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NIMO Relaunch Marketing Plan

NIMO, an innovative player in the Indian Fintech sector, is set to undergo a transformation with
the rebranding of its app. This relaunch marks a strategic move to align the brand with its
evolved business proposition, capturing a wider audience. The following marketing plan outlines
a step-by-step approach, incorporating a unique name, personalized marketing through ML-AI,
and innovative strategies to ensure a successful relaunch.

Timeline for Launch Activities:

Pre-launch Phase (Weeks 1-2):

1. Market Research:
Conduct in-depth market research to understand the current financial tech landscape, identify
competitors, and pinpoint potential gaps in the market.Engage in surveys and social media polls
to involve the audience in the rebranding process, creating a buzz.

2. Naming the Brand:

Brainstorm and finalize a unique, positive, and innovative name that resonates with the target
audience.Launch a social media contest encouraging users to suggest names, fostering
community engagement.

3. Brand Identity Creation:

Develop a fresh visual identity, including a new logo and color scheme, in alignment with the
innovative direction of the company.Tease the new logo on social media platforms, building

Implementation Phase (Weeks 3-6):

4. ML-AI Integration for Personalized Marketing:
Implement Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to analyze big data and personalize
marketing efforts.Use ML-AI to create tailored financial advice based on user spending patterns
and offer this as a pre-launch feature.

5.Content Creation:
Develop engaging content, including videos, blogs, and social media posts, to highlight the
rebranding journey and benefits. Launch a countdown campaign on social media, sharing
snippets of the rebranding journey.

6. Teasers and Pre-launch Campaigns:

Roll out teasers and pre-launch campaigns across various channels to create anticipation and
attract attention. Utilize influencers to create buzz through exclusive sneak peeks and
Launch Phase (Weeks 7-8):
7. Official Launch Event:
Host a virtual launch event showcasing the new app, its features, and the benefits it brings to
users. Collaborate with a popular finance influencer to host the virtual launch event, attracting
their audience.

8. User Onboarding Campaign:

Facilitate a seamless transition for existing users and attract new users with an onboarding
campaign highlighting the new features. Offer exclusive promotions or discounts for the first
1000 users who download the updated app.

Innovative Marketing Strategies:

- Implement Augmented Reality (AR) experiences to provide users with a visually immersive
introduction to the rebranded app.
- Gamify the app download process by offering rewards or discounts for completing specific
in-app tasks, encouraging user interaction.

Estimated Budget (in INR):

1. Market Research: 5,00,000
2. Naming Contest Prize: 1,00,000
3. Brand Identity Creation: 8,00,000
4. ML-AI Integration: 15,00,000
5. Content Creation: 7,00,000
6. Teasers and Pre-launch Campaigns: 10,00,000
7. Virtual Launch Event: 12,00,000
8. User Onboarding Campaign: 6,00,000
9. Innovative Marketing Strategies: 5,00,000
Total Estimated Budget: 64,00,000 INR

Note: Budget is an estimate and may vary based on specific requirements and market

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