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Synthesis, crystal structure, magnetic property and DFT

Cite this: Dalton Trans., 2013, 42, 12274 calculations of an unusual dinuclear µ2-alkoxido
Published on 21 June 2013. Downloaded by Mahidol University on 5/18/2020 11:28:07 AM.

bridged iron(III) complex†

Rituparna Biswas,a Carmen Diaz,b Antonio Bauzá,c Antonio Frontera*c and
Ashutosh Ghosh*a

A new dinuclear di(μ-alkoxido) bridged complex [Fe2L2] (1) (H3L = N,N’-bis{1-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-

ethylidene}-2-hydroxy-1,3-propanediamine) has been synthesized and characterized. The structure of
1 consists of a centrosymmetric dimer where two crystallographically equivalent metal ions are asymme-
trically bridged by two alkoxido oxygen atoms. In the structure, each ligand coordinates to one Fe(III)
centre and consequently the imino nitrogen atoms are in cis positions, which is rather unusual for this
ligand. Variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements of the complex indicate that the two
iron(III) centres are antiferromagnetically coupled (J = −17.46 cm−1). The exchange mechanism has been
investigated by means of DFT calculations. In addition, the theoretical study has been also used to ration-
alize the unusual coordination mode of the Schiff base ligand. Moreover, the influence of the weak
forces or solvent molecules present in the solid-state structure for the conformational change is also ana-
lysed theoretically. This theoretical calculation incorporates two more similar structures, [Fe2L’2]·CH2Cl2 (2)
Received 2nd May 2013,
and [Fe2L’2]·2CH3CN (3) (H3L’ = N,N’-bis(salicylidene)-1,3,-diaminopropan-2-ol), for a comparative study.
Accepted 21st June 2013
Complex 2 has been reported previously in the literature with the usual binding mode of the ligands.
DOI: 10.1039/c3dt51153g
We have repeated its synthesis and recrystallized it from another solvent (acetonitrile) to get complex 3 which is isostructural with 2 but has acetonitrile as solvent molecule.

Introduction been of considerable interest for several decades, in relation to

magnetic superexchange studies.4 Oxygen-bridged diiron(III)
The chemistry of iron(III) complexes is dominated by oxygen- complexes fall into three classes: oxido-bridged,5 hydroxido
bridged species because of the high oxygen affinity of the bridged,5a,6 and alkoxido or phenoxido7 bridged species. It has
iron(III) ion.1 The interest in oxygen-bridged dinuclear iron(III) been noted that the antiferromagnetic interaction mediated
units is largely due to their biological relevance.2 Recently, via oxido-bridge is much stronger than that mediated via other
special attention has been paid to oxygen-bridged diiron(III) bridges.8
complexes, stimulated mainly by the discovery of the Fe–O–Fe Among the ligands that produce µ-alkoxido bridged com-
core in the active sites of a number of non-heme metallo- plexes, the binucleating Schiff base ligand N,N′-bis(salicyli-
enzymes and metalloproteins such as hemerythrin, a dioxygen dene)-1,3,-diaminopropan-2-ol (H3L′) and its derivatives are of
carrier protein.3 Synthetic efforts are made to prepare several special importance because they afford binuclear complexes
interesting oxygen-bridged polyiron compounds, which have rather easily with most of the 1st transition elements. These
ligands bind to the metal centres in two different ways
(Scheme 1). Most commonly, it is shared by the two adjacent
Department of Chemistry, University College of Science, University of Calcutta, 92, metal centres (Scheme 1a).9 However, in a few cases it is also
A.P.C. Road, Kolkata-700 009, India. E-mail:
b chelated to one metal centre (Scheme 1b).10 In the case of tri-
Departament de Química Inorgànica, Universitat de Barcelona, Marti i Franques
1-11, 08028 Barcelona, Spain valent metal ions [M(III) = Fe(III), Mn(III) and Co(III)], usually
Departament de Química, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Crta. de Valldemossa km binuclear complexes of MIII2L′2 type are formed with these
7.5, 07122 Palma de Mallorca (Balears), Spain. E-mail: ligands. Among them, in all the Mn(III) complexes11 the
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Cyclic voltammograms
ligands are shared but in the only reported Co(III) complex,
of complex 1 and crystal data, structure refinement and dimensions in the metal
coordination sphere of complex 3 are included. CCDC 930142 (for 1) and
each Schiff base ligand binds to one metal center.10a However,
930143 (for 3). For ESI and crystallographic data in CIF or other electronic in Fe(III) complexes, both types of coordination are found.
format see DOI: 10.1039/c3dt51153g Among the seven10b,12 reported dinuclear bis-µ-alkoxido-

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(4500–500 cm−1) were recorded using a Perkin-Elmer RXI

