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A Reaction Paper
Presented to
Mr. Godfrey C. Antonio
Faculty Member
Basic Education Department
Iloilo City


In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements in
Contemporary Issues (AP 10)



Aiken Cedric Pico &

Yhasy Bricks Simpron
"Philippine Sea," a documentary masterfully crafted by Atom
Araullo, takes audiences on an immersive journey beneath the
surface of the pristine waters that embrace the archipelago.
Through stunning cinematography, insightful interviews, and a
compelling narrative, Araullo unveils the rich tapestry of
life and the complex issues that define the Philippine Sea.

One of the documentary's standout features is its

breathtaking cinematography. Araullo, with his keen eye for
detail, captures the vibrant marine life in its most natural
state. The underwater shots are mesmerizing, showcasing the
kaleidoscope of colors and the diversity of species that
inhabit these waters. From the bustling coral reefs to the
mysterious depths, each frame is a testament to the beauty
that lies beneath the waves.

The narrative structure of "Philippine Sea" is both engaging

and informative. Araullo seamlessly weaves together personal
stories, scientific explanations, and environmental concerns
to create a compelling storyline. The documentary not only
educates the audience about the delicate balance of the
marine ecosystem but also humanizes the issues by featuring
the stories of local communities whose livelihoods are
intricately connected to the sea.

The interviews with marine scientists, conservationists, and

local fishermen provide valuable insights into the challenges
faced by the Philippine Sea. The documentary sheds light on
issues such as overfishing, coral bleaching, and plastic
pollution, emphasizing the urgent need for sustainable
practices and conservation efforts. Araullo's ability to
present complex scientific concepts in an accessible manner
ensures that the message reaches a wide audience, fostering
awareness and empathy.
In the heart of the Philippines, where the vibrant hues of
the sun blend seamlessly with the azure expanse of the ocean,
lies a world teeming with life and stories untold. Atom
Araullo, armed with a camera and an insatiable curiosity,
embarked on a journey to unravel the mysteries that lie
beneath the surface of the Philippine Sea.

The documentary begins in the coastal town of Batangas, where

the rhythmic lapping of waves against the shores is a
constant companion to the daily lives of the fisherfolk.
Araullo introduces us to the resilient men and women whose
livelihoods are intricately woven with the ebb and flow of
the tides. Through their eyes, we witness the challenges they
face - the unpredictable weather, the diminishing fish
stocks, and the delicate dance between tradition and

As the journey progresses, the scene shifts to the underwater

wonderland of Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park. The camera
plunges into the crystal-clear waters, revealing a
kaleidoscope of colors and an array of marine life that
rivals the most vivid dreams. Schools of fish weave through
the coral gardens, and turtles gracefully glide amidst the
gently swaying anemones. It's a breathtaking spectacle that
captures the essence of the Philippine Sea's beauty.

Yet, amid this visual feast, Araullo doesn't shy away from
the harsh realities. Interviews with marine scientists and
conservationists shed light on the threats looming over this
aquatic paradise - coral bleaching, overfishing, and the
omnipresent specter of plastic pollution. The once-thriving
ecosystems are now delicately balanced on the precipice of

In the coastal villages of Palawan, the narrative takes a

personal turn. Araullo delves into the lives of the
communities directly impacted by the changing tides. The
fishermen share tales of their daily struggles, the
uncertainty of their catches, and the palpable connection
they have with the sea. Their stories become a poignant
reminder that the health of the Philippine Sea is inseparable
from the well-being of those who depend on it.
The documentary culminates in a call to action. As Araullo
gazes into the vastness of the Philippine Sea, he challenges
viewers to be stewards of the ocean, urging us to reconsider
our consumption habits, support sustainable practices, and
champion conservation efforts.

“Philippine Sea" is not just a documentary; it's a visual

odyssey that invites audiences to explore the depths of our
connection to the environment. Through the lens of Atom
Araullo, the Philippine Sea becomes not just a place but a
living, breathing entity that demands our attention and care.

The Philippine Sea, with its azure depths and vibrant marine
life, stands as a testament to the ecological richness of the
archipelago. However, this fragile ecosystem faces numerous
threats, necessitating a collaborative and comprehensive
strategy to ensure its preservation. In this essay, we delve
into the multifaceted approach required from both the
government and the public to protect and sustain the
Philippine Sea for future generations.

To lay the foundation for marine conservation, the government

must first reinforce and enhance existing environmental laws.
Legislation such as the Clean Water Act, Fisheries Code, and
Ecological Solid Waste Management Act must be rigorously
enforced, with stringent penalties for violations. This legal
framework provides the necessary backbone for environmental

Investing in surveillance and law enforcement is paramount to

combat illicit activities like illegal fishing and poaching.
Adequate resources should be allocated to enhance maritime
surveillance capabilities and foster collaboration with
neighboring countries. Cross-border initiatives can
effectively monitor and protect shared marine resources,
acknowledging the interconnectedness of regional ecosystems.

Establishing Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) is a proactive

step in safeguarding critical habitats and promoting
biodiversity. MPAs serve as sanctuaries where marine
ecosystems can recover and thrive. It is essential to involve
local communities in the creation and management of these
areas, ensuring their sustainability and fostering a sense of
responsibility among residents.

Promoting sustainable fishing practices is integral to

mitigating the impact of overfishing. Initiatives such as the
use of selective fishing gear, implementation of closed
seasons, and setting size limits contribute to responsible
and sustainable fishing. Providing training and education to
fishermen about these practices is crucial for their
successful adoption.

Investing in research and monitoring mechanisms helps to

understand the evolving dynamics of the Philippine Sea.
Scientific studies on coral reefs, marine species, and
climate change impacts provide valuable insights.
Policymakers can utilize research findings to inform
evidence-based decisions and formulate effective conservation

Addressing pollution issues, both land-based and industrial,

is imperative for marine health. Implementing measures to
reduce pollution, improving waste management, and regulating
industries to minimize their environmental impact are
essential steps in ensuring the resilience of the marine

Environmental education plays a pivotal role in raising

awareness about the importance of the Philippine Sea.
Integrating marine conservation into the national curriculum
and conducting public awareness campaigns educate citizens
about responsible waste disposal and the consequences of
human activities on marine ecosystems.

Engaging local communities in decision-making processes

fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility.
Collaborative efforts with coastal communities can lead to
effective and sustainable management of marine resources.
Empowering these communities ensures that conservation
initiatives align with their needs and realities.

Encouraging sustainable tourism practices is crucial for

minimizing the impact of tourism on coastal areas. Developing
and promoting eco-friendly tourism initiatives and educating
both tourists and operators about responsible practices
contribute to the preservation of marine environments.

Providing alternative livelihood options for communities

dependent on marine resources helps alleviate the pressure on
the ecosystem. Supporting the development of sustainable
industries ensures a balance between human needs and
environmental conservation.

Citizen science initiatives empower the public to actively

contribute to marine conservation. Programs that involve
citizens in monitoring and collecting data on marine
ecosystems not only provide valuable information but also
cultivate a sense of responsibility and stewardship.

Advocacy and collaboration are fundamental in creating a

united front for the protection of the Philippine Sea.
Supporting non-governmental organizations and community
groups dedicated to marine conservation enhances collective
efforts. Collaboration between the government, NGOs, and
other stakeholders is crucial for the success of conservation

In conclusion, protecting the Philippine Sea demands a united

front where government initiatives and community involvement
intersect. A holistic approach that combines legislative
measures, strategic planning, public awareness, and community
engagement is essential. By embracing this comprehensive
strategy, we can secure the future of the Philippine Sea,
preserving its beauty and biodiversity for generations to

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