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TOPIC: Coping with Stress in Middle and Late Adolescence
Discuss that understanding stress and its sources during adolescence may help in identifying ways to
cope and have a healthful life.
OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Defined what is stress.
2. Identify the various causes and effects of stress.
3. Demonstrate positive attitude in responding stressful situations by developing personal
coping strategies.
MATERIALS: LCD Projector, Laptop, Task sheet, Manila Paper Pentel Pen
RESOURCES: Curriculum Guide, Teacher’s Guide,

A. Routine
1. Prayer (One of the students will lead the prayer)
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance

B. Review
Class, before we will start our discussion, let’s
have a short review first.
Let’s do the Fact or Bluff game. You tell me if the
statement or information is a Fact or a Bluff.
1. It is essential to study of human
developmental stages in order for us to FACT OR BLUFF
understand how humans learn, mature
and adapt. Answer: Fact
2. Early Childhood is considered as Transition
age from childhood to adulthood when
sex maturation and rapid physical
development occur resulting to changes
in ways of feeling, thinking and acting. FACT OR BLUFF
Answer: Bluff
3. High School Graduates wish to take STEM
because they want to be a Nurse in the
future. High School students belongs to
Adolescence stage. Answer: Fact

So, our previous lesson was all about

Developmental Stages.
Do you have any questions, or clarifications
before we will start our new lesson?

That’s great. I think we are ready to proceed in

our next topic.

C. Motivation
Before we start our lesson for today, let’s have
this short activity first. This activity is simply
The student who can give me first the correct
answer will receive a reward after the class.

Act. 1: DECODE ME!

(Integration: Mathematics-decoding)
INSTRUCTION: To form the word, you need to decode
the letters. Each number has a corresponding letter in
the alphabet. (1-A, 2-B, 3-C,4-D.. so on)
1. 19 20 18 5 19 19
Answer: Stress
2. 3 8 1 12 12 5 14 7 5 19 challenges
Answer: Challenges
3. 3 15 16 9 7 coping
Answer: coping
D. Presentation Varied answers
Based on the activity, what do you think is our
topic for today?
Ok, let us go deeper on to this topic
Task 1: What causes you to “lose your cool”?
Students will do the following:
 Students will determine what causes them to
“lose their cool” by completing the activity

 Ask the students to share their answers on the
following questions;
1. What makes you stressed or “lose your
2. Based on the examples, how do you define
 Process student’s answers
Task 2: Let’s Consolidate:
(Integration: Mathematics- Consolidate, ESP-ways to cope
Do the following:
1. Students will be divided into four groups.
2. Students will be asked to consolidate all the
answers of the members of the group in task #1.
3. Asked them to write the five factors that make
them to lose their control by filling in Column A.
4. Then, Tell them to write its causes in Column B,
its effect in Column C and the ways to cope with
it in Column D.

5. Give them 10 minutes to write their answers on

the manila paper
6. Ask one representative from each group to
present their output to the class.

Ask the students the following question:
1. What was in your mind while doing the
activity? Varied answers
2. What are the common sources of stress?
3. How do you know that you are stressed?
4. Why is it important to know the things that Varied answers
make us stressed?
5. How do you handle stress? Varied answers

Present/Discuss the following in class:
I. What is Stress?
 Stress is the feeling one gets from
prolonged, pent-up emotions.
 Eustress and Distress
II. What are the causes and effects of Stress?
Causes of Stress
 Everyday frustrations cause stress
 Problems in our personal life can be
 A common cause of stress is dealing
with life’s transitions.
Effects of Stress
 Here are some words that describe
the emotions associated with the
effects of stress.
 Anxiety
 Pressure
 Misery
 Strain
 Desperation
 Tension
 Anger
 Panic
 Dejection
III. How to cope with stress?
There are many effective ways to handle
 Understand the causes of stress
 Analyze your stress Factors and write them down
 Deal with the stressors
 Learn to walk under pressure or unusual

Ask two to three students to answer the
As an adolescent, how can you show positive
attitude in responding stressful situation and how
important to you ?

¼ Sheet of Paper
1. It is the body’s response to anything that makes us feel
threatened or
A. Stimulus B. Behavior
C. Stress D. Attitude
2. Which of the following is not considered a stressor?
A. A break up
B. Death of a loved one
C. Watching your favorite TV show
D. Conflict with your best friend
3. All, EXCEPT one, are signs of stress; which one?
A. Excessive sweating
B. Laughing
C. Nausea
D. Chest pains
4. All, but one, are other major causes of stress:
a. Care of the elderly
b. Drug and alcohol abuse
c. Domestic violence
d. Listening to your favorite song
I. Assignment
With the same groupings, ask the students to
prepare a short role-play about the following life
stresses. They need to show their personal ways
on how to cope with it. They need to present it
on the next session.
Group 1- forced by peers to do something in
order to become part of the group or “barkada”
Group 2-Anxiety or uncertainty about the sexual
Group 3-Asked by someone to engage pre-
marital sex
Group 4-Rejection by friends because of being
killjoy (KJ)

Prepared by:

Eva Mae Arquio-Varona

SHS Teacher II

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