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Additional exercise

4.1 The reciprocal function

1 Write down the reciprocal of each of these.

12 2a
a 8 b −5 c d 4.5 e 2xy f -
7 b

2 Write down the answer when a value is multiplied by its reciprocal.

3 Sketch the graphs of these functions.

5 5 5 5
a b −     c +2 d −1
x x x x

4 a Sketch the curve xy = 7 .

b Write down the equations of the asymptotes.

c Write down the domain.

d Write down the range.

5 The relationship between the number of pipes ( p ) that are open and the time taken ( t ) to in
hours to fill a swimming pool with water is modelled by the function t = .

a How long will it take to fill the pool with 5 pipes open?

b How many pipes will need to be open to fill the pool 4 hours?

6 The amount ( a) , in kg, of food to feed the chickens ( c ) on a farm is modelled by a = .

a Sketch a graph of the function for zero to sixteen chickens.

b Use your graph to find out how many kilograms of food will be needed for 10 chickens.

© Oxford University Press 2019 Additional exercise 1

Additional exercise

1 1 7 1 2 1 b
1 a b − c d = e f −
8 5 12 4.5 9 2xy 2a
2 1
3 a b

c d

4 a

x 0,
= y 0 c x ∈ ,x ≠ 0 d y ∈ ,y ≠ 0

40 40 40
5 a=t = 8 hours b =
4 , p = 4 pipes
5 p 4
6 a

b 10kg

© Oxford University Press 2019 2

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