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| epee UXILIARY SYSTEMS .... ubrication systems .. “Headstock ..........- Headstock ......... leadstock fan «. ee sae. Turret .. Refrigerant Chips convey Hydraulic a & Chuck locking .... SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS ~ Switch on the machine... .. Zero points . Se sieht 2.36 indfuinite’ te. 2.4, Fault system 2d Machine gener / Mach. ne. auxiliary Fault. . Auxiliary faults list ‘2.5. Use of GNT 27 tape reader . : 3. PILOTS AND PUSHBUTTONS .. Control board Machine auxiliary fault tae: Turret inposition -........- Range 1,2,3,4 .- | lurret motion . | : Eee \ Bul.7¢-sboolant. 33iss056 | | 3.1.8, Conveyor sesereeee 3.1.9. Emergency mushroom . 3.2. Tailstock board . 3.2.1. Quill forward -.--.-s ee eepene sees a CONTROL PARAMETERS ..... | 4.0. | Machine data .........0. 4.22" Ssettiagudatal <-.c.-<-nistgeevie «eases 5 | 1 AUXILIARY SYSTENS i 1.1. ~ LUBRICATION SYSTEMS est The machine takes two lubrication systems, one for the axis and one for the headstock. i DEL Si! AXIS. This central brings automatically the necessary oil to \ different shafts lubrication places. The operator can | also perform aditional lubrications through the "Lubri- cation" button, every time he considers suitable. The | time of the automatic lubrication can be adjusted through 2 timer at the electric cabinet. There exist three possible reasons due which the auxilia~ ry machine fault considers that the lubrication process 7 t3-not-working correctly. — % = pressurestat indicating pressure continuously) pp tee teconds after sta pump turning, th pressu- Testat does not detect enough pressure. 1_=0itin the tank is below minimum level. 1.1.2, HEADSTOCK “This central brings continuously the necessary oil to th headstock gears. There exist a pressurestat which activa- tes the auxiliary machine fault system, when the vil floning is not correct. 1.2. HEADSTOCK FAN This fan runs permanently bringing the necessary flowing , of air for the coolant for the main motor widings.One P.T.C. detector watches the motor inside temperature de- i tecting any heating problem and stopping the machine in a moment 1.3. RANGES CHANGE The machine takes two hydraulic cylinders, which positions combination determines the selected range. The determina~ tion of the reached range is done through four micro-con- | : tacts, | The change of positions of cylinders is done through two i electrovalves which control the hydraulic flowing for | each. position. i LOWER CYLINDER mH our - [upper IN Range 4 Range 2 | CYLINDER ca) xu j our Range 3 (443) Lea. The necessary oi] flowing is obtsined from the headstock lubrication central through en electrovalve which turns away the oil during the range changes. A too long time range change will activate the Auxiliary Fault system. At the time that the change of ranges is done, the main motor turns intermittently in one and another direction 80 to make easy the gears TURRET e turret turns under three running modes "Automatic" :D.1." and "Overstore", according to auxiliary functions 11, 12, 3...8. AE "manual" mode (jog) the pushbuttons "Tu. rret" causes its turn. If the turret will not be correc- tly blocked it will be necessary to selec the modo "Refo- rence point" and push "Turret" so the turret will be plas ced inposition "1". The turret inposition" pilot ilumi- nated shows that the turret is correctly positioned The motor takes a P.T.C. protection which detects any in- ternal heating problems, stopping the machine at the mo. ment. Anomalies at turn or at positionning of turret will cause the running of "Auxiliary Faults system". In case of rapid quick change toolpost, the working way is different. The program execution is stopped when func- tion M06 is read in the program. At the moment the pilot of "tool change" is on. The opera- tor should change the tool manually, and then should push the button "tool vhanged" so the program yoes on untill the following demand for change or end of program. We hereafter shows the programming process of a tool change: Funetion Program 200 N210 N220 Change tool demand. Feeds stop The operator changes the tool and push the button NOTE.- D correspond to the too) offset N250 12 D2 MO6 N24" N250 REFRIGERANT Determines the mode of running of the coolant liquid - Manual: The refrigerant flows continuously - "om There is not flow Automatic": The refrigerant starts comming out when the control reads the auxiliary function MOB and for HOS. 1751s CHIPS CONVEYOR Three position selector Determines the movement direction of the gsthered: - Lert - Right = Stop HYDRUALIC CHUCK AND TAISLTOCK The chuck is driven through @ double pedal withwich the jews ere open and closed. In the auxiliary control board there is @ 2 positions selector external/internal to determinate the type of workpiece clamping. The chuck hydraulic system has 2 presostates to avois the headstock turning of the pressure is not the suitable one. The tailstock has two pushbuttins "Quill backward/for- ward", An electronic position detector surveys that tho quill does not go out of its working position. CHUCK LOCKING If the machine has this function, the auxiliary functions for locking and unlocking the chuck are M20 and M21. The function for chuck positioning is N19 with § direc- tion in