FT-IR spectrophotometer. Electronic spectra (1200–200 nm) in
CH3CN (for 1 and 3) were recorded in a Hitachi U-3501 spec-
trophotometer. The magnetic measurements were carried out
in the “Servei de Magnetoquimica (Universitat de Barcelona)”
on polycrystalline samples (20 mg) with a Quantum Design
SQUID MPMSXL susceptometer in an applied field of 5000 G
and 300 G in the temperature ranges of 2–300 K and 2–30 K,
respectively. Field dependence of magnetization measure-
Scheme 1 (a) Sharing of ligands by two metal ions; (b) chelation of ligands to
ments were carried out in the same instrument at 2 K. The
one metal ion.
Published on 21 June 2013. Downloaded by Mahidol University on 5/18/2020 11:28:07 AM.

experimental magnetic susceptibility data were corrected for

the diamagnetism estimated from Pascal’s tables and sample
bridged Fe(III) complexes, the ligand is shared by two adjacent holder calibration.13
Fe(III) centres in four compounds and in the other three where
the Schiff base has been reduced, it coordinates to one metal
Theoretical methods
ion. It may also be noted that imino nitrogen atoms occupy
the trans positions when the ligand is shared by the two The energies of all compounds described in the present study
metals but are bonded to the cis positions when the ligand is were computed at the BP86-D3/def2-TZVPD level of theory
chelated to one metal ion. within the program TURBOMOLE version 6.4.14 This DFT
In the present work we report the synthesis, crystal struc- method (BP86-D3)15 has been successfully used before to
ture, magnetic property, electrochemistry and DFT calculations study energetic features of coordination compounds.16 To
of a new dinuclear double µ2-alkoxido bridged Fe(III) com- compare the relative stabilities of the compounds, the geome-
pound [Fe2L2] (1) (H3L = N,N′-bis{1-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-ethyli- tries have been fully optimized in the gas phase without sym-
dene}-2-hydroxy-1,3-propanediamine). The complex is a rare metry constraints starting from the crystallographic
example in which each Schiff base ligand coordinates to one coordinates. Frequency calculations have been performed at
Fe(III) centre. The two different coordination modes of the the same level of theory to confirm that the geometries corre-
Schiff base ligand as described above have not been rationali- spond to true minima. The experimental and theoretical dis-
zed theoretically to date. We, therefore, perform a DFT calcu- tances and angles obtained for compounds 1 and 3 are very
lation on complex 1 along with two other Fe(III) compounds similar (see Table S2†), giving reliability to the level of theory.
(2 and 3) in which the ligands are shared by the two adjacent To evaluate the noncovalent interactions in the solid state, we
metal centres. Complex 2, a bis-µ-alkoxido bridged dinuclear have used the crystallographic coordinates. The interaction
Fe(III) compound, [Fe2L′2]·CH2Cl2 (H3L′ = N,N′-bis(salicylidene)- energies were calculated with correction for the basis set
1,3-diaminopropan-2-ol), has been reported previously.12a We superposition error (BSSE) by using the Boys–Bernardi coun-
repeated the synthesis of 2 and crystallized it from a different terpoise technique.17
solvent (acetonitrile instead of dichloromethane) and obtained For the magnetic properties, we have used the crystallo-
[Fe2L′2]·2CH3CN (3). Single crystal X-ray analysis confirms that graphic coordinates. The magnetic coupling constants are
it has the same molecular structure as 2. We have computed described using the Heisenberg model (see the DFT calcu-
the energies of dimers 1–3 and the results established that lations of magnetic properties subsection). For DFT-based wave
weak forces, such as hydrogen bonds and the presence of functions, a reasonable estimate of the exchange coupling con-
different solvent molecules, are capable of directing the for- stants can be obtained from the energy difference between the
mation of a particular geometrical isomer either by compen- state with the highest spin, EHS, and the low spin wave function,
sating for the energy differences or by providing stabilization EBS (namely the broken-symmetry18 solution) obtained by just
through weak noncovalent interactions. flipping one of the spins through eqn (1), where J is the
exchange coupling constant and S1 and S2 the local spins on
centres 1 and 2 (for dinuclear FeIII complexes, S1 = S2 = 5/2):
Experimental section J ¼ ðEBS  EHS Þ=ð2S1 S2 þ S2 Þ ð1Þ
Starting materials
The hybrid B3LYP functional19 has been used in all calcu-
1,3-Diaminopropan-2-ol, 2-hydroxyacetophenone and anhy- lations as implemented in Gaussian-0920 using the 6-31+G*
drous iron(III) chloride were purchased from Merck and used basis set for all atoms. Due to the small magnitude of the
as received. All other solvents were of reagent grade and were exchange coupling constant, all energy calculations must be
used without further purification. performed including the SCF = tight option of Gaussian to
ensure sufficiently well converged values for the calculated
Physical measurements energies. The approach used for determining the exchange
Elemental analyses (carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen) were per- coupling constants for dinuclear complexes has been
formed using a 2400 series II CHN analyzer. IR spectra in KBr described before in the literature.21

