Assignment No 4

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Integrative Programming and Technologies 1





STUDENT NO: 2020-1008

DATE: 12-09-23

I. Define the following terms of Form Properties.

1. Back Color: This property sets the background color of a form. It determines the color that appears
behind the controls on the form.
2. Background Image: This property allows you to set an image as the background of the form. The image
will be displayed behind other controls.
3. Control Box: The Control Box property determines whether the form displays a control box, which typically
includes buttons for minimizing, maximizing, and closing the form.
4. Enabled: This property specifies whether the form is enabled or disabled. When a form is disabled,
its controls are also disabled, meaning they cannot be interacted with.
5. FormBorderStyle: This property defines the style of the form's border. It includes options such as
FixedSingle, Fixed3D, Sizable, etc., determining how the form's edges appear.
6. Font: The Font property sets the font characteristics (like typeface, size, and style) for the text displayed on
the form.
7. ForeColor: This property determines the color of the text displayed on the form.
8. MaximizeBox: It specifies whether the Maximize button is displayed in the form's title bar. If set to true, the
maximize button is shown.
9. MinimizeBox: Similar to MaximizeBox, this property determines whether the Minimize button is displayed
in the form's title bar.
10. StartPosition: This property defines the initial position of the form when it is first displayed. Options
include Manual, CenterParent, CenterScreen, etc.
11. Text: The Text property sets the text that appears in the title bar of the form. It usually represents the
name or title of the form.
12. WindowState: This property indicates the current state of the form, such as Normal, Minimized, or
Maximized. It allows you to programmatically control the form's state.

II. Essay

What is the difference between Events and Methods?

a method is a self-contained unit of code designed to execute a specific set of tasks or operations. It
encapsulates functionality within a program, providing a modular and organized structure. Methods are
invoked explicitly by the program, responding to a predetermined sequence or logic. They accept inputs,
process them, and often produce outputs. The sequential nature of methods makes them the workhorses that
carry out the fundamental operations and computations required by a program.

on the other hand, introduce an element of dynamism and responsiveness to programming. They are triggers
that respond to occurrences or interactions within a program, often originating from external sources like user
actions. Unlike methods, events are not invoked explicitly; instead, they are activated when specific conditions
are met. Events play a crucial role in enabling a program to adapt to changes in its environment, making
applications more interactive and user-friendly.

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