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Comprehensive Patterns of Nursing Care

The pattern of care provision relies on a wide range of factors including leadership

perceptions, economic concerns, and the ability of an organization to retain and recruit staff.

Fundamentally, evidence of the influence of nursing care patterns on patient safety and

healthcare quality is a critical element in decision-making. Developing a comprehensive and

effective pattern of nursing care for teenagers who are becoming first-time mothers should

consider the use of Evidence-Based Nursing Practice and Theory (EBP). EBP theory can

produce quality and effective pattern aimed to assist the first-hand mothers among teenage


Teenage mothers face many challenges during pregnancy, after delivery, and maintaining

healthy emotional, social, economic, and physical health. The major challenges faced by teenage

parents relate to knowledge deficiency, limited emotional support, and expert advice before,

during, and after giving birth (Sukhato et al. 106). Societal entities such as church leaders, health

professionals, parents, and peers have failed to provide proper empowerment to teenage mothers

about the necessity of pregnancy prevention or facilitation of motherhood. Implementation of

evidence-based nursing theory and practice can identify and address the issues caused by

inadequate knowledge of and support for teenage mothers (McEwen and Wills 259)

The theory of EBP is accepted extensively as demand for health provision. It is grounded

on the principle that nurses and other health experts should avoid centering clinical practice on
Surname 2

assumptions and tradition but rigorous information founded on scientific advancement and

research findings. EBP can assist nurses who are caring for teenage mothers to apply prudent,

overt, and meticulous use of modern evidence in decision-making procedures regarding the care

of individual teenage mothers. It should act as a model to nursing practice in which the nurse is

conscious of the evidence that governs the strength of evidence and clinical practice.
Surname 3

Works Cited

McEwen, Melanie, and Evelyn M. Wills. Theoretical basis for nursing. Lippincott Williams &

Wilkins, 2017.

Sukhato, Kanokporn, et al. "Efficacy of additional psychosocial intervention in reducing low

birth weight and preterm birth in teenage pregnancy: A systematic review and meta-

analysis." Journal of adolescence 44 (2015): 106-116.

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