mahn,
beod nishes
finishes his first lap before any
What is the have
of the
that the
n Tunning others?
for a very long tine when you arrive
(1) Suppose distribution

at the track.
What is the tlthe durat
bothhne duration of Mahmood's current lap?
duration of that lap Defore and
after the time of your rival.)
ncludes the
has amazing
endurance ndurance and completed 72 ps. Find the probability that
iv) Mahmood 130 cups. laps
he drank at least


random variables
x and y are jointiy distributed
are jointly distril.
over the region 0 <a <y<l
6. a The as

syt,v)= 0<T<<1
Detertmine k.
Fnd the varinces of and y
forsome k.
b Consider the joint density, Jxy 9 and y, write the denisty
denisty fz(u/M)
fy(y/M) for M ==
for M
of joint density
S x 2, n `y S vinterms
and justify vour

7. a x and y are independent uniformly istributed random variables in (0,1). Let

w mat(x, y),z min(x, y)


Find the p . d . f of r = W - z

b Afair coin is tossed 6times and X equals the number of heads. (G) Find Fx(T) (ü) Find
Fry) ifY= (X-3)

Department of Electronics .
Roll no:
U4 2IVILoTic
unication Engineering, NIT
a n C o m m u n i c a t i o n

EC791 Linear Algeb nd Stochastic Processes, ODD em,

Mid Semester Examination
DATE: 28.09.2019, TIME: 0N20-00, DURATION: 90 Minutes
Max Marks: 30
1. The matrix A = 2 f the veetor b is the sum of the four columns of A, write
3 6 39 (3)
down the complete solution to Ar= h

2. Find the basis and dimeusion of C(A), N(A), C(AT) and N(AT) of a matrix A
00 0
00 0
3. (a) Find the basis and dimension of subsapce which is intcrscction of plancs I = 0,y =0 (12)
and z = 0

(b) Find the basis and dimension of subsapce which is intersection of planes r = 0 and (1)

4. (a) Find the matrix P that projects every vector b in R onto the line in the direction (2)
of a =(1,l,1) .
(b) What arc the column space and nallspace pf P (P is samc as above)? Describe (3)
them geomctricalily and aiso give a basis for cach space.

5. Prove that any orthogonal set of vectors is lincarly independent. (3)

6. An telecom call center serves the needs of 10000 customers with 50 people to attend
calls. Each customer contacts the call ccnter with a probability 0.001. independent of
others within a given time interval.
(a) What is the pmf of number of attcmpts to the call center at a given time interval (2)
(b) Find the approximate pmf using a poisson distribution (1)
(c) What is the probability that a customer needs to wait. (2)
7. Consider a binomial random variable X with parameters n and p. Let k* be the largest (3)
integer that is less than or cqual to (n+1)p. Show that the PMF px(k) is monotonically
non decreasing with k in the range from 0 to kx.

8. Let X is the random variable with px(k) = -

0 k <n A new random variable (4)
is defined as Y = 2. Fiud the PMF and expected value of Y.

9. As an advertising campaign, a factory places golden tickets in some of its chocolates. (3)
lf the probability of fiuding a ticket in a chocolate is "p", ind the expected number of
chocolates you need to cat to find a

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