Snapshot Date - TBD With The Team

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Running Snapshot (today for Sep.

Feed Unit Tenant LeaseStart LeaseEnd 30-Sep
9/25/2023 U100 ABC 1/1/2023 10/15/2023 1
9/25/2023 U200 XYZ 1/1/2023 8/15/2023 0

10/25/2023 U100
10/25/2023 U200 XYZ 1/1/2023 8/15/2023 0

Ingestion Feed Unit Tenant LeaseStart LeaseEnd
1zuuasa 9/25/2023 U100 ABC 1/1/2023 10/15/2023
2jsasada 10/25/2023 U100
Jul Aug Sep

Data Mart
Unit Tenant LeaseStart LeaseEnd
Data Mart
Unit Tenant LeaseStart LeaseEnd RowStart RowEnd
U100 ABC 1/1/2023 10/15/2023 9/25/2023 10/24/2023
U100 10/24/2023 12/31/9999

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