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24 周测
I. Vocabulary
任命 d 探险 e 保护 p

行人 p 焚烧 i 分解 d

立刻的 i 招募 r 超越 t

南极洲 A 当务之急 p 逐步地 p

平行 p 优势 a 发觉 d

考古学家 a 了不起的 m 栖息地 h

泄漏 l 难以到达的 i 观众 s
几乎,差不 v 过去常常 上升 a

外科手术 s 火车车厢 c 来源 s

交流 i 像,相似 r 出现 e

II. Listening
You will hear five short recordings. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B or C .
You will hear each recording twice.
You will hear two friends talking about their experience of making a pie.
1 Why did the girl want to make the pie?
A She had seen it prepared on a TV programme.
B She had been encouraged to try it by a relative.
C She had eaten something similar on a family holiday.
2 What problem did she have while making the pie?
A She didn’t have the right ingredients.
B She failed to add enough herbs.
C She left it in the oven too long.

You will hear part of a lecture on healthy food.

3 What food group does the teacher say people pay too little attention to?
A dairy products
B protein
C whole grains
4 What does the teacher say about scientific advice on diet?
A It has changed a lot over the years.
B It has less influence than before.
C It is often confusing for people.

You will hear two students discussing a class presentation they are doing about the
history of pasta.
5 What surprised the girl most about pasta?
A how many types there are
B how long its history is
C how often it is cooked in the wrong way
6 What does the boy say he wants to include in the presentation?
A details on the manufacturing process
B pasta in other parts of the world
C information on another type of food

You will hear a girl talking to a friend about a new restaurant.

7 What did she like about the new restaurant?
A the excellent service
B the wide choice of dishes
C the special atmosphere
8 Why does she think it might not be successful?
A the location
B the strong competition
C the reviews in the local newspapers

You will hear an interview with a young man who has just qualified as a chef.
9 What did he find most challenging about his training course?
A being judged all the time by his tutor
B the pressure of working in a busy kitchen
C having to reconsider how he cooked
10 What would he like to do in the near future?
A start his own business
B improve the content of his website
C learn more about Asian cuisine

III. Writing

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