Auxiliary Compressor

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DRM Office,lodhpur
Mechanical iC&lE Branch
Tel & Fax No. +91-0291-2677384
Email ID:

L.No. M-66/VBEIJU/?023 / 0B / 12 Date:23-08-2A23

Dy. ctIE/QA
ICF, Chennai
Email II}- Seqthif
Mob No. +91-9003141446

Sub.:- Auxiliary compressor doesn't build up required pressure in coach No. 235540/TC of BU6.

Ref.:- Joint inspection report dated 22-08-ZAZ3

Vide above subiect during maintenance of train na 1246L/62 on dated 22-AB-?,A?3, during testing of
pantograph; it was Ecticed that the ar:xiliary compresssr is running but not build up pressure more than
l.Okg/Crpz. It may be due to valve machanizem defective.

A joint inspection report was prepared regarding not warking of auxiliary compressor of coach no.
?35540/TC of BU6. As per joint nota firm is committed to replace defective compressor upto 29/08/23. But as
this is 8-car trainset hence it is necessary to replace this compressor at the earliest.

You are requested to kindly intervene in the matter and impress upon the firm to replace this
compressor at the earlie*L

/?Sr. Div. Mechanical EngineerlC&W
North Ytrestern Railwayllodhpur

Copy to :-
1. CME/QA/ICF: - for kind infcrmation please.
2. CRSE{Chg.J/NWR/JU: - fur kind information please.
3, CDO/]U:- for information & necessary action

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