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Morning meeting presiding script

Dear leaders, teachers, and students

Good morning! I'm Class (Pause-Chinese)

I announce that the morning meeting of the Integration

Department of Nanchang Qihua Bilingual School starts now!


First, a flag-raising ceremony was held. All stand in

awe! Pay attention! (Chinese)

Raise the national flag and sing the national anthem!


(After the flag is raised)

Finished! Thank you! (Chinese)

(This topic is less than 100 words--- theme: With love, go

far) (Pause-Chinese)

With passion and perseverance, we are encouraged to

pursue our goals. It is through continuous learning and

practice that we can improve our abilities and qualities to

ensure our ultimate success. In this process, being

knowledgeable, thoughtful, discerning, and dedicated are

all important. This statement emphasizes different

behaviors and attitudes, telling us that only by actively

learning, daring to question, deep thinking, good analysis,

and persistent practice can we continuously improve


Next, let's invite the students of the Integration

Department to speak under the national flag on behalf of

the grade class. Everyone applauded. (Chinese)

Thank you for your wonderful speech. (Chinese)

Next, let's give the floor to the Teacher of the

Integration Department (Pause-Chinese)

Thank you for your wonderful presentation. (Chinese)

(With Love, Committed to Achieving Far-Reaching: Expanding

and Speaking 2 Sentences) (Pause-Chinese)

Embrace hope, thrive in the sunlight, journey through the

years, and cherish the fleeting moments. In bidding

farewell to the past, let’s accompany the passage of time

and create new stories. Let go of the complexities of life

and embrace a serene and elegant heart. Stay steadfast in

passion, strive for greatness through dedication, and

encounter beauty, blossoming flowers, and the best moments

in the tranquility of all things.

Thank you for your active participation, this is the

end of the morning meeting of the Integration Department of

Nanchang Qihua Bilingual School! Please leave the venue in

an orderly manner.

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