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com Issue 4 · 2016

Environmental Towards a
Monitoring focus more robust
With articles from R. Vijayakumar,
Majmaah University, Tim Sandle, pharmaceutical
Bio Products Laboratory and Anastasia
Petropoulou, University Hospital Bristol’s supply chain
NHS Foundation Trust A comparison of track and trace
requirements in the EU and US
by Kathleen M. Sanzo and
Jacqueline Berman at Morgan Lewis,
and Jacob Gifford Head from
Thomas More Chambers

Spectroscopy focus
With contributions from Koen De Smet, SUPPORTING:
Tom Van Den Kerkhof and Anke Prudic from Janssen,
and University of Cambridge scientists Daniel Markl,
Michael T. Ruggiero and Axel Zeitler
Drugs research the hot Current activities of the
topic among UK politicians USP general chapters
Caroline Richards, Editor, Radhakrishna Tirumalai, PhD,
European Pharmaceutical Review United States Pharmacopeial Convention
EPR health-based exposure Including legal analysis from Kathleen M. Sanzo and
limits for cleaning qualification Jacqueline Berman, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP,
David P. Elder, JPAG Chair and Consultant and Jacob Gifford Head, Thomas More Chambers


In association with Dassault Systèmes BIOVIA
IPSE Biotech
The legal framework
applicable to biosimilars in the EU
Hilary Jones, Bristows LLP


With contributions from Koen De Smet,
Tom Van Den Kerkhof and Anke Prudic, Janssen,
and Daniel Markl, Michael T. Ruggiero, and J. Axel Zeitler,
University of Cambridge. Turn to page 52 for
a Spectroscopy Roundtable

Application of LCMS in
IN-DEPTH FOCUS small-molecule drug development
With articles from R. Vijayakumar, Majmaah University, Chunang (Christine) Gu, David Russell and
Tim Sandle, Bio Products Laboratory and Anastasia Peter Yehl, Genentech
Petropoulou, University Hospital Bristol’s NHS
Foundation Trust. See page 24 for our Environmental 58 MASS SPECTROMETRY
Monitoring Roundtable
Characterising therapeutic antibodies
26 DRUG DELIVERY and ADCs using mass spectrometry
Approaches in subcutaneous Ioannis Papayannopoulos, Celldex Therapeutics
delivery of monoclonal antibodies 63 SHOW PREVIEW
Claus Geiger, Till Bussemer, Tanya Mezhebovsky
and Bernardo Perez-Ramirez, Sanofi CPhI Worldwide
Chromatography In-Depth Focus

■ Ingredients In-Depth Focus ■ Informatics ■ Biosimilars

Published October 2016. Don’t miss out on your copy – get your free subscription today by visiting

VOLUME 21 ISSUE 4 2016 European Pharmaceutical Review 5


16 Bacterial endotoxin
contamination and testing
limits in ophthalmics
R. Vijayakumar, Majmaah University and
Tim Sandle, Bio Products Laboratory

20 The basics of
environmental monitoring
in aseptic units
Anastasia Petropoulou, University Hospital
Bristol’s NHS Foundation Trust

24 Environmental
Monitoring Roundtable
With Rich Quashne, WW Group Marketing
Manager, Industrial Microbiology, BD and
Patrick Hutchins, Global Product Manager
– Biotechnology, TSI Incorporated
© borzywoj /


VOLUME 21 ISSUE 4 2016 European Pharmaceutical Review 15

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Bacterial endotoxin
contamination and testing
limits in ophthalmics
R. Vijayakumar Majmaah University  Tim Sandle Bio Products Laboratory

Endotoxin contamination in ophthalmic pharmaceuticals and medical devices presents a risk to users;
moreover, endotoxins can cause acute inflammation of the eye following ocular lens replacement surgery.
This article reviews the risks and requirements for product testing, together with current regulatory guidances.
It further analyses recall data relating to ophthalmic pharmaceuticals due to endotoxin contamination. The article
concludes by making recommendations for endotoxin control and sets out appropriate endotoxin test limits for
finished ophthalmic products.

