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UITH Students Hostel,

University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital,

Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria

31st of December, 2023.

Appointment Committee

Nigerian Medical Students' Association (NIMSA).

Application for NIMSA's Director for Sustainable Development Goals

Dear Members of the Appointment Committee,

I extend warm greetings and the utmost respect to you all. My name is Ajisafe Damilola Ifeoluwa, a
fourth-year medical student at the University of Ilorin and an active member of Ilorin University Medical
Students' Association (ILUMSA). I write to express my genuine interest in the position of NIMSA's
Director for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

In envisioning the role of Director, SDG, I see an opportunity to weave the principles of sustainability
into the fabric of NIMSA's mission. My commitment to organizing impactful events extends beyond
raising awareness to creating a forum where diverse talents within our association actively contribute to
sustainable healthcare practices.

Understanding that the SDGs transcend borders, I am enthusiastic about establishing partnerships that
amplify our collective impact. By strategically aligning NIMSA with like-minded organizations, including
the National Executive Council (NEC), National Official Council (NOC), other medical student
organizations in Nigeria, and international NGOs, we can create an ecosystem where knowledge flows
seamlessly, fostering a community that is not just informed but actively engaged in addressing global
health challenges outlined by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs).

Collaboration is key, and I am dedicated to working harmoniously with other members of the National
Official Council (NOC). Integrating the SDGs into the broader context of NIMSA's initiatives is not just a
responsibility but a pathway to a holistic approach, ensuring that sustainable practices become
ingrained in every aspect of our association.

Recognizing the importance of fundraising, I approach this challenge with innovative zeal, understanding
that it is my responsibility to respond for NIMSA whenever required. I place equal emphasis on
alternative funding sources such as crowdfunding campaigns, strategic grant applications, and
cultivating corporate partnerships. This multifaceted approach aims to secure the financial sustainability
vital for NIMSA's continued growth and impact.

Moreover, my leadership experience extends beyond ILUMSA to encompass various NGOs addressing
critical SDGs, including climate change, education, health, poverty, hunger, water, and land. This diverse
exposure has equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted challenges we face
and the interconnectedness of sustainable development goals.

Embedding the principles of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) into NIMSA's
activities is not merely a checkbox but a commitment to contributing to a global effort for a sustainable
and equitable future. I propose not just aligning but elevating our initiatives to serve as a beacon,
showcasing the role medical students can play in advancing the UNSDGs.

In conclusion, my candidacy for NIMSA's Director for Sustainable Development Goals is rooted in a
passion for sustainable development, backed by a history of effective leadership within ILUMSA and
diverse experiences with NGOs addressing critical global challenges. If entrusted with this role, I am
poised to fulfill the outlined responsibilities, steering NIMSA towards a future where sustainability is not
just a goal but an integral part of our identity.

Thank you for considering my application. I welcome the opportunity to further discuss how my vision
aligns with NMSA's goals during an interview.

Ajisafe Damilola Ifeoluwa


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