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It should be mentioned that the widely and successfully Synthesis of the complexes
used22 broken symmetry DFT approach is not a unique [Fe2L2] (1). A 5 ml methanolic solution of FeCl3 (0.324 g,
methodology to compute and interpret magnetic properties in 2 mmol) was allowed to react with the Schiff-base ligand H3L,
quantum chemistry. For instance ab initio methods based on formed by the in situ condensation of 1,3-diaminopropan-2-ol
Difference Dedicated Configuration Interaction23 (e.g. CASSCF/ (0.118 g, 2 mmol) and 2-hydroxy acetophenone (0.48 ml,
DDCI) give excellent results and offer the possibility to finely 4 mmol) in methanol (10 ml) with constant stirring. Triethyl-
analyse the mechanisms and origin of magnetic properties amine (0.84 ml, 6 mmol) was added dropwise to the solution
taking advantage of the access to the wavefunction of all spin and the stirring was continued for about 15 minutes. The
states of interest. This approach has been recently used for the colour of the solution turned to dark red and a crystalline pre-
study of cis/trans isomeric effects on the magnetic properties cipitate was separated out within a few minutes. The precipi-
Published on 21 June 2013. Downloaded by Mahidol University on 5/18/2020 11:28:07 AM.

of copper complexes.24 tate was collected by filtration, washed, dried and

recrystallized from acetonitrile. X-ray quality dark red single
crystals of complex 1 were obtained on slow evaporation of the
Crystallographic data collection and refinement solvent.
Suitable single crystals of each of the complexes were mounted Complex 1. Yield 0.493 g (65%). Anal. Calcd for
on a Bruker SMART diffractometer equipped with a graphite C38H38Fe2N4O6 (758.42): C, 60.18; H, 5.05; N, 7.39. Found: C,
monochromator and Mo-Kα (λ = 0.71073 Å) radiation. The 60.07; H, 5.01; N, 7.28. IR (KBr pellet, cm−1): 1595.6 ν(CvN).
structures were solved by the Patterson method using SHELXS λmax/nm (CH3CN), 459, 312, 252.
97. Subsequent difference Fourier synthesis and least-square [Fe2L′2]·2CH3CN (3). A methanolic solution of FeCl3 (0.324 g,
refinement revealed the positions of the remaining non- 2 mmol) was reacted with the Schiff base ligand H3L′ (0.596 g,
hydrogen atoms. Non-hydrogen atoms were refined with in- 2 mmol), synthesized by the previously reported procedure30
dependent anisotropic displacement parameters. All the in the presence of triethylamine (0.84 ml, 6 mmol). The colour
hydrogen atoms were placed in idealized positions and their of the reaction mixture turned to dark brown on stirring and a
displacement parameters were fixed at 1.2 times larger than precipitate was separated out which was filtered, washed with
those of the attached non-hydrogen atom except the hydrogen cold methanol and dried under vacuum. It was then dissolved
atoms on C(6) in 3 which were located in the difference in acetonitrile solvent and dark-red X-ray quality single crystals
Fourier map. Successful convergence was indicated by the of 3 appeared at the bottom of the vessel on slow evaporation
maximum shift/error of 0.001 for the last cycle of the least of the solvent.
squares refinement. All calculations were carried out using Complex 3. Yield 0.588 g (75%). Anal. Calcd for
SHELXS 97,25 SHELXL 97,26 PLATON 99,27 ORTEP-3228 and C38H36Fe2N6O6 (784.43): C, 58.18; H, 4.63; N, 10.71. Found: C,
WinGXsystemVer-1.64.29 Data collection and structure refine- 59.07; H, 4.59; N, 10.67. IR (KBr pellet, cm−1): 1633.3 ν(CvN).
ment parameters and crystallographic data for the two com- λmax/nm (CH3CN), 421, 322, 260.
plexes are given in Table 1.

Result and discussion

Synthesis of complexes 1 and 3
Table 1 Crystal data and structure refinement of complex 1 The Schiff base was synthesized by the condensation of 1,3-
diaminopropan-2-ol and 2-hydroxyacetophenone in a
1 : 2 molar ratio. FeCl3 reacted with the Schiff base ligand in a
Formula C38H38Fe2N4O6 1 : 1 molar ratio in the presence of triethylamine to result in
M 758.42 the formation of the dinuclear di-μ-alkoxido bridged iron(III)
Crystal system Triclinic
Space group P1ˉ (No. 2) complex 1 (Scheme 2). Following a similar reaction procedure
a/Å 8.823(5) to complex 1, we synthesized another complex 3 using a
b/Å 9.225(5) slightly different Schiff base ligand (N,N′-bis(salicylidene)-1,3,-
c/Å 10.639(5)
α/° 83.287(5) diaminopropan-2-ol).30 Complex 3 is also a dinuclear di-
β/° 83.219(5) μ-alkoxido bridged complex but with a different coordination
γ/° 84.359(5) mode of the ligand (Scheme 2). The same molecule has been
V/Å3 850.8(8)
Z 1 reported earlier12a with a different solvent of crystallization
Dc/g cm−3 1.480 (dichloromethane instead of acetonitrile that is present in 3).
µ/mm−1 0.907
F (000) 394 IR and electronic spectra
R(int) 0.024
Total reflections 6347 The IR spectra of complex 1 showed characteristic CvN
Unique reflections 3208 stretching at 1595 cm−1, slightly lower in comparison to
I > 2σ(I) 2756
R1, wR2 0.0364, 0.1087 complex 3 which shows CvN stretching at 1633 cm−1. Two
Temp./K 293 other Fe(III) complexes in which the ligand is the same as in

