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Deleon Clarence A.


Disaster wars: earthquake vs. tsunami

It was a great challenge for me to stay with Stormageddon: Earthquake vs. Tsunami well before the
halfway point, but I persevered because it is a personal rule of mine never to evaluate a movie before
viewing it all, much to my chagrin. The disaster film Stormageddon: Earthquake vs. Tsunami manages to
do the unthinkable and make the films from The Asylum look good. It ranks among the worst disaster
films ever made and is a very strong contender for THE WORST. A cheaper-looking film hasn’t been seen
in a while; yes, there have been many recently that were poorly made, but even they weren’t this cheap.
The device The work environment will be an epileptic’s worst nightmare; even the purposeful use of
shaky-cam felt overused and needless very frequently. The special effects are at least 30 years old,
poorly proportioned, and appear to have been thrown together at the last minute with limited leftover
supplies. To call the photography dull as muddy water would be an understatement. The sound is
frequently so far and muted that it is frequently difficult to understand the dialogue. However, based on
what you can hear of them, it is undoubtedly nothing to be excited about, with the entire screenplay
sounding like complete, nonsensical, and improvised-sounding gibberish, leaving a lot is left
unexplained, and the characters don't grow or become more human in any way. The idea was incredibly
dated and predictable, and Stormageddon: Earthquake vs. Tsunami makes no fresh or entertaining use
of it. Instead, it's dull nonsense from beginning to end that lacks even inadvertent or novelty humor.
There are also no thrills or suspense of any kind. The actors give terrible performances and give the
impression that they are being held at gunpoint. The characters hardly qualify as characters because
they have nothing to them, let alone personality. The direction is also appalling. The overblown,
exaggerated sobbing, the strange or unexpectedly funny facial expressions, and the motionless stance
reveal a complete absence of emotion. Acting prowess. Overall, a terrible film—possibly the worst ever
produced in any kind of film—among the worst in the disaster movie subgenre.

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