InvestPunjab InvestorGuide

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Punjab Bureau of Investment Promotion |


Advantage India .............................................................................................................. 3

Advantage Punjab .............................................................................................................. 4

a. Factors of Production .................................................................................... 5

b. Punjab: An Emerging Economy across Various Sectors ........................ 6

Punjab Bureau of Investment Promotion ..................................................................... 7

(Invest Punjab) – A One Stop Office

Setting up a Business in Punjab – Step by Step Guide .............................................. 8

Investment Opportunities ............................................................................................. 12

Industrial Centres in Punjab ............................................................................................ 14

Sector Cells ...................................................................................................................... 15

Contact Details ............................................................................................................... 15

Advantage India


India is one of the world's fastest- IN THE WORLD
growing economies1 with FDI inflows
It is home to the 2nd largest population in the world after
increased by 37% since the launch of
China. It is estimated that India will have the world's largest
Make in India initiative.2 The country will
youth population by 20206 and hence will be the largest
have greater economic influence across
supplier of university graduates in the world by 20207.
the world due to India's current GDP as
Further, India has the 3rd largest group of scientists and
per 'Purchasing Power Parity' being
technicians in the world8.
around USD 9.45 trillion, ranking it third
globally behind US and China3. India will
also exert more influence over the Asia-
Pacific region with India and China set to
be the largest manufacturing hubs of the
world by 20304. This will be strengthened
by the regions connectivity to Central DOING
Asia & Europe via the International North- BUSINESS
South Transport Corridor (INSTC) 5.
The country jumped 65 positions
from 142nd (2014) to 77th (2018) in
'World Bank's Ease of Doing
Business Ranking 2018'13. India
ranks 40th on the Global
Competitiveness Index 2017-1814.
HUGE DOMESTIC Goods and Services Tax (GST), the
MARKET biggest tax reforms since
India has a huge domestic market independence, paves way for a
which is being led by its 129 mn common national market by
urban mass consumers 9. The rising integrating various indirect taxes15.
affluence10 is the biggest driver of
increasing private consumption
which is estimated to increase by
four times by 202511. Leading
investors have also ranked India as 16
the most attractive market12. The country has robust infrastructure with more than USD 1.5 tn investments being
planned for the sector over the next two decades such as USD 106.5 bn in Highways
(Bharatmala & NHDP), USD 131.7 bn in Railways, USD 61.5 bn in Port development, USD
123 bn in Port-led Industrialization, USD 58 bn in Airports, USD 100 bn in Industrial
Corridors (DMIC - phase I), & USD 14.6 bn in Smart Cities.17

As per Bloomberg Report 2018, India is ranked 1st in terms of favoured investment destination based on factors such
as political stability, currency stability, quality of products, anti-corruption initiatives, low cost of production, strategic
location and respect for IPR. 90% of existing investors continue to invest in India.

International Monetary Fund; 2 Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Government of India;
power-parity; 4 Lloyd's Register Marine & University of Strathclyde, Glasgow; 5Press Information Bureau, Government of India; 6United Nations Population Fund; 7British
Council; 8All India Management Association & The Boston Consulting Group; 9 Goldman Sachs Group; 10 Boston Consulting Group; 11 McKinsey Global Institute; 12 Ernest &
Young Emerging Markets Center; 13 World Bank; 14 World Economic Forum; 15 Government of India; 16 Press Information Bureau, Government of India; 17;

Advantage Punjab
The State of Punjab is located in the northwest of
the country, bounded by Jammu & Kashmir and Pathankot

Himachal Pradesh on the North and by Haryana and

Rajasthan on the South. Its favorable geographic Gurdaspur

location provides access to 25% of the consumer

base of India. Amritsar


Punjab has three major seasons and is drained by Tarn Taran Kapurthala

the Ravi, Beas, Sutlej and Ghaggar rivers and their

1 Jalandhar
tributaries. Nawanshahr

Firozpur Rupnagar

Summer – April to June Moga

(max. temperature around

Faridkot Ajitgarh
40°C/104 °F). Fatehgarh Sahib

Monsoon season - July to September. Muktsar

Rainfall ranges from Fazilka
250mm to 1000mm.2 Bathinda

Winter - December to February
(min temperature 5 °C /41 °F
at night in January).3