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Table 2 Dimensions in the metal coordination sphere, distances (Å) and angles (°)
of complex 1

Atom labels Dist./angle Atom labels Angle

Fe(1)–O(1) 2.058(2) O(2)–Fe(1)–O(3) 89.53(8)

Fe(1)–O(2) 1.902(2) O(2)–Fe(1)–N(1) 105.97(8)
Fe(1)–O(3) 1.927(2) O(2)–Fe(1)–N(2) 83.12(8)
Fe(1)–N(1) 2.127(2) O(1)′–Fe(1)–O(2) 103.73(8)
Fe(1)–N(2) 2.188(2) O(3)–Fe(1)–N(1) 83.23(7)
Fe(1)–O(1)′ 1.981(2) O(3)–Fe(1)–N(2) 163.36(7)
O(1)–Fe(1)–O(2) 160.62(8) O(1)′–Fe(1)–O(3) 96.86(7)
O(1)–Fe(1)–O(3) 109.76(7) N(1)–Fe(1)–N(2) 84.47(7)
Published on 21 June 2013. Downloaded by Mahidol University on 5/18/2020 11:28:07 AM.

O(1)–Fe(1)–N(1) 75.59(7) O(1)′–Fe(1)–N(1) 150.30(8)

O(1)–Fe(1)–N(2) 77.78(7) O(1)′–Fe(1)–N(2) 99.38(7)
O(1)–Fe(1)–O(1)′ 76.51(7) Fe(1)–O(1)–Fe(1)′ 103.49(7)

Schiff base ligand. The four donor atoms of the ligand (two
Scheme 2 Synthetic route to 1 and 3. imino, N(1) and N(2), and two phenoxido, O(2) and O(3)) co-
ordinate to only one Fe(III) center, while the two remaining sites of
complex 3 exhibit CvN stretching at 1625 and 1629 cm−1.12a,c Fe(III) are coordinated by the two bridging µ2-alkoxido atoms (O(1)
Another noticeable difference is the appearance of a weak and O(1)′). The central Fe2O2 core is significantly asymmetric
band at 2248 cm−1 in the IR spectra of 3 due to the presence of with Fe(1)–O(1) = 2.058(2) Å and Fe(1)–O(1)′ = 1.981(2) Å which
a solvent acetonitrile molecule. is a common feature of such dimers. The longest Fe–O(alko-
Since the high-spin Fe(III) is under an octahedral field, the xido) bond is trans to the phenoxido oxygen atom O(2), and the
d–d transitions should be very weak because they are not spin- shortest one is trans to the imino nitrogen atom N(1). The brid-
allowed. The electronic spectra of complexes 1 and 3 show a ging Fe(1)–O(1)–Fe(1)′ angle is 103.49(7)° leading to a Fe⋯Fe
high intensity band at 459 and 421 nm assignable to a charge distance of 3.172 Å, comparable to that in the other dialkoxido
transfer transition from the pπ orbital of phenoxido oxygen to bridged iron(III) complexes.12 Each Fe(III) ion possesses a dis-
the half filled dπ* orbitals of the iron(III).31 The higher energy torted octahedral geometry coordinated by the ligand in such
transition bands for 1 and 3 at 312, 322 nm and 252, 260 nm a way that one phenoxido oxygen atom O(3) and one imino
respectively arise from the intraligand transitions.12a nitrogen atom N(2) are in trans axial positions, while the other
phenoxido oxygen O(2) atom and imino nitrogen atom N(1)
Structure of complex [Fe2L2] (1) are cis. These two cis atoms (O(2) and N(1)) along with the two
bridging alkoxido oxygen atoms O(1) and O(1)′ define the
The asymmetric unit of 1 is shown in Fig. 1 together with the
equatorial plane. The four donor atoms in the basal plane
atomic numbering scheme. Selected bond lengths and angles
show a tetrahedral distortion with deviations of −0.257(2),
are summarized in Table 2. The crystal structure of 1 consists
−0.161(2), 0.217(2) and 0.201(2) Å for O(1), O(2), O(1)′, and
of a centrosymmetric dimer where the two six-coordinated
N(1), respectively from the mean plane passing through them.
crystallographically equivalent metal ions are bridged by two
The iron atom Fe(1) is 0.126(4) Å from this plane in the direc-
deprotonated alkoxido oxygen atoms of the pentadentate
tion of the axial O(3) atom. The basal bond distances are in
the range of 1.902(2)–2.127(2) Å. The axial bond distances are
Fe(1)–N(2) 2.188(2) Å and Fe(1)–O(3) 1.927(2) Å. In general, all
the cis and trans angles deviate from 90 or 180°; the range of
cis bond angles is 75.59(7)–109.76(7)° and of the trans angles
is 150.30(8)–163.36(7)°. The CvN bond distance in the
complex is 1.291 Å indicating its double bond character. As
shown in Fig. 1, the phenoxido oxygen atom O(3) forms an
intramolecular C–H⋯O hydrogen bond with the hydrogen
atom H(9B) of the Schiff base ligand having C⋯O = 3.204(4) Å,
O⋯H = 2.40(3) Å and ∠C–H⋯O = 131(2)°.
It is worth mentioning that in complex 1 each ligand is
bonded to one metal center. As a consequence, the two imino
nitrogen atoms (N(1) and N(2)) coordinate to the Fe(III) centres
at the cis positions unlike the cases where the ligands are
shared between the two adjacent metal centres with the imino
Fig. 1 ORTEP-3 view of the asymmetric unit of 1 with ellipsoids at the 30% nitrogen atoms at the trans positions. It should also be men-
probability level. The intramolecular hydrogen bonds are shown as dashed lines. tioned that compound 1 is the first report of a Fe(III) complex

