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By: Jerome B. Hizon

Time Frame: 50 minutes

Grade: 4

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
 Demonstrate knowledge of the movement principle of art through drawing
 Foster love of art by posting their art work on facebook.
 Paint their own artwork with unique concepts.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Principles of Arts (Movement)

III. Learning Activities
A. Preliminary Activities
Teacher’s Activity Learners’ Activity
“Good Morning, everyone!” “Good morning, Sir!”
“Greet your seatmate, a grateful “Grateful morning, seatmate!”
“Anyone from class who wants to lead us “Sir!”
the prayer?”
“Alright, come here in front.” “Sure, Sir.”
“Amen!” “Amen!”
“Class, take a look to your right, to your “None, Sir!”
left, up and down. Are there pieces of
paper or candy wrappers?”
“Very good! Give yourself a “Good job
clap!” (The students will perform the Good Job
“Okay, you may seat now.” clap.)
“Let us first check the attendance. (The students are counting until the last
Number 1 start counting!” number.)
“Very good! Everybody is present today!”
“Okay let us review our last topic. “Our last topic was all about the variety
Anyone from the class can recall our last principles of art…”

“Yes, (name of student)?”

“Excellent (name of student! Let us give (The students will perform the Wonderful
him/her a Wonderful clap!” clap.)
B. Motivation
“So, before we proceed to our topic for (The class will divide into two.)
today, let us have first an activity.”

“The class divided into two groups, so

here are the members of group 1... and
here are the members of group 2…”

“This game is entitled, “Guess My

“Class, are you familiar with the game,
“This game has a similarity with the game “Yes, Sir!”

“Are you excited?”

“Okay, let us begin!”
“Yes, Sir!”
“So, here is the mechanics of the game.
You have to "act out" a phrase without
speaking, your team members try to guess (The students are listening to the teacher
what the phrase is. Your team members as explain the mechanics of the game.)
must guess the phrase as quickly as
possible before time runs out. I will give
you 1 minute for each round.”

“The one member from the team who will

act the phrase will receive a private
message from me and that phrase will be “Okay Sir!”
the mystery phrase to guess of the rest of
the members.”

“Do you have questions regarding the

mechanics of the game?”

“So, if you do not have any questions, “None Sir!”

Let’s keep the ball rolling!”

“Let’s start guys!”

“Amazing! It seems that we have great (The students will perform the Good Job
actors and actresses here! Give yourself a clap.)
Good job clap!”

C. Lesson Proper
“I think everyone looks excited about the “Of course, Sir! We are all excited!”
topic for today, right?”

“So, if you are really excited for “Game, Game, Game!”

our today’s discussion, say “Game, Game,

The topic for today is the last

principle of arts, which is the

“Anyone, who wants to read the Movement is the principle of design used
definition of Movement?” to create the look and feeling
of action and to guide the viewer’s eye
throughout the
work of art.

(The students will listen attentively to the

“Movement creates the illusion of teacher’s discussion.)
action or physical change in an artwork”

“I have here a sample pictures of

art that shows movement.”

“This is Starry Night by Van Gogh

is one of the most recognized pieces of art
in the world. As we can see, this art shows
the visual movement as the artists direct
the viewers the work of how its beauty is
timeless and universal.”

“For the next 3 pictures, I want

you to give your own idea, expressions or
feelings towards the pictures together the
visual movement that presented in the
D. Application
Draw an objects in your paper that shows a movement principle of arts.
You can use other art material in your drawing.

E. Generalization
The teacher will ask the following questions to the students if they really
understand the topic:
1. What is movement?
2. How can movement help the art to become creative?

IV. Evaluation
In this activity, you need the following materials for your artwork:
 Poster paint/water color
 1/8 illustration board
 Pencil
 Paint brush
You need to paint your own artwork with unique concepts.

V. Assignment
In your assignment, post your artwork in evaluation on our Social media
account like facebook or Instagram. And use this hashtag, #MovementsOfArt #ILoveArt

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