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Removing Fiber, iron, b vitamin

To give the end product softer texture

Extend the shell life

Last longer because pest like mold aren’t attracted to food low in nutrition

If highly process food are so low in nutrition is not appealing to pest, how healthy is it to us?

Way too much salt and sugar

Business model start from cheap food

Vitamin, minerals, calories

Energy dense food = high in calories without providing much nutrient

Fast food cheaper means that the cost per calories are cheaper than another fresh whole food. But it’s
not true if we look it from the cost per nutrient

To make food taste good, process food often added significant amount of salt, sugar, and fat. Additive
like colorant, preservative, etc. also added to make it seems like we have many choices

They usually added the synthetic nutrient after refining the product to make it seems healthy to the
nutrient aware consumer


Reduce the intake of free sugar below 10% of total calories intake

Free sugar = sugar added into the food by the manufacturer, the cook, etc

No more than 100 cal/day for adult with 2000 calories/ day = 25 gram/day

We can’t just emphasize cutting of sugar intake without simultaneously emphasizing moderation and
balance in our diet as a whole, we risk a situation where fats and animal proteins are seen by the
general public as free food.

Out obsession with saturated fats has lead us to promote trans-fat, which turned out to actually be

The most pervasive foods in our eating environment are ones that don’t necessarily support our health.

Whatever you cook at home would probably better than processed foods

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