degrees. A tipical program could be the following: N1o Mo3 5200 Headstock speed asignation O speed of the headstock N9O SO se... Ni00 M20 Pneumatic brake operation N110 M19 530 Orienteted stop in 30 degrees N120 G04 X10 Time selection in 10 seconds N30 M21 Pneumatic brake disconnection -N140 HO3 5200 Headstock speed asignation The software limits are both directions course and for each axes which mus not be overpassed, as will be locs- ted very near of the mechanic stop. These values are introduced as parameters of contro! (axial Date N2240, N2241, N2280 and N2281) and their values are counted from "Zero machine". When the axes reaches one of these extreme values a stop sign is for the axes and these can only be taken out in "manual mode" at opposite way. These limits are only activated when search of "zero reference point" has been done. Thereare two kinds of limits of microncontactors. of them have the same job as the previous ones and very closed to them. So tot ake out the slide when one of them has been passed over, it is necessary to push "Manuel mode" the "Jog direction key" and after that, to push "Feed on" (axes release". Thuus, the slide will leave that extreme zone. At normal conditions never enters into action because the limit by software enters before: Besides, there are two which produce an Emergency Step, as if the mushroom for "Stop" would be pushed. They watch both axes at both ways. On two bedways machines, in the tailstock body, there exist another microcontact which can activate this security. Keep in mind that for many jobs the tailstock will be placed in an intermediate zone of the bed and not need to be at the end of itself. If any of these nicrocontactors concerning to extra secu- rity will get active would be necessary thet someone will+ push the button "axes limit switch concelled" at the electric cabinet at the time that the operator takes out the slide from the zone in "Manual Mode". FAULIS SYSTEM The machine takes a fault diagnostic system. This system detects irregularities in auxiliary signe (ronges, turret lubrication etc,) Do not mix this system with list af control own mistake which have relation with driving and programming faults. There are two pilote ot the control panel: Four - General machine fault = Auxiliary machine fault E-srmf 2h. The software limits are both directions course and for each axes which must not be overpassed, as will be loca- ted very near of the mechanic stop. These values are Introduced as parancters of control (axial Data N 2240, N2241, N2260 and N2281), and their. values are counted from "Zero machine". When the axes reaches one of these extreme values a stop sign 1s for the axes and these can only be taken out in "manual mode" at oppo- site way, These limits are only activated when search of "zero reference point" has been done. There are two kindsof limits of microcontactors. of them have the same job as the previous ones and are very closed to then. < So to take out the slide when one of them has been passed over, it is necessary to push "Manual mode" the reset button and after that to push simultaneously the "Jog di- rection key" (at*right direction) and “Feed on" (axes ret lease). Thus, the slide will leave that extreme zones At normal conditions never enters into action because limit by software enters Before: Besides , there are two which produce an Emergency stop, as if the mushroom for "Stop" would be pushed. They - watch both axes at both ways. On two bedways machines, in the taflstock body, there exist another microcontact which can activate this security. Keep in mind that for many jobs the tailstock will be placed in an tntermediate zone of the bed and not need to be at the end of itself. If any of these microcontactors concerning to extra secu- rity will get active would be necessary that someone will push the button "axes limit switches cancelles" at the electric cabinet ar the time that the operator takes out the slide from the zone in "Manual mode". Four the FAULTS SYSTEM The machine takes a fault diagnostic system. This system detects irregularities in auxiliary signs (ranges, turret lubrication etc,) Do not mix this system with list o control own mistake which have relation with driving and programming faults. There are two pilots at contré] panel: - General machine fault : ~ Auxiliary machine fault : 2.4.3, MACHINE GENERAL FAULT There are three reasons which can cause the lighlin of this pilot: a) Fault at main relay, due to a shoot of any protection element (check security chain on electric cabinet) b) Extreme security microcontactors fault or emergency mushrooms pushed (stop) ©) Feult due to emergency at regulators MACHINE AUXILIARY FAULT When the operator sees lighted, the pilot of the machine auxiliary fault will have to check at such faull number at the top left side of screen. Each number belongs to 8 fix fault of "Interface". The operator should hove to elliminate the causing disturbance or alarm and then Push "Reset" (siemens panel) and the pilot will turn off, if there would not be further alarms lighted. To ellimi- nate from the screen the fault numbor, will be necessary to push the key of "Alarm acknowledge" (Siemens panel” AUXILIARY FAULTS LIST 6000 Presostat for axis lubrication 6001 Excesive time lubricating 6002 Tank level for axis lubrication 6003 Headstock lubricating level 6004 Generel fault of lubricating (once any lubricating fault is elliminated, this appears).1t is necessary to drive the pushbutton of "manual lubricetion” for eliminating). 