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"Whispers of the Forgotten Lighthouse"

On a rugged cliff, where the ocean's roar,

Stood a lighthouse, its tale to implore.
Brick and mortar weathered by the sea,
A sentinel forgotten, in desolate esprit.

I. Sentinel's Vigil

In twilight's amber, the lighthouse stood,

A sentinel of solitude, in solitude it would.
Guardian of ships, in the tempest's might,
A silent keeper, in the fading light.

II. Echoes of Seafarers

Whispers of seafarers, in ocean's refrain,

Stories untold, in the lighthouse's domain.
Of captains courageous, and ships set free,
Echoes of adventure, on the boundless sea.

III. Waning Flame

Once, a flame burned in the lantern's core,

Guiding vessels safely to the shore.
But time, a relentless master, took its toll,
The flame flickered, in the lighthouse's soul.

IV. Solitude's Embrace

In solitude's embrace, the lighthouse sighed,

Its light dimmed, in the ebbing tide.
Yet, tales lingered in the salt-kissed air,
Of a bygone era, with maritime flair.

V. Specter of the Storm

As storm clouds gathered, with thunderous might,

The lighthouse stood sentinel, in the tempest's height.
Waves crashed, against the weathered stone,
Yet, the lighthouse stood resolute, and alone.

VI. Beacon of Memories

Around the lighthouse's base, shells told,

Stories of shipwrecks, in days of old.
Barnacles clung to the rugged facade,
A testament to time, in its relentless plod.

VII. Moonlit Reverie

In the moonlit reverie, the lighthouse gleamed,

A silvered specter, where memories streamed.
Phantom ships sailed in the ghostly glow,
On seas of dreams, where time moves slow.

VIII. Forgotten Echoes

Through the years, the lighthouse crumbled,

Its keeper's home, in ruins tumbled.
Yet, whispers lingered in the salt-laden air,
A ghostly narrative, of a time so fair.

IX. Time's Lament

Time, the silent mourner, weaves a lament,

For the forgotten lighthouse, in solitude spent.
Yet, in its decay, a beauty refined,
A poignant tale in the coastal wind.

X. Epilogue

So, let the echoes of the forgotten lighthouse be heard,

In verses spun, like a seafarer's word.
A random topic, a tale profound,
In the lighthouse's silence, where stories abound.

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