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in which each Schiff base ligand (H3L or its derivatives) is co-

ordinated to one metal ion. In the other three Fe(III) complexes
where this coordination of the ligand was found, the Schiff
base had been reduced (either partially or fully). The higher
flexibility of CH2NHCH2 linkage in the reduced Schiff base
ligand was thought to be responsible for coordination of one
ligand to one metal centre as such a coordination requires
considerable puckering of the ligand.12a However, in complex
1, the Schiff base is not reduced suggesting that other factors,
e.g. various weak interactions, may play an important role in
Published on 21 June 2013. Downloaded by Mahidol University on 5/18/2020 11:28:07 AM.

stabilizing each structure. Therefore, we undertake DFT calcu-

lations to gain insight into the stability of these two different

Cyclic voltammetric studies of complex 1 were carried out in Fig. 3 Plot of χMT and χM vs. T of compound 1. The solid line is the best fit to
the experimental data.
acetonitrile solvent using a platinum electrode at scan rates of
20 to 100 mV s−1. It shows two irreversible waves at E1/2 =
−0.92 V and −1.7 V (vs. Ag–Ag+) due to the reduction of FeIII to
FeII species at a scan rate of 100 mV s−1. On decreasing the field of 5000 G in all ranges of temperature and 300 G at low
scan rate, the peaks shifted towards less negative potentials, temperatures. A plot of χMT vs. T, for complex 1, is shown in
corroborating the irreversible nature of the redox behaviour of Fig. 3. The χMT value at 300 K is 7.78 emu mol−1 K, which is
the complex (see Fig. S1, ESI†). In a previously reported dia- well below the spin-only value of 8.75 emu mol−1 K (assuming
lkoxido bridged Fe(III) complex,12a [Fe2L′2]·CH2Cl2, (H3L′ = N,N′- g = 2) expected for two non-interacting high-spin Fe3+ ions.
bis(salicylidene)-1,3,-diaminopropan-2-ol) where the ligands Upon cooling, the χMT product decreases continuously and
have been shared by two metal centers, a reversible wave at reaches 0 emu mol−1 K at 2 K, indicating the occurrence of
E1/2 = −0.75 V (ΔE = 80 mV) followed by a quasi-reversible wave antiferromagnetic intramolecular interaction between the two
at −1.35 V (ΔE = 200 mV) was observed. Thus, the change of Fe3+ ions that leads to a diamagnetic (S = 0) spin ground state.
the coordination modes of the ligands seems to influence the Indeed the susceptibility curve reaches a maximum value of
redox property. However, the electrochemical behaviour of 0.044 emu mol−1 at 80 K and decreases upon further cooling.
some other Fe(III) complexes with these two types of cores is The experimental susceptibility data were analysed by
required to be studied to observe any general trend (Fig. 2). means of the theoretical equation32 derived for a Heisenberg
exchange model (H = −JS1S2) with S1 = S2 = 5/2. The best fit
Magnetic study of complex 1 gave J = −17.46 cm−1, g = 2.15 and R = 42.6 × 10−6 (Fig. 3). The
agreement factor R is defined as R = Σi[(χMT)obsd − (χMT)calcd]2/
The variable temperature magnetic susceptibility of complex 1 Σi[(χMT)obsd]. The value of the exchange coupling constant of
has been recorded in the region of 2–300 K, under an applied complex 1 is perfectly in line with the values reported for other
dimethoxido-bridged and dialkoxido-bridged iron(III) com-
plexes with similar structural features: Fe⋯Fe distances, Fe–O–
Fe angles and Fe⋯O distances.7b,8a,12b,c,33
In Table 3 we list the examples of dimethoxido-bridged iron(III)
complexes for which both structures and magnetic studies
have been performed, along with J values and the three struc-
tural parameters. Although it is clear that the above geometri-
cal parameters play a role in their contribution to the coupling
constant J, the trend of the J parameter in systems with analo-
gous geometrical parameters and similar J values is still under
investigation. In this regard, several works have been devoted
to correlate the magnetic behaviour of dialkoxido-bridged
iron(III) systems with either the Fe–O–Fe bond angle or the
Fe⋯Fe distance.34 Recently, a combined experimental and
theoretical study in dialkoxido bridged diiron(III) complexes
was conducted35 where the authors were able to correlate the
Fig. 2 Cyclic voltammograms at 298 K in CH3CN solvent (0.1 mol dm−3, Ag–
magnetic exchange interaction in these systems. They have
AgCl reference electrode) at a platinum working electrode of complex 1 at a found that there exists a correlation between the Fe–O distance
scan rate of 100 mV s−1. and the Fe–O–Fe angle (the smaller the angle, the longer the