6005 Changing to range 6006 Changing to range 6007 Changing to range 6008 Changing to range 6009 Changing to ranges and does not get themininum speed CV <> V min.) 6010 6011 The turret motor does not turn 6012 The turret electromagnet does not activate 6013 The turret motor does not reverse at the end of the position 6014 The turret electromagnet does not desactivate 6015 Fault at turret due not reaching requested position 6016 X+ Travel limit microcontactor 6017 X- travel limit microcontactor 6018 Z+ travel limit microcontactor 6019 Z- Travel limit microcontactor 6020 Quill overtravel 2.5. USE OF GNT27 TAPE READER (See instructions Manual of GNT 27) | Check before starting the transmition that "Interf. number for data "In" ("Out") is with a value "2", ace L-srang} ay, 3:1, Biel 3.1.26 3.1.3, Bee, 3.1.5, 3.1.6, BeVars 3.1.8. Belitd: PILOTS AND PUSHBUTTONS Control board General machine fault pilot See "Faults system 2 2,4.) Machine auxiliary fault (pilot) See faults system 2.4.2.) Turret in position (pilot) Shows that the turret 1s correctly positioned. when fhe turret is not automatic (e.g. quiék changing turret) this pilot becomes “Turret change” and noone that a tool change has been ordered by the piece prc gram, (See turret 1.4.) Range 1,2,3,4 (pilot) Show the selected range (See range change 1.3) Turret motion (pushbutton) Causes the turret turn. then the turret is not automatic (e.g. quick changing turret) this pushbutton serves for following tie proe gtam execution once the tool has been changed (See turret 1.4.) Lubrication (pushbutton) Gives an of shoot at axis lubrication points (See "Axis" 1.1.1.) Coolant (Three position selector) coolant system Appoints the operation mode of the (See ‘coolant 1.5.) Conveyor (Three position selector) Defines the conveyor motion way (See chips conveyor 1.6.) Emergency Mushroom Causes the inmediate disconnection of every électric device of the machine, except the electromagnetic brake. Quill forward (bakward) (pushbuttons) Causes the quill motion (See hydraulic chuck and tailstock) CONTROL PARAMETERS The control parameters is an information introduced in the memory of numeric control so its running will he according to the machine technical charactecietion, There are two Kinds of Parameters (divided in several groups: Hachine data and setting data), One complete 11st and punched tape “with the parancters Is sent with the nacnion, NOTE. - To Identity the control keys (Feed on, spindle on, enter a word etc,) See operating instructions pages A} and AG) HACHINE DATA The way to check this parameters the following points: a. Push the "Diagnosis" softkey. the next menu: + NC Alarm PLC Alarm + PLC message + PLC Status b. Push the “Expansion softkey". the menu: + NC Comm + PLC Comm + Service axis cs Push the softkey which you areinterested in and use the "Search Key" "Cursor" or "Paging backward/forward” to select the specific parameters. d. Push the "Switching back" softkey to come back through the standard display. NOTE. - If furthermore you want to change or modify these parane- ters before point a), make the follwing process: 3 st Push the "Diagnosis and Service key” 2 nd Introduce the password "1111"" 3rd Pash key "enter a word" is necessary to follow The CRT will display Then the CRT will show 42. Below you can see the-SINUMERIK 810-1 structure: 1, NC Common data + Common data 0 to 171 + Axial data 2000 to 3999 : Spindle data 4000 to 4999 + Common bits 5000 to 6249 2. PLC Common Data + System data 0 to 63 + User data 1000 to 1007 + System bits 2000 to 2009 + User bits 3000 to 3003 3. Service axis Drag value Absolute actual value Command value Speed value Return value - Segment value Contour deviation OFL HPIE.- Do not try to midify these service Axis since they are Used only for CNC start up trarces techniciens SETTING DATA To this type of parameters, it ts get directly only by Pushing the "sortkey® respective te setting date. The menu offers six groups: yZero offsets (G54, 55, 56, 57) [programmable Zero offsets (G58, 59 and external) +R parameters + Spindle + Common axial eSetting data bits The two first belong to zero offsets of "Zero machine’ {he third one to alternatabla paramators only through ate canned cycles (Threadings, planning ete) and para- metric programming. eeiting data bits, allows to adapt the control for using the peripheral devices (PG-675, tape Puncher-reader ete, ) NOTE, - "Switching back" as many times as it te necessary and selecting the new required mode. GEMINIS, S. A. ELGOIBAR SERVICIN' LATHES INSTRUCT CNC-680 and CNC-780 S eo 6% 0 wiz INTRODUCTION Throughout the following pages, shall try to introduce you to our GEMINIS lathe so that you can become familiarized with its handling, care and conservation. This manuel shall prove to be very useful whenever any un~ expected problem arises as the required information shall alnays be found it whenever consulted. It should therefore be within reach of all technicians and operators who are to use the machine on the shop floor. Should any difficulties arise that cannot be solved by the information contained in this manuel, we would advise you to get in touch.with our technical service. If this does happen, please specify any difficulties with as many details as possible. It is also absolutely necessary for machine model and number to be stated. located $0 mm away From the end of thes section artd SAbt | We would like to thank you very much for having-purchased one of our units and wish you the very best success in all your work. . The unit's number is bedplate, between the prismatic guides of the rear is expressed by a letter followed by a figure no INDEX GENERAL DATA TRANSPORTATION 2 2 2 ee ee ee ee FOUNDATIONS « oes see eet eee ELECTRIC CONNECTIONS «4+ +e. ee GROUNDING se eee ee ee ee MACHINE INSTALATION LEVELLING © 75 00,0. 