The culture of Punjab has its own unique fragrance. Hospitality is a living aspect of Punjabi culture,
which is shown even to the migratory birds that sojourn here. This is accompanied by the
entrepreneurial spirit of Punjabis that has made them pioneers in numerous fields. Widely
acknowledged as the cradle of civilization, it is a land of ethnic and religious diversity, having borne
and shaped a number of religious movements that include Sikhism and Sufism. Naturally replete
with fertile soils and rich water sources, it is rich in agriculture, and has continually contributed
towards the food security of the nation. Historically, Punjab has played host to a number of
ethnicities, including the Aryans, Persians, Greeks, Afghans and Mongols, thereby bestowed with a
rich tangible heritage. Reflecting this history are the countless heritage sites that dot the state:
impressive forts & palaces, ancient monuments, architectural marvels and many a battlefield.

Punjab is one of the High Performing4 states of the country on the basis of its economic evolution &
future potential. The state's GSDP (in INR) increased at a CAGR of 10.2% between 2011-12 and
2017-18 to INR 4.77 trillion (USD 74.09 billion). Hence with only 1.5% of land area, Punjab
contributes 3% to India's GDP. Being home to an estimated 1.6 lakhs registered MSME units the
state has a strong industrial base.

1 3
2 4 India's economic geography in 2025: States, Clusters and Cities. Report by McKinsey.

a. Factors of Production

Land Power

The State Government agency called Punjab Small Industries & The cost of power in Punjab is fixed at USD
Export Corporation (PSIEC) is responsible for the development 0.07/unit for 5 years for all industry in the State.
of industrial infrastructure, namely Industrial Focal Points (IFP) It is much lower in comparison to the average
at various towns and cities of Punjab. To support setting up of a power tariff in India which is USD 0.10/unit.
project in Punjab, PSIEC provides readily developed sites
equipped with common utility infrastructure and clear title of Other technical details regarding national grid
land. They allot government land as per the land allotment policy connectivity / sub-station – information will
in a transparent manner. Land may be rented on long term lease depend on the location identified for the project
basis for a period of 99 years or bought on free-hold basis. For and Invest Punjab office will facilitate in
private land options Invest Punjab office facilitates investors in providing the same.
identifying feasible land across the state.

Power surplus with 100% electrification

total installed of villages and
capacity of 13,600 towns

Lowest Transmission 1st state in the

& Distribution loses country to have 400
at 13.6% (India T&D KV ring main
- 22%) distribution system


No Lockouts Flexibility in Hiring 1st in Health Index Recorded Lowest Home to world
No Strikes in last 3 & Downsizing report of overall Cognizable Crime class institutions-
decades 24 Hrs Shifts performance by incidence amongst IIT, IIM, ISB,
(for men and Niti Ayog, Gol major industrial NIPER, NABI, IISER &
women) hubs of India PGIMER

68% of Punjab's population is in the working age group of 15-59 years7. The state has 26 Public & Pvt. universities,
238 Engineering colleges (AICTE approved), 181 Polytechnic institutes, 378 Industrial Training institutes &
numerous management & medical colleges as well.