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Table 3 Relative bond angle and bond distances of the reported methoxido-bridged and alkoxido-bridged diiron(III) complexes

Fe⋯Fe (Å) Fe–O–Fe (°) Fe⋯O (Å) J (cm−1)

[Fe2L2(µ-OMe)2(NCS)2]a 3.178 105.8 1.993 −29.4

[Fe2(H3L3)2(OMe)2]8MeOHb 3.145 104.2 1.992 −24.2
[Fe2(mxba)2(OMe)2]CH2Cl2 c 3.164 104.97 1.994 −27
[Fe2(HL)4(OMe)2]d 3.085 102.73 1.967 −27.4
[Fe2Cl4(amp)4(OMe)2]e 3.18 104.44 1.955 −29.4
[Fe2(Cl)2(salEen)2(OMe)2] f 3.11 104.35 2.00 −27.3
[Fe2(dbm)4(OMe)2]g 3.087 102.0 1.987 −15.4
[Fe2(dpm)4(OMe)2]g 3.105 103.7 1.974 −19.0
[Fe2(chp)4(dmbipy)2(OMe)2]2MeOHh 3.194 104.7 1.987 −26.8
Published on 21 June 2013. Downloaded by Mahidol University on 5/18/2020 11:28:07 AM.

[Fe2(chp)4(phen)2(OMe)2]2MeOHh 3.153 104.3 1.948 −28.6

[Fe2Cl2L(OMe)2]i 3.106 103 1.920 −16.3
[Fe2(LBr-A)2(µ-OMe)2(OMe)2] j 3.068 100.18 2.030 −12.0
[Fe2(LI-A)2(µ-OMe)2(OMe)2] j 3.073 99.95 2.006 −12.4
[Fe2(SON(CNEt2)2)2(µ-OMe)2]k 3.148 103.96 1.998 −26.6
[Fe2(L5)2]2MeOHl 3.262 106.80 2.032 −19.32
[Fe2(LA)2(OMe)(Cl2) MeOH]m 3.149 102.76 2.009 −21.2
Complex 1 3.247 106.45 2.035 −17.46
HL [2-[(2-dimethylamino-ethylimino)-methyl]-phenol], ref. 8a; b H5L3 = 2-hydroxy-N-{3-hydroxy-5-[(2-hydroxybenzoyl)amino]pentyl}benzamide,
ref. 7b; c mxba = m-xylylenebis(acetylacetone); ref. 33c; d H2L = 2-salicyloylhydrazono-1,3-dithiolate; ref. 33d; e amp = 2-aminomethylpyridin; ref.
33e; f HsalEen = N-ethyl-N-(2-aminoethyl)salicylaldimine; ref. 33a; g dbm = dibenzoylmethane, dpm = dipivaloylmethanate; ref. 33f; h Hchp =
6-chloro-2-pyridone, dmbipy = 4,4′-dimethyl-2,2′-bipyridine, phen = 1,10-phenantroline; ref. 33g; i L = 1,4-piperazinebis(N-ethylenesalicylaldimine),
ref. 33b; j LBr-A = 2,4-dibromo-6(2-pyridylmethylaminomethyl)phenolato and LI-A = 2,4-diiodo-6(2-pyridylmethylaminomethyl)phenolato, ref. 33h;
(SON(CNEt2)2)2 = ethyl derivative of 1,1,5,5-tetraalkyl-2-thiobiuret, ref. 33i; l H3L5 = N,N′-bis-(3-methoxy-salicyldiene)-1,3-diamino-2-propano,
ref. 12c; m H3LA = N,N′-bissalicylidene-1,3-diaminopropan-2-ol, ref. 12b.