16 toe “ape erie. CLEANING) se 5 seis te See COMMESSIONING - 6+ sees ee ee LUBRICATION AND COLING LUBRICATION (GENERAL DATA) « « + 6 « HEAD LUBRICATION «4 eee eee ee CENTRALIZED LUBRICATION «+. +s TAILSTOCK LUBRICATION «+. +. s COOLANT SELECTION... 2.2244. HYDRAULIC STATION HYDRAULIC DIAGRAM «we ee eee HYDRAULIC PRESSURE ADJUSTMENT . « MAITENANCE (HYDRAULIC STATION) .. - HOW TO HANDLE THE MACHINE CAUSES OF INEXACT TURNING OPERATIONS SAFETY FACTURES ae 8 Le eee ee MAITENANCE MAITENANCE (GENERAL DATA). 6 ese HEAD ALIGNMENT 6 0 eee ee eee READJUSTMENT OF AUTOMATIC SPINDLE SUPPORT Teo se seo. ve lie te ves MAIN SPINDLE COOLING «6 «+ eee + CHECK Last MACHINE ASSEMBLIES GEMINIS, S. ¢ ELGOIBAR Hojos tojo n. : S GEMINIS, S. A TRANSPORTATION ELGOIBAR Hojes Hejo n. It is absolutely obvious that it is necessary to protect a high accuracy machine against shaking and impacts in transit up to the place of its location in order to maintain exact wor- king conditions. The machine itself, hydraulic station and swarf conveyor (an optional accessory) shall be transported by a crane. All details concerning the positioning of cables, slides, tailstock, etc. can beseen on the drawing. Only use cables that are sufficiently resistant for the machine's weight. Never use chains. Balance is achieved by moving the longitudinal slide, whose approximate position appears in the drawing's table. -F GEMINIS, S, 4 FLGOIBAR Hojas [Heian TRANSPORTATION 1-1 Dimension Distance 2H between ¢entres A & c D qi 1 metre 2 i 1 dh eae 2 1170 | t000 | 2100 | 1650 als GEMINIS, S. A ELGOIBAR FOUNDATIONS 1-2 : Hojos If we consider that the duration of accuracy mainly depends on the condition of the floor where the unit rests, it is essen tiel for the unit to be positioned atop solid foundation. The resistance of the surface where the unit is to be installed shall be sufficiently resistant for the type of asem- blage and anchorage selected. The preparation of the seating block shall be performed according to the dimensions shown on the foundation drawing, fact that the depth to be digged only de- bearing in mind th pends on the firmness of the ground. Before pouring in any concrete, make sure that the holes for the anchorage bolts are sheathed. Level the machine at the spot where it is to be located with the tie rods inserted in their holes and pour concrete grout into these holes. There must be sufficient room around the unit for acces- sories, additional elements and also for the operator's free movements. The minimum space measurements also appear in the foundation drawing. GEMINIS, S. 4 ELECTRIC CONNECTION 1-9 [__feowar = Hoja Hojo nt It is understood by connection the electric conduction between the nearest box of the workshop junction and the machine. This cable will be three-phase not being necessary to forescen the earth auxiliary cable, as this connection will be done directly from the pike (see section regarding earth connection). The characteristics of conductors will be the usual for this type of function, Recommended section (m2) for each voltage system can be seen below + : Ne 680/780 exe 680/780 ‘Standard power Special power : (Main motor 22 KW) (Main motor 30 KW) 220 Vv. * le 50 380 Vv. 25 an. 500 Vv. 16 25 NOTE : the tension is considered between phases and resulting section | TI Won see apotions wisi not overtop Longer Zenethe nn 25 a i | GEMINIS, &. A GROUNDING ELGOIBAR i Int Waa Hojos Hoja n These units must be grounded because of two reasons: - Operator safety when short-circuits occur. - Input voltage stability for el] electronic equipment, in order to guarantee correct operation. Grounding comprises: a) GROUNDING PIKE It consists of a 25 mm external dia. tube of galvanized steel, 2 m long (minimum). If necessary, several pikes connected in parallel can be installed, but must be separated by at least one pike length. The ground is to be as humid as possible and should pre- ferably have vegetable soil. b) CONNECTION CABLE It is the cable linking the grounding pike and machine. Material shall be copper and with a minimum 35 mm2 section. The grounding circuit shall form an electrically continuous line in which no earthings nor metallic elements may be included. No sectioners, fuses or swtiches shall be fitted. Cable travel shall be the shortest possible (the pike shall be as close as |possible to the machine) and without any sharp changes in direction. Grounding jresistance is a magnitude thet determines the quality of the grounding itself. It is measure on Ohms. «The higher the resistance is, the worse the