6 by National Institute for Transforming India


Punjab ranks 2nd in India on ease of logistics as per the Govt. of India Logistics Ease Pathankot

across Different States Report. Punjab has the highest rail density in India at 45 km per
1000 sq. km compared to the 20 km per 1000 sq. km in India. Moreover, the
Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor between Ludhiana in Punjab and Dankuni Amritsar
(near Kolkata) in West Bengal will allow double stack movement of cargo
thereby reducing logistics cost by 33%.
Further, the Eastern Corridor will meet the Western Dedicated Freight Jalandhar
Corridor (Delhi to Mumbai) at Dadri, about 200 kms from Punjab towards
south giving Punjab access to both the Eastern & Western coasts. In
addition, there are 5 ICDs in Punjab along with a land & railway port in
Amritsar and numerous multi-modal logistics parks. 2 International Mohali

Airports @ Mohali & Amritsar with direct flights to Birmingham,

Doha, Dubai, Qatar, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Singapore, Tashkent,
Malaysia etc. International Airport @ Ludhiana coming soon.
Cargo center at Amritsar to be operational soon while that at Mohali
will be operational by December 2019. 4 Domestic Airports @
Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Bathinda & Pathankot that connect all major cities in India like
Delhi, Jaipur, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Kolkata etc.

b. Punjab: An Emerging Economy across Various Sectors

Strong in Home to Light

Food Bowl of India Asia's Bicycle Hub
Manufacturing Engineering

Largest producer of 1st in country with 92% Largest manufacturer of No. 1 in country in
basmati rice (2% of of India's bicycle parts Tractors (60% of India's machine & hand tools
world) & wheat & 75% of India's bicycle tractor parts) & production
Leading producer of production Agricultural Machinery 85% of India's sewing
horticulture crops machine production

Developing IT/ITeS
Textile Hub Pharma Cluster

95% woolen knitwear & Established base of Country's biggest

75% sports goods pharma formulations Software Technology
production of India cluster in Derabassi Park (STPI) is in Mohali.
Ludhiana - biggest plug & play facilities
textile cluster in north available at STPI (M),
India Quark & Bestech

Punjab Bureau of Investment Promotion
(Invest Punjab) – A One Stop Solution
The Bureau has been established by the Government of Punjab as the single point of contact for facilitation of
investors who are looking to set up a business in Punjab. We are also a one stop office for regulatory clearances &
facilitating disbursement of fiscal incentives as the Bureau is vested with the powers of various member
Officers from 23 departments (such as Factories, Pollution Control Board, Power, Labour etc.) are available at Invest
Punjab. As the nodal agency, PBIP has been entrusted with the responsibility to ensure a smooth transition of the
project from proposal stage to implementation stage.
For more information please log on to the website:

Dedicated Relationship Facilitation for meetings Online Application
Site Visits
officer with govt departments Form (CAF)

Digital approvals All state level regulatory

Dedicated Helpdesk
and e-payments Clearances

Online Application Feedback/Policy

For Fiscal Incentives Advocacy to Govt.

Setting Up a Business in
Punjab - Step by Step Guide

Step 1: Guidance

When initial contact is made by the investor with an Invest Punjab

Sector Officer or GMDIC (for less than INR 1 Cr. projects), a MoU
may be signed with Invest Punjab. Otherwise the investor can
directly also sign-up online on the Invest Punjab Business First
portal (details provided under step 5). In either case a
Dedicated Relationship Manager is assigned to him. The
Dedicated Relationship Manager will assist the investor in
identifying land for the establishment of his unit in case he
does not already own suitable land. In case the investor needs assistance in
land identification the process is delineated under step 2.

In case the investor already owns land then he will need to get a Detailed Project
Report prepared (depicting physical and financial projections relating to the unit) by a competent authority such as
Chartered Accountants. This is only required as a pre-requisite for disbursement of fiscal post operational incentives
for determination of FCI.

Assistance to Foreign Investors: Sector Officers at Invest Punjab are also assigned to each foreign investor once initial
contact is made through meeting/phone call/email etc. Post assignment, the Sector Officer provides dedicated and
tailored support to the foreign investor as required.

Step 2: Land Identification & Allocation

In case the investor does not own a parcel of land, their Dedicated Relationship Manager from Invest Punjab supports
in Land identification as per the requirements of the line of activity. Depending on the investor's requirements there
are various types of land available.