distance). Curiously, the reported magneto-structural corre- atoms. The spin density of compound 1 in the broken-sym-
lation based on the average Fe–O distance is not good (r2 = metry state is represented in Fig. 4 and the spin density values
0.72).35 However, a good linear relationship between the calcu- are summarized in Table 4, where positive and negative signs
lated J values and the Fe–O–Fe angles was found (r2 = 0.97). denote α and β spin states, respectively. In Table 4 it is shown
Unfortunately, if this last correlation is applied to complex 1, that the spin densities on the two Fe(III) ions have identical
the value obtained for J is too high in absolute value (J ≈ absolute values but opposite signs. The spin densities of +4.22
−34 cm−1), twice the experimental value. In addition, the Fe–O on one Fe(III) and −4.22 on the other reveals that they are
distance cannot be used to predict the J since it is out of the indeed the magnetic centres; however, some of the spin
range used in the representation reported by Hänninen et al.35 density delocalizes onto the ligands. The spin densities on the
In any case, the extrapolated value is too small (J ≈ −2 cm−1) ligand atoms have the same signs as that of the Fe(III) atoms to
compared to the experimental value. This is due to the fact which they are bonded (see Table 4). The spin delocalization is
that complex 1 is characterized by having a long Fe–O bond strong enough that ∼16% of the spin for the unpaired elec-
and a large Fe–O–Fe angle compared to similar structures (see trons on the Fe(III) centres is delocalized to the ligand atoms.
Table 3), behaving in the opposite way to the trend reported by In spite of the fact that the actual S = 0 ground state of the
Hänninen et al.35

DFT calculations of magnetic properties

A theoretical study of the electronic structure and magnetic
properties of the dinuclear complex 1 was performed at the
B3LYP/6-31+G* level of theory (see the theoretical methods
section). The calculated J value is −10.1 cm−1, which is in
reasonable agreement with the experimental value
(−17.4 cm−1, see above), and confirms the presence of anti-
ferromagnetic coupling. Such behaviour is quite common for
Fe(III) complexes, due to the presence of unpaired electrons in
the five d orbitals of the metal, favouring the overlap between
the magnetic orbitals of both paramagnetic centres, regardless
of the s or p nature of the bridging ligands.
In order to further study the magnetic coupling mechan-
Fig. 4 Representation of the spin density corresponding to the “broken-sym-
ism, the spin density distribution is analysed. According to the metry” configuration computed for complex 1. The blue surface corresponds to
molecular orbital theory, spin delocalization is the result of positive spin density values and the green surface to negative values. Hydrogen
electron transfer from the magnetic centers to the ligand atoms have been omitted for clarity.

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Table 4 The spin densities on the selected atoms for compound 1 at the
UB3LYP/6-31G* level of theory. See Fig. 1 for labelling

Atom Spin density

Fe1 −4.22
O1 −0.17
O2 −0.02
O3 −0.17
N1 −0.11
N2 −0.08
Fe1′ +4.22
O1′ +0.17
Published on 21 June 2013. Downloaded by Mahidol University on 5/18/2020 11:28:07 AM.

O2′ +0.02
O3′ +0.17
N1′ +0.11
N2′ +0.08

Fig. 6 Experimental (sticks) and theoretical (ball and sticks) geometries of

compounds 1 and 3. Distances are in Å.

significant difference is that in complex 1 both nitrogen atoms

of the same ligand are coordinated to the same Fe metal
center, while in complex 3 each ligand is coordinated to both
Fig. 5 Two selected SOMOs of complex 1. Hydrogen atoms have been omitted Fe ions using the two imino nitrogen atoms. The unique struc-
for clarity. tural difference between the ligands is the presence of a
methyl group attached to the imino group (see Fig. 6). We also
complex (resulting from the combination of the two “broken- show in Fig. 6 the optimized structures at the BP86-D3/def2-
symmetry” wavefunctions) has no spin density, we have TZVPD level of theory and the geometries are almost identical
plotted in Fig. 4 the spin density of one of the “broken-sym- compared to the experimental ones, giving reliability to the
metry” wavefunctions. This representation shows that the spin level of theory. It can be observed that the X-ray structure of 1
density on the iron atoms (±4.2) in Mulliken population ana- has two intramolecular hydrogen bonds that are not formed in
lysis is distributed spherically due to the presence of one structure 3. In the optimized structure these hydrogen bonds
unpaired electron in each d orbital. The analysis of distri- are maintained and the C–H⋯O distance is almost equivalent.
bution of the spin density likely indicates the predominance of We have computed the energetic difference between both
the delocalization mechanism over that of polarization, as conformations. Since the structure that adopts a cis con-
deduced by the contribution from the atoms coordinated to formation has a methyl group and the trans does not, we have
the metal centres.36 We have also computed the singly occu- added a methyl group to structure 3 (3-Me) in order to be able
pied molecular orbitals (SOMO) of compound 1 and we have to compare the energies. We have optimized the geometry and,
selected two of them to illustrate the magnetic coupling inter- as a result, the energetic difference between both con-
action (see Fig. 5), where the p orbitals of the bridging ligands formations (3-Me vs. 1) is only 0.4 kcal mol−1 favourable to the
present the major contribution. The SOMO diagrams show cis, which is the one observed experimentally. Therefore, a
that the dx2−y2 orbitals of the Fe(III) centres have a large inter- likely explanation is that the double H-bonding interaction
action with the py orbitals of the bridging ligands that contrib- observed in 1 stabilizes the unfavourable cis conformation
ute to the magnetic coupling (Fig. 5, left). In addition, the py with respect to the more common trans conformation. In any
orbitals of the bridging oxygen atoms also interact with the dz2 case, the difference is very small and any other effect related to
orbitals of the Fe(III) centers that further contribute to the mag- the crystal packing may control the formation of one or the
netic coupling interaction (Fig. 5, right). other.
Another experimental difference between the solid state
structure of 1 and 3 is the presence of solvent molecules in 3.
Theoretical study on the stability of the complexes We have observed that the compound that incorporates aceto-
Experimentally, two different binding modes have been nitrile molecules in the solid state (3) does not have the
observed for the coordination of Schiff base ligands in di- methyl group bonded to the imino group. Interestingly, the
nuclear Fe complexes, as explained above. In one case the imino location of the methyl group in the solid state of compound 1
nitrogen atoms are bonded at the trans positions (3), which is is close to the Fe2O2 rhombus core of another molecule and
common in these types of complexes and in the other one the vice versa. We have analysed the energetic contribution of this
nitrogen atoms are bonded at the cis position (1). Another methyl group that mainly interacts with oxygen atoms of the