grounding wit'l be. The value of this resistance must not exceed 4 Ohms. A 25 mm dia, galvanized steel grounding pike, 2 m long, vertically buried in humid farming land provides good resistance. GEMINIS, S. 4 ELGOIBAR GROUNDING a4 [ioe Doe The grounding circuit must be made by a professional elec- trical installer as resistance measuring requires certain know- ledge and instruments that the user will not normally have with- in his reach. In different cases (other types of ground), the installer shall calculate the grounding circuit. In special cases consult with GEMINIS. GEMINIS, S. 1 ELGOIBAR Hojat____[ Hoio ns LEVELLING In order to achieve a correct operation and to attain the level of accuracy mentioned, it is absolutely essential for the machine to be placed atop foundations built according to the dimensions and indication described within the foundation sec- tion. Level the machine by means of thebedplare's levelling serews. Use a reference a .02 mm/m accurate level gauge. The gauge is positioned in the longitudinal direction, on the bed- Plate's flat guide and across, over a ground plate which rests on top of both the external prismatic guides. Admissible levelling tolerance for this machine - length and crosswise - is .02 mm/m. The value within this range shall be invariable throughout the entire length of the bedplate. The screws of the box supporting the main engine must never be used to level the machine. They must only rest on the floor, once the definitive levelling has been achieved. ‘ GEMINIS, S. A ELGOIBAR CLEANING Once the machine has been levelled, wipe with care all polished parts and remove their anti-rust protection layer (nor- mally export machines). All moving parts and the longitudinal spindle must never be set into motion until the slippage eur- faces and spindle are completely clean, dry and oiled. It is better to use petrol as @ solvent and not gasoline as a cleaning agent as combustible vapours could seep into the electric appa- ratus, with the subsequent fire hazard. Never use compressed air. Once the cleaning procedure has been completed, oi] all parts so that no rust will re-appear. XM GEMINIS, S. ¢ ELGOIBAR jas | Holo COMMISSIONING Prior to commissioning the machine, it is convenient to dé the following: - Oil the machine thoroughly Fill up the different boxes with the oil described in chapter 3-1 Lubrication, as the machine is supplied with no oil inside, - Fill up the coolant tank. Read with great care HOW TO HANDLE THE MACHINE AND MAINTENANCE. Start up the machine and check the operation of the fol- lowing elements: The rotation of the main shaft in both directions. - The movement of the slides in both directions at low speeds. - Perform small tool changing tests. Adjust the chuck's and tailstock's pressure settings in the hydraulic station. Once this commissioning process has been completed, run a few practical tests (familiarization turning). During the tests it is recommendable to operate at low speeds with little swarf removal. GEMINIS, S. A DATA) ELGOIBAR ori Hojos Hojo n= LUBRICATION (GENERAL The lines surrounding the drawing of the machine show the different fill-up points of the boxes or tanks and the amount of time required for oil changes. A daily one shift operation has been considered for this time calculation. If this is to be increased to two or more shifts, its frequency shall also be increased proportionally. The quantities of oil to be poured into each tank are shown beneath the drawing. This machine must be subject to a careful maintenance prac- 1 atten tice, like any other top-quality machine tool. Spec tion must be given to lubrication and to the selection of the adequate type of oil. Special care must therefore be taken with the following: Do not use at the same time nor mix different brands of oil. Wipe only with rags or wool and never clean with compressed air. ; Check tank oil levels on a daily basis and change oil and clean tank regularly. The machine's oil level when stopped must coincide with the upper mark of the sighting column. For tank washing, use only the oil used for the machine and never caustic nor easily gasifying liquids. The draining of head lubrication tanks 1, of centralized. 7 lubrication and 3 of the hydraulic circuit shall be performed by removing the plugs from the bottom section of the different boxes. 2 GEMINIS, S. £ ELGOIBAR [iste ne LUBRICATION (GENERAL DATA) Hojos | at 1 | i | ' ! | I ! | | | | | 1 I I ! I 1 ' J —— 2) Par on ae ty D= 40 dm? 5 dm? = vas © [es] " 150 dm? Fabriconles-Monvfactures , Fobriconts. Herstelle- GG mobil] 180 - ¥6 1m 51502 Jom 51519 oi 51561 jest. -40° | E. 50°C RENOLIN | LAMORA cs a ‘ MOBIL TELLUS Be | AP fame | Ma | EE [uous | srt | ite “ LAMORA een 68) 6 [Rener-2 | sivegteite) “AEG™T Ireeisx 8 | vacran 2 fronna 68 tol Ho bh ly RENOLIN | LAMORA | ENERGOL ae MOBIL TEMS 66 & [aR-20 | mr ce [mem 60 [MTONE | re 2g | Coo Llaskin or ZOO GEMINIS, S. 4 HEAD LUBRICATION ELGOIBAR 3-2 sie The head's lubrication system operates by circulation. Pump A pumps the oil of tank B to tray C (which is inside the head) that distributes oi] among different points of lubrication which returns to the tank once it has completes its lubrication fune- tion. Oi1 filtering is performed by making oi] flow through the 200 micron, 0 suction