Land under Industrial Focal Points has already been developed by the government and is available on auction basis
through Punjab Small Industries & Export Corporation Limited (PSIEC). Other parcels of government land are also
available with the Housing & Urban Development Department, with Local Government and with Panchayati
Department. The land identification is done keeping in mind the regulatory requirements of the investor's unit activity
& investment plans. Post identification, the investor may purchase / lease the land parcel by approaching government
agencies like Punjab Bureau of Investment Promotion (, PSIEC (, etc. or the
concerned Deputy Commissioner / General Manager, District Industries Centre for Government Land. The Dedicated
Relationship Manager shall assist the investor in completing the formalities pertaining to land identification &

In case the investor's requirements do not match the available government land parcels, Invest Punjab will also
support the investor in locating private land suitable for their purposes. The entrepreneur may purchase this private
land directly (preferably in accordance with the zoning guidelines of the approved master plan of the State, depending
upon the line of activity).

Step 3: Finance
If the project / business needs funds more than the funds available, the entrepreneur may approach Commercial
Banks/Financial Institutions to obtain required loan amount. The project / business set up with own funds/ unsecured
loans without any involvement from Commercial Banks / Financial Institutions etc. is treated as Self-Financed Unit.

Step 4: Registration
All industrial undertakings exempted from the requirements of industrial licensing under I (D&R) Act, 1951 and having
an investment of Rs 10 Crore or above in the 'manufacturing sector' and Rs. 5 Crore or above in the 'services sector',
including Existing Units, New undertaking (NU) and New Article (NA), are required to file an IEM, i.e. "Form IEM" in the
prescribed format 'Part A'. The application is to be made with Secretariat for Industrial Assistance, Department of
Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi on the following portal
- Said link is also available on

The Department issues Acknowledgement for 'Part A' through its portal followed by delivery of physical copy through

Step 5: Approvals
Statutory regulatory approvals & clearances need to
be obtained from the Competent Authorities
through the Invest Punjab Business First Portal
( & www.pbindustries.go- The approvals should be obtained as follows:

1. The user needs to register on and obtain user
login credentials (valid email id & mobile
number are required to complete this

2. Common Application Form (CAF) needs to

be filled for obtaining various regulatory
clearances. Details of Applicant, Business
Entity, Project, Proposed Investment and
Proposed Employment need to be filled.

3. After submission of CAF, the earlier Dedicated Relationship Manager would be tagged on the basis of Fixed
Capital Investment (FCI) of the Project. The Entrepreneur may get in touch with the Relationship Manager
through the 'Communications' module present on the Portal itself

4. Know the regulatory clearances that you need to obtain from the 'Know Your Approvals' wizard by filling in
your project details. Additionally, list of comprehensive pre-establishment / pre-operation clearances
required by your industry may be found on the Invest Punjab Business First Portal at

5. Apply for the Regulatory Clearances as follows:

a. Site clearances as applicable (Forest, Change of Land Use, Consent to Establish, Temporary Power etc.)
b. Permission for start of construction as applicable (Building Plan Approval, Contract Labour, Boiler
Permission etc.)
c. Before commencement of commercial operations (Consent to Operate, Factories Registration, Regular
Power, etc.)
d. Download the final approved signed certificate from the portal

Payment of fees for these approvals can be made online.

Step 6 : Site Construction & Procuring Machinery

Civil construction should be started after obtaining all the requisite approvals from the competent authorities and
orders for machinery should be placed.

Step 7 : Commencement of Commercial Production

Commercial Production should be commenced after completing civil construction, erection of machinery and taking
requisite operative approvals.

Once commercial production starts, all Industrial undertakings which had filed IEM Part A previously are required to
report commencement of commercial production file Industrial Entrepreneurs Memorandum (IEM) Part-B with
Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi at - A copy of the related IEM Acknowledgement is required to be attached while
filing this information on the portal. Like 'Part A' Acknowledgement of IEM, the Department also issues
Acknowledgement for 'Part B' through its portal followed by delivery of physical copy through post.

