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Table 1.

Components Description

Algorithms Arthur Samuel writes the first computer learning program, a

checkers game
Data Frank Rosenblatt invents the first neural network for computers

Model Nearest Neighbor algorithm is written.

Training Students at Stanford University invent the Stanford cart, capable

of autonomous navigation

Figure 1.2: Components of Machine Learning Systems

1.3.1 Algorithm Selection

In the realm of machine learning system development, the choice of an algorithm is a

pivotal decision with far-reaching implications. The process involves a meticulous
evaluation of the problem at hand, considering its unique characteristics and
requirements. The algorithm selected shapes the model's ability to decipher intricate
patterns within data, whether for classification, regression, or clustering tasks. Key
considerations include the interpretability of the model's decision-making, the
complexity required to capture underlying patterns, and the scalability of the chosen
algorithm to handle varying data volumes and complexities.

Chapter 6


This concluding chapter distills the comprehensive exploration of deploying and scaling
machine learning systems, synthesizing key insights and discoveries from the preceding
chapters. The report has elucidated the foundational components of machine learning
systems, tracing their historical evolution and shedding light on pivotal moments that
have shaped the trajectory of the field. Techniques for deploying models, including
Restful Api’s, containerization, serverless architecture, etc. were scrutinized, providing
a roadmap for practitioners. Scaling considerations, such as horizontal and vertical
scaling, distributed computing, and load balancing, were dissected for optimizing
machine learning applications. Looking ahead, the chapter emphasizes the significance
of anticipating future trends, challenges, and advancements in the dynamic landscape of
machine learning. This summary serves as a reflective lens, offering a concise and
comprehensive understanding of the critical facets of machine learning deployment and
scaling gleaned throughout the report.


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