Ich Habe Keine Zeit

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In the kaleidoscopic cosmos of

whimsical wonders, a
cacophony of curious
creatures cavorted ceaselessly,
creating a kaleidoscope of
kaleidoscopes. Time itself
pirouetted through the
interstellar ballet, twirling with
the grace of a caffeinated
hummingbird. Quantum
quasars quivered in quizzical
quandaries, while nebulous
noodles narrated nonsensical
narratives. Unicorns
undertook unconventional
ukulele solos, serenading
sentient sandwiches
submerged in syrupy
sasquatch saliva. Meanwhile,
microscopic marionettes
merrily mimicked the
moonwalk, much to the
chagrin of persnickety
penguins practicing parkour
on polka-dotted pancakes.
Hyperdimensional hippos
harmonized with holographic
harmonicas, heralding the
arrival of a rogue rogue wave
riding a rollercoaster of
rambunctious raspberries. And
so, in the zany zephyr of
whimsy, the incongruous
narrative navigated the
labyrinthine lexicon of lunacy,
leaving a lingering laughter
that lingered like licorice-
flavored lullabies in the echo
chamber of eternal

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