The Micro/Small / Medium Enterprises need to apply for Udyog Aadhar at

For availing Incentives by Punjab Government, Form-CCP has to be applied on the Invest Punjab Business First portal
to obtain commencement of commercial production certificate.

Step 8: Incentives
Government of Punjab, under its Industrial & Business Development Policy 2017 has announced various Incentives
for new units and for existing units carrying out expansion, diversification and modernization. Incentives are available
for the following types of units:

Anchor Units
Early Bird Units
Thrust Sector Units
Border Zone units
Large Units
MSME Units
Sick Units

Copy of policy is available at
Incentive Common Application Form (iCAF) needs to be filled on Invest Punjab Business First Portal for availing
Incentives. The incentives are granted by a quick two stage online verification process by a Scrutiny Committee &
the competent Approval Committee.

Attractive Benefits offered by State - For Anchor Units

Incentive for Anchor unit Quantum Period (Years)

Net GST* 100% Reimbursement Up to 200% of FCI 15

Employment Subsidy Up to INR 48,000 per employee per year 5

Electricity Duty 100% exemption 15

Stamp Duty 100% exemption One time

Property Tax 100% exemption 10

CLU/EDC 100% exemption One time

*As per IBDP 2017 policy

Investment Opportunities
Our Priority Sectors:



Brief on Priority areas:

S.No Sector Advantage Punjab
1. Agro & Food Ÿ Agriculture & allied sectors account for approx. Food Processing, Milk
Processing 21% of Punjab's GSDP against an all India average processing, Agribiotech
of 14% & Micro Irrigation
Ÿ Highest per capita availability of milk in India Techniques,
Ÿ Occupies 40% share in India's total warehousing & Warehouses and Silos,
storage capacity Cold Storage
Ÿ Ranks 2nd in production of cereals in India Infrastructure &
Ÿ Largest producer of honey in India Packaging
Ÿ High productivity of citrus fruits, animal husbandry
& fisheries
Ÿ High mechanized farming
Ÿ Three Food Parks
Ÿ Reimbursement of Market Fee, RDS, State Taxes
and Fees on raw material

2. Textile & Ÿ Punjab has emerged as 2nd largest cotton and Apparel & Garment and
Apparel blended yarn producer in the country. Technical textiles
Manufacturing Ÿ Ranked 4th in Spinning Capacity (5.75% of total) manufacturing
Ÿ Hub for hosiery production
Ÿ Ludhiana is the biggest textile manufacturing
cluster in North India.
Ÿ Availability of trained human capital especially
women workforce

3. Manufacturing Ÿ A state-of-the-art, Hi-Tech Cycle Valley for cycles, EV component

– EV, Auto & e-vehicles and Auto/Auto Components manufacturing, Auto
Auto Ÿ World's 2 largest tractor manufacturers in Punjab – components
Components Mahindra & Mahindra, International Tractor & manufacturing etc.
& Bi- Cycles Yanmar.

4. Pharma/ Ÿ Strong Reasech and Development ecosystem in Vaccines, Newer
Life Sciences the Pharma/ Life sciences sector. Therapies,
Ÿ Home to finest Pharma/Life sciences R&D centers Bioinformatics, Bio
such as National Institute for Pharma Education & chips, Recombinant
Research, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, therapeutics, Nano
Indian Institute of Science Education & Research medicines etc
and Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital and Research
Centre, Mohali
Ÿ The State is coming up with a dedicated Bio
medical/ Pharma/ Life science Park in Knowledge
Ÿ The park will be well equipped with Plug and Play
Infrastructure, Common facilities/utilities: Quality
testing & certification, incubation facility, CETP,
STP, convention center, library, guest house, fiber
optic Connectivity etc.