filter (which inside the tank) and then through the 30 micron self-cleaning E filter located outside the machine, Suction filter D must be cleaned every time oil is changed. When it is to be disassembled, remove the pump's cover and the connector emerging from the self-cleaning filter. The self-cleaning £ filter must be washed on a weekly basis; when necessary, just remove plug F and turn grip -G several times. The circuit's viailance. system comprises: an H pressure regulator adjusted at 8 Kg/cm2, whose mission is to protect the pump in the event of excess pressure, and pressurestat I, whose mission ig to give a warning on the control panel of any lubri- cation failures. This type of failure is brought about by a pre- sure drop in the line, mainly caused by a lack of oil, dirt in the suction filter, piping leaks or rupture, etc... In the upper section of the head's cover there is a glass sight glass which allows the. operator to check the pump's opera tion and the circuit's oil flow. | 7 GEMINIS, S.A HEAD LUBRICATION ELGOISAR | 3-2 [eis [tie al GEMINIS, S. 4 ELGOIBAR CENTRALIZED LUBRICATION : 3-3 [ities Hoi ne The station used for lubrication purposed is located on top ofthe pedestal supporting the main motor. This station incor- porates all the elements that are required for the circuit's control and prptection. This is how any anomalies, i-e., low oil level in tank, connector leaks, obstructions, etc., are detected and transmitted to the control panel which indicates a lubricatior failure. This station distributes oil gutomatically to all lubrica- tion points located on the guides, spindles and bearings of the longitudinal and trensversel slides and also to the automatic spindle support, if supplied. This automatoc lubrication system actuates by pulses. It is adjusted,ex-works, with @ 30 minute frequency between pulses. This frequency, however, can be modified as required by actuating its timer located inside the electric cabinet. GEMINIS, S. A TAILSTOCK LUBRICATION ELGOIBAR Tailptock shank and bearing lubrication is performed auto- matically) every time the shank feed pushbutton is pressed. | | 1 | GEMINIS, S. 4 COOLANT SELECTION FLGOIBAR 3-5 J Hojos Hoja n= It is important for the client to be fully aware of the t Precautions that are to be taken when the time comes to sele ®@ specofic coolant. We therefore advise you to get in touch with your oil supplier in order to ask him if there is an incompati- bility between his oil and the coolant chosen that, upon being mixed, might form rubbers or other by-products capable of impe- ding the unit's normal operation. We also think that it is interesting to mention that there are presently available on the market certain coolants of recently developed compositions that, even though they do improve lubri- cation @ great deal, attack paint and rust metals. We therefore consider these products unsuitable, in spite of the advantages they seem to offer at a glance. The tank shall be filled by pouring the coolant direcly over the machine. The quantities required are: DISTANCE BETWEEN CENTRES 1000... esse eee “1500.... 2000 sac elec oer ctcleted wctaers 3000...... . eeebese 4000.......... . It ig not possible to determine coolant changing times as they are saeconely variable, mainly because of pollution and =~ temperature. A well known fact is that heat tends to decompose coolant rather quickly. GEMINIS, S, + HYDRAULIC PRESSURE ELGOIBAR ADJUSTMENT 4-2 Hojae Hoja n. The machine leaves our works with all its hydraulic pres- sures fully adjusted. Therefore, they must not be modified, with the exceptions of the specific cases involving the hydrcaulic chuck and tailstock, due to part reasons. GENERAL PI’ PRESSURE It is set ex-works at 35 Kg/em2. P2 SPEED CHANGE PRESSURE It is supplied, ex-works, at approx. 15 Kg/cm2. P3 TAILSTOCK PRESSURE To be set by the client. P4 HYDRAULIC CHUCK PRESSURE (special accessory) To be set by the client. For adjustment of these pressure ratings, just set the selector of pressure gauge 8 at P2, P3 or P4 and keep pressed for pressure variation follow-up on gauge 9, whilst adjustments are made with valve 13. GEMINIS, S. 4 MAINTENANCE (HYDRAULIC STATION) FLGOIBAR 4-3 Titeies Hojo nt For the proper operation of the hydraulic station, a good mdintenance practice is essential. We therefore recommend you check the components detailed hereunder on a regular basis: SUCTION FILTER Item 4 of the hydraulic diagram. Wash after every 1090 hours of operation. RETURN FILTER Item 22 of the hydraulic diagram, change the catridge after the first 100 hours of operation and, afterwards, every 500 hours. As it is a removeable threaded catridge system, this guaran- tees thorough cleaning with a minimum loss of time. ACCUMULATORS Check the accumulator's volume once every 1000 hours. Its volume is 700 cm3. V GEMINIS, S, ¢ ELGOIBAR CAUSES OF INEXACT TURNING OPERATIONS Helos [i As experience has shown us, the cause for a bad outcome of a turning operation is nearly alwys the incorrect anchorage of the machine. If this is corrected and defects are spotted after some time has elapsed, check the following point 1.- Check for excessive play in the slide guides 2.- Is the tailstock's shank centered? Do the chuck's clamps provide unequal clamping pressure? 