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Concluding remarks
A new dinuclear di(μ-alkoxido)-bridged complex with an
unusual coordination mode (imino nitrogen atoms in cis posi-
tion) has been synthesized and characterized. The antiferro-
magnetic coupling of the complex has been measured by
variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements.
DFT calculations also confirm that the magnetic exchange
between these high spin (S = 5/2) centres is antiferromagnetic.
Fig. 7 X-ray fragments of compounds 3 (right) and 1 (left) and a model of
The calculated J value is in agreement with the value obtained
compound 1 (middle) without methyl groups.
Published on 21 June 2013. Downloaded by Mahidol University on 5/18/2020 11:28:07 AM.

experimentally. The analysis of the SOMO orbitals and spin

density surface gives hints about the main contributions to the
magnetic coupling. The theoretical study also demonstrated
core by computing the dimers shown in Fig. 7 (left). The inter- that the cis arrangement of the imino nitrogen atoms in the
action energy of the dimer is reduced by 12 kcal mol−1 when complex is stabilized by the presence of two intramolecular
the methyl groups are replaced by hydrogen atoms (see the C–H⋯O hydrogen bonding interactions. In addition, the
structure and energy in the middle of Fig. 7). Therefore the methyl group plays a prominent role in stabilizing the solid
methyl groups clearly contribute, among many other inter- state structure of 1 by means of relevant CH3⋯Fe2O2 inter-
actions, to the final architecture in 1. Curiously, compound 3 actions, which are possible thanks to the cis arrangement of
that does not have the methyl groups incorporates solvent the N atoms. In compounds 2 and 3, which adopt the usual
molecules into the structure. The location of the solvent mole- trans conformation, the ligand (L′) lacks the methyl group and,
cules resembles the position of the methyl groups observed in interestingly, both compounds incorporate a solvent molecule
compound 1, since the methyl group of the solvent is also into the structure that precisely occupies the position of the
located near the Fe2O2 rhombus core. The interaction energy methyl group establishing similar Cl2CH2⋯Fe2O2 (2) or
is −9.8 kcal mol−1, which is similar to the interaction energy CNCH3⋯Fe2O2 (3) interactions, which are energetically very
difference between the both dimers computed for compound similar and comparable to the strength of the L–CH3⋯Fe2O2
1. Therefore, the presence/absence of the methyl group likely interaction in 1.
influences the different coordination modes observed in the
solid state for the Schiff base ligands in the dinuclear Fe
complexes 1 and 3.
To further analyse this aspect, we found in the literature a Acknowledgements
crystal structure (2) similar to compound 3 (the same ligand We thank CSIR, Government of India [Senior Research Fellow-
and the same Fe2O2 core) that incorporates a different solvent ship to R.B.; sanction no. 09/028(0746)/2009-EMR-I]. Crystallo-
molecule into the structure. In this case a dichloromethane graphy was performed at the DST-FIST, India-funded Single
interacts with the rhombus core in the same position as the Crystal Diffractometer Facility at the Department of Chemistry,
acetonitrile does in 3 (see Fig. 8). A fragment of the X-ray struc- University of Calcutta. A.B. and A.F. acknowledge the Spanish
ture (CSD code LOQDIE) is shown in Fig. 8. The computed Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) for
interaction energy is comparable (−10.9 kcal mol−1) to 3, con- funding (CTQ2011-27512/BQU, and CONSOLIDER INGENIO
firming the ability of the core to interact with hydrogen bond 2010, CSD2010-00065), FEDER funds and the Direcció General
donors, either coming from the solvent molecule as in 3 or de RecercaiInnovació del Govern Balear ( project 23/2011,
from the self-assembly of the coordination complex as in 1. FEDER funds). C.D. acknowledges the Spanish Government
(grant CTQ2012-30662, FEDER funds).

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This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013 Dalton Trans., 2013, 42, 12274–12283 | 12283

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