5. IT/ITeS Ÿ Lower Land cost (as compared to neighboring Website & Applications
States) Development, BPO,
Ÿ Dedicated IT city in Mohali with best in class Cloud Hosting,
infrastructure Electronic Chip
Ÿ Cost advantage of ~ 20% ~ 30% relative to other Manufacturing, Smart
IT hubs in terms of cost of living & operations Solutions - IoT,
Ÿ 50% top up CAPEX support for New Units in Surveillance systems,
EMC's (M-Sip of GOI) Software Development
Centre etc.

6. Logistics Ÿ Strong Logistics Infrastructure Warehousing, Logistics

Ÿ Access to 25% of India's population. Hubs, Multi Modal/
Ÿ State Initiatives for Development of Logistics Integrated Multi Modal
Sector: Logistics Hub etc.
Ÿ Setting up a dedicated Logistics Development Cell
Ÿ Ease of cargo movement via Green Channel
Ÿ Development of Transport Nagars
Ÿ Industrial warehousing hub Zirakpur – Tepla –
Ÿ Integrated Check Post (ICP) at Attari

Industrial Centres in Punjab

Agri & Food Processing
Yarn & Textiles
Medi City
Biotech Park
Education & Research
Jalandhar IMC Rajpura
Agricultural Implements
Sports Goods
Wooden Furniture
Leather Tanning
Surgical Instrument

Auto components
Bicycle & components
Hand tools & machine tools
Hosiery Bathinda
Food Park Petroleum & Chemicals
High-Tech Cycle Valley Agri & Food Processing

Nodal officer Sector Team Members Contact

Apparels & Made-ups, Technical Ms. Dipti Bansal L : +91 172 2776033
Textiles, Aerospace, MRO & Defense, Mr. Sunil Juneja M : +91 9815455532
Tourism and Hospitality, NRSE Power Ms. Nisha Rani Email:
Projects, Media & Entertainment, arunjit.sidhu@investpu
Education, Retail & E-commerce, Skill
Development Centres
Mr. Arunjit Singh Sidhu

Pharmaceutical, Life Sciences, Mr. Arshdeep Singh L: +91 172 2776035

Healthcare, Biotechnology, Footwear & Ms. Seema Bharti M: +91 9501023220
Accessories, Leather and Other Services Mr. Dipen Bhardwaj Email:
Projects rajeevgupta@investpu

Mr. Rajeev Gupta

Food Processing Industries, Logistics, Mr. Ankur Chaudhary L: +91 172 2776034
Bicycle & Bicycle Components, Medical Ms. Nisha Rani M: +91 9646118909
Equipment Mr Bikramjit Singh Email:

Mr. Sanjeev Gupta

Manufacturing, Chemicals and Mr. Shivram Dhillon L: +91 172 2776032

Petrochemicals Mr. Arpit Gupta M: +91 9878158397
Ms. Bhanu Priya Email:

Mr. T L Khosla

Invest Punjab Business First Cases Ms. Bhanu Priya L: +91 172 2715344
-Manufacturing, Chemical and M: +91 9814446550
Petrochemicals Email:
Mr. S M Goal

E- Vehicles, Auto & Auto Components, Mr. Harshbir Sandhu L: +91 172 2776023
Industry 4.0 bases Mr. Hemraj Sharma M: +91 9216955545
Mr. Ashok Singh Email:
Mr. Gaurav Khanna

Electronics, IT& ITeS, Startups/ Mr. Rakesh Kumar L: +91 172 2776070
Incubation Centres/Accelerators Ms. Amanpreet Kaur M: +91 9814792553
Mr. Deepinder Dhillon

Contact Details
Government of Punjab Phone. +91-172-2776001, Fax. +91-172-2776003
Punjab Bureau of Investment Promotion Email.
Invest Punjab, Udyog Bhawan, Sector 17, Website:
Chandigarh - 160017 - INDIA

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