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no 1
Over time the vision of Namal has evolved from building an educational institute into one for
establishing the largest university town in Pakistan by the name of Namal Knowledge City.
Namal College was established with a vision to provide quality education to those students who had the
true determination to study, but were unable to do so because of lack of opportunities or finances.
Initially, the vision was to build a technical institute for skill development so that the youth could become
employable. From the time of its establishment, the college’s mission was to deliver high quality
education to the underprivileged and rural youth of Pakistan.
In 2008, after the establishment of a training institute, Mr Khan had already thought of a shift in the
vision for Namal. The initial vision to build a technical institute was changed into making a university.
Now the broad vision for Namal was to see it become the first Knowledge City of Pakistan- a center of
high quality, internationally acclaimed education and research, and a haven for researchers and scholars.
Aligning with the new vision the goal of Namal was also changed from being a vocational training
institute to a foreign degree awarding college.
The vision answers the most simple question for any organization I.e. what do we want to become? It is a
picture of what an organization could and should be and provides guidance to an organization about
what core to preserve and what future to stimulate progress toward. A vision is a concise, crisp and clear
articulation of what your organization does and why it exists. It is about how you see the world around
you as well as how others should see it too. Some of the role vision plays in taking organizations forward
are as follow:
 Having a vision provides a sense of purpose and direction for the organization. The Organization’s
vision helps it define its short and long-term goals, set goals and objectives and guide the decisions
it make along the way. It provides organization with larger picture of its business rather than simply
setting and reaching short term goals and tackling problems as they come along.
 The vision makes sure that all people within the organization understand the firm’s purpose or
reason for being. It provides basis for prioritization of key internal and external factors utilized to
formulate feasible strategies. It provides basis for allocation of resources, organizing work,
departments, activities and segment around a common purpose.
 A clear vision defined within a company, provides a focal point, or common interest, aligning
everyone and making them feel as though they are working towards a single purpose. It helps in
unifying everyone into a team that is organized, focused, and working together to contribute to the
vision. This helps to increase efficiency and productivity in an organization.
 A powerful vision is also inspiring for an organization. It has a clear motivational effect and inspires
everyone in an organization to commit, to persist and to give their best. It also creates an energy
and enthusiasm, increasing commitment and fostering change within the organization. Having a
clear vision will produce persistence and remind you why you started especially in difficult or
stressful times.
Collins and Porras believe that ‘without vision, organizations have no chance of creating their future;
they can only react to it.’ So we can say that only when vision becomes an explicit part of an

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organization, the organization has inherent capabilities to achieve their goals, to outlast changes in
leadership, to weather organizational storms and, ultimately, to prosper. Thus, vision is a guiding light
that acts as an internal force that keeps an organization focused on its goals, mission and objectives and
keeps organization moving forward[ CITATION Col96 \l 1033 ].
Q. no 2
The core components of vision consist of two major components: core ideology and envisioned future.
The core ideology defines what an organization stands for and why it exists and the envisioned future
tells an organization what it aspire to become, to create or achieve.
The core ideology consists of two distinct parts: core values and core purpose. Core values are the beliefs
or guiding principles that are absolutely non-negotiable within an organization. ‘Core’ means that a value
is “so fundamental and deeply held that will change seldom, if ever.” They define what an organization
stands for and organization is ready to holds these values even if they become a competitive
disadvantage in certain situations.
Core purpose could be described as the heartbeat or soul of an organization —organization’s “most
fundamental reason for being”. A true purpose grabs the ‘soul’ of each organizational member and
reflects their idealistic motivations for doing the work. Core purpose of an organization motivates and
inspires. It guides and directs an organization and determines who fits within an organization and who
does not. Purposes brings a group of people together and work as a team so they are able to accomplish
something collectively that they could not accomplish separately.
The second primary component of vision is envisioned future. It is the means through which core
ideology is translated into a tangible goal that stretches and challenges an organization. It also consists of
two parts: a 10-30 year audacious goal known as BHAGs and vivid descriptions of what it would be like to
achieve the goal.
BHAG stand for Big, Hairy, and Audacious Goals and have a 50% to 70% probability of success. A true
BHAG is clear and compelling and serves as a focal point for effort and a catalyst for team spirit. It
provides a clear finish line, so the organization can know when it has achieved the goal. In simple words,
BHAG is what an organization wish to achieve in its future that would require extraordinary effort and
perhaps a little luck?
A vivid description is an organization’s detail description of what it will feel like to achieve their goal and
is essential to making a BHAG tangible. Passion, emotion and conviction are essential parts of a vivid
description and are the factors that motivate others within the organization.
Thus, for a vision to be created, it requires core ideology and the envisioned future. Core ideology
resides in the background, is ever-present and complements the envisioned future. And an envisioned
future is in the foreground, focusing people’s attention on a specific goal. It is bold, exciting and
emotionally charged. Core ideology is essentially meaningless without progress or movement towards
the future, whilst a congruent vision cannot be created without a stable foundation.