3. If the machine starts to vibrate, this is usually because the number of critital of vibrations of the machine ond work- piece coincide. This shaking can be stopped by modifying the number of revolutions or the feed rate. 1f it is not corrected with this action, this can be because: 1.- The unit's assemblage has not been checked correctly with the spirit level. The bedplate does not rest atop the foundations through- out its entire length. 3.- The workpiece protrudes much too far from the chuck. It will therefore be necessary to use a guard. 4.- The chuck has been fitted incorrectly or its fastening screws are not correctly tightened. 5.- An unbalanced chuck or workpiece may the machine vibrate 6. Qed seating of the tailstock's point. A too high cutting speed is used 8.- The tool comes loose because of its elasticity; it has pop heen tightened enough or is worn. - i is necessary to readjust the bearings of the main hart. - jar the unit's rotating power diminishes, this can be because: 1.- The Lransmission belts have become elongated. GEMINIS, S. £ SAFETY FEATURES ELGOIBAR Toles Taio n> ssory) | CLAMPING -SAFETY (HYDRAULIC CHUCK) (Special ace In order to stop the workpiece from becoming loose, due to etc.. leaks in the hydraulic circuit or to the rupture of a ho ofa | the machine incorporates a safety feature which consis pressurestat (item 14 of the diagram) set at 10 Kg/cm2, whose mission is to guarantee at all times minimum oil pressure in the feed line of the cylinder that actuates the hydraulic chuck, so-that if - due to the aforementioned reasons - pressure drops below 10 Kg/cm2, the machine would stop automatically. CLAMPING SAFETY (TAILSTOCK) In order to guarantee that the tailstock's shank is applying pressure on the workpiece - when operating between centres - a magnetic detector has been incorporated to the tailstock's body for shankmovement control purposes, which will not issue the signal to the control desk for the commissioning of the machine if the shank does not meet the part prior to completing its travel. EATURES | | OTHER SAFET Apart from the above captioned features, the machine also incorporates others that do not allow it to be put into operation in any of|the following cases: - hg the lubrication alarm lamp lights up on the control Bs | panel. | | - When the pilot light indicating turret positioned is switched off. a - When due to any anomaly, one of the slides“has gone further thdn the electronic stop and stops against the extreme safety micro. When'the slide is to be removed from this position and the unit put back into operation, it is necessary for two operators Detect, within the electric cabinet, the pushbutton that this to proceed as follows: | | cancels the top safety micros. One operator must pres button whilst the other will remove the slide from the extreme position with his hands. | GEMINIS, S. A SAFETY FEATURES ELGOIBAR - Nhen due to any exceptional reason, the machine has not per- formed the speed range change. GEMINIS, S. 4 MAINTENANCE (GENERAL DATA) ELGOIBAR 6 Hojas HAINTENANCE THROUGHOUT OPERATION = Check theoil level inside the circulation lubrication (head) tank. = Check the arrival of oil through the plastic sight locater above the :head's cover. - Check whether the sliding guides of the slide or suffi- ciently oiled or not. = Check the cleanness of all motor filters, electric cabi- net, etc. WEEKLY MAINTENANCE - - Clean and oil the machine well. Never use compressed air. - Check the centralized lubrication system to see if there are any leaks. -Wash the self-cleaning filter of the head's lubrication circuit. MONTHLY MAINTENANCE = Check belt tension and tighten if necessary. - Wash of change the filters of the motors, electric ca- binet, hydraulic station, etc. - Check for wear the spindle-s automatic: support (only for lathes of more than 3 mts. between centres). MAINTENANCE + Change the head's lubrication oil oe - Cleck the condition of the hydraulic station's oil ~ - Check the general condition of the machine, maiply the areas affecting the accuracy of the workpieces - Check the condition of all hydraulic hoses. - Check the condition of the DC motor carbons. GEMINIS, S. ¢ HEAD ALIGNMENT ELGOIBAR 6-2 [ies J pion After a certain amount of time has elapsed and due to the ~ internal movements of materials, wear and vibrations, ctc., fhe head might have lost its parallelism in relation to the unit's axis. Parjalleliem must be sought again so that the -vnit can be taken back’ to its original position. This operation is performed by loosenling the fastening screws and manipulating the align- ment screws (D). On the check list supplied with the unit the parallelism procedure, tools to be used and admissible error are delsiled. GEMINI, S. A READJUSTMENT OF THE AUTOMATIC ELGOIBAR SPINDLE SUPPORT 6-3 Hojas [too n. Detail G The continuous friction between the spindle and the E bronze bushing will eventually wear the bushing. It is is there- fore highly recommendable to maintain the spindle aligned along ites entire length. This adjustment shall be performed as follows: Remove Protection platé F so as to leave the spindine vi- sible. Afterwards, and using the slide as a support, put © com- parator on the upper part of the spindle, measuring both the spindle's| bearing surfaces. This measurement will serve as