Bacterial endotoxin is a lipopolysaccharide-protein complex that is components; and the chemicals, raw materials or equipment used in
found in the outer cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria, including non- the preparation of the product. Following good manufacturing
infectious Gram-negative organisms. Bacterial endotoxins can exert practices, however, should sufficiently control the microbiological and
several physiological effects on the mammalian body (such as endotoxin levels in relation to each of these sources. Control is
endotoxemia and autoimmune disease); however, its propensity to important, since high enough endotoxin contamination in pharma-
elicit a pyrogenic response is of greatest concern with the production of ceutical products can cause a fever reaction in patients and, in a large
pharmaceutical products1. enough dose, can also cause shock and death2. Endotoxin contami-
There are several potential sources of Gram-negative bacteria in nation affects the integrity of the products; poses an infection risk for
parenteral and medical device manufacturing facilities. The common consumers; and can also lead to serious economic loss due to product
sources are the water used as the solvent or in processing; packaging loss. Recently, endotoxin contamination of surgical adjuncts used in

16 European Pharmaceutical Review VOLUME 21 ISSUE 4 2016


ophthalmic surgery has become a serious concern of the United States coming from intrinsic endotoxin contamination of ophthalmic
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), largely owing to cases where vision pharmaceuticals in recent years. Kutty and her coworkers reported a
has been damaged through the use of contaminated eye products . 3
significant outbreak of TASS caused by intrinsic contamination of
a product with endotoxin from seven ophthalmology surgical centres
Concern in ophthalmic pharmaceuticals in the USA 6. The reviewers identified 112 case patients from the
Endotoxin is a potent ocular inflammatory agent and endotoxin seven centres dating from July to November 2005. Of those patients,
contamination in ophthalmic medical devices and intraocular 100 (89%) had been exposed to a single brand of balanced salt
ophthalmic products can cause ‘toxic anterior segment syndrome’ solution manufactured by Cytosol Laboratories and distributed by
(TASS)4. This is an acute inflammation of the eye following ocular lens Advanced Medical Optics, (AMO, Santa Ana, Calif.) as AMO Endosol.
replacement (cataract) surgery. Intravitreal injection of endotoxin in the A relatively high endotoxin level (0.908 EU/mL) was detected in
rabbit is a common animal model for experi- the recalled balanced salt solution, which
mental inflammation, due to physiological exceeded the allowable limit for parenteral
similarities in terms of the reaction when a Ophthalmic pharmaceuticals solutions (0.5 EU/mL).
level of endotoxin above the threshold level is manufacturers must control and monitor In 2008 another tragic outbreak was
administered into the blood stream5. Medicinal endotoxin levels in their products observed with OVD products. OVDs are visco-
products such as intraocular lenses (IOL); elastic materials used to maintain space in the
ophthalmic viscosurgical devices (OVD); ocular endotamponades and eye during surgery. Typically, they are pre-packaged in a syringe and are
balanced salt solutions that are commonly used in ophthalmic surgery, applied using a small tube. The FDA announced a Class I recall of Healon
are all at risk from endotoxin contamination. Hence, ophthalmic D (lot no. UD30654), an OVD manufactured by Advanced Medical Optics
pharmaceuticals manufacturers must control and monitor endotoxin Inc. (AMO) of Santa Ana, Calif.7 AMO received 66 subsequent adverse
