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ABC Sdn Bhd Schedule:

Planning Review of Going Concern Year End:

Enquiries with management on any issues regarding going concern for the year

As per our discussion with Mr A, managing director of the Company on

2 July 2022, no events or information on issues regarding to going concern
have been brought to our attention
[If there are issues highlighted to us, list it down here]

Review of prior year audit file (CAF)

Based on our review of previous years audit file, the Company had incurred
a capital deficiency, net current lioability and net loss of RMX, RMY and RMZ respectively.
Prior year's auditors' report have included a Material Uncertainty paragraph highlighting the
uncertainty over going concern.
[If there are other GC matters brough up in prior year audit, list it down here. Otherwise indicate no exceptions noted]

Review current year's management accounts provided

Based on the review of the management accounts for the financial year ended 31 Deecember 2021
the Company had incurred a capital deficiency, net current lioability and net loss of RMXX, RMYY
and RMZZ respectively.
<Cross reference to management accounts>
[If there are GC indicators noted from the management accounts, list it down here. Otherwise indicate no exceptions noted]

Review on publically available information

Based on our review on Google search engine on 2 July 2022, no exceptions have come to our attention.
[If there are GC issues noted from the web serach, list it down here + cross reference to aprint out from the web
AND follow up with discussion with management on the finding]

We will remain alert for indicators of Going Concern throughout the audit [and follow up on the matters as discovered above]

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