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The Namal’s vision for next 10-20 years should be “Become the university that transforms society with
quality education and opportunities to learn for everyone.”
And to achieve this, Namal’s vivid description should be as follow:
We will provide quality education for people to flourish and to enhance the community by providing
personalized approach to learning centered on students, research with clear benefits to society and a
culture of innovation. We will deliver quality education at the point of need and offer people with talent
an opportunity to excel whatever their background and circumstances. We will provide our students with
latest education facilities and staff with proper accommodation so that their main focus would be on
education. We believe that Universities are about transforming society, ensuring the need of their
community and people are at the heart of what they do. We will make the university self-sustaining by
requiring the students to pay back by contributing to the university or the community where they belong
from. 20 years from now our university will become the center of education in Pakistan and will be
recognized for the excellence of our people, research, learning and innovation and for the benefits we
bring to our community and the environment.

Q. no 3

Namal’s vision of becoming the first knowledge city of Pakistan was challenged by the operational
realities of the organization. Because of which the organization’s longer-than-life vision seemed distant
and unattainable and was questioned by conflicting values and tactical impediments. Thus, the main role
of Namal’s leadership in achieving its vision and taking Namal forward is to unite the entire team of
Namal under one guiding direction.
The vision of Namal is unable to define a clear sense of direction for the organization. So, the first thing
the Namal’s leadership should do is identify what part of the vision should never change and what
should be open for change. For this the leadership should first ask what core values do everyone
associated with Namal truly and passionately hold? Discovering the core ideology that is meaningful and
inspirational to people inside the organization will help Namal’s leadership identify and keep people in
the organization who already embody the core values of the company and attracts people whose
personal values are compatible with Namal’s core values.
The second thing Namal’s leadership should do is formulate a 10-to-30- years audacious goals also
known as BHAGs plus provide a vivid descriptions of what it will be like to achieve these goals. The point
here is to make sure that the goal is clear, compelling and more likely to stimulate progress. For this, the
leadership should continuously check whether these goals stimulate forward progress, create
momentum, get people in the organization going or check whether people find it stimulating, exciting,
and adventurous or are people willing to throw their creative talents and human energies into it.
Sharing the vision to the people inside the organization is also an important role of Namal’s leadership as
vision gives people a bigger picture of what things can be like. The leaders should communicate the

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vision in such a way that it will give people within Namal the energy, pride and commitment to engage as
a team member in creating something of quality.
In Namal’s context, the team is working in the midst of change or having a difficult time grasping to
understand their role within the larger vision, so it has been hard for them to see and understand the
organization’s grand vision. This is when Namal’s leadership should play the role of uniting people,
bringing teams and entire organizations together and leading them in a common direction. The
leadership should ensures, the vision of Namal, becomes reality by stating clear goals, outlining a
strategic plan for achieving these goals and equipping and empowering each member inside the
organization to take action on the plan at the organizational, team and individual levels. Thus, the
leadership should focus on building the strength of their organization as their primary way for creating
future and its people.
The leadership should also talk to people in Namal about the organization’s vision as much as they can.
They should tell these people what they are thinking and what their big picture of things is like and see if
other people are interested in the same big picture of how things could be. This is because the more
leadership talk to people and listen to them, the clearer the organization’s vision will become. Listening
to people respond to the organization’s idea provides you with their ideas that could be incorporate into
the vision as well as help to get an idea of how strong the company’s vision is and whether it gets people
excited or not. This could also help the organization calm the faculties that are anxious about their future
in Namal.
In conclusion the role of Namal’s leadership in achieving its vision and taking Namal forward should be:
 Have clear, informed visions of what they want their organization to become; visions that
incorporate core ideologies and envisioned future.
 Translate these visions into goals for the people inside the organization and expectations for
their stakeholders.
 Communicate the bigger picture clearly to the people within organization in order to know
where they stand and as well as to excite people.
 Create alignment between the people inside the organization and the vision and then inspire
them to become an efficient part of an effort for getting the desired future.
 Not stand back and wait for things to happen, but continuously monitor what is happening in
the organization.

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Butt, A. N., & Hemani, S. (2016). Namal College: The First Ten Years (2002-2012). Case Research Journal,
Collins, J. C., & Porras, J. I. (1996). Building Your Company's Vision. Harvard Business Review, September-

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