a~ Teference| to lift the support. Adjustment is made withescrew B, pravasuelh having removed screw A and locknut C. Once) the adjustment has been performed, it is VERY IMPOR~ TANT to retouc. peak C. leavina the 12 mm measurement. as if this dimension is not maintained, this could make the steady not be able to fit inside its housina once the slide’ has passed, with the possibility of a breakdown occurring. (see detail G) GEMINIS, S. ¢ 1 ELGOIBAR Heiss [Holo MAIN SPINDLE COOLING It is very important to avoid the obstruction of the drainage pump by the chips, because the coolant liquid, could ovefflow on the main motor. To avoid it, we reccommend: 1) To clean the tray quite often 2) To check periodically the system. Before starting to work, fix the coolant drainage pipe to the clamp placed on the chip conveyor. NF €60-102 JANUARY 1976 FRENCH STANDARD FOREWORD This standard has been written in conjunction with the French Machine Tool Union of Manufacturers, taking as a basis the NAS 9 document entitled "LATHE, ACCURACY, NUMERICALLY CONTROLLED" of the "Aerospace Industry Association of America Inc." published by the "National Standard Association Inc." and taking into con- sideration the remarks and suggestions that have been kindly communicated to us by MTTA (The Machine Tool Trades Association) of the U.K. SUMMARY Ve AIn 2. PRELIMINARY REMARKS 3 TESTING CONDITIONS AND TOLERATED DEVIATIONS 3.1. Geometric checking 3.2. Practical tests REFERENCES Machine Tool Testing Code NF E 60 - 100 Test conditions of general purpose parallel lathes NF E 60 - 101 AIM This standard refers to NFE60-100 "Machine Tool Testing Code" and mentions the geometric ¢hecking end practical tests on para- Ile) numerical control bolts as well as tolerated deviations. It only covers the control of the machine's accuracy and does not examinate the unit's operation (vibration, abnormal noise, hard points in| organ movement, etc) nor its features, such as speed, feed rates, etc., examinations which should generally go before accuracy-/ os Neither dpes it study dynamic qualities (such as the repeatabilit of slide ppsi tioning, verification of elements in their response to the orders issued by the director system, the measurement of the absolute accuracy of positioning practices, the-measurement of Play or angles of kinematic chains, etc) which shel) be covered by another standard. PRELIMINARY REMARKS 2.1. For the application of this standard it is necessary lo refer to NF £ 60 - 100, especially as regards the installation of the machine prior to testing, the appropiate heating of the spindle and other moving elements, the description of the measiring methods as well 8s the degree of accuracy recommen- ded for control apparatus. 2.2. As regards the order in which geometric control operations have been numbered, this corresponds Lo the assemblies forming the machine and does not at all define the practical order of the succession of measurements. The controls can be used for the obtention of en easier control or the checking appa ratus cen be assembled in a completely different manner. It is not always necessary, upon examining a machine, to pe form all the tests mentioned throughout this standard. It i the user how must choose,in accordance with the manufacture the tests covering the properties required and which should have been clearly defined at the moment the order was forma- lized. Practical tests must be performed with finishing passes (for example = 0.1 mm; feed per revolution = .1 mm) and not on the basis of roughing passes that will make very high cutting stresses intervene; with the exception, however, of practical tests P3 and P4 that must be preceded by roughing or turning passes executed on an automatic cycle. Whenever a tolerance is defined for a measurement extension different to the one mentioned in this standard, see section 2.311 of NF E 60 - 100 as it is necessary to bear in mind that the minimum value of the tolerance to be considered is +001 mn, 62] Isa 3- TEST CONDITIONS AND TOLERATED DEVIATIONS. Bilin Geometric cheking a) Longitudinal testiney Way etradentne a pinne vertical or Perpendicular to the jain work plane jefined by the dotted Line aud by the tip of the tool — 2 ae 7 7 Dieeren et Date) #€00 Tereratea deviation —_|.tere Pie) #1000 A-BED ry Roa 0'04 tyvezntine and wey | “Gos atone ene entise [0100 Length of 250 Pip 1000 For every adustsonar 1000 mn. of distance between centers once 1000 mm. have been ed, dncrease the | batterie gio Local tolerances .0075 |9'007 Along the entire Tengen ef 500 D) Croce testing + The vaye must be Level variation + 03/1000 oot = SLIDE Testing of the straightness of trolley travel one hordzontel plane oF ona plane defined by the dotted Jine Up ef the tool EP = 1000 01 oro EP> 1000 For every additional 1000\mn, dn distance Between centers once 1000 mn. have been exceeded, increase the tolerance +005 Maximum tolerance |p'047* Pl = “i T T ! ons | othe 7 ie deviation ie | Ki Testing of travetning | #) 01 o'08 } b arene of the Local tolerances Eetsteck Goth the — 0t008 aisha ar ie WI oe Throughout the entire | on a Teneth ot 300 i ve 1) on siperrenatcutar’ |v) 02 oto} J J= constent ii oc) tolerance 1 «| uy Seine Beeat ear Lee] grt Jength ef 300 bod

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