levels in their products. event reports associated with the recalled products. Tests of this lot
revealed elevated levels of endotoxin, which was associated with post-
Ophthalmic pharmaceuticals recalls operative intraocular inflammation and TASS.
Devices used inside the eye, including intraocular devices and single- While only two major incidents were detected this may be an
use intraocular ophthalmic surgical instruments or accessories can underestimate. Our review was unable to recover regional level data,
potentially become contaminated with endotoxin as part of the because such data is not published in scientific journals or notified to
manufacturing, sterilisation or packaging processes. Our literature regulatory bodies via their websites.
search revealed two major outbreaks that have been reported as These concerns prompted the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radio-
logical Health (CDRH) to issue a guidance document8. The document
Table 1: Recommended endotoxin limits of ophthalmic pharmaceuticals
provides advice for endotoxin limits, together with a recommendation
Products US FDA Limit ISO Limit (Standard)
for endotoxin testing by manufacturers and other entities involved in
Anterior segment solid devices: < 0.2 EU/device < 0.5 EU/Lens
(EN-ISO-11979-8: 2011) submitting premarket applications or premarket notification
Intraocular lenses
submissions [coded 510(k)s] for different categories of intraocular
Capsular tension rings including
endocapsular rings devices to aid in the prevention of future outbreaks of TASS.8 Analysis of
Glaucoma devices – aqueous recent guidelines of endotoxin testing limits of ophthalmic
shunts, intraocular pressure-
pharmaceuticals are discussed here.
lowering implants
Phacofragmentation system – single-
use cannulated or lumened device Endotoxin limits for ophthalmic pharmaceuticals
Intraocular fluids < 0.2 EU/ml < 0.5 EU/ml Endotoxin limits of ophthalmic products set by the FDA and other
Ophthalmic viscoelastic devices regulatory bodies are listed in Table 1. The FDA’s guidance has con-
hydroxypropylmethylcellulose) cluded that existing international standards are insufficient and the
Ophthalmic endotamponades < 0.2 EU/ml < 0.5 EU/ml agency has issued a stricter standard in order to ensure that intraocular
(silicone oil, perfluoro-n-octane) (ISO 16672:2015) lenses and other intraocular ophthalmic devices are free of bacteria
Intraocular dyes – trypan blue, Not available Not available when manufactured8. Citing studies, the FDA said the International
brilliant blue G
Standards Organization (ISO) regulation for ophthalmic implants –
Retinal dyes – indocyanine green < 7.1 EU/mg* Not available
5mg/mL intraocular lenses (ISO 11979-8) limiting endotoxin to 0.5 Endotoxin
Pilocarpine nitrate 0.5% < 0.71 EU/mg NP Not available Units per millilitre in IOLs – is not sufficiently robust9. Instead, the FDA
Triamcinolone acetonide 40mg/mL < 4.4 EU/mg* Not available recommends a limit of equal to or less than 0.2 endotoxin units per
Voriconazole (1mg/mL) <1.5 EU/mg NP
Not available millilitre (EU/mL) for individual devices, regardless of whether it is
Ophthalmic sutures for cataract/ Not available Not available intended to be used in the front or back of the eye. In addition, the FDA
orbit surgery – nylon, silk, polyester, does not recognise the present endotoxin limit of OVDs specified in
polypropylene sutures
ISO 15798:2013 and ocular endotamponades specified in ISO 16672:2015
Ophthalmic surgical blades Not available Not available
(single use) (both of which have limits of not more than 0.5 EU/ml)10,11.
Eye drops Not mandatory Therefore, to minimise patient risk from the potential endotoxin
* USP standard limit; NP: non-pharmacopoeial reference, endotoxin limit for IV formulations contribution for intraocular administration, a limit of not more than

VOLUME 21 ISSUE 4 2016 European Pharmaceutical Review 17


0.5 EU/dose/eye should be applied. In this case, drug products that The FDA guidance also spells out the recommended testing regime.
provide for multiple routes of administration, including intraocular Validation using a bacterial endotoxin test should include random
administration, would need to comply with this new limit. samples of lots of the devices spiked to endotoxin levels of 0.1, 0.2, and
However, the recent FDA document does not cover the endotoxin 0.5EU/mL. The percentage of endotoxin recovered from the
limits for intraocular dyes (including indocyanin green dye, brilliant blue sterilisation process should then be calculated for each of the three
G and trypan blue) and injections (such as cefotaxime, cefuroxime, levels8. The primary endotoxin test method is the limulus amebocyte
cefazolin, voriconazole and amphotericin B). In the absence of any lysate (LAL) test, as set out in the main international pharmacopeia13.
recommended limit, it is very important that users follow the endotoxin
limit calculation when performing the Limulus Amebocyte Lysate test, Conclusion
as in USP <85>. The USP method is based on the intravenous, intra- Bacterial endotoxin testing is a very important step in assessing
muscular or intrathecal dose/kg/hour (as appropriate). Given that the product integrity; thus ophthalmic manufacturers should be
eye is a much smaller and more confined space it requires a much lower knowledgeable about the testing methods (the Limulus Amebocyte
injection volume. Therefore, a limit based on Lysate test) and limits for endotoxin. There is
dose/kg of body weight may be inappropriate The FDA has issued a stricter no reference standard for some intraocular
for ophthalmic injections. Here the limit standard in order to ensure that drugs, however manufacturers should fix safe
selected must be risk-based and defensible. intraocular lenses and other intraocular internal limits that avoid ophthalmic inflamma-
The endotoxin limit for Water-for-Injection
ophthalmic devices are free of bacteria tion. Microbiologists should be aware of the
when manufactured
(WFI) is not more than 0.25EU/ml, following a inhibitory properties of ophthalmic dyes and
new amendment from the FDA for medical devices, OVD, phaco follow correct procedure to overcome this issue. This article highlights
fragmentation systems, CTRs, and glaucoma devices. Therefore, it is important issues in endotoxin testing of ophthalmic dyes and
important that ophthalmic manufacturers adhere to a more stringent injections. However, since little data are available on the levels of
level of not more than 0.25EU for WFI, which adds an additional safety endotoxin that may damage ophthalmic tissues; some have proposed
factor. Due to the fact that in IOL production processing WFI plays an that ophthalmic solutions and intraocular lenses should be endotoxin-
important role in endotoxin removal (through rinsing and dilution), free or less than 0.2EU/ml per device. This is a position, based on the
hydrophilic lenses are packed with WFI. Notably, endotoxin contami- potential risks outlined, that we support.
nation of reusable manual ophthalmic surgical instruments, such as
PHACO probes and surgical blades, are not listed in FDA guidance. Dr R. Vijayakumar is an Assistant Professor of
Microbiology at the College of Science Zulfi, Majmaah
Apart from the ophthalmic devices and intraocular injections, a
University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He has a
concern for endotoxin as a cause of TASS outbreak led the FDA’s Center doctorate in microbiology from Bharathidasan University,
for Drug Evaluation and Research to consider endotoxin tests for topical India. He has over 14 years’ experience in the ophthalmic
pharmaceutical industry and microbiological research.
eye drops in addition to the pharmacopeial requirement for sterility.
He has written two books and published more than
Historically, endotoxin testing has not been considered for topical 15 research articles in peer-reviewed international journals. His current
products because the surface of the eye, such as conjunctival and research work is on ‘Biocides resistance mechanisms of environmental
and clinical isolates’.
corneal epithelia, act as a natural barrier to endotoxin. We are not of
Dr Tim Sandle is Head of Microbiology at Bio Products
the view that endotoxin testing is necessary here, for it can be argued
Laboratory; a visiting tutor with the School of Pharmacy and
that a small dose (approximately 50µL) is negligible when compared Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Manchester; and a
with the proposed limit of 0.5EU/ml. Moreover, for analysis, topical long-standing committee member with the Pharmaceutical
Microbiology Interest Group (Pharmig). Dr Sandle has over
ophthalmic products are poorly suited for bacterial endotoxin tests due twenty-five years’ experience of microbiological research
to considerable interference from pH, preservatives and other and biopharmaceutical processing. He has written over
excipients12. However, we recommend that ophthalmic manufacturers 400 papers, book chapters and technical articles, and has presented at more
than 80 conferences and scientific meetings.
check the raw materials of WFI used for formulations of eye drops.

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6. Kutty PK, Forster TS, Wood-Koob C, et al. 2008. Multistate outbreak of toxic anterior
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18 European Pharmaceutical Review VOLUME 